
China Shipbuilding Group has received another new ship order from South Korean shipowners, South Korea | Purpose | Order
China Shipbuilding Group has received another new ship order from South Korean shipowners, South Korea | Purpose | Order

Recently, China Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., jointly obtained construction orders for four 38000 ton multi-purpose heavy lifting vessels from South Korea's Hanxin Shipping Co., Ltd. This is another time that China Shipbuilding Group has won orders from the backyard of South Korean shipping companies. In the global new ship market, competition between Chinese and Korean shipping companies has become increasingly fierce. Especially in the booming markets of large liquefied natural gas transport ships, dual fuel container ships, and automobile transport ships in recent years, the competition between the two countries' enterprises is quite intense. In this context, China Shipbuilding Group has received orders from South Korean shipowners for 17 vessels with its independent research and development, design, manufacturing, supporting and full cycle service capabilities, covering 210000 tons of dual fuel powered bulk carriers, multi-purpose heavy-duty cranes, 7000 vehicles, and 8600 ships

Baowu Group, the world's largest steel enterprise, has completed the centralized procurement ecosystem for industrial products | industrial products | steel enterprises
Baowu Group, the world's largest steel enterprise, has completed the centralized procurement ecosystem for industrial products | industrial products | steel enterprises

Baowu Group's subsidiary, Ouye Industrial Products, recently held a signing ceremony for the introduction of strategic investors in the mixed ownership reform, announcing the successful fundraising of 1 billion yuan. In 2020, Baowu Group established Ouye Industrial Products, responsible for the construction of the industrial product supply chain. As of June this year, the centralized procurement integration of industrial products has been completed for more than 100 units in all steel bases and diversified industrial sectors within the group. Europe Metallurgical Industrial Products launched mixed ownership reform in May last year and delisted from the Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange on June 12 this year. It introduced Baowu Green Carbon Fund, Prolos Yinshan Capital, Xinyu Steel, Ansteel Capital, TBEA, Hebei Logistics, Shanghai Baoheng and seven other strategic investors, raising 1 billion yuan. "OMC industrial products seize the opportunities of digital economy and industrial Internet development, and focus on promoting low-carbon and green transformation of the supply chain, which is in line with the national

"Xiao Huige" has been jointly interviewed and investigated by multiple departments, and under heavy crackdown, there are still catering enterprises that violate personal information | consumers | Xiao Huige
"Xiao Huige" has been jointly interviewed and investigated by multiple departments, and under heavy crackdown, there are still catering enterprises that violate personal information | consumers | Xiao Huige

Under the heavy crackdown, some catering enterprises still turn a blind eye to the issue of mandatory, induced, and frequent solicitation of unnecessary personal information from users, with a sense of luck, seriously infringing on the personal information rights and interests of consumers. Today, the Shanghai Municipal Cyberspace Administration, in conjunction with the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Market Regulation and the Cyberspace Administration of Enterprise Operations, lawfully interviewed the "Xiaohuige" catering brand operation enterprise, demanding immediate rectification and the establishment of a sound long-term mechanism for protecting consumer personal information. The relevant person in charge of the enterprise stated that they will comprehensively rectify according to the interview requirements and effectively fulfill their personal information protection obligations. Next, the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration will file and investigate the involved enterprises in accordance with the law. Xiaohuige Hot Pot Expo Source Store did not provide any prompts regarding consumer privacy policies on the consumer ordering page. After the consumer scans and submits the order, it automatically redirects to the link "Member Login"

What should we do if there are more and more of them?, Survey of nearly 300 residential communities in Shanghai living together with national second level protected animals | Wildlife | Residential Areas
What should we do if there are more and more of them?, Survey of nearly 300 residential communities in Shanghai living together with national second level protected animals | Wildlife | Residential Areas

The rapid development of cities has gradually blurred the boundaries between urban and suburban areas, causing many natural habitats for wildlife to no longer exist. As a result, a phenomenon known as "wildlife entering cities" has emerged. What should community managers and residents do when there are suddenly new "neighbors" of unknown origin in their community? The Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter learned today that a community management manual for common urban wildlife in Shanghai, jointly developed by Shanghai Forestry Station, Shanghai Wildlife and Plant Protection Association, Fudan University, Shanshui Nature Conservation Center and other units, will be released. This community management manual is the first customized "guide" for people living under the same roof as wildlife in Shanghai to achieve harmonious coexistence. It also provides personalized solutions for residents, neighborhood committees/property owners, and other different groups of people

Now there is version 2.0 again, which is the first "whitelist" system for biopharmaceutical research and development products in the country
Now there is version 2.0 again, which is the first "whitelist" system for biopharmaceutical research and development products in the country

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce that recently, the revised and improved "Shanghai Biopharmaceutical Research and Development Import Pilot Plan" version 2.0 has been officially implemented. The plan, jointly formulated by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Customs, Shanghai Drug Administration, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, and Shanghai Science and Technology Foundation, responds to the specific demands of biopharmaceutical enterprises, shortens the identification cycle of the "white list" of imported biopharmaceutical research and development items, and adjusts it from once every half year to once every month, making the identification cycle of the "white list" more in line with the cycle of enterprises undertaking research and development projects. In the process of developing new drugs, some imported items will be used as reference materials for drug development, in order to complete preclinical experiments and research projects related to drugs. Among these imported goods, some of them are not listed domestically or internationally, but they also involve the clearance of imported drugs during import

Refusing to implement the requirements, companies may suspend services. Multiple departments in Shanghai will hold talks to crack down on low price competition in ride hailing services. Companies | platforms | low prices
Refusing to implement the requirements, companies may suspend services. Multiple departments in Shanghai will hold talks to crack down on low price competition in ride hailing services. Companies | platforms | low prices

Online ride hailing platforms are engaging in a price war, concealing operational data and increasing travel risks. The reporter learned from the Shanghai Road Transport Administration today that starting from August 14th, multiple departments including the Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Road Transport Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, and Municipal Communication Administration have conducted joint interviews with 18 compliant ride hailing platform companies in Shanghai, as well as Didi Chuxing and Gaode Taxi Platform. Since the second half of 2022, various ride hailing platform companies have attracted traffic through methods such as "discounted prices" and "fixed prices" in order to seize the market, and have also relaxed access controls, resulting in a further increase in the number of non compliant ride hailing vehicles, seriously damaging the interests of dual compliant drivers. At the same time, platform companies have concealed operational data and lax safety management, resulting in a significant increase in the number of ride hailing accidents in the first half of 2023, leading to an increase in

Royal Caribbean and MSC Mediterranean will return, with the first domestically produced large cruise ship "Ada Modu" making its maiden voyage next year. Cruise | Royal
Royal Caribbean and MSC Mediterranean will return, with the first domestically produced large cruise ship "Ada Modu" making its maiden voyage next year. Cruise | Royal

Cruise ships set sail again, creating a new highlight of Shanghai's economy. The reporter learned from the municipal government press conference held this morning that since the resumption of operations of Blue Dream Star Cruise and China Merchants Yidun Cruise, they have successfully operated 21 voyages and received a total of 26000 tourists. The first domestically produced large cruise ship, the Aida Modu, has successfully completed its first sea trial and will officially make its maiden voyage in 2024. Its design, construction, and independent operation mark the formation of a full industry chain development model for Chinese cruise ships. Since Shanghai took the lead in operating its cruise home port, it has always ranked first in the country with a market share of over 50%. It is the only city in the country that has achieved full industry chain coverage in cruise ship research and development, construction, operation, and port services, and has become a "national model" for the development of cruise economy. Before 2019, Shanghai International Cruise Economy

Shanghai aims to become the cruise economy center in the Asia Pacific region by 2035
Shanghai aims to become the cruise economy center in the Asia Pacific region by 2035

Promoting the high-quality development of the international cruise economy is a powerful measure for Shanghai to deepen high-level reform and opening up, enhance urban level and core competitiveness. At the municipal government press conference held this morning, Zhu Min, Director of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, introduced the Shanghai Action Plan for Promoting High Quality Development of International Cruise Economy, proposing the development goal of "one port, one place, and one center". By 2035, Shanghai will be built into an international first-class cruise hub port, a cruise tourism destination with international influence, and a cruise economy center in the Asia Pacific region with global resource allocation capabilities. Focusing on five aspects, the Action Plan proposes 20 work measures: firstly, to expand the economy of cruise headquarters. Two measures are proposed to cultivate the headquarters of domestic and foreign cruise enterprises through clustering. One is to cultivate and develop local cruise enterprise headquarters, and enhance local cruise brand

In the future, there will be a unified fee standard, and property maintenance assassins will be refunded! Shanghai 962121 Special Maintenance Service Launched Full Moon Center | Emergency | Maintenance Service
In the future, there will be a unified fee standard, and property maintenance assassins will be refunded! Shanghai 962121 Special Maintenance Service Launched Full Moon Center | Emergency | Maintenance Service

On July 10th, Shanghai opened the 962121 hotline for special maintenance services, introducing a model of "market-oriented professional maintenance companies+district housing emergency maintenance centers" to promote transparent charging and eliminate the pain point of "price assassins" in property maintenance. How is the operation status of the full moon online, and when can regions that are not covered enjoy this service? "As of August 17th, the hotline has received 978 special maintenance requests from residents, with a work order completion rate of 87.1%. It can be said that it has effectively solved the residents' self use parts maintenance requests," said Liang Biao, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Property Management Center. Among nearly a thousand accepted projects, home appliance cleaning has the highest demand, with a total of 530 cases; The other maintenance items are 150 pieces of sewer dredging in sequence; 96 door and window repairs; 94 electric light circuits; 85 faucet water pipes; install

On the first day, the transaction volume exceeded 16 billion yuan, marking China's first shipping futures variety to be listed on the index | Futures | China
On the first day, the transaction volume exceeded 16 billion yuan, marking China's first shipping futures variety to be listed on the index | Futures | China

On the 18th, China's first shipping futures product, the shipping index futures, was officially listed for trading at the Shanghai International Energy Trading Center, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. "Shipping index futures are the most innovative futures in China's futures market in recent years." Fang Xinghai, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, emphasized that this is the world's first shipping futures product developed based on my country's index. It is the first service futures product in my country's futures market and the first index and cash-delivered futures listed on the commodity futures exchange. Variety is also a specific domestic variety open to international investors, which is of great significance to the innovative development of my country's futures market, the promotion of opening up, and the improvement of market operation quality. As of the close of the day, the first batch of index futures listed trading EC2404, EC2406, EC.

There are new opportunities behind the new changes, and summer tourism is booming | year-on-year | changes
There are new opportunities behind the new changes, and summer tourism is booming | year-on-year | changes

In July, domestic routes carried out 430000 passenger flights, an increase of 12% year-on-year in 2019; the national railway daily passenger trains 10169, an increase of 14.2 percent year-on-year in 2019; the major tourist attractions are crowded, a ticket is difficult to find, a room is difficult to book ...... If you go out this summer, you will have a deep understanding of the current domestic tourism market. In addition to the excitement, some new changes have attracted the attention of the industry, and many companies have begun to adapt to new trends in the future. Car rental self-driving market outbreak Ctrip recently released the "2023 Summer Car Rental Self-driving Tour Report" shows that as of the end of July, this summer domestic car rental self-driving orders increased by more than 80% year-on-year, an increase of 352 percent over the same period in 2019;

To exceed the annual target, Shanghai has built 762 employee rest rooms
To exceed the annual target, Shanghai has built 762 employee rest rooms

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions that as a practical project for the 2023 Municipal Federation of Trade Unions to serve employees, 762 employee rest rooms have been built in the city according to the "1+4" standard system, and the annual target of 1400 rest rooms will be exceeded by the end of the year. The employee rest room is a key service platform built by the Shanghai Labor Union. Since the beginning of this year, based on in-depth listening to the needs of workers and the masses, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has collaborated with the four major industry trade unions of medical, public transportation, subway, and environmental sanitation toilets to develop a "1+4" standard system for the construction of work rooms and rest rooms, with the overall goal of "close proximity, good taste, accurate positioning, and integrated standard management"; Trade unions in various industries have formulated four industry standards based on their own characteristics, guided by these standards to promote the construction of warmth and practicality

Didi will clear 25000 non compliant vehicles, and by the end of the year, 80% of Shanghai's online ride hailing vehicles will comply with regulations
Didi will clear 25000 non compliant vehicles, and by the end of the year, 80% of Shanghai's online ride hailing vehicles will comply with regulations

This morning, the Shanghai Road Transport Bureau, in collaboration with relevant departments, held talks with Didi Chuxing. The reporter learned from the interview that by the end of this year, 80% of Shanghai's ride hailing vehicles will comply with regulations, and Didi will clear 25000 non compliant vehicles from the city. On July 22nd, in response to the oversupply of the ride hailing market, a significant decrease in driver orders, and a serious decline in revenue, Shanghai announced a two-step suspension of accepting ride hailing transportation certificate related services. However, there are still a large number of unlicensed ride hailing services on major platforms. In June of this year, the industry management department in Shanghai issued a special notice on further regulating the business behavior of ride hailing platform enterprises, requiring the platform to develop measures to clear and return non compliant vehicles, regulate pricing behavior, dispatching behavior, and cooperation behavior, and timely and accurately upload data in accordance with regulations. Previous research has shown that,

The bulk cargo terminal is also rushing to assist... Shanghai Port's automobile exports continue to soar steadily, surpassing one million vehicles in 7 months in Shanghai | Port | New Energy Vehicles | Europe | Free Trade Zone | Nangang | Haitong Port | Overseas | Expedition | Domestic Vehicles
The bulk cargo terminal is also rushing to assist... Shanghai Port's automobile exports continue to soar steadily, surpassing one million vehicles in 7 months in Shanghai | Port | New Energy Vehicles | Europe | Free Trade Zone | Nangang | Haitong Port | Overseas | Expedition | Domestic Vehicles

Shanghai Waigaoqiao Port Area Haitong International Automobile Terminal has just sent off the "Turandot" foreign trade roll on/roll off vessel, which is carrying 2464 domestically produced new energy vehicles and is being shipped to countries such as Japan and Australia. According to statistics from Shanghai Customs, in the first seven months of this year, Shanghai exported 1.022 million vehicles at ports, a year-on-year increase of 54.8%, ranking first among all ports in the country and continuing to maintain its position as the "leader". SAIC MG Car Export. Haitong Port is one of the largest automobile export ports in China. Since 2020, Haitong Port has embarked on a frenzy of exports, with 2 to 3 car roll on/roll off ships departing almost every day. So far this year, the port has completed the export of 567000 vehicles, of which more than 30% are new energy vehicles. Haitong Port Yard. Unprecedented export flux, impact on dock capacity and customs clearance speed

Shanghai Taxation has set up 34 dedicated windows for reporting "inability to complete tasks" throughout the city. For "difficult and complicated tax problems", please find this real name | Studio | City wide
Shanghai Taxation has set up 34 dedicated windows for reporting "inability to complete tasks" throughout the city. For "difficult and complicated tax problems", please find this real name | Studio | City wide

The reporter learned from the Shanghai tax department that since the opening of the "Can't Do Things" window in 2021, Shanghai tax has continuously optimized and upgraded, focusing on solving the "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of taxpayers. 34 "Can't Do Things" windows or characteristic windows and studios have been opened in the city, and the "Can't Do Things" reflection window is being developed into a "bottom line" window to solve problems. In March of this year, the Shanghai Municipal Government released the "2023 Shanghai Comprehensive Deepening of the" One Network Service "Reform Work Points", which clearly stated the need to optimize and expand online and offline assistance services, and establish a closed-loop linkage mechanism for reporting, assisting, and rectifying "unfinished tasks" both online and offline. In order to expand and enrich the channels for reporting "difficulties and miscellaneous problems" related to taxation, Shanghai Taxation relies on the "One Stop Service" platform and the "12366 Hotline" to collect tax related "difficulties and miscellaneous problems" online, and conducts various

The Shanghai Stock Exchange has lowered the handling fee for stock trading by 30%. Stock trading | B-shares | Handling fee
The Shanghai Stock Exchange has lowered the handling fee for stock trading by 30%. Stock trading | B-shares | Handling fee

Today, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on adjusting the charging standards for stock trading fees. Starting from August 28, 2023, the trading fees for A-share and B-share stocks will be reduced from a two-way fee of 0.00487% of the transaction amount to a two-way fee of 0.00341% of the transaction amount, a decrease of 30%. The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange stated that the adjustment of the handling fee standard for stock trading this time is another downward adjustment based on 2015. It is an important measure for the Shanghai Stock Exchange to actively implement the spirit of the Central Political Bureau meeting and the deployment of relevant meetings of the State Council, which is conducive to further activating the capital market and reducing trading costs. In recent years, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has implemented the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council for tax reduction and fee reduction, repeatedly introduced fee reduction measures, continuously increased the intensity of fee reduction, expanded the scope of benefits, and improved

Lost millions in disaster compensation?, Customized version launched in Shanghai and Beijing: For a few yuan per month, the "unsold" home property insurance has become popular for underwriting | Home Property Insurance | Customized
Lost millions in disaster compensation?, Customized version launched in Shanghai and Beijing: For a few yuan per month, the "unsold" home property insurance has become popular for underwriting | Home Property Insurance | Customized

The impact of rainstorm and flood in the north is gradually receding, but the family property insurance that has been tepid for a long time is quietly warming up. Recently, Shanghai, Beijing and other cities have successively launched inclusive family property insurance, which can provide millions of yuan of protection for a minimum of a few yuan per month. "Previously, the failure rate of commercial home property insurance was relatively low, resulting in weak willingness to purchase insurance. Now, under the guidance of the government, inclusive home property insurance has added a service section, making citizens feel a stronger sense of gain." said Liu Feng, the head of Ant Insurance's property insurance business. The premium price difference is significant, with different focuses. "Recently, there has been an increase in business consulting for home property insurance, with concerns mainly focused on third-party liability and force majeure." A salesperson from an insurance company in Shanghai told reporters that compared to damage to houses caused by natural disasters, users in Shanghai are more concerned about house leaks, falling objects from heights, and pipelines

First full load operation! The world's first kilometer level superconductor breaks the record again, with a maximum of 2160 amperes engineering | Transmission | Record
First full load operation! The world's first kilometer level superconductor breaks the record again, with a maximum of 2160 amperes engineering | Transmission | Record

At 12:30 today, with the operating current parameter reaching 2160.12 amperes, the world's first 35 kV kilometer level superconducting transmission demonstration project achieved full load operation for the first time, breaking the record for the maximum actual operating capacity of commercial superconducting transmission projects in China. The 35 kV kilometer level superconducting transmission demonstration project was successfully put into operation in December 2021. It is currently the world's largest fully commercialized superconducting transmission project with the longest transmission capacity, the longest distance, and the largest number of joints. It is also the only kilometer level superconducting transmission project that uses full pipe laying. So far, it has been operating safely and stably for over 600 days. The operation of this project has set a precedent for the operation of kilometer level superconducting cables in the core areas of large cities, accelerated the localization of the entire superconducting industry chain, and greatly enhanced China's international influence in the field of superconducting transmission

China Telecom's Qingpu Yunhu Data Center settles in Liantang, providing important support for the construction of the "Yangtze River Delta Digital Trunk". China Telecom | Computing Power | Trunk
China Telecom's Qingpu Yunhu Data Center settles in Liantang, providing important support for the construction of the "Yangtze River Delta Digital Trunk". China Telecom | Computing Power | Trunk

On August 18th, China Telecom's demonstration project for efficient scheduling of computing power, Qingpu Yunhu Data Center, officially started construction in the Liantang Industrial Park in Qingpu. The Qingpu Yunhu Data Center is a core node of the national "East West Calculation" strategy and the China Telecom National Computing Power Dispatch Center. After completion, it will help strengthen information sharing and exchange among cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, further reduce the cost of social computing power acquisition, facilitate data flow between government departments and enterprises, and become an important support for promoting the construction of the "Yangtze River Delta Digital Trunk". It is reported that the total land area of Qingpu Yunhu Data Center is nearly 36 acres, with a total construction area of about 40000 square meters. It is expected to be delivered by the end of 2024. After completion, the overall level of cross regional computing power scheduling will be improved, providing a total of about 4000 cabinet capabilities, in conjunction with cross regional clusters in the western region and the Yangtze River Delta region

The "Zepu Three Treasures" gather in Shanghai, with jujubes, walnuts, and apples. The third Kashgar Fruit and Dried Fruit Festival in Xinjiang is in full swing, with Kashgar | Shanghai | Walnuts
The "Zepu Three Treasures" gather in Shanghai, with jujubes, walnuts, and apples. The third Kashgar Fruit and Dried Fruit Festival in Xinjiang is in full swing, with Kashgar | Shanghai | Walnuts

Without traveling far, you can buy authentic Xinjiang Kashgar "Zepu Three Treasures" at your doorstep - Junjubes, apples, and walnuts. This weekend, as an important part of the upcoming "2023 Shanghai Aid to Xinjiang Consumption Assistance -3rd Kashgar Fruit and Dried Fruit Festival", the "Minze Love: Zepu Organic Agricultural Products Special Session" jointly organized by the Shanghai Aid to Xinjiang Zepu Branch and Zepu County kicked off at Hema Fresh in Shanghai. Zepu County belongs to the Kashgar region of Xinjiang, located in the southwest of Xinjiang. The county has a forest and fruit area of 540000 mu, with an annual output of 240000 tons of various high-quality fruits, including 180000 mu of red dates, 260000 mu of walnuts, and 30000 mu of apples. It is known as the "Three Treasures of Zepu", including "Zepu Junzao", "Zepu Walnuts", and "Zepu apples", and is also Zepu's "golden business card". "Min Ze's Deep Love: Zepu Organic Agricultural Products Special Session"

With funding and growth support, the Shudu Shanghai Application Innovation Competition has been launched, looking forward to the birth of more Starbucks "street shopping" | urban digital transformation | Shudu Shanghai Application Innovation Competition | street shopping | Gaode Navigation | Starbucks
With funding and growth support, the Shudu Shanghai Application Innovation Competition has been launched, looking forward to the birth of more Starbucks "street shopping" | urban digital transformation | Shudu Shanghai Application Innovation Competition | street shopping | Gaode Navigation | Starbucks

One is to rely on the high-density store network and operational advantages, and the other has the core ability of precise route planning and real-time traffic conditions to the minute level. In March of this year, Starbucks announced a cooperation with Amap to jointly launch the "street pickup" service. After setting the destination and navigation route on the Gaode Map App, customers can find the "Along the Street Picking" icon on the "Along the Road Search" page, select suitable Starbucks stores along the way to place an order, and Starbucks store partners will receive three system notifications to make coffee and arrive at the designated parking point in advance to wait. Customers can receive real-time voice updates on their orders while on the go, and even during peak commuting hours or busy road sections, they can get off the bus to pick up their coffee. This is a new exploration of Starbucks in the new consumer scene of "on the go" after "to the store" and "to the home". At present, this service has taken the lead

The main foundation pit of the station with the largest volume has been sealed, and the new progress of the Shanghai Municipal Railway Airport Connection Line | Foundation Pit | Volume
The main foundation pit of the station with the largest volume has been sealed, and the new progress of the Shanghai Municipal Railway Airport Connection Line | Foundation Pit | Volume

The construction of Sanlin South Station on the Shanghai Municipal Railway Airport Connection Line has made new progress recently. The reporter learned from Shanghai Shentie that the main foundation pit of the station has been sealed and will enter the stage of structural backfilling construction. Sanlin South Station is the largest airport connecting line station and currently one of the largest under construction station projects in Shanghai. It is an underground four story station, and the excavation of the foundation pit faces challenges such as large scale of ultra deep foundation pit, deep excavation, low excavation efficiency, and high requirements for deformation control of the foundation pit. In response to these unfavorable factors, Shanghai Shentie has deployed and arranged in advance, with the project team and various participating units working together to adjust the excavation process of the foundation pit according to the geological environment at different depths on site. After each layer of earthwork excavation is completed, the deformation of the foundation pit is analyzed and judged in a timely manner, accumulating experience for the next layer of excavation and promoting the overall excavation of the foundation pit in an orderly manner

This small treasure town in eastern Zhejiang has a holy land of blessings, hiking and camping, healing and vacation, and human fireworks tourism | culture | holy land
This small treasure town in eastern Zhejiang has a holy land of blessings, hiking and camping, healing and vacation, and human fireworks tourism | culture | holy land

As summer draws to a close, tourist destinations in the Yangtze River Delta are still seizing the last opportunity to attract tourists. On August 17th, the 2023 Zhejiang Xinchang Cultural Tourism Promotion Event with the theme of "Walking on the Tang Poetry Road and Searching for Dreams at Tianlao Mountain" entered Shanghai. The ancient and elegant tunes, dazzling product promotions, and bustling cultural and tourism markets gather at the Bund Square in Shanghai to present a summer end Xinchang cultural and tourism feast for citizens and tourists. Xinchang County, known as the "Southeast Eyebrow", is rich in mountain and water resources and has a profound cultural heritage. Since the beginning of this year, Xinchang Culture and Tourism has innovatively created four product systems: "Blessing Holy Land", "Hiking and Camping Kingdom", "Healing and Vacation Kingdom", and "Carbon Water Kingdom", with mountains and rivers as the body and culture as the soul. With a higher position and broader perspective, Xinchang has planned a new blueprint for the development of comprehensive tourism. As night falls, "Seeking Dreams of Heavenly Granny Fate"

Huayi identifies ways to break through the "old chemical industry" during research, following the example of a "world-class enterprise" process | Huayi Group | Enterprise
Huayi identifies ways to break through the "old chemical industry" during research, following the example of a "world-class enterprise" process | Huayi Group | Enterprise

The main business revenue has reached a historic high, ranking among the top five chemical companies in China, and holding 11 time-honored brands. However, how far is Huayi from a world-class enterprise? Where is the gap? In the process of promoting theme education through research, Huayi Group always compares itself with the goal of being a "world-class enterprise", starts from the shortcomings discovered in the research, and puts effort into "strengthening the chain". Since June, Huayi Group and its secondary units have discovered a total of 377 problems during research, most of which have been rectified. "During the research process, we found that the industrial structure of the group still needs to be further improved, and the level of industrial chain integration still needs to be further enhanced." The relevant person in charge of Huayi Group told reporters that although Huayi's product line covers five major business sectors and has a rich variety of products, there are still issues with a short industrial chain and a low proportion of downstream businesses

Has the "Autumn Tiger" arrived?, The highest temperature today reached 35 ℃, and Shanghai will encounter high temperature rainwater again during the summer break | Standard | High temperature
Has the "Autumn Tiger" arrived?, The highest temperature today reached 35 ℃, and Shanghai will encounter high temperature rainwater again during the summer break | Standard | High temperature

Shanghai, which just emerged from the summer heat yesterday, is experiencing high temperatures again today. The Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory predicted that the highest temperature in Shencheng today could reach 35 ℃, touching the high temperature line. Is "Autumn Tiger" coming? The 40 day three dog days of Shanghai's ultra long standby this year have come to an end. Overall, there is less heat and more rain, and compared to last year, the firepower has greatly decreased. According to statistics, there were 11 hot days during the dog days this year, compared to 33 last year; The average temperature is 29.8 ℃, compared to 31.8 ℃ last year; The rainfall is 184.7 millimeters, compared to 114.3 millimeters last year. Ambush means that the toughest summer period of the year has finally come to an end. This Wednesday, the second solar term of autumn, Chushu, is also coming. However, it seems that the heat in Shanghai is not going to subside. Except for today's highest temperature reaching the high temperature line, the highest temperatures for the remaining days of this week are also above 30 ℃. Autumn Tiger

The number of international vessels entering and exiting Yangshan Port in the first seven months of this year reached a new high in five years
The number of international vessels entering and exiting Yangshan Port in the first seven months of this year reached a new high in five years

On August 20th at 7:00 am, the newly built Hong Kong based container ship "Dongfang Felixstowe" completed the loading task of 2550 containers and departed from the first phase of Yangshan Port, officially beginning its operational life. This is the fourth of the 12 24188 TEU container ships ordered by Dongfang Overseas to be delivered. The intensive visits of newly built container ships have led to a five-year high in the number of inbound and outbound ships at Yangshan Port. According to shipping industry data, a total of 147 newly built container ships were delivered globally in the first half of this year, with a new capacity of 975000 TEUs, a year-on-year surge of 129%. Among them, Chinese shipyards delivered 88 ships in bulk, accounting for about 60%, and successfully delivered 11 container giant ships of 24000 TEUs, accounting for 84.6% of the global market share. At the same time, major shipping companies are operating in Asia Europe Airlines

Are air tickets more expensive during the National Day holiday than during the summer vacation?, Travel Weekly Report | July China Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Volume Reaches Monthly High | Data | Passengers
Are air tickets more expensive during the National Day holiday than during the summer vacation?, Travel Weekly Report | July China Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Volume Reaches Monthly High | Data | Passengers

In July, China's civil aviation passenger transportation volume reached a new monthly high. According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration, the strong demand during the summer in July drove the continuous growth of the aviation transportation market. The entire industry completed a total transportation turnover of 11.37 billion tons per kilometer, a year-on-year increase of 67.1%. The transportation scale has rebounded for eight consecutive months, and the overall transportation scale of the industry has exceeded pre epidemic levels for the first time. The completed passenger transportation volume was 62.428 million, a year-on-year increase of 83.7% and a year-on-year increase of 5.3% compared to the same period in 2019, setting a new historical high for civil aviation monthly. Among them, domestic routes completed a total of 590.75 million passenger transportation, an increase of 16.8% month on month and 74.6% year-on-year, with a passenger transport scale exceeding 12.1% of the same period in 2019; The international passenger transport market is still in the recovery stage, with a total of 335 passenger transport volumes completed

The 5-year term remains unchanged, benefiting short-term financing for enterprises. In August, LPR once again lowered the loan | interest rate | enterprise
The 5-year term remains unchanged, benefiting short-term financing for enterprises. In August, LPR once again lowered the loan | interest rate | enterprise

On August 21, 2023, the loan market quotation interest rate for August 2023 was announced - the one-year LPR was 3.45%, a 10 basis point decrease from before, and the five-year and above LPR was 4.20%, unchanged from before. This is the second downward adjustment of LPR since 2023, which was previously done in June. On August 15th, the People's Bank of China launched a 204 billion yuan open market reverse repurchase operation and a 401 billion yuan medium-term lending facilitation operation. The one-year MLF winning bid interest rate was lowered from 2.65% to 2.50%, a decrease of 15 basis points. Due to the fact that LPR is quoted by various quoting banks based on open market operating rates, it is widely believed in the industry that the LPR is likely to decrease in August as well. The LPR reduction this time is also in line with the current policy direction. August 18th, China

Shanghai's "Gold Medal Rocket" has successfully completed an important launch, its 101st mission to orbit | Launch | Shanghai
Shanghai's "Gold Medal Rocket" has successfully completed an important launch, its 101st mission to orbit | Launch | Shanghai

At 1:45 am today, the Long March 4C carrier rocket ignited and took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, successfully sending the Gaofen-1204 satellite into its designated orbit. The launch was a complete success, and both the satellite and rocket were developed by the Shanghai Aerospace Technology Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. This launch marks the 101st launch of the Chang-4 series rocket. With outstanding performance and achievements, the Chang-4 series rocket has undertaken the launch tasks of most of China's sun synchronous orbit satellites. It has won honors such as the National Science and Technology Progress Special Award, the National Defense Science and Technology First Prize, the National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, and the National Defense Science and Technology Second Prize, making it a truly "gold medal rocket". The Long 4C rocket carrying out this mission is a liquid stage III carrier rocket at room temperature, which has the ability to launch various types of satellites with different orbital requirements and can execute one rocket with multiple satellites

The "flat bottomed pot" that can carry cute babies will automatically drain and have a strong fragrance. The ability to float on the water has matured | leaves | strong fragrance
The "flat bottomed pot" that can carry cute babies will automatically drain and have a strong fragrance. The ability to float on the water has matured | leaves | strong fragrance

Recently, green "flat bottomed pots" floating on the water have become popular "internet celebrities" in many parks in Shanghai. This kind of "flat bottomed pot" is Wang Lian. Recently, Wang Lian from parks such as Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai Botanical Garden, Binjiang Forest Park, Guyi Garden, and Yangpu Park have all bloomed and their leaves have matured. Wang Lian, commonly known as Da Wang Lian, is a general term for the genus Wang Lian in the water lily family. It is a perennial or annual large floating leaf herbaceous plant with upright rhizomes and well-developed adventitious roots, suitable for growth and development in high temperature, high humidity, and sunny environments. Wang Lian has the largest leaves among aquatic plants in the world, especially the Cruze Wang Lian introduced by Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden. Its origin is Paraguay and Argentina, and the leaves are circular with a diameter of 2-3 meters. The large leaves can occupy more than 7 square meters of water surface. Chen