2585 county-level integrated media centers have been established, and China has basically established a vertical development chain of four level integrated media centers. Social Science Literature Press | Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | Vertical

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:58 AM

The Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Science Literature Publishing House jointly released the "New Media Blue Book: China's New Media Development Report No.14" on the 21st. The report points out that China's media integration pattern is developing towards the construction of a comprehensive media communication system, and a vertical development chain of four levels of integrated media centers at the central, provincial, municipal, and district/county levels has been basically established, presenting a comprehensive trend of media "four forces" co construction.

Central and provincial media optimization and upgrading

The report points out that since 2022, the central and provincial media have gradually optimized and upgraded, actively explored the application of new media technology in the Internet context, solidly promoted the reform of the content supply side, and formed a leading force.

For example, China Central Television (CCTV) continues to implement the requirements for developing media integration, constructing a "2+6+N" all media communication matrix, including CCTV Video and CCTV News clients, CCTV Audiovisual, CCTV Sports, CCTV Art and other vertical clients, as well as CCTV's various channel all media account system, to promote the construction of new mainstream media.

There are still certain regional differences in the development level of provincial-level media, showing a stepped feature of strong in the south and weak in the north, and strong in the east and weak in the west. How to strengthen the construction of regional integrated media centers and promote the linkage of multi regional media is an important issue that urgently needs to be solved in the new era. The central and western regions are actively exploring new development models, introducing external resources, accurately positioning regional characteristics, innovating new media content models, and highlighting regional advantages.

On New Year's Day 2022, several provincial-level satellite TV stations, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang, launched the Winter Olympics Global New Year's Ice and Snow Festival, which achieved a viewing scale of 110 million people and over 2 billion minutes of viewing time through all media channels. Shanxi TV utilizes regional food culture to launch "People Say Shanxi tastes good", achieving active breakthroughs for media in the central region.

Deep integration of prefecture level media

City level media will focus on promoting deep media integration. In 2022, city level integrated media centers in Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Gansu, Xinjiang, Hubei, Yunnan and other provinces were successively established.

As the third level in the construction of media integration, on the one hand, prefecture level media actively constructs an integrated pattern, connects multidimensional information, and forms a comprehensive media platform with wide coverage, comprehensive content, and strong comprehensive governance capabilities. For example, in response to the integrated strategic layout, the Yangtze River Delta region has collaborated to promote the deep integration and development of media, built a collective linkage based on "three provinces and one city", and built a platform for mutual learning and demonstration, effectively reflecting the innovation and development potential of prefecture level media integration construction under the new communication background.

On the other hand, prefecture level media carry out diversified business, broaden the boundaries of media content, develop incremental business with new technologies as opportunities, and form an operational model that covers different resources. For example, the Nanjing Newspaper Industry's "Listening to Language" series of integrated media actions have launched high-quality special columns, such as "Golden Ideas, Guarding Vegetable Baskets and Rice Bags", "Listening to Language!" Code Problems, Immediate Action "," Prevention and Control with "Strength", and "Temperature" to ensure smooth communication. "These articles have been reposted over 1800 times and read over 7.5 million times across the entire network. The Shaoxing News and Media Center actively participates in the curation services of major events both inside and outside the city, becoming a golden signboard of the Shaoxing exhibition industry.

Quality improvement of district and county level integrated media

District and county level integrated media is the "last mile" of grassroots governance, achieving phased results in public opinion guidance, platform construction, and service function expansion. It has basically completed the transformation from quantity growth to quality improvement, gradually achieving high-quality development.

At present, 2585 county-level integrated media centers have been built and operated nationwide. Some excellent county-level integrated media centers not only build information hubs and governance platforms with high-quality content and advanced technology, but also form relatively mature development models.

The Anji County Integrated Media Center in Zhejiang Province is planning for long-term development. In November 2022, the first county-level integrated media five-year development strategic plan in Anji County was approved for review. In recent years, Anji County Integrated Media Center has continuously innovated and developed, with a revenue of 485 million yuan in 2022.

The Integrated Media Center of Youxi County, Fujian Province actively explores various innovative models such as content production, technology application, and operation management, closely focusing on the main functions of public opinion promotion, government service platform, digital rural operation, and cultural and creative industry, becoming a unique "Youxi Model".

The Cultural and Creative Business Unit of Longgang District, Shenzhen, collaborates with universities, art galleries, museums, professional associations, design institutions, and other cross-border organizations to participate in the development, selection and sales of cultural and creative handicraft products, cultural and creative planning and design services, online and offline cultural space operation business, and comprehensively promote the image shaping of Longgang District.

The Media Center of Haining City, Zhejiang Province, relies on its own positioning, continuously strengthens its awareness of high-quality news, and has emerged a batch of high-quality and high traffic original news boutiques and brand products.

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During the Dragon Boat Festival, there has been a custom of picking mugwort in Chinese folk culture since ancient times. The "Jingchu Suishi Ji" from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period records: "On the fifth day of the fifth month, picking mugwort as a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." To this day, many regions still retain the custom of picking mugwort on the Dragon Boat Festival. In Nanzhao County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, a large number of people go up the mountains to pick mugwort around the Dragon Boat Festival every year. The collected mugwort leaves are made into various mugwort products by local enterprises and sold nationwide. Recently, the Aicao Culture Festival was held in Nanzhao County, and reporters visited several local traditional Chinese medicine enterprises. Here, the traditional custom of picking mugwort during the Dragon Boat Festival is being given new vitality by the thriving modern traditional Chinese medicine industry in the local area. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of Artemisia argyi has been given new vitality by the modern traditional Chinese medicine industry. The Dragon Boat Festival picking of mugwort has a long history of use in China. At the Xiaokong Mountain Site in Nanzhao County, archaeology