
The city site 5000 years ago was discovered in Shandong. National Cutural Heritage Administration: Puer Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape This year, National Cutural Heritage Administration applied for World Heritage | Site | Shandong
The city site 5000 years ago was discovered in Shandong. National Cutural Heritage Administration: Puer Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape This year, National Cutural Heritage Administration applied for World Heritage | Site | Shandong

Today, at the press conference of "Strengthening the Protection of Cultural Relics and Inheriting Chinese Civilization" held by the Information Office of the State Council, Li Qun, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Director of the National Cutural Heritage Administration, said that the National Cutural Heritage Administration would continue to do a good job in the declaration of world cultural heritage. This year, we will make every effort to apply for the World Heritage Site of "Pu'er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape". This application site is located in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province and is currently fully prepared. He also said that the National Cutural Heritage Administration, together with Beijing, would do a good job in protecting the "central axis of Beijing" for the application for World Heritage. At the same time, the preliminary list of China's World Cultural Heritage has been updated, and the potential projects for cultivating cultural heritage applications have been sorted out in accordance with the application standards for World Heritage. Li Qun introduced the progress of the Chinese civilization exploration project. He said that currently we have entered the fifth stage, implementing interdisciplinary cross disciplinary joint research and development, and other methods nationwide

Modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family" Launches and Arranges Drama Programs | National Peking Opera Theatre | Peking Opera
Modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family" Launches and Arranges Drama Programs | National Peking Opera Theatre | Peking Opera

To showcase the hot practice of the construction and development of Xiong'an, the National Peking Opera Academy and the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe jointly created the modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family". On the 25th, the launch ceremony of the drama's founding team was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. The modern Peking Opera "Xiong'an Family", represented by the protagonist Wang Changshui, tells the story of the Yan and Zhao people's unremitting efforts to build Xiong'an New Area. It vividly records the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area and praises the spirit of daring to contribute to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream. "Xiong'an Family" is a large-scale realism themed drama that was first collaborated between the National Peking Opera Academy and the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe. The script was carefully created and polished by playwrights who went deep into the Xiong'an New Area to gather inspiration. Zhang Jianguo, a famous artist from the National Peking Opera Theatre, leads the cast, while other main roles are played by young actors Wu Jiaming, Niu Teng, Wang Xin, and Li Kun from the Shijiazhuang Peking Opera Troupe

Did the national PM2.5 concentration increase by 6.2% in the first half of the year? Ministry of Ecology and Environment Response Concentration | PM2.5 | Ecological Environment
Did the national PM2.5 concentration increase by 6.2% in the first half of the year? Ministry of Ecology and Environment Response Concentration | PM2.5 | Ecological Environment

In the first half of this year, the national air quality rebounded year-on-year, with PM2.5 concentration increasing by 6.2% and the ratio of excellent days decreasing by 3.2 percentage points. Today, at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office, a reporter mentioned this issue, and Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu responded to it. Huang Runqiu stated that there were three main reasons for the rebound in air quality in the first half of the year. One reason is that the base was relatively low during the same period last year. In the past three years, due to factors such as the COVID-19, China's air pollutant emissions have declined significantly. In the first half of last year, the national PM2.5 concentration was 32 μ g/m3, the lowest in the same period of nearly eight years. Secondly, the meteorological conditions have been extremely unfavorable since the beginning of this year. Due to the cyclical activity of the Asian winter monsoon, the number of sand and dust processes in the country has significantly increased, reaching 37 times in the first half of the year, of which 15 times were

Delayed operation of the subway, with a fast entry hall for the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway and a waiting area for ride hailing air conditioning at Beijing South Station | Passengers | Beijing Shanghai
Delayed operation of the subway, with a fast entry hall for the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway and a waiting area for ride hailing air conditioning at Beijing South Station | Passengers | Beijing Shanghai

Since the summer vacation, the two-way passenger flow from Beijing South Station to and from Beijing has remained high, with an average of 177000 passengers sent and 170000 arriving per day, mainly focusing on tourism, student, and family visits, mainly concentrated in Tianjin, Jinan, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hefei, Nanjing, Qingdao, and other directions. To greatly improve the waiting environment for passengers taking ride hailing services, Beijing South Station has built two air-conditioned waiting areas in the east and west underground parking lot ride hailing areas. Each waiting area covers an area of approximately 500 square meters, with external isolation railings to achieve separation of people and vehicles. The interior is equipped with air conditioning and seats, and the indoor temperature is maintained at 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. Beijing South Station has set up continuous and exclusive colored eye-catching signage in the passage from the parking lot to the air conditioning waiting area for ride hailing services, making it convenient for passengers to find the air conditioning waiting area. Beijing South Station is also open to the south

Providing solid talent support for Chinese enterprises going global, industrial park enterprises without parks | human resources | parks
Providing solid talent support for Chinese enterprises going global, industrial park enterprises without parks | human resources | parks

An industrial park usually has a specific geographical area, while in Beijing, the China Human Resources Service Industrial Park Chaoyang Park is not. It operates in the core area of Beijing CBD and uses the physical area of the entire Chaoyang District as the "construction" space, making it an industrial park without a park. Since its completion nearly a year ago, this "no park" industrial park has provided a solid talent support for Chinese enterprises to go global. The industrial park, located at 31 Jinghui Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, has bright and clean windows in an office building. On the east side of the second floor, the reporter visited and saw a row of business windows, two display screens, several conference rooms, and an 800 square meter public area, which is all the space available for display and visit in the industrial park. The human resources service industry is already concentrated in Chaoyang District, so there is no need to find a dedicated building

Ranked first in multiple indicators among cities in China, Beijing cultivates and constructs an international consumption center city. Beijing | Consumption | International
Ranked first in multiple indicators among cities in China, Beijing cultivates and constructs an international consumption center city. Beijing | Consumption | International

"Since 2019, there have been over 3300 first stores in Beijing, ranking among the top in the country. 80 Beijing time-honored craftsmen have been identified, achieving over 90% of online sales for time-honored enterprises and over 70% of live sales. A total of 60 new consumer brands have been incubated in 6 new consumer brand incubation pilot bases, with over 300 new consumer brands in the city. A total of 13 regional headquarters of consumer multinational companies have been identified. There are 12 pilot stores for immediate purchase and tax refund in Beijing, ranking first in cities nationwide." Today, Ding Yong, Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, announced the above set of numbers at the "Beijing's Second Anniversary of Cultivating and Building an International Consumer Center City" press conference. Ding Yong stated that after two years of cultivation and construction work, Beijing has achieved certain results in the construction of an international consumer center city. In terms of international reputation, Beijing World

【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth
【 Exclusive 】 Fudan Teachers and Students 9 Days and 8 Nights Taiwan Tour: Let's Go on a Spiritual Youth Date | Fudan University | Youth

"Is Wei Yi coming to Taiwan?" On July 15th, the plane had just landed at Taipei Taoyuan Airport, and Zhou Weiyi from the School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University received a message from Lai Yuyi from Taiwan University. After receiving a positive answer, the Taiwanese student quickly replied, "Warm welcome! I didn't expect to meet again so soon!" From July 15th to July 23rd, at the invitation of the Ma Ying jeou Cultural and Educational Foundation, 37 teachers and students from 5 universities in mainland China visited and exchanged ideas in Taiwan, including 7 teachers and students from Fudan University. For 9 days and 8 nights, Fudan teachers and students visited Taiwan Chengchi University, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan University, and Donghua University to discuss and exchange ideas with Taiwanese teachers and students. They also went to Hsinchu, Taipei, Hualien and other places to visit, and together they went on a youth date with a heart to heart connection. May young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait engage in frequent exchanges and exchanges, enhance understanding

Beijing Guoan and other citizens participated in charity donations and performances, and wonderful music was heard in the courtyard. Summer Night Community | Public Welfare | Citizens
Beijing Guoan and other citizens participated in charity donations and performances, and wonderful music was heard in the courtyard. Summer Night Community | Public Welfare | Citizens

On the evening of July 24th, beautiful music was heard in a newly renovated courtyard on the back street of the Art Museum in Dongcheng District, Beijing, attracting nearby residents to come and watch. Originally, in this civic activity center known as "Meihou Si Shi", a launch ceremony and charity concert for the Micro Scenery Public Welfare Special Fund were being held. The actors on stage were performing with the main hall of the courtyard as the background; The audience sat comfortably in the courtyard with a green carpet, drinking cocktails while watching the performance, warm and happy. This is the first concert held after the completion of "Meihou Shishi", attracting attention from all parties. According to the staff of Jingshan Street, this concert is organized for the Weijing Public Welfare Special Fund. The Weijing Public Welfare Special Fund is jointly initiated by Jingshan Street and Beijing Leyu Charity Foundation to integrate charity

More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai
More than 200 Hong Kong university students come to Shanghai as "workers": to tell their family and friends the real Shanghai. University students | Hong Kong | Shanghai

This is the largest scale of Hong Kong university students coming to Shanghai for internships in recent years. From early June to the end of July, more than 200 Hong Kong university students came to Shanghai, spending more than 50 days learning about the city, experiencing the workplace here, and then thinking about their future. In the interview, these "post-2000s" told reporters that Hong Kong is backed by the mainland and facing the world. Seizing this advantage, Hong Kong youth will have a larger stage of life and more choices. The picture shows Zhang Erhua, the mentor of Dacheng Law Firm, guiding Zheng Zhonghong. Internship: From nervous to looking forward to going to work with a shy smile, wearing a straight white shirt and black pants, I walked into the 24th floor of the Lujiazui Global Financial Center. Starting from the 4th of last month, 19-year-old Hong Kong University freshman Zheng Zhonghong began his internship at Dacheng Law Firm. The legal systems in mainland China and Hong Kong are different, with both sides

"China's Yellow Flower City" has entered the picking season, with yellow flower production accounting for 1/4 of the country's total. The places inspected by General Secretary Xi have had a bumper harvest | yellow flower | production
"China's Yellow Flower City" has entered the picking season, with yellow flower production accounting for 1/4 of the country's total. The places inspected by General Secretary Xi have had a bumper harvest | yellow flower | production

In July, fields and yellow flowers bloom, and the scenery outside Yanmen Pass is beautiful. On July 24, the Datong Yellow Flower Industry Development Conference and the 6th Datong Yellow Flower Harvest Activity Month co-sponsored by the Datong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Datong Municipal People's Government, Shanghai University of Applied Technology, 2023 Chinese Food Industry Federation, and China Vegetable Circulation Association officially kicked off. At the development conference that day, the China Vegetable Circulation Association awarded Datong City, Shanxi Province the title of "China's Yellow Flower Capital. In May 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yunzhou District of Datong City, got off the bus and went straight to the fields to gain an in-depth understanding of the development of the local yellow flower industry. He urged local cadres to protect and develop the yellow flower industry, so that it can become a good way for the villagers to get rich and become a "rich flower" for the masses ". Datong City Accepts "Chinese Yellow Flowers

The whole people in Shijiazhuang are shaking up. This summer, families of all ages and genders are out in Shijiazhuang | Rock | All People
The whole people in Shijiazhuang are shaking up. This summer, families of all ages and genders are out in Shijiazhuang | Rock | All People

Last weekend, Shijiazhuang shook up! On the evening of July 22nd, just after 7 o'clock, a crowd had gradually gathered at the North Square of Xiantianxia Shopping Mall. That night, the lead singers of Horizon Band, including Xing Di and Zhang Xin, along with 11 other bands, began their "Passionate Summer Night" rock music performances at 10 commercial complexes in Shijiazhuang. Many families or friends come early to choose a good location close to the stage. "We saw the performance schedule yesterday and came here early today," said a woman who came to watch the show with her child. Her child then added, "I really enjoy music myself and have been learning guitar for nearly two years." In their mother and son's view, although Shijiazhuang's proposal to build a "rock city" has received some criticism from the outside world, they are very confident. Shijiazhuang is located in

How to change "traffic" to "retention" and "internet celebrity" to "long-term celebrity"?, Drum Tower "Explosive Red" Bell Drum Tower | Drum Tower | Changhong
How to change "traffic" to "retention" and "internet celebrity" to "long-term celebrity"?, Drum Tower "Explosive Red" Bell Drum Tower | Drum Tower | Changhong

Recently, Gulou has become a "viral" online platform, with multiple Weibo topics reading over 100 million and topping the hot search list. In the first half of the year, the number of visitors to Gulou exceeded 200000, an increase of 51% compared to 2019. Sun Xinjun, Secretary of the Dongcheng District Committee of Beijing, introduced at the Dongcheng District Special Session of the "Top 16 District Leaders Talking about Implementing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" themed press conference held today that the Drum Tower was once the most important time reporting center in Beijing, and its earliest formation can be traced back to 1272 AD. It is the northern starting point of the traditional central axis of Beijing. The explosive popularity of the Drum Tower not only reflects the nostalgia of the general public for the long history and excellent traditional Chinese cultural scenes, but also reflects their yearning for the memories of old Beijing and the bustling of the core area. He believes that the popularity of the Drum Tower is not a temporary opportunity, but a solid accumulation of cultural heritage protection work

The first tourism special train from Beijing to Southern Xinjiang in 2023 departs for tourism | special train | Southern Xinjiang
The first tourism special train from Beijing to Southern Xinjiang in 2023 departs for tourism | special train | Southern Xinjiang

At 2:32 pm this afternoon, the Y465 "Jinghe" tourism special train from Beijing to Hotan, Xinjiang, carrying 420 tourists departed from Beijing West Station. This is the first tourism special train from Beijing to southern Xinjiang in 2023. The "Jinghe" tourism special train was born in 2015, with 28 trains in total, transporting about 14000 tourists in total. It has made contributions to the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and "counterpart assistance", "channeling into Xinjiang", effectively promoted exchanges, exchanges and integration between Beijing and the two places, and enhanced national unity. It is known as "the bridge of tourism connectivity with Xinjiang". Train conductor Zhai Yixian of train Y465 introduced that the entire journey of the "Jinghe" tourism special train is 16 days, covering places such as Hotan, Kashgar, Korla, Hami, Dunhuang, and Zhangye. Tourists will disembark and transfer after arriving at a destination

Why? Shijiazhuang dares to call it the City of Rock and Roll Rock | Shijiazhuang | Rock Music
Why? Shijiazhuang dares to call it the City of Rock and Roll Rock | Shijiazhuang | Rock Music

Shijiazhuang, which is jokingly referred to as the capital of the province with the least presence, has recently become popular due to the need to build a "city of rock and roll". Hong Kong has Beyond, Wenna bands, Beijing has Cui Jian and new pants, Taipei has Mayday and Caodong has no parties, Xi'an has Zhang Chu, Zheng Jun, and Xu Wei, Chengdu has sound toys and secret operations... As a newly emerging industrial city with only over 100 years of history, Shijiazhuang dares to be called the "City of Rock and Roll"? On July 13th, a news hit the national hot search. Shijiazhuang Release states that in order to cultivate the soil of rock music in Shijiazhuang and shape a local rock music brand, a series of performances and themed activities will be held to attract fans to "check in" and watch the show. From July to October this year, Shijiazhuang City will hold the "Rock Home Town" - China's "City of Rock and Roll"

The SAR government must take measures. Li Jiachao told the Japanese Consul General in Hong Kong that if they persist in going to Hong Kong | Japan | the SAR government
The SAR government must take measures. Li Jiachao told the Japanese Consul General in Hong Kong that if they persist in going to Hong Kong | Japan | the SAR government

According to Hong Kong media reports, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, met with Japanese Consul General in Hong Kong, Kenichi Okada, on July 21 to express the SAR government's high attention to Japan's Fukushima nuclear wastewater discharge plan. He stated that the SAR government will prioritize ensuring food safety and public health in Hong Kong. Li Jiachao told Kenichi Okada that the Japanese plan to continuously discharge a large amount of nuclear wastewater into the sea for a period of 30 years is unprecedented. If the Japanese side persists, the SAR government must take measures to ensure the health of Hong Kong citizens. This is not the first time that the SAR government has made a statement regarding Japan's insistence on discharging nuclear wastewater. Li Jiachao stated on July 11th that food safety issues involve public health and the SAR government will take them very seriously. He said that once Japan starts discharging nuclear wastewater, the SAR government will take action to expand

2585 county-level integrated media centers have been established, and China has basically established a vertical development chain of four level integrated media centers. Social Science Literature Press | Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Vertical
2585 county-level integrated media centers have been established, and China has basically established a vertical development chain of four level integrated media centers. Social Science Literature Press | Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Vertical

The Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Science Literature Publishing House jointly released the "New Media Blue Book: China's New Media Development Report No.14" on the 21st. The report points out that China's media integration pattern is developing towards the construction of a comprehensive media communication system, and a vertical development chain of four levels of integrated media centers at the central, provincial, municipal, and district/county levels has been basically established, presenting a comprehensive trend of media "four forces" co construction. The report on the optimization and upgrading of the central and provincial media pointed out that since 2022, the central and provincial media have gradually optimized and upgraded, actively explored the application of new media technology in the Internet context, solidly promoted the reform of the content supply side, and formed a leading force. For example, the Central Radio and Television Station continues to implement the requirements for media integration and constructs a "2+6+N" all media communication matrix,

No one can stop cross-strait exchanges. For the first time in three years, mainland universities have formed a delegation to Taiwan: we are a family of teachers and students | mainland | a family
No one can stop cross-strait exchanges. For the first time in three years, mainland universities have formed a delegation to Taiwan: we are a family of teachers and students | mainland | a family

1、 This is the first time in over three years that mainland universities have formed a delegation to Taiwan for exchange. On July 15th, at the invitation of the Ma Ying jeou Foundation, the Party Secretary of Peking University, Hao Ping, led a delegation of 36 teachers and students from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, and Hunan University to Taipei Taoyuan Airport, starting a nine day and eight night academic exchange journey. Push the time forward by two days, July 13th is Ma Ying jeou's 73rd birthday. The former leader of Taiwan told local media that facilitating the smooth visit of mainland teachers and students is the best birthday gift given to him, and it is also the most desired gift for people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. "Let us sincerely pray that for the well-being of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, cross-strait relations can be fully restored to normal exchanges after a clear day." Ma Ying jeou said that he will personally receive mainland Chinese teachers and students who have come from afar,

The National Development and Reform Commission and others interpreted the Opinion on Promoting Private Economy, and two supporting documents were soon issued for development | measures | economy
The National Development and Reform Commission and others interpreted the Opinion on Promoting Private Economy, and two supporting documents were soon issued for development | measures | economy

The opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on promoting the development and growth of the private economy were officially announced yesterday. Today, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on this matter. Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, pointed out that for a long time, the private economy has played a positive role in stabilizing growth, promoting innovation, increasing employment, and improving people's livelihoods. It has become an inherent element of China's economic system and an important force in promoting sustained and healthy economic development. The promulgation of the Opinion will effectively promote the development and growth of the private economy. "The core goal is to boost confidence." One of the core goals of the "Opinions" is to boost the development confidence of the private economy through effective measures. "Li Chunlin said that the document aims to optimize the development environment of the private economy, increase support for the private economy, and create a good atmosphere of caring for and promoting the development of the private economy

The global luxury goods market sales will reach 360 billion to 380 billion euros in 2023 | Luxury | Global
The global luxury goods market sales will reach 360 billion to 380 billion euros in 2023 | Luxury | Global

Bain Company released a mid year update report on the global luxury goods industry for 2023 yesterday, which showed that the global luxury goods market sales reached 345 billion euros in 2022. It is expected to further increase by 5% -12% on this basis in 2023, reaching 360 billion -380 billion euros. By 2030, global luxury goods sales are expected to reach 530 billion to 570 billion euros, approximately 2.5 times that of 2020. In the first quarter of this year, driven by various factors such as easing inflation, restoring cross-border travel, and restoring confidence among local European consumers, the global luxury goods market actively developed. Among them, the mainland Chinese market resumed growth in the first quarter and is expected to rise again this year. At the same time, Japan has become a rising star in the Asian luxury goods market, manifested in the consumption of local customers

Comprehensively promoting the new apprenticeship system for enterprises, the capital has launched 18 measures to support the training and guarantee of high skilled talents
Comprehensively promoting the new apprenticeship system for enterprises, the capital has launched 18 measures to support the training and guarantee of high skilled talents

Today, Beijing released the Implementation Plan for Strengthening the Construction of High skilled Talents in the Capital in the New Era. The Implementation Plan focuses on 18 work measures, improves the system for cultivating, utilizing, evaluating, and incentivizing high skilled talents, constructs a high skilled talent work system with the participation of multiple social forces, and creates a high skilled talent team that is in line with the development of the capital in the new era. According to Wu Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, as of now, the total number of skilled talents in Beijing is 3.4 million, accounting for 30.4% of the employed population; The total number of highly skilled talents is 1.15 million, accounting for 33.8% of skilled talents. By the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period, the proportion of skilled talents in the capital to employed personnel will reach 31%, and the proportion of highly skilled talents to skilled talents will reach 35%

The growth rate is 2.4 percentage points higher than the first quarter, and the GDP of Beijing in the first half of the year increased by 5.5% year-on-year. The industrial sector saw a decline in GDP
The growth rate is 2.4 percentage points higher than the first quarter, and the GDP of Beijing in the first half of the year increased by 5.5% year-on-year. The industrial sector saw a decline in GDP

Today, Beijing held a press conference on the economic performance of the first half of 2023. According to Zhu Yannan, Deputy Director and spokesperson of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, Beijing's GDP in the first half of the year reached 2062.13 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%, which is 2.4 percentage points higher than the first quarter. According to reports, production demand continues to improve. From the perspective of the production sector, the decline in industrial output has significantly narrowed, with the decrease in added value of industries above designated size narrowing by 6.4 percentage points compared to the first quarter. Among the 37 major categories of industrial industries, 23 industries achieved growth, an increase of 5 compared to the first quarter, and 22 industries saw an increase or decrease in growth rate compared to the first quarter. The service industry is steadily recovering, and the growth rate of added value in the service industry has increased by 2 percentage points compared to the first quarter. Among the 14 service industry categories, 13 industries have achieved growth, an increase of 1 compared to the first quarter,

Showcasing the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture in Taiwan, more than 80 Taiwanese calligraphy and painting works have come to Shanghai to cross the sea | Taiwan | Shanghai
Showcasing the inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture in Taiwan, more than 80 Taiwanese calligraphy and painting works have come to Shanghai to cross the sea | Taiwan | Shanghai

The sixth "Cross sea Inheritance - Taiwan Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" was held in Yu Garden in Shanghai from July 18, and more than 80 works of Taiwan painters were exhibited on site. At the opening ceremony, four calligraphers and painters from Taiwan jointly wrote the theme of the event "Unity, Same Origin, Empathy, and Consensus", symbolizing the connection of blood and culture between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. "I hope this event can build a bridge for communication and exchange between the calligraphy and painting industry, as well as the cultural and artistic circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, continuously promote excellent traditional Chinese culture, and stimulate the enthusiasm of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to participate in the creation of excellent Chinese culture." Chen Li, Director of the Huangpu District Taiwan Affairs Office and President of the District Taiwan Federation, said that through the use of books, paintings, and literature to make friends, people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can truly feel the charm of Chinese cultural inheritance for thousands of years, and achieve spiritual integration in communication and inheritance.

Do you miss that interesting old man? Controversy over the Opening of Huang Yongyu's Works Exhibition at Beijing Rongbaozhai | Huang Yongyu | Beijing Rongbaozhai
Do you miss that interesting old man? Controversy over the Opening of Huang Yongyu's Works Exhibition at Beijing Rongbaozhai | Huang Yongyu | Beijing Rongbaozhai

In the middle of last month, Huang Yongyu, the person who started the zodiac stamp, died of illness in Beijing after leaving a controversial "blue rabbit" for the Chinese people. Before his death, Huang Yongyu once left a sentence: "When you miss me, look at the sky and the clouds." This makes many young people more curious about this old man with an "interesting soul. Last week, the "Long-standing-Mr. Huang Yongyu's Works Exhibition" opened in Rongbaozhai, Beijing. On the entrance panel of the exhibition hall, a curved timeline showed Huang Yongyu's life like a picture scroll in front of everyone. The fate of Huang Yongyu and Rong Baozhai began in 1953. That year, he came to Rongbaozhai to learn the art of woodcut watermarking. Since then, Huang Yongyu once said, "Rongbaozhai is my business." Huang Yongyu's Creation for the 350 Anniversary of Rong Baozhai

A cluster area of AI big models has been formed. Big models such as "Understanding 3.0" and "ERNIE Bot" were born in Haidian, Beijing | AI | Haidian, Beijing
A cluster area of AI big models has been formed. Big models such as "Understanding 3.0" and "ERNIE Bot" were born in Haidian, Beijing | AI | Haidian, Beijing

The release of ChatGPT has sparked global attention to large models of artificial intelligence. As a highland of the artificial intelligence industry in China, Haidian District of Beijing has carried out a full industry chain layout around basic software and hardware facilities, key core technologies, and industry applications of artificial intelligence. Currently, it has gathered nearly a thousand enterprises, accounting for 2/3 of the city and 1/6 of the country. This was released today at the Haidian District Special Session of the "Top Leaders of the Sixteen Districts Talks on Implementing the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" themed press conference. Lin Jianhua, spokesperson for the Haidian District Government of Beijing, introduced that universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, as well as a number of new research and development institutions such as Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and General Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, are focusing on the field of general artificial intelligence, conducting cutting-edge theoretical exploration and key core technology research and development. Own a batch

Real estate investment will return to a reasonable level, National Bureau of Statistics: Youth unemployment rate is expected to gradually decrease, household income | consumption | youth
Real estate investment will return to a reasonable level, National Bureau of Statistics: Youth unemployment rate is expected to gradually decrease, household income | consumption | youth

The gross domestic product (GDP) in the first half of this year was 59303.4 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 5.5% at constant prices, which is 1 percentage point faster than the first quarter. At the press conference held by the State Council Information Office today, Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the National Economy, introduced relevant information and answered hot topics such as the consumer market, real estate investment, and employment situation in the second half of the year. Consumption is expected to continue to expand in the second half of the year, and the recovery trend of domestic consumption is improving in the first half of the year. The total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 20 trillion yuan, reaching 22.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.2%, significantly faster than the full year of last year. Fu Linghui stated that the consumption potential was gradually released in the first half of the year, and the recovery trend of consumption was positive, promoting economic development and improving people's livelihoods. From the perspective of the whole year, there are many favorable conditions supporting consumption growth

Why did "Public Prosecution" become so popular?, So many similar prosecution themed TV series creations | platforms | dramas
Why did "Public Prosecution" become so popular?, So many similar prosecution themed TV series creations | platforms | dramas

The first TV drama in China with the theme of cracking down on new types of cybercrime by the procuratorial organs, "Public Prosecution", has long held the top spot in real-time ratings on various platforms and the top 1 in public opinion popularity on multiple platforms since its premiere. On the 14th, the drama seminar was held in Beijing. The Public Prosecution selects the top ten typical cases of new types of cybercrime released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate as original materials. Starting from the organization's assignment of prosecutor An Ni from the People's Procuratorate of Jiangcheng City to gather important evidence of criminal groups overseas with undercover police officer Zhang Wanru, it tells the exciting story of prosecutor An Ni and the captain of the criminal police, He Luyuan, working together with colleagues from the Fourth Procuratorate Department to actively play various prosecutorial functions, successfully handling new types of cybercrime cases such as online fraud, online gambling, and online violence, and bringing hidden cybercriminals at home and abroad to court one by one. most

Beijing's water sports are heating up, and paddleboarding on the lake has become a new fashion for cooling off. The lake surface | water sports | lake tours
Beijing's water sports are heating up, and paddleboarding on the lake has become a new fashion for cooling off. The lake surface | water sports | lake tours

The warm summer breeze brushed over the lake, and the emerald green water shimmered with ripples. On the lake, the boy looked at the foam paddle at his feet and carefully adjusted his weight, his legs were tense and stiff. After a particularly long few seconds, the tourist, who was obviously a beginner, arched his body and slowly stood up from his kneeling position. Watching the tourists swimming on the lake float past, feeling the cool lake water gently caressing the soles of their feet, he slowly paddled left and right, taking a long sigh of relief. Recently, in the scorching summer of Beijing, many citizens rode paddleboards and kayaks to the lake in Chaoyang Park to experience the charm and coolness of water sports. Paddleboard swimming in the lake is the most suitable way to cool off in summer. Coach Lao Yang of Whale Sports, an outdoor water club, told reporters that every year from May Day holiday to mid September, it is the busiest time on the water surface

Achieving full coverage in 16 districts of Shanghai, this important organization of Taiwanese compatriots, Taiwan | Chongming | Taiwan Compatriots
Achieving full coverage in 16 districts of Shanghai, this important organization of Taiwanese compatriots, Taiwan | Chongming | Taiwan Compatriots

In recent years, Zhang Jianzhen, Executive Vice President of the National Taiwan Enterprise Federation and President of the Shanghai Taiwan Association, has visited Chongming no less than ten times. Not only has she deeply participated in the 2021 Flower Expo, but Chongming's good ecological environment and abundant agricultural products have also deeply attracted her, showing her the huge potential of cross-strait agricultural cooperation. On July 13th, the people of the largest island in our country walked into the third largest island in our country. The "One Family on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait, Rural Revitalization Together" Taiwanese businessmen entering Chongming and the 2023 Shanghai Taiwan Rural Industry Investment Promotion Association were held at the Flower Expo Park. Zhang Jianzhen told nearly a hundred Taiwanese businessmen in the audience that Shanghai not only has high-rise buildings in the urban area, but also has agricultural fields in the suburbs. Taiwanese enterprises can develop leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture here. Taiwan's agricultural technology has the advantages of diversity, delicacy, and sustainable development. With the increasing frequency of cross-strait exchanges, it is believed that there will be more and more

The first "Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen" sea rail intermodal train has successfully launched the railway | train | Dahongmen
The first "Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen" sea rail intermodal train has successfully launched the railway | train | Dahongmen

At 11:00 on July 14th, with the sound of sirens, a container train loaded with production and daily necessities slowly departed from Xingang North Station of Tianjin Freight Center of China Railway Beijing Bureau and headed for Beijing Dahongmen Station. This marks the successful launch of the first sea rail intermodal train from Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen. The goods transported by the "Tianjin Port to Beijing Dahongmen" sea rail intermodal train are transported by sea from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places to Tianjin Port. After transferring to the railway train and arriving in Beijing, they will be delivered to enterprises and people through car delivery, achieving seamless connection between sea, railway, and public transportation. During the initial operation of the train, it is planned to run 2 trains per week. Dahongmen Freight Yard is located in Fengtai District, Beijing, adjacent to the main South Fourth Ring Road and within an hour's drive from the main functional core area of the capital, making it convenient for local delivery

Some real estate companies still need some time to digest the accumulated risks, and the "16 Financial Policies" will be extended until the end of next year. Real estate | Term | Risk
Some real estate companies still need some time to digest the accumulated risks, and the "16 Financial Policies" will be extended until the end of next year. Real estate | Term | Risk

On Monday evening of this week, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration issued a notice on extending the policy period related to financial support for the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, uniformly extending two policies with applicable periods in the "16 Financial Measures" for the real estate industry issued in November last year until the end of December 2024. Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, stated at a press conference today that the "Notice" is a decision made based on the current situation of the real estate market. Since the beginning of this year, the overall real estate market has shown a stabilizing trend, but the long-term risks accumulated by some real estate companies still need some time to gradually digest. Therefore, the government should guide financial institutions to continue extending the existing financing of real estate enterprises and increase financial support for guaranteed delivery of properties. At the same time, in combination with the needs of ensuring the delivery of the building, we will