
Shanghai has prepared 29 measures to stabilize foreign trade, but export enterprises are facing unreasonable trade barriers? Please inform customs | customs | unreasonable | foreign trade | export | trade barriers | technology | barriers
Shanghai has prepared 29 measures to stabilize foreign trade, but export enterprises are facing unreasonable trade barriers? Please inform customs | customs | unreasonable | foreign trade | export | trade barriers | technology | barriers

The General Administration of Customs released the "16 Measures for Customs to Optimize the Business Environment" in June this year. Taking into account the changes in Shanghai's foreign trade pattern and the actual needs of enterprises and industries, Shanghai Customs has further introduced a total of 29 measures in six aspects, aiming to stabilize the scale of foreign trade, optimize the structure, and support Shanghai in consolidating and amplifying the stable and positive economic trend. In promoting high-level institutional openness, Shanghai Customs supports the pilot import of remanufactured products in key industries; Support the promotion of the third phase expansion of the Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone; Support the agglomeration and development of advanced manufacturing industry within the comprehensive protection zone; Support the cultivation of Shanghai high-energy commodity trading platforms, such as promoting the actual operation of national bulk commodity warehouse receipt registration centers, and supporting the Shanghai Oil and Gas Trading Center platform to carry out bonded oil and gas spot trading. In terms of stabilizing and expanding the import and export scale of key products, Shanghai Hai

The plan is to complete 48 transportation facility renovation and improvement projects in Shanghai by the end of October to welcome this grand event. In terms of facilities and transportation facilities
The plan is to complete 48 transportation facility renovation and improvement projects in Shanghai by the end of October to welcome this grand event. In terms of facilities and transportation facilities

On the west side of the P7 parking lot at the CIIE, construction workers are carrying out the construction of steel pipe piles at the bottom of the beams on site. A temporary steel temporary bridge will be built here to cross Xiaolaigang, connecting P7 parking lot with Laigang Road, and adding a convenient entrance and exit passage to the parking lot. Today is a 100 day countdown to the opening of the 6th China International Import Expo. The reporter learned from the Municipal Transportation Commission that the transportation support work of this year's CIIE involves four aspects: facility support, renovation and improvement, operation services, and technological empowerment, forming 35 key tasks. The construction project for improving the relevant facilities of the parking lot will be completed by the end of September. By constructing the entrance and exit of the P7 steel bridge spanning Xiaolaigang, the pedestrian access steel bridge on the south side of P15, and the remote parking lot on P25, we aim to tap into existing resources, increase site supply, and optimize the traffic flow

How is the financial operation of Shanghai in the first half of 2023? The complete data can be found here in Shanghai | the whole city | data
How is the financial operation of Shanghai in the first half of 2023? The complete data can be found here in Shanghai | the whole city | data

On July 27th, the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China stated at its regular press conference for the third quarter of 2023 that the total amount of credit in Shanghai continued to grow in the first half of this year, and financing costs remained stable and slightly reduced. In terms of year-on-year increase in loan growth, as of the end of June 2023, the balance of local and foreign currency loans in the city was 10.91 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.7%, with a growth rate 1.1 percentage points lower than the end of last month and 0.3 percentage points higher than the end of last year. Among them, the balance of RMB loans was 10.28 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.6%, with a growth rate 1.2 percentage points lower than the end of last month and 0.3 percentage points higher than the end of last year. In terms of increment, RMB loans increased by 523.3 billion yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 47.2 billion yuan year-on-year. Among them, the first quarter increased by 397.5 billion yuan, and the second quarter increased by 125.8 billion yuan.

How will the wind and rain be in Shanghai tomorrow? When "Dussuri" makes landfall, it may be a super typhoon level. Typhoon level 1 will respond and activate Typhoon | Dussuri | Activate
How will the wind and rain be in Shanghai tomorrow? When "Dussuri" makes landfall, it may be a super typhoon level. Typhoon level 1 will respond and activate Typhoon | Dussuri | Activate

According to monitoring information from the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon "Dussuri" once again strengthened to a super typhoon level at 17:00 today, with a maximum wind force of 16 levels near the center. Although it is not as strong as the 17 levels of the previous two days, its power cannot be underestimated. This afternoon, the China Meteorological Administration has initiated a Category 1 typhoon response. The landing forecast for Du Suri has also been adjusted. Previous forecasts showed that "Dussuri" made landfall at typhoon or strong typhoon level, with the landing location from Jinjiang, Fujian to the border of Fujian and Guangdong; According to the latest forecast, the intensity of Typhoon Du Suri's landfall is expected to increase, with a strong typhoon or super typhoon level, and the landing location will change to the coastal area from Dongshan in Fujian to Putian. As of 17:00 today, the center of Typhoon Du Suri is only 360 kilometers southeast of Xiamen City, Fujian Province. After the adjustment of "Du Suri", the impact of wind and rain on Shanghai

To prevent the potential impact of typhoon reversal, the Shanghai Flood Control Office has issued a work reminder: Based on the most unfavorable situation of vehicles | flood control | typhoons
To prevent the potential impact of typhoon reversal, the Shanghai Flood Control Office has issued a work reminder: Based on the most unfavorable situation of vehicles | flood control | typhoons

The latest forecast at 17:00 today shows that the super typhoon "Du Suri" is most likely to make landfall along the southern coast of Fujian from the morning of the 28th to the morning, with an intensity of either strong typhoon or super typhoon at the time of landfall. Due to its peripheral influence, Shanghai has occasional showers or thunderstorms from this evening to Saturday, with obvious characteristics of intermittent precipitation; The strongest period of strong winds will be from tomorrow morning to Saturday daytime. At 19:00 today, the Shanghai Flood Control Command Office issued a work reminder, requiring high attention to the defense work against strong winds and rainfall caused by this typhoon, overcoming numbness and luck mentality, based on the most unfavorable situation, preventing the possible impact of typhoon reversal, making all necessary preparations, and making every effort to ensure the safety of urban operation and the safety of people's lives and property. Strictly implement preparations for preventing strong winds. Coastal areas, new areas near the port, transportation, maritime affairs

SAIC Audi will jointly develop a new electric vehicle model | SAIC | SAIC Audi
SAIC Audi will jointly develop a new electric vehicle model | SAIC | SAIC Audi

SAIC Group announced on the 27th that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Audi, and both parties will combine their respective advantages to accelerate the development of SAIC Audi's new electric vehicle models and meet the demand of Chinese customers for high-end electric intelligent connected vehicles. SAIC will fully utilize its technological advantages, collaborate with Audi to jointly develop products, open a new chapter of joint venture cooperation, and create a new model of mutual benefit and win-win. In 2014, SAIC launched the new four modernizations development strategy of "electrification, intelligent networking, sharing, and internationalization", taking the lead in promoting innovative technology layout for new energy vehicles and intelligent driving vehicles, and cultivating core competitiveness for new tracks. Based on the long-standing mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation relationship, as well as their respective strong innovative technological capabilities, SAIC and Audi will actively expand the depth and breadth of cooperation, leverage synergies, and quickly and efficiently launch the following products

The float that has been away for two years will return with a heavy weight, it's set! Shanghai Tourism Festival Opening Event on September 16th | Tourism Festival | Shanghai
The float that has been away for two years will return with a heavy weight, it's set! Shanghai Tourism Festival Opening Event on September 16th | Tourism Festival | Shanghai

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism revealed today that the 34th Shanghai Tourism Festival of 2023 is scheduled to be held from September 16th to October 6th. This year's Shanghai Tourism Festival will take the festival of the people as its purpose, with the whole city and industry coordinated, carefully prepared and organized, to create a "real-life picture" of the city's beauty and joy. This year, various activities of the Shanghai Tourism Festival will fully return offline, and the float of the tourism festival will also return heavily after two years of absence. This year's Shanghai Tourism Festival insists on starting from the most resource and advantageous places in Shanghai, planning and launching a series of activities in ten major sections, including "Classic Reproduction", "Benefiting the People Package", "Art Description of Beauty", and "Fantasy Yuanyou", highlighting the platform function of the tourism festival's major industry, people's livelihood, and exhibition, so that urban cultural and tourism can better showcase international style, Shanghai style, fashion taste, and fireworks. brigade

What important information was revealed at the Hongqiao International Economic Forum? Forum | International | Economy
What important information was revealed at the Hongqiao International Economic Forum? Forum | International | Economy

On July 27th, as the countdown to the opening of the 6th China International Import Expo approaches 100 days, at the 6th Hongqiao International Economic Forum Theme Release and Interpretation Conference held at the International Convention and Exhibition Center, the theme of the Hongqiao International Economic Forum was officially released, with relevant experts and scholars interpreting the theme. The 6th Hongqiao International Economic Forum will be themed "Jointly Promoting Development, Opening up and Winning the Future", focusing on the core theme of "Global Openness" and the functional positioning of "International Public Goods". The main forum, "Investment in China Year" summit, "World Openness Report 2023" release and international seminars, and several sub forums will be held. Among them, the sub forums will be divided into four major sections: "open development", "open cooperation", "open innovation", and "open sharing". The "Open Development" section has 5 topics, namely green

In the midst of the "exhibition products becoming products" trend at the CIIE, these two shopping malls located in the city center of Shanghai | brand | products
In the midst of the "exhibition products becoming products" trend at the CIIE, these two shopping malls located in the city center of Shanghai | brand | products

"Zhishida" brand Ceylon tea, "Xidareibu" brand five story dragon tea, "Lion" beer... In the "World Port Town" on the fifth floor of Shanghai Global Port, there is a Sri Lanka pavilion that specializes in selling Sri Lankan specialty products. Here, ordinary citizens can experience the charm of Ceylon black tea culture, Sri Lankan gemstone culture, Sri Lankan spice culture, Ayurvedic medical culture, Sri Lankan tourism and culture without leaving Shanghai. Since its opening in April this year, the sales of the Sri Lanka Pavilion have been increasing month by month. In the interview, Li Delong, the head of the Sri Lankan Pavilion and also the chairman of the Sri Lankan China Association for the Promotion of Trade, raised a 2-carat "Prasad" sapphire ring and said, "We bring Sri Lankan specialty products and have participated in the CIIE for three consecutive times.",

The "Pure Edition" parking payment QR code does not collect any personal information. The Shanghai shopping mall has comprehensively rectified the issue | Consumers | Shanghai
The "Pure Edition" parking payment QR code does not collect any personal information. The Shanghai shopping mall has comprehensively rectified the issue | Consumers | Shanghai

Taking advantage of consumers' urgent psychology to pay the parking fee as soon as possible and leave the site, many shopping malls and buildings have become obsessed with creating obstacles before consumers enter the direct payment page, inducing or even forcing consumers to pay attention to personal information such as official account, registered members, names, mobile phone numbers, WeChat or Alipay accounts. Under the guidance of the Network Law Enforcement and Supervision Bureau of the State Cyberspace Administration, Shanghai is carrying out the "Bright Sword Pujiang" special law enforcement action to protect personal information rights and interests in the consumption field, vigorously cracking down on illegal behaviors that infringe on consumer personal information rights and interests in areas such as catering and parking payment. Liberation Daily · Shangguan News reporter learned today from the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau that after inspection, interviews, and supervision, Bailian Group will use the "pure version" parking payment QR code in the parking lots of 18 shopping malls, including the 100th one

Farmers in Yangshan, Wuxi have come to see that someone has grown peaches for 88 yuan each and planted them in Shanghai | Orchards | Farmers
Farmers in Yangshan, Wuxi have come to see that someone has grown peaches for 88 yuan each and planted them in Shanghai | Orchards | Farmers

If asked, where do we eat peaches in summer? Shanghai People's Congress may blurt out: Yangshan Honey Peach. Born in a well-known peach producing area, since the 20th century, its outstanding water spirit has gained the support of many diners. There are also good peaches locally in Shanghai, and if we trace them carefully, currently over 95% of the world's peach varieties are directly or indirectly derived from "Shanghai Honey". The development of the industry requires high-quality varieties as the first step, and a standardized production process is the key to winning a brand. "The development of Shanghai's peach industry was delayed by ten years." Nowadays, many new farmers are trying to narrow this gap, and Huang Wei is one of them. He used to be an "agricultural novice" who sold his large house in Japan and built an orchard on the land of Qingpu Bao, naming him "Hama Craftsman". Expanding from dozens of saplings to 60 acres of orchard, one

A coffee shop in Huangpu District has been investigated for vulgar marketing, closed down for rectification and demolition. The shop has been removed from the shelves due to product name | market | product
A coffee shop in Huangpu District has been investigated for vulgar marketing, closed down for rectification and demolition. The shop has been removed from the shelves due to product name | market | product

A coffee shop on Danshui Road in Huangpu District, Shanghai is suspected of vulgar marketing due to its indecent name and product name. The market supervision department has decided to initiate an investigation into the case. The Market Supervision Bureau of Huangpu District released a situation report today. Recently, some citizens reported that a certain coffee shop is suspected of vulgar marketing. Based on the clues reported by citizens, an investigation was conducted overnight on July 27th into the Xiangyang Hongyan Hotel at 202 Danshui Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai. After preliminary investigation, it was found that the party involved had a "Doi Coffee" as their external brand. They obtained a "Food Business License" on July 14th and officially opened their store for business on July 21st. The business scope was self-made beverage production and sales, and they actually engaged in coffee and alcohol production and sales. On site, orders were placed by scanning the QR code. Law enforcement officers found during on-site inspection that the electronic menu of the store contained "Latte in Later" and "Doi American"“

Which cities are the most popular for tourists to come to Shanghai?, In the first half of this year, the country received over 2 billion tourists for travel | tourism | tourists
Which cities are the most popular for tourists to come to Shanghai?, In the first half of this year, the country received over 2 billion tourists for travel | tourism | tourists

Since the beginning of this year, the willingness and confidence of users to travel have continued to increase, and the scale of tourism consumption has continued to expand. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of outbound tourists by Chinese residents reached 109 million in the first half of this year, a year-on-year increase of 4.4%. In terms of domestic tourism, the total number of tourists received nationwide reached 2.062 billion, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%. Based on the travel consultation and booking data from January to June this year, Tuniu Tourism Network has released the "2023 First Half Tourism Consumption Report", which analyzes the current tourism consumption situation, user preferences, and popular destinations in the first half of this year. Data shows that in the first half of the year, cities such as Nanjing, Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Harbin ranked among the top tourists who came to Shanghai the most. Frontline and new frontline users are the main consumers, and there is a strong demand for parent-child travel in 2023

Emergency investigation of roadside trees, green spaces, and outdoor facilities in Shanghai, Typhoon "Dussuri" on trees on the road | Typhoon | Shanghai
Emergency investigation of roadside trees, green spaces, and outdoor facilities in Shanghai, Typhoon "Dussuri" on trees on the road | Typhoon | Shanghai

Early this morning, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden took precautions and draped over 150 Wanglian plants in the park with a windproof veil. After the typhoon, maintenance personnel will try to make up for the losses caused by the typhoon by pruning dead leaves and applying thin fertilizer frequently. In order to properly respond to the impact of Typhoon Dussuri, the fifth typhoon of this year, the greening and urban appearance departments at all levels in Shanghai strictly implement flood and typhoon prevention plans, strengthen bottom line thinking and risk awareness, take early action, seize the initiative, and be prepared to do a good job in typhoon Dussuri prevention and response. In terms of parks, green spaces, and roadside trees, green departments at all levels should strengthen emergency duty in accordance with the requirements of "prevention first, and preparedness". As of 9:00 on July 28th, a total of 4328 people from the 457 green line detachment in the city have been on standby, with 2129 patrols and 439 emergency response personnel dispatched

Around noon tomorrow, "Dussuri" will pass through Shanghai at the same latitude, and Shanghai will issue the first blue typhoon warning of the year. Typhoon | Rafale | Warning
Around noon tomorrow, "Dussuri" will pass through Shanghai at the same latitude, and Shanghai will issue the first blue typhoon warning of the year. Typhoon | Rafale | Warning

At 17:00 today, the Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory issued the first blue typhoon warning signal of this year. Affected by the periphery of Typhoon Dussuri, the 5th typhoon of this year, it is expected that there will be a southeast wind of level 5 and gusts of levels 6 to 7 on land in the next 24 hours, with gusts of level 8 in coastal areas along the river and on rivers and lakes. This morning, "Du Suri" made landfall along the Jinjiang coast of Quanzhou, Fujian with a strong typhoon level. According to data, this is the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Quanzhou, Fujian since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, and also the second strongest typhoon to make landfall in Fujian since there are complete observation records. At its peak, the cloud system carried by this massive sprinkler covered thousands of kilometers, and many provinces and cities experienced heavy rainfall under its cloud cover. According to the data from the Central Meteorological Observatory at 17:00 today, affected by Typhoon "Dusui", eastern and southern Taiwan, eastern Fujian, and eastern Zhejiang have been affected

No longer uniformly implementing external packaging disinfection and nucleic acid testing, the 6th CIIE will no longer establish a general warehouse for imported cold chain food for law enforcement | supervision | food
No longer uniformly implementing external packaging disinfection and nucleic acid testing, the 6th CIIE will no longer establish a general warehouse for imported cold chain food for law enforcement | supervision | food

The 6th China International Import Expo will no longer establish a "main warehouse for imported cold chain food", and will no longer uniformly implement external packaging disinfection and nucleic acid testing. Imported cold chain food can enter the exhibition hall more conveniently. The Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation held the 6th China International Import Expo Market Supervision Service Guarantee and Hundred Day Law Enforcement Action Mobilization Conference today, announcing a series of regulatory and service measures. The 6th China International Import Expo will be fully resumed offline and is expected to attract a large number of visitors, placing higher demands on food safety, special equipment safety, and consumer safety. The Shanghai market supervision department's enforcement action plan for welcoming the 100 day Expo has clarified 26 key tasks in 11 aspects, including food safety supervision, quality and safety supervision of drugs, medical devices and cosmetics, special equipment safety supervision, price supervision in key industries and fields, and purification of the consumption environment. Currently, various regulatory enforcement measures have been implemented

Calling with reminders, AR can lead the way, and the first batch of "digital accompanying physicians" will land on Renji Hospital navigation | seeking medical treatment | AR
Calling with reminders, AR can lead the way, and the first batch of "digital accompanying physicians" will land on Renji Hospital navigation | seeking medical treatment | AR

In recent years, there has been a rise in the popularity of accompanying physicians who can register for appointments and receive guidance from departments. Although it has made it convenient for elderly and patients from other regions, the price of hundreds of yuan is still quite high. In order to digitally solve the problem of medical treatment, Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine cooperated with Alipay to take the lead in launching the first "digital doctor" solution in China, which can provide guidance for the whole process, including tips for medical treatment process, AR navigation consulting room, and reminders for queuing to the number machine. It is understood that AR navigation guidance is one of the important functions of "digital accompanying physicians". By simply turning on the camera through the system, the medical path can be displayed in real time, eliminating the need to rely on maps and signs to "circle around". The entire plan also provides patients with a full process accompanying experience: before arriving at the hospital, patients can use the "intelligent guidance" and "intelligent customer service" functions to understand the hanging in advance

The world's first synthetic rubber futures and options were listed for trading in Shanghai, with a first-day transaction of 4.95 billion yuan in rubber | futures | synthetic
The world's first synthetic rubber futures and options were listed for trading in Shanghai, with a first-day transaction of 4.95 billion yuan in rubber | futures | synthetic

The world's first synthetic rubber futures and options were listed for trading in Shanghai, and China's futures and derivatives market system continues to improve. On July 28th, as the first futures and options variety to be simultaneously listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange, synthetic rubber futures with butadiene rubber as the underlying commodity were listed at 9:00 am, and synthetic rubber options were listed at 9:00 am on the same day. The first batch of synthetic rubber futures was listed for trading, with a total of 7 contracts listed at a benchmark price of 9990 yuan/ton. On that day, the opening price of the main BR2401 contract was 10750 yuan/ton, and the closing price was 10755 yuan/ton, an increase of 765 yuan/ton from the listed benchmark price, or 7.66%. A total of 92400 transactions were made throughout the day, with a transaction amount of 4.95 billion yuan and a position of 20900. Synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, and synthetic fiber are listed as the three major composite materials

Multinational company regional headquarters in Shanghai are increasing their efforts to deeply cultivate the Chinese market, transforming from exhibitors to investors in manufacturing, healthcare, and other regions
Multinational company regional headquarters in Shanghai are increasing their efforts to deeply cultivate the Chinese market, transforming from exhibitors to investors in manufacturing, healthcare, and other regions

In May of this year, Siemens Medical announced that it would add a total investment of over 1 billion yuan to build a new high-end medical equipment research and manufacturing base in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Through this investment, it will increase local investment in magnetic resonance research and production, and meet the diverse medical needs of local patients at a "Chinese speed"; Recently, the Danaher diagnostic platform China R&D and manufacturing base project located in Suzhou Industrial Park announced that it is about to be completed and will be put into use within this year. This base is currently the largest single investment project of Danaher Group in China, and is a super factory that integrates Industry 4.0 intelligent management and Danaher business system DBS management. The reporter learned from some multinational regional headquarters in Shanghai that have long been rooted in Shanghai and deeply rooted in China that participating in the CIIE has accelerated the speed of enterprises transforming from exhibitors to investors; Under global foreign direct investment

Food waste has been reduced by 30%. This government canteen has launched the "Clean Your Plate Campaign". The dishes are large and small, and served many times in Jiading District | government offices | canteen
Food waste has been reduced by 30%. This government canteen has launched the "Clean Your Plate Campaign". The dishes are large and small, and served many times in Jiading District | government offices | canteen

"A small meat bag, a small dish bag..." In the morning, Jiading District People's Government staff Gao Chang to the unit canteen after breakfast, opened a busy day. "In the past, a big meat bun and an egg could fill the belly. Since the unit practiced the' CD action' and continued to optimize related measures, there have been more and more choices." At noon, in the canteen of the comprehensive office building of the people's Government of Jiading District, there was an endless stream of government staff who came to eat. In addition to the signs of "civilized table CD action to save food" placed on every table and window in the canteen, the electronic screen of the canteen also prominently reads the slogan "strict economy, oppose waste, everyone participates, CD action. "I want a portion of rice." "We have two taels, four taels and six taels. Which do you want?""

The reason behind it is because of a fate 36 years ago with Shanghai, Hunan Yanling yellow peaches "rushed" to Shanghai, and products | signed | seasonal in the hot summer season
The reason behind it is because of a fate 36 years ago with Shanghai, Hunan Yanling yellow peaches "rushed" to Shanghai, and products | signed | seasonal in the hot summer season

In the hot summer season, citizens have one more choice to eat peaches. Located in the hinterland of the Luoxiao Mountains, Yanling County, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, with warm winters and cool summers, distinct four seasons, and large temperature differences between day and night, the yellow peaches grown are "beautiful, fragrant, crispy, and sweet"... Recently, the strategic cooperation signing ceremony and "Hunan Products Entering Shanghai" promotion meeting between Shanghai Supply and Marketing Cooperative Society and Hunan Supply and Marketing Cooperative Society were held, and Shanghai enterprises and chambers of commerce signed an intention to purchase Hunan Yanling yellow peaches and Xiang tea products with a total amount of 157 million yuan on site. The People's Government of Yanling County has signed a purchase and sales intention order of 225000 kilograms with enterprises under the Shanghai Supply and Marketing Cooperative, fruit wholesale markets, and sales enterprises. In the future, they will also participate in the Shanghai Supply and Marketing Cooperative's fruit park, supermarket, and community activities. Jinxiu Huangtao is a famous local fruit in Shanghai. How could it bloom in Yanling, Hunan, thousands of miles away

Can you eat melons for one cent? Are dimensional tribes and "hairy children" also celebrating festivals? Bailian COOL Summer Fashion Festival kicked off | Bailian | Mao Haizi
Can you eat melons for one cent? Are dimensional tribes and "hairy children" also celebrating festivals? Bailian COOL Summer Fashion Festival kicked off | Bailian | Mao Haizi

The fourth "May Five-Year Shopping Festival" has just come to an end, and the "Summer Consumption Season" is closely following. On the evening of July 28, a special Bailian digital fashion launch event was held in the excellent historical building on the Suzhou River-Bailian Fashion Center Yanqing, which kicked off the "2023 Bailian COOL Summer Fashion Festival. It is reported that previously Bailian partner Ontimeshow joined Japan's TFL to enter Bailian Fashion Center and set up TFLSH Digital Clothing Training Institute to train talents with 3D clothing design capabilities. In the "digital show" at the scene, the reporter saw that the designers presented the design details through 3D technology. The simple contour tailoring and the soft streamline design collided with each other, exploring the multi-dimensional balance of clothing in reality and virtual, and the random law of textured fabrics.

Experience poetry and the distance, 28 core scenic spots are open to Shanghai tourists for free! Self driving "95 Alliance Avenue" tourism | Alliance | Shanghai
Experience poetry and the distance, 28 core scenic spots are open to Shanghai tourists for free! Self driving "95 Alliance Avenue" tourism | Alliance | Shanghai

Where is the most fun for self driving in the Yangtze River Delta? At the Zhejiang Anhui Fujian Jiangxi "Alliance Garden" promotion conference held in Shanghai today, the rich natural resources and cultural historical scenery on the 1995 kilometer long tourist ring road - "95 Alliance Avenue" attracted attention. "95 Alliance Avenue" is the first cross provincial tourism highway in the Yangtze River Delta region, and it is also an important flagship product of the Zhejiang Anhui Fujian Jiangxi "Alliance Garden" cooperation and construction. Quzhou in Zhejiang, Mount Huangshan in Anhui, Nanping in Fujian and Shangrao in Jiangxi are located at the border of Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces. There are many famous mountains and rivers, such as Xianxialing Mountains, Mount Huangshan Mountains, Wuyi Mountains, Huaiyu Mountains, Qujiang River, Xin'an River, Xinjiang River and Minjiang River. The towering mountains and ridges have nurtured unparalleled natural scenery, as well as a brilliant civilization galaxy flowing through them. In January 2021, Quzhou, Mount Huangshan, Nanping and Shangrao

Huawei announces that everyone can customize their own "digital person", with the Pangu model enhancing entertainment | model | Pangu
Huawei announces that everyone can customize their own "digital person", with the Pangu model enhancing entertainment | model | Pangu

Under the trend of large-scale modeling, AI has reshaped various industries, and digital entertainment industries such as film and television, gaming, audio, and animation have also ushered in new opportunities. At the 20th China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition held in Shanghai, Huawei Cloud announced that it launched the "Huawei Cloud Pangu Big Model Internet Co creation Plan" with seven Internet enterprises, including 360, Netease Fuxi, Douyu, and iQiyi, and will launch Pangu Digital People's Congress Model to explore the innovative application of AI in digital entertainment. According to the above plan, Huawei Cloud will focus on digital entertainment scenes with partner enterprises, such as film and television models, media models, visual models, and other fields, to carry out technological co creation and achieve application implementation. According to Shi Jilin, President of Global Marketing and Sales Services at Huawei Cloud, the current application of big models in the entertainment industry can be roughly divided into three categories: improving production

Next week, we will officially respond to the challenge of typhoons. Shanghai has had more rainfall during the flood season this year, and "Du Suri" has stopped operations and is still frantically sprinkling water on typhoons. | Water vapor | Shanghai
Next week, we will officially respond to the challenge of typhoons. Shanghai has had more rainfall during the flood season this year, and "Du Suri" has stopped operations and is still frantically sprinkling water on typhoons. | Water vapor | Shanghai

The original plan was to pass through the same latitude area of "Dussuri" in Shanghai, but due to its decreasing intensity, it was stopped from being numbered by the Central Meteorological Observatory at 11 noon today. The eye of the typhoon is gone, and the cloud wall is also gone. This super typhoon, which has caused extreme anxiety since its formation on July 21st, has finally become history. But the residual forces of typhoons cannot be underestimated. Several spiral rain bands can touch northern China and southern China, and also sweep through the eastern region. At noon today, the remaining convective cloud system brought a wave of heavy rainfall to Shanghai, and around 15:00, another wave of rainwater "threw over". From 8:00 to 18:00, the largest rainfall in the city was in Pudong, with a cumulative rainfall of 28 millimeters, followed by Fengxian and Jinshan with 18.9 millimeters and 17 millimeters, respectively. As of 20:00 yesterday, the accumulated rainfall in the central urban area of Shanghai since the flood season this year has

Shanghai, an inclusive financial platform, will be upgraded to connect the "first mile" policy of financial support for the real economy | finance | economy
Shanghai, an inclusive financial platform, will be upgraded to connect the "first mile" policy of financial support for the real economy | finance | economy

"Is there still such financial products and support policies?" Recently, the Shanghai Financial Work Party Committee and the Shanghai Local Financial Supervision Bureau found in their research that many market entities, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, still have information asymmetry in financial policies and services. Enterprises have an urgent need to have a deep understanding of financial policies and products, and obtain precise financial services. Shanghai's inclusive financial services need to further improve their effectiveness. Since the launch of theme education, the Municipal Financial Work Party Committee and the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau have faced a series of shortcomings in the development of the real economy, listed multiple research topics, and established several research groups led by the main leaders and responsible leaders, covering financial support for science and technology talents and enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting the agglomeration and high-quality development of Shanghai's financial technology industry, and digital empowerment to enhance the level of inclusive financial services

First use of unmanned shield tunneling, unmanned entry into Shanghai underground: Construction of the first section tunnel of Shanghai Metro Line 21 | Technology | Section
First use of unmanned shield tunneling, unmanned entry into Shanghai underground: Construction of the first section tunnel of Shanghai Metro Line 21 | Technology | Section

Autonomous driving is extending from urban roads to underground tunnels. Recently, the construction of the first section tunnel of Shanghai Metro Line 21 began. Unlike other tunnel constructions, Line 21 adopts autonomous driving "unmanned tunneling" for the first time. Machine equipped with brain, eyes, and ears. Rail Transit Line 21 is a north-south radial urban line that runs from Pudong New Area to Wusong in Baoshan. At the subway construction site underground, a shield machine with a diameter of 6.76 meters and a height of 2 floors is slowly rotating its cutterhead, and its appearance is no different from other shield machines. The true difference will only be discovered when entering the interior of the shield tunnel. Traditional shield tunneling is equipped with drivers whose task is to observe the direction of progress and various monitoring indicators at any time during excavation, but here there are no drivers or engineers stationed on site. Replacing drivers and engineers is a set of

Shanghai Metro Line 17 West Extension Xicen Station Station is capped, with "one station, one section" directly connecting to Huawei R&D Base for construction | Line 17 | Rail Transit
Shanghai Metro Line 17 West Extension Xicen Station Station is capped, with "one station, one section" directly connecting to Huawei R&D Base for construction | Line 17 | Rail Transit

The reporter learned from Shentong Metro today that the Xicen Station of the western extension of Shanghai Metro Line 17 has recently completed the station topping out and has entered the construction phase of steel structures and secondary structures. On site, workers are fully committed to the one-time concrete pouring process of the continuous beam of the cross Lianxi Highway, and are orderly promoting project construction according to the time nodes. The western extension of Line 17 extends from the existing Dongfang Green Boat Station to Xicen Station, with a total length of about 6.6 kilometers. The "one station, one section" leads to the Huawei R&D base in Qingpu. After completion, it will provide great transportation convenience for Xicen Science and Technology Innovation Center and support the development of the new city and the internal transportation system of the city. Xicen Station is a three story island station above ground, integrated with the design and construction of Xicen Station on the Shanghai Demonstration Zone Line. To ensure construction progress and quality, the project department has adopted intelligent technology and equipment, using BIM models as the data base

Why choose "Huanxin" to rebuild a highway in 3 years? The G15 Jialiu section widening project is now open to traffic in Jialiu | Transportation | Huanxin
Why choose "Huanxin" to rebuild a highway in 3 years? The G15 Jialiu section widening project is now open to traffic in Jialiu | Transportation | Huanxin

Today, the G15 Jialiu section widening project, which has been under construction for three years, is officially open to traffic. Is it still meaningful to renovate and renovate a new highway within three years? As more and more highways enter middle age, such confusion becomes increasingly prominent. In 1988, China's first expressway, the Shanghai Jia Expressway, was completed and opened to traffic, refreshing people's definition of "speed". Nowadays, the G15 Jialiu section not only attempts to answer this confusion, but also refreshes people's impressions of the functions of highways. Starting from the Shanghai Jiaxing Expressway, China's highways have entered a golden period of development, with highways transforming from points to lines, from lines to networks. Looking back, a large number of planned and constructed highways in the early 1990s have entered the "middle age" of facility operation. They are responsible for urban transportation

The impact on Shanghai is more severe than that of "Dussuri", and the new typhoon "Kanu" is expected to make landfall in Shanghai along the coast of Zhejiang on August 2nd
The impact on Shanghai is more severe than that of "Dussuri", and the new typhoon "Kanu" is expected to make landfall in Shanghai along the coast of Zhejiang on August 2nd

In the first week of August, the East China region will face the new typhoon "Kanu" together. The Central Meteorological Observatory stated that this afternoon, the 6th Kanu has strengthened to typhoon level. It is expected to enter the East China Sea from midnight tomorrow to the morning of August 1st, gradually approaching the coast of Zhejiang. Where will "Kanu" go? The Shanghai Meteorological Bureau stated that the current forecast time is relatively long, and there are still significant differences in the prediction models of various professional institutions. There is still uncertainty in the later stage path prediction of typhoons. The China Meteorological Administration believes that although there is still some uncertainty in the path, the greatest possibility is that it will make landfall along the coast of Zhejiang from the afternoon to the night of August 2, which may reach strong typhoon or super typhoon levels at the time of landfall. After the typhoon made landfall, there are still significant differences in the prediction models of various institutions. But what can be certain is that the influence of "Kanu" on Shanghai is more severe than that of "Du Suri"