Joint Declaration on Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras | Development | The Republic of Honduras

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:32 PM

Joint Declaration of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras

1. At the invitation of the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping, President Theomara Castro of the Republic of Honduras paid a state visit to China from June 9 to 14, 2023. President Xi Jinping and President Castro held the first historic meeting between the two heads of state in Beijing, exchanged in-depth views on the development prospects of China-Hong Kong relations and international and regional issues of common concern, and reached broad consensus. The two sides agreed that the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong on the basis of the one-China principle opens a new chapter in the history of bilateral relations, conforms to the general trend of the times and conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples. Facing the future, the two sides agreed to strengthen political leadership, promote exchanges at all levels between China and Hong Kong, strengthen cultural exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and be good friends and partners of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and common development.

Both 2. and Hong Kong agreed that adherence to the one-China principle is the universal consensus of the international community and the fundamental prerequisite and political basis for the establishment and development of relations between China and Hong Kong. The Government of Honduras supports United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 and reaffirms that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. Hong firmly supports and abides by the one-China principle, resolutely opposes any behavior that runs counter to this principle, opposes any form of "Taiwan independence", and firmly supports all efforts made by the Chinese government to achieve national reunification.

President 3. Castro congratulated the Communist Party of China on uniting and leading the Chinese people to complete the historical task of poverty alleviation and building a well-off society in an all-round way, and to achieve the first centenary goal. He firmly believes that the Chinese people, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China, will continue to move towards the realization of the second centenary goal. Hong highly appreciates China's comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and believes that Chinese-style modernization provides a new path and new choice for mankind to realize modernization. Hong recalled that on June 30, 2009, China supported the adoption of resolution A/RES/63/301 condemning the coup against President Zelaya, and appreciated China's support for Hong's safeguarding of sovereignty and security and opposing foreign interference.

4. China highly values the actions and positions taken by the Honduran government under the leadership of the first female president, Theomala Castro, and recognizes the measures taken by the Honduran government to promote national equality, safeguard the country's rule of law, and comprehensively combat corruption. China firmly supports Honduras in independently choosing its development path and independently developing foreign relations, and is willing to carry out exchanges of experience in governance with Hong, so as to provide assistance within its capacity for the economic and social development of Honduras and achieve common development and prosperity.

The two sides of the 5. agreed that the fundamental starting point and goal of the development of China-Hong Kong relations is to enhance people's livelihood and well-being and promote common development. They agreed to enhance exchanges between governments, legislatures, political parties, and localities, and strengthen mutual learning from experience in governance and anti-corruption struggles. Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy and work together to promote the modernization of their respective countries.

6. Hong Fang is willing to actively participate in the "the belt and road initiative" initiative. Under the framework of "Belt and Road Initiative" cooperation, the two sides will strengthen policy coordination and docking of development plans, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, practice the principle of joint consultation, co-building and sharing, and carry forward the concept of openness, green and clean. We will achieve the high standards of "Belt and Road Initiative" cooperation, benefit the people's livelihood and sustainable goals, and promote the sustainable development and common prosperity of both sides.

7., at the initial stage of China-Hong Kong relations, the two sides reached consensus on negotiating a free trade agreement between the two countries and promoting practical cooperation in various fields. The two sides are willing to take effective policies and measures to promote personnel exchanges between the two sides; China welcomes Hong's special products to enter the Chinese market and is willing to provide convenience for this. Hong is willing to actively use platforms such as the Shanghai International Fair to expand exports to China; China encourages Chinese companies to participate in Hong Kong For economic development, energy, environment, infrastructure, telecommunications and other projects, Hong welcomes Chinese companies to invest in Hong and is willing to provide policy support and convenience; china is willing to provide Hong with opportunities in the fields of health and education; the two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of finance, agriculture, education, medical care, culture, tourism, science and technology, and media.

The heads of state of 8. and Honduras expressed satisfaction with the signing of a series of outcome documents and the establishment of relevant cooperation mechanisms during the first national visit of the President of Honduras to China, including economy, trade, quality inspection, investment, political consultation, agricultural cooperation, scientific and technological innovation, culture and Higher education, cooperation between foreign affairs colleges, mutual visa exemption and other fields.

The 9. sides agree that the changes in the world, the times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way. The two sides are willing to jointly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and support genuine multilateralism. The two sides oppose all hegemonism and power politics, oppose any unilateralism, protectionism and violence, and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

10. Hong agrees with China's concept of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind and the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind; supports China's global development initiative, which is fully in line with the United Nations to achieve sustainable development goals. The purpose set; support the Global Civilization Initiative and the Global Security Initiative. Hong is willing to actively participate in the above initiatives and recognizes that relevant initiatives play an important role in addressing global challenges. China appreciates Hong's efforts to promote global and regional peace and development.

11、 Both sides highly value the important role of the China Latin America Forum in promoting China Latin America relations. Both sides are willing to strengthen communication and coordination on the affairs of the China Latin America Forum, and work together to successfully hold the 2024 China Latin America Forum Summit, promoting stable and far-reaching China Latin America relations in the new era of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and benefiting the people.

12. President Castro expressed his heartfelt thanks to President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government and people for their warm and friendly reception during the visit, and welcomed President Xi Jinping's state visit to Honduras to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries.

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