Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Promoting the Revitalization of Sichuan to a New Level | State | Revitalization of Sichuan

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:20 PM

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central military Commission, stressed during his inspection tour of Sichuan in June 2022 that "we will push Sichuan to a new level and strive to write a new chapter in Sichuan's development on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way."

In 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Construction Plan for the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle", proposing to build the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle into an important economic center with national influence, a center for scientific and technological innovation, a new highland for reform and opening up, and a high-quality living and livable place.

Multiple national strategic plans have been implemented in Sichuan, including the "East West Calculation" project, the first national laboratory in the west, a national natural gas production capacity base of billions of cubic meters, a national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone, and a national advanced manufacturing cluster, providing strong support for promoting the development of Sichuan to a new level.

◇ Sichuan firmly takes Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, deeply studies and implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on Sichuan work and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, firmly grasps the primary task of "high-quality development", adheres to the general tone of work of striving for progress in the midst of stability, and takes the construction of the two-city economic circle in Chengdu and Chongqing as the general traction. Put forward and vigorously implement the development strategy of "the synchronization of the four modernizations, the integration of urban and rural areas, and the common prosperity of the five regions", and strive to write a good chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Sichuan.

The 2023 Sichuan Provincial Government Work Report proposes the development goal for the next five years: by 2027, the total economic output of the province will exceed 8 trillion yuan, reaching another 3 trillion yuan, and high-quality development will significantly advance.

"At the age of 48000, there is no human connection with Qin Sai." Li Bai, a poet, sighed deeply that the "Sichuan Road is difficult" has now been replaced by a three-dimensional comprehensive transportation system that is well connected. In the past five years, Sichuan has completed a comprehensive transportation investment of 1.5 trillion yuan, equivalent to the total of the first two five years.

In 2022, the total industrial added value of Sichuan reached 1.64 trillion yuan, and the "strong curve" of the industrial economy played a "stabilizing star" role in stabilizing the overall economic situation of the province.

Sichuan has seized the significant opportunity of national strategic scientific and technological force layout, significantly enhancing the driving force of innovation driven development. At present, there are 10 national scientific facilities in Sichuan, ranking third in the country; Sixteen State Key Laboratory, four Tianfu laboratories and nine National Engineering Research Center have been established.

By Wang Ding, a reporter from Outlook Newsweek, and by Han Jie and Jiang Yi.

The governance of Sichuan and the development of Sichuan are full of diverse phenomena.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Sichuan three times to feel the pulse for Sichuan's development. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, stressed during his inspection tour of Sichuan in June 2022 that "we will push Sichuan to a new level and strive to write a new chapter in Sichuan's development on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way."

On January 3, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the sixth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Committee and made major policy plans to promote the construction of the two-city economic circle in Chengdu and Chongqing and to create an important growth pole for high-quality development. draw a grand blueprint for the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Sichuan.

In 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Construction Plan for the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle", proposing to build the Chengdu Chongqing Dual City Economic Circle into an important economic center with national influence, a center for scientific and technological innovation, a new highland for reform and opening up, and a high-quality living and livable place.

In 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Outline of the National Comprehensive Vertical Transportation Network Plan. The Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle, along with the Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, became the "four poles" of China's transportation, promoting the construction of a modern and high-quality national comprehensive vertical transportation network and accelerating the construction of a transportation power.

The implementation of multiple national strategic plans in Sichuan, including the "East West Calculation" project, the first national laboratory in the west, the national natural gas production capacity base with a capacity of billions of cubic meters, the national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone, and the national advanced manufacturing industry cluster, has become a strong support for promoting the development of Sichuan to a new level.

Sichuan firmly takes Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, deeply studies and implements General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on Sichuan work and the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, and firmly grasps the primary task of "high-quality development". Adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, take the construction of the two-city economic circle in Chengdu and Chongqing as the general traction, put forward and vigorously implement the development strategy of "synchronization of the four modernizations, integration of urban and rural areas, and common prosperity of the five regions" Strive to write a good chapter of Chinese modernization in Sichuan.

In 2022, Sichuan overcame multiple difficulties and challenges, and its economic operation walked out of a recovery curve. The total regional GDP of the province reached 5.67 trillion yuan, ranking sixth in the country and first in the western region. The import and export scale exceeded one trillion yuan, and the grain production achieved a continuous output of over 70 billion kilograms. While striving for development, we will also strengthen the ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and ensure that the water quality of all 10 river sections meets the standards; Wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly do a good job in serving the people, promoting the sharing of basic public services such as elderly care, medical care, education, and culture on the same track. New progress has been made in various undertakings related to the governance of Sichuan and the revitalization of Sichuan.

Jiang Hongjing, a corner of the Liangfengao wind farm of Sichuan Yanyuan Huadian New Energy Co., Ltd. located in Mianya Town, Yanyuan County/This magazine

Opposite synergy new growth poles take advantage of the potential to jump

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Promoting the Revitalization of Sichuan to a New Level | State | Revitalization of Sichuan

In the past three years, the construction of the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle has been effective, and the pace of regional coordinated development has accelerated. In 2022, the Chengdu Chongqing dual city economic circle achieved a regional GDP of 7758.799 billion yuan, accounting for over 30% of the total economic output in the western region; Chengdu has become the third sub provincial city with a total economic output exceeding 2 trillion yuan.

Compared to the "dual core and super large" cities of Chengdu and Chongqing in the past, the urban development momentum between Chengdu and Chongqing has significantly accelerated: the total economic output of all seven regional central cities in Sichuan has exceeded 200 billion yuan, while Mianyang and Yibin have successively exceeded 300 billion yuan.

Mianyang's performance is particularly pleasing. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the total economic output of Mianyang has climbed at a rate of about 30 billion yuan per year to 362.69 billion yuan in 2022. In the first quarter of this year, the economic growth rate of Mianyang reached 8.5%.

"We stepped out of Sichuan to visit Mianyang and visited developed areas such as Suzhou, Xiamen, Dongguan, and Foshan, enhancing our sense of urgency in seizing opportunities and promoting development." Cao Lijun, a member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Mianyang Municipal Party Committee, said, "Relying on the national strategic opportunity of building the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle, Mianyang leveraged its strong advantages in scientific and technological resources to vigorously introduce major projects with high-quality development. Last year, all seven billion level projects were introduced and all started construction, of which three were put into operation in the first half of the year, effectively supporting economic development."

——Moving towards each other, Sichuan and Chongqing work together to create a new source of high-quality development. Over the past three years, Sichuan has actively implemented major national strategic plans, worked together with Chongqing to promote interconnectivity in modern industrial systems, technological innovation resources, and other fields, and jointly created important growth poles and new sources of power to drive high-quality development in the country.

As of now, 248 landmark projects have been rolled out in Sichuan and Chongqing, with a total of 226 projects under construction and a total investment of 813.34 billion yuan completed. From January to April this year, an investment of 116.33 billion yuan was completed, accounting for 34.3% of the annual plan.

In the past, the dominant industries in Sichuan and Chongqing, such as electronic information and automobiles, which were fiercely competitive, have shifted from competition to cooperation. The two regions have jointly established specialized teams for the automotive and electronics industries, promoting cooperation in the industrial chain, parks, and investment attraction. The overall supporting rate of the two industries exceeds 80%. Sichuan and Chongqing are working together to build a global high-end research and development and manufacturing base for electronic information and a world-class electronic information industry cluster.

The domestic panel industry leader BOE has invested over 200 billion yuan in the Sichuan Chongqing region, ranking second in the global market share of AMOLED, which is widely used in consumer terminal electronic products such as smartphones and smart wearables. Its three AMOLED production lines are located in Chengdu, Mianyang, and Chongqing, respectively. "With the continuous enhancement of industrial synergy, the Chengdu Chongqing region has built a relatively complete new display industry chain around more than 40 supporting enterprises of BOE, becoming the largest gathering place for China's flexible display industry." said Chen Wentao, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Information Work Office.

——Weaving a dense three-dimensional transportation network, connecting the world smoothly. "At the age of 48000, there is no human connection with Qin Sai." Li Bai, a poet, sighed deeply at the "difficulty of the Shu Road", which has now been replaced by a three-dimensional comprehensive transportation system that is well connected. In the past five years, Sichuan has completed a comprehensive transportation investment of 1.5 trillion yuan, equivalent to the total of the first two five years.

As of now, Sichuan's highways have reached 9179 kilometers, and the operating mileage of railways has exceeded 5800 kilometers. The Xicheng High Speed Railway and Chengdu Guizhou Passenger Dedicated Line have been completed and opened to traffic, and the construction of high-speed railways such as Chengdu to Wanzhou and Chengdu Ziyi is accelerating, which will connect more quickly with the three major growth poles of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

In June 2021, Chengdu Tianfu International Airport, the largest civil transportation hub airport planned and constructed during the 13th Five Year Plan period, was officially put into operation. Chengdu became the third city in mainland China to have dual international airports, opening a new air corridor from the southwest hinterland to hundreds of international and domestic cities. The flying dream of the ancient Shu people, represented by the golden leaf of the sun bird, has now been realized.

——Form a new fulcrum for opening up, and promote the inland hinterland to move towards the forefront of opening up. The rapid development of transportation infrastructure and industries continues to drive Sichuan from an inland hinterland to the forefront of opening up. In 2022, the total import and export volume of Sichuan's foreign trade exceeded one trillion yuan for the first time, with a foreign direct investment scale of 3.53 billion US dollars, ranking first in the central and western regions. There were 377 Fortune Global 500 enterprises settled in Sichuan. The new Chengdu Kunming Railway has been fully completed, and the operation of old and medium-sized trains has been opened to expand the Southeast Asian market; 25 international routes, with an international cargo and mail throughput of 221000 tons in 2022, reaching a historic high

Anchoring industry to prosper the province and promote the improvement of economic quantity and quality

As a traditional inland agriculture and populous province, Sichuan's industrial system originated from the third tier construction in the 1960s, when one eighth of the national industrial investment was concentrated in Sichuan, laying a solid foundation for industrial development.

From 2.11 trillion yuan in 2011, Sichuan's total economic output has increased by 1 trillion yuan every three to four years; After reaching a level of 4 trillion yuan in 2018, Sichuan has consistently ranked 6th in the country and 1st in the western region, reaching 5.67 trillion yuan in 2022.

Sichuan has established a modern industrial system covering 41 industrial categories, with a relatively complete system and significantly improved technological level. It has become the largest province in China's hydroelectric power generation, one of the three major power equipment manufacturing bases, the largest photovoltaic industry base, and the largest electronic industry production base in the western region.

After 10 years of rapid development, Sichuan has reached a new critical point: how to ensure reasonable growth in quantity while achieving effective improvement in quality?

The 2023 Sichuan Provincial Government Work Report proposed the development goal for the next five years: by 2027, the total economic output of the province will exceed 8 trillion yuan, reaching another 3 trillion yuan, and high-quality development will significantly advance.

——Adhere to the principle of "developing the province through industry" without wavering. Sichuan Province regards six characteristic advantageous industries and strategic emerging industries, including electronic information, equipment manufacturing, advanced materials, and energy and chemical engineering, as its main focus, and unswervingly adheres to the principle of developing the province through industry. We will vigorously implement the strategy of building a strong manufacturing province and strive to achieve a national average industrialization rate and a main industrial business income of 10 trillion yuan by 2027.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Promoting the Revitalization of Sichuan to a New Level | State | Revitalization of Sichuan

Heavy duty gas turbines are known as the "jewel on the crown" of the equipment manufacturing industry, and the blades are one of the core components. The robotic arm of the industrial robot in the digital blade processing workshop of Dongfang Electric Group Dongfang Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., located in Deyang City, Sichuan Province, is constantly waving.

"The intelligent production line enables blade processing accuracy to reach 0.03 millimeters, equivalent to one-third of the thickness of an A4 paper, reaching the world's advanced level," said Wang Changzhong, Secretary of the Party Branch of the company's blade branch.

Zhai Gang, Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Sichuan Province, introduced that in 2022, the total industrial added value in Sichuan reached 1.64 trillion yuan, and the "strong curve" of the industrial economy played a "stabilizing star" role in stabilizing the overall economic situation of the province.

——Identify the breakthrough point of "improving both quantity and quality". In the dust-free workshop of Chengdu Chenxian Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., a Micro LED display screen full process pilot production line is in operation. A key step is to transfer hundreds of thousands of micrometer level LED chips in batches to different substrates for testing and repair, a process known as "massive transfer".

"The chip size is only half that of a hair, and the operation accuracy is extremely high. It is necessary to ensure that the vast majority of chips are not damaged, and to detect and repair every broken chip." Chen Xian Optoelectronics senior engineer Yao Zhibo said that the company continues to break through key technologies and has mastered independent intellectual property rights.

——Implement the "quality improvement and doubling" plan. Sichuan is fully committed to promoting the doubling of the six advantageous industries on the existing basis by 2027, and is focusing on cultivating a batch of world-class products, mastering a batch of core technologies that are in line or leading with international advanced, and building a batch of high-quality enterprises with international competitive advantages in the fields of aerospace, clean energy equipment, and new displays.

Focus Section to create a strong Province to create a New competitive advantage in Industry

On February 2nd this year, two million kilowatt units of China's independent third-generation nuclear power, the Hualong 1, were officially delivered to Pakistan, marking that China's nuclear power technology, represented by nuclear power, has entered the forefront of the world.

The development of the first conventional island turbine main equipment for the Hualong No.1 was completed in Sichuan, creating a series of records such as the longest grade 1828mm rotor final stage blade in China, the world's largest in production nuclear power turbine rotor in size and weight, and the world's largest in production nuclear power turbine cylinder.

——Seize the significant opportunity of national strategic scientific and technological force layout, and help innovation capabilities enter the "first phalanx". Sichuan is a region with relatively concentrated scientific research resources in western China, gathering many famous universities and research institutions. In 2022, the number of students in ordinary higher education institutions exceeded 2 million. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Sichuan Province has invested the highest amount of research and development funds in the central and western regions, and its comprehensive innovation capability has ranked first in the country.

After the "third line construction", Sichuan has once again seized the major opportunity of the national strategic scientific and technological force layout, significantly enhancing the driving force of innovation driven development. At present, there are 10 national large-scale scientific facilities in Sichuan, ranking third in the country; Sixteen State Key Laboratory, four Tianfu laboratories and nine National Engineering Research Center have been established.

Over the past 5 years, Sichuan has built 47 national level innovation platforms, including the Precision Medicine Industry Innovation Center and the Ultra High Definition Video Innovation Center, bringing the total number to 195. Sichuan has implemented 1142 major projects for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and innovative products, with 14000 high-tech enterprises, an increase of nearly three times.

——Implement industrial foundation reconstruction and cultivate leading enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Sichuan will focus on developing characteristic advantageous industries and strategic emerging industries, and accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological innovation system and modern industrial system rich in Sichuan's characteristics.

Relying on strong biopharmaceutical technology resources, Chengdu Tianfu International Biotechnology City has gathered 159 varieties of research and development drugs, focusing on five sub sectors including biotechnology drugs, chemical innovative drugs, high-performance medical devices, and 14 tracks including blood products, antibody drugs, and new vaccines.

"The government has invested 150 million yuan to build an 'international parallel laboratory for biopharmaceuticals', targeting cutting-edge international biotechnology. It has established seven major technology platforms, including stem cells, cell vaccines, CAR-T cells, and mRNA cells, with 15 production lines and open for shared use," said Peng Bo, Chairman of Chengdu Guosheng Innovation Technology Service Co., Ltd.

"Our clinical trial research requires the use of CAR-T cell production lines. If we build our own fixed asset investment, it will cost nearly 30 million yuan, which is a considerable expense for science and technology innovation companies." said Zou Qiang, founder and chief scientist of Chengdu Yousano Biotechnology Co., Ltd. "The company only spent 50000 yuan in 14 days using CAR-T cell production lines in parallel laboratories."

Zhai Gang told reporters that Sichuan has implemented industrial foundation reconstruction and key core technology research through methods such as "unveiling and leading" and "horse racing", striving to cultivate and build a group of manufacturing "leading" enterprises through five years of effort, and form a group of high-quality enterprises with international competitive advantages.

——Promote the digital transformation of key industries and gather new development momentum. From January to April this year, the added value of high-tech industries and green low-carbon advantageous industries in Sichuan increased by 3.4% and 14.8% respectively; The added value of crystalline silicon photovoltaics and power batteries increased by 61.5% and 33.3% respectively; The production and retail sales of new energy vehicles increased by 61.1% and 65.5% respectively, and new momentum for high-quality development continues to gather.

In 2022, the scale of digital economy in Sichuan Province exceeded 2 trillion yuan for the first time, accounting for 36% of GDP. The added value of core industries in the digital economy reached 432.41 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.8%. "Sichuan proposes to build digital transformation promotion centers in key industries and regions to promote coordinated transformation of the entire industry chain," said Yang Xin, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Promoting the Revitalization of Sichuan to a New Level | State | Revitalization of Sichuan

The reporter learned that Sichuan has advantages such as massive enterprise data, wide application scenarios, and a huge population market. Tang Jiqiang, a researcher at the Xicai Think Tank of Southwest University of Finance and Economics, said that achieving comprehensive digital transformation in the industrial field will further elevate the scale, structure, and level of Sichuan's characteristic advantageous industries.

Aim at industries and enrich the people to polish the gold-lettered signboards of major agricultural provinces

A staff member dressed in traditional Yi costumes in Fulai Village, Mabian Yi Autonomous County, Leshan City, Xiaoliangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, uses their mobile phones to live stream tea picking. Photo by Tang Wenhao/This magazine

Sichuan is a renowned "land of abundance" and the largest province in pig farming in China, as well as the only major grain producing province in Southwest China. In 2023, after a 20-year hiatus, the grain production exceeded 70 billion kilograms for three consecutive years, and the annual output of live pigs returned to over 60 million.

——Build a new era of "Tianfu granary". In 2023, Sichuan issued the Action Plan for Building a Higher Level "Tianfu Granary" in the New Era, proposing to basically achieve the goal of "strong food security and food supply guarantee capacity, strong agricultural foundation, strong scientific and technological equipment, strong business services, strong risk resistance, strong quality and efficiency, and strong competitiveness" as a modern agricultural province by 2035.

In early summer, the grain and oil base of the "Land of Fish and Rice" project in Xichong County, Nanchong City, has been renovated with contiguous fields, and industrial roads and irrigation channels crisscross.

"The project of 'Land of Fish and Rice' is an important part of Xichong's efforts to build high standard farmland and create a 350000 acre food security industrial belt." Zhang Guangquan, Secretary of Xichong County Committee, introduced that in 2022, the project base will increase production of high-quality rice by about 2200 tons and produce more than 2000 tons of aquatic products, achieving 'dual use of one field, dual harvest of one water, and a win-win situation for grain and fishery'.

As of the end of 2022, Sichuan has built a total of 54 million mu of high standard farmland, and this year will complete 4.25 million mu of new construction and renovation. "By 2030, Sichuan will also build 18.57 million mu of high standard farmland, renovate and upgrade 15.94 million mu, and form a group of 'concentrated contiguous areas, capable of drainage and irrigation, drought and flood protection, suitable for machine operation, stable and high-yield, and ecologically friendly' grain production areas." said Xiao Xiaoyu, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

——Promote the transformation of agricultural production and operation methods. Due to geographical constraints, among the more than 78 million mu of arable land in Sichuan, only 10.88 million mu are located on slopes below 2 degrees, accounting for less than 14%, and over 70% are on slopes above 6 degrees, which is described as "one level, two slopes, and seven divided mountains.".

"The 'palm field' and 'chicken claw field' make it difficult to lay agricultural machinery on the ground and have low production efficiency," said Zhang Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Sichuan Agricultural Mechanization Development and Promotion Center. Sichuan vigorously promotes the agricultural mechanization transformation project, enabling land parcels to achieve "small to large," "short to long," "steep to slow," and "curved to straight," and connecting roads.

In Yongtai Town, Zhongjiang County, located in the northwest of the Sichuan Basin, the reporter saw that surrounded by shallow hills, a large area of regular land has been plowed, and several corn and soybean dense planting, control, cleaning, fertilization and sowing machines are operating to carry out strip shaped compound planting of corn and soybean.

"In the past, the land here was scattered and the benefits were poor, and many farmland was abandoned." Lin Xi, the mayor of Yongtai Town, said that after the appropriate mechanization transformation, the entire process of mechanization can be carried out, and the rotation and intercropping of "wheat corn soybean" and "rapeseed corn soybean" can effectively improve the efficiency of grain and food production.

This has driven the transformation of agricultural production and operation methods in Sichuan, with various production entities such as "village collective self operation", "village collective+growers", and "village collective+leading enterprises" gradually emerging. In the past two years, the proportion of large-scale agricultural management entities in Sichuan has exceeded that of scattered growers, achieving multiple benefits for management entities, collective economy, and farmers.

——Enhance the market influence of "Sichuan style" agricultural products. Sichuan has deeply built a "10+3" modern agricultural industry system, and 19 brands have been listed on the "2022 China Brand Value Evaluation Regional Brands" Top 100 List.

Dongpo kimchi is a specialty of Meishan City, the hometown of Su Dongpo. The production of kimchi has a history of over 1500 years in the local folk culture. Meishan City has tapped into the value potential of deep processing of agricultural products and turned the inconspicuous "small kimchi" into a "big industry", becoming a national geographical indication protection product. In 2022, the sales revenue of Meishan kimchi reached 22.3 billion yuan, accounting for one-third of the national market share and being sold overseas.

"In the early days of our establishment, our annual sales revenue was only over 2 million yuan, which has reached 160 million yuan last year." Yu Qing, assistant to the general manager of Sichuan Laotanzi Food Co., Ltd., said that in the first quarter of this year, the company's orders increased by 30% year-on-year.

After 10 years of effort, the comprehensive output value of Sichuan tea, Sichuan pigs, Sichuan grain and oil, Sichuan vegetables, Sichuan fruits, Sichuan cattle and sheep have successively exceeded 100 billion yuan. "Dongpo kimchi," "Haowei rice," and "Tianfu vegetable oil"... More and more "Sichuan style" high-quality agricultural products are sold overseas in Sichuan.

Gather talents from all over the world to paint a beautiful new picture of Ba and Shu.

"Sichuan has both the rapidly urbanizing and economically developed Chengdu Plain, as well as underdeveloped areas such as Liangshan, Ganzi, and Aba. In the eyes of outsiders, 'comfortable' Sichuan is actually facing a 'weak foundation, underdeveloped, and unbalanced' provincial situation." said Yang Jirui, Dean of the Chengyu Economic Zone Development Research Institute at Southwest University of Finance and Economics.

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance and Governance | Promoting the Revitalization of Sichuan to a New Level | State | Revitalization of Sichuan

——Promote the sharing of development achievements. Sichuan Province takes the construction of a basic public service system that integrates urban and rural areas as a breakthrough point, accelerates the sinking of municipal infrastructure and basic public services to rural areas, actively promotes the sharing of basic public services such as elderly care, medical care, education, and culture on the same track. The proportion of people's livelihood expenditure in the province's general public budget expenditure remains stable at over 65%.

On March 27th, 5G communication was opened in Abuluoha Village, Laguo Township, Butuo County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which is the last established village in the country to have access to highways. Since the opening of the village road in 2021, the village on this cliff has built buildings and developed industries. Now, with the help of the "information highway", it has crossed the digital divide, and the foundation of rural revitalization has become more solid.

Data shows that in 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Sichuan was 19906 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.8%. After the victory of poverty alleviation, Sichuan continued to adhere to the principle of "first development, then development". 12 developed cities and 35 counties in the province provided targeted assistance to 50 key counties, and more resources and resources were precisely allocated to revolutionary old areas, poverty-stricken areas, ethnic areas, and mountainous areas around the basin.

——Build a solid ecological barrier and adhere to green development. Yibin City, known as the "First City of the Yangtze River with Thousands of Miles", is located at the mouth of Sanjiangkou. The river is flowing, the distant mountains are lush, and the waterfront trail winds down. Every winter, red billed gulls from Siberia and other regions come not far from here as guests, with a rich collection of gulls, clear water and fish jumping, and people coming and going.

51 year old fishery patrol officer Tang Shengrong still remembers the shaky fishing boat he lived on when he was young and the figure of his father fishing on the river. In 2019, Yibin took the lead in launching the Yangtze River fishermen's retreat and landing in the province, and Tang Shengrong and his wife went from being "fishermen" to "fish protectors" together. For the past three years, Tang Shengrong has witnessed firsthand the changes in his mother river: the number of red billed gulls has increased year by year, and white cranes and wild ducks have become regulars. "People swimming in the river often encounter big fish, which I couldn't imagine a few years ago."

At the end of 2020, more than 16000 registered and retired fishermen in Sichuan completed employment and insurance. Behind the change in fate is Sichuan's vigorous transformation of economic growth mode and implementation of green development concept. Taking Yibin City as an example, this inland resource-based city, which has long relied on the two major industries of coal and Baijiu, "one black and one white", has successfully transformed to green development.

"Yibin is focusing on building nests for emerging industries and attracting talents, while also promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. It has stepped onto a new stage of green new energy industry, mainly consisting of power batteries and crystalline silicon photovoltaics." Fang Cunhao, Secretary of the Yibin Municipal Party Committee, said, "As the capital city of the Yangtze River, Yibin firmly establishes a sense of overall situation and upstream consciousness, and insists on promoting green and low-carbon development."

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The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall
The overall stable operation of domestic prices - Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data month | year-on-year | Overall

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th (Xinhua) -- The overall stability of domestic prices -- Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wei Yukun and Han Jianuo released data on June 9th, showing that consumer demand continued to recover in May, with the national consumer price index rising by 0.2% year-on-year, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month; Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 0.6% year-on-year, and the overall operation of domestic prices remained stable. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. In May, food prices increased by 1% year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased from a 4% increase last month

The Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation injects inexhaustible spiritual Power into the Promotion of Chinese-style Modernization-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural inheritance and Development aroused strong repercussions in China | Chinese Civilization | General Secretary
The Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation injects inexhaustible spiritual Power into the Promotion of Chinese-style Modernization-General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Cultural inheritance and Development aroused strong repercussions in China | Chinese Civilization | General Secretary

Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points

The National Version Museum of China has undergone three years of construction and was completed on July 23, 2022