
The reporter verified that the masses in the trapped buildings were rescued, the railway stranded passengers were transferred, and the "rescue document" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei rainstorm reappeared trapped | document | reporter
The reporter verified that the masses in the trapped buildings were rescued, the railway stranded passengers were transferred, and the "rescue document" of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei rainstorm reappeared trapped | document | reporter

On the evening of July 31, a Tencent document named "Statistical Summary Table of rainstorm Help Information in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei" circulated on social networks. Click on the document link, and more than 630 help messages are arranged in order. Through this clear message of seeking help, although the temporary disconnection still makes people anxious, every "information verification" confirmed by volunteers in the end can make people in front of the document feel temporarily reassured - at least, they are safe. As of the deadline for publication, the screenshot of the "life-saving document" has been updated to 17 versions, and most of the help seeking information has been verified. The volunteers wrote in the top column: Volunteers have gradually contacted the seekers for help. Due to the high risk of flash floods in mountainous areas at night, the rescue progress is slow. Please be patient and wait. The communication of the trapped train is blocked, but it has been safely secured

7 passengers of Z180 train find their way home and walk 30 kilometers in 7 hours on mountain roads | Anjiazhuang Village | Passengers
7 passengers of Z180 train find their way home and walk 30 kilometers in 7 hours on mountain roads | Anjiazhuang Village | Passengers

At 11:00 am on the 2nd, Sanjiadian Primary School in Mentougou District, Beijing, as a temporary settlement after the rainstorm, welcomed 7 special visitors. We walked 30 kilometers on the road from the Anjiazhuang Village Hall in Mentougou, carrying backpacks full of luggage, and finally found here. All seven men were passengers of the Z180 train on July 28th. At 10:25 pm on the 29th, they boarded the train from Baotou Station and planned to transfer back to their hometown in Zhangjiajie, Hunan through Beijing. However, their journey home was delayed due to a heavy rain. "Thank you to the kind person and thank you to the leader. I'm really hungry and haven't had any food yet." When the town officials stationed at the Sanjiadian Primary School resettlement site asked them if they should wash their faces or eat bread first, they all agreed and said, "Let's have some food." Zhang Shoutong waited for two days and two nights

Day and night in Mentougou Centennial Primary School, resettlement site after a once-in-a-century flash flood | Dian Primary School | flash flood
Day and night in Mentougou Centennial Primary School, resettlement site after a once-in-a-century flash flood | Dian Primary School | flash flood

On the morning of the 2nd, at the flood season relocation site of Sanjiadian Primary School in Mentougou District, when the reporter saw General Practitioner Li Wei, the doctor from the Mencheng Community Health Service Center had been working here continuously for 4 and a half days. On the evening of July 29th, Li Wei received a notice to come here, but he did not anticipate that the disaster in Mentougou District would be so severe. "I am a native of Mentougou, and I have never seen such a serious flood situation since I was so big. Even if it was the 'July 21' extremely heavy rainstorm 11 years ago in Beijing, our resettlement site was not opened," said Li Wei. Regarding this catastrophic flood, Grandma Xu, who has been living in the Sanjiadian resettlement site for the past few days, has never seen her before: "I will be 90 years old soon, and I have been living in Sanjiadian. Before it rained, my home was fine, but this time our walls were torn by the rain."

Love watermelons weigh 2000 pounds in half a day, and restaurants have become distribution centers for supplies. Zhuozhou: Hundreds of rescue teams gather supplies | Rescue | Restaurant
Love watermelons weigh 2000 pounds in half a day, and restaurants have become distribution centers for supplies. Zhuozhou: Hundreds of rescue teams gather supplies | Rescue | Restaurant

On the 3rd, as soon as the reporter arrived at the entrance of Zhuozhou Expressway, he saw trucks loaded with rescue supplies slowly moving forward, all of whom were rescue teams from all over the country. Entering the urban area of Zhuozhou, such rescue teams can be seen everywhere. In the small town with a small population, several main roads are filled with rescue vehicles. There is also a group of people who are assisting these rescue teams. Some of them are self-employed individuals, some are government officials in Zhuozhou City, some are police officers from other places who come to support them, and many are citizens whose homes have not been severely affected by the disaster. They will gather the love of the whole country and continue to pass it on. Here are some self statements from rescue workers and citizens: Tianwaitian Restaurant: The gathered supplies were promptly sent to the citizens of Zhuozhou. I am Yang, a self-employed individual in Zhuozhou City

Third year students can apply for Hong Kong civil service! Hong Kong is recruiting approximately 10000 civil servants this year. The country | government | students
Third year students can apply for Hong Kong civil service! Hong Kong is recruiting approximately 10000 civil servants this year. The country | government | students

According to Hong Kong media reports, the Secretary for the Civil Service of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Yang Hebei, stated in the Legislative Council on March 3 that the government recruits about 10000 civil servants annually, of which 60% are young people aged 30 or below. The government will introduce multiple targeted measures to encourage and attract young people to join the government through multiple measures. Yang Hebeiyin stated that the government announced new measures in June to allow departments and grades to expand recruitment to third year university students, including civil service, full-time, and disciplinary forces. For example, about 4000 people applied for the position of customs inspector last year, and 7600 people are applying this year; The number of applicants for the Immigration Officer exam has increased from 4500 last year to 6300 this year, reflecting the effectiveness of the measures. On August 1st, a new round of summer internships for government positions began, with Secretary for the Civil Service, Yang Hebei

Some trains on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway have been suspended, and tickets have been refunded due to the impact of the Dezhou earthquake in Shandong Province
Some trains on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway have been suspended, and tickets have been refunded due to the impact of the Dezhou earthquake in Shandong Province

The reporter learned from the Beijing Railway Bureau of China that due to the impact of the earthquake in Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, in order to ensure the safety of train operation, some trains on the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway were delayed and suspended on August 6th. The suspended trains include G103, G171, G2551, G1083, G45, G1, G173, G201, G105, G2553, G107, G1099, G1061, G887, G109, G177, G31, G3, G203, G197, G111, G179, G2555, G113, G1085, G261, G321, G33, starting from Beijing South Station on August 6th; G441 departure from Tianjin West Station; Cangzhou West Station

Why can't the vulnerable party say "no" and directly confront human nature? "Imperfect Victims" reproduces real news cases of imperfect victims | society | cases
Why can't the vulnerable party say "no" and directly confront human nature? "Imperfect Victims" reproduces real news cases of imperfect victims | society | cases

Recently, the TV series "Imperfect Victims" was simultaneously broadcasted on Oriental TV, Beijing TV, and iQiyi, sparking strong discussions in society. This drama opens with a suspense about a sexual assault case, pushing the discussion of social, ethical, moral, legal and regulatory issues to the public through the progress of the case. On the 6th, the drama seminar was held in Beijing. The producer of the drama, Yang Liye, admitted that the core setting of "The Incomplete Victim" is very precise and clear, exploring not only cases and social topics with direct impact such as workplace sexual assault and domestic violence, but also the pain that most people subconsciously submit to and deeply bury when their social identity and self-awareness are violated. Why is it that the weak always cannot say 'no' to the strong in the deep unequal power relationship? The drama presents the characters'

It takes two years to dismiss a civil servant? Hong Kong plans to simplify the process and reduce it to several months. | Civil servant | Time
It takes two years to dismiss a civil servant? Hong Kong plans to simplify the process and reduce it to several months. | Civil servant | Time

According to Hong Kong media reports, the Civil Service Bureau of the Special Administrative Region Government proposed last week to simplify the mechanism for handling underperforming civil servants. The Director of the Civil Service Bureau, Yang Hebei, stated yesterday that in the future, the processing time for civil servants will be reduced from an average of over a year or even more in the past to several months, while also continuing to provide sufficient opportunities for parties to express their opinions. Yang Hebeiyin stated that the current procedures for handling civil servants are too complicated and lengthy. Therefore, the government proposes to simplify procedures while ensuring the principle of fairness and justice. She stated that simplifying procedures is a response to the policy address's call for strengthening civil servant management. The policy address mentioned that "if civil servants with consistently poor job performance continue to fail to improve after supervision and assistance, their employment should be terminated in a timely manner.". "This is a key measure to further improve the management of civil servants." Yang Hebeiyin expressed her hope for this

"But the destination", using ancient charm and local sentiment to indicate that "rural areas are not a way out, and" Fuchun Mountain Dwelling "is currently popular and struggling | rural | ancient charm"
"But the destination", using ancient charm and local sentiment to indicate that "rural areas are not a way out, and" Fuchun Mountain Dwelling "is currently popular and struggling | rural | ancient charm"

"Fuchun Mountain Residence" is currently a hot broadcast on CCTV. It focuses on the path of green development and industrial integration, telling the story of rural revitalization in China, and showcasing the struggle of a returnee who has repeatedly failed on the entrepreneurial journey to become a leader in rural revitalization, painting the green mountains and waters of Fuchun River as mountains of gold and silver. On the 7th, the drama seminar was held in Beijing. At the seminar, Fan Qingyu, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, stated that "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling" takes the rural story that happened in Fuyang, Hangzhou as the topic cutting point, organically combines traditional culture with rural revitalization, fully draws on the nutritional elements of Zhejiang's excellent traditional culture, and highlights the aesthetic expression of poetry, painting, Jiangnan, and vibrant Zhejiang. Dong Hongyan, Director of the TV Drama Creation Department at the Film and Television Documentary Center of China Central Television, stated that the overall play cleverly integrates rural themes with youthful enthusiasm

100 Days of Transformation of the National Stadium after the Winter Olympics: Sports Events, Cultural Performances, and Exhibition Public Welfare Continuously Exciting Ice Hockey | Culture | Exhibition
100 Days of Transformation of the National Stadium after the Winter Olympics: Sports Events, Cultural Performances, and Exhibition Public Welfare Continuously Exciting Ice Hockey | Culture | Exhibition

Today is "National Fitness Day" and also the 100th day after the end of the Beijing Winter Olympics, when the "double Olympic venues" - the National Stadium - are fully open for operation. In the past 100 days, the National Stadium has become a multifunctional venue that integrates sports events, mass fitness, cultural and sports training, performing arts, tourism exhibitions, and social welfare, with 134 large-scale events and sports events held. During this period, the National Sports Center held approximately 134 large-scale events and sports events, receiving approximately 80000 spectators and fitness enthusiasts. It also hosted over 500 ice hockey events of different scales and received over 40000 ice hockey enthusiasts. The total construction area of the National Sports Center is 98000 square meters, divided into four major spaces: the main hall, the auxiliary hall, the ice hockey hall, and the South Square, including the Borderless Innovation Center and the World Ice Sphere

More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people
More than 3000 people were trapped in three trains in Mentougou mountain area. Fengsha Railway, which was damaged in rainstorm, resumed operation last night | more than 3000 people

On the evening of August 8th, it was learned from the Beijing Railway Bureau of China that after 71 hours of emergency repair, at around 18:30 on August 8th, as the track rolling locomotive slowly passed through the Zhuwo Station of the Fengsha Railway, the Fengsha Railway finally resumed traffic. The Fengsha Railway was completed and opened to traffic on June 30, 1955. It is a mountainous railway and the first mainline railway in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. It is also an important channel for transporting coal from Shanxi to other regions. On July 30, affected by rainstorm for several days, some sections of Fengsha Railway located in Mentougou District of Beijing were seriously damaged. Train K1178, K396 and Z180 were stranded in the mountains, and nearly 3000 passengers and attendants were stranded. After the joint cooperation of the railway department, armed police soldiers, and firefighters, all passengers and crew members were able to escape from the trap for 5 days and arrived at Beijing West Station and Beijing Fengtai Station respectively

Another 18 people are missing, 5 people died in emergency rescue and 33 people died in rainstorm | houses | Beijing
Another 18 people are missing, 5 people died in emergency rescue and 33 people died in rainstorm | houses | Beijing

As of 24:00 on August 8, 33 people had died due to the heavy rainstorm disaster in Beijing, which was mainly caused by floods and house collapses; Five people were sacrificed in emergency rescue. 18 people are still missing, including one rescue worker. Xia Linmao, a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of the Beijing Municipal Government, introduced the situation of flood prevention and disaster relief work in Beijing at today's press conference. He said that the extremely heavy rainstorm disaster caused heavy losses in western mountainous areas. According to preliminary statistics, 369 geological disasters were reported this time, which is more than 10.5 times the annual average number of geological disasters. The extremely heavy rainstorm has caused relatively serious damage to the infrastructure in the mountain area, causing nearly 1.29 million people to be affected, 59000 houses to collapse, 147000 houses to be seriously damaged, and 225000 mu of crops to be affected. At present, these disasters have caused damage

Involving an amount of 62.3 million yuan, the Mentougou District of Beijing has assessed and compensated 1969 damaged vehicles due to the disaster
Involving an amount of 62.3 million yuan, the Mentougou District of Beijing has assessed and compensated 1969 damaged vehicles due to the disaster

Many cars were damaged in Mentougou District of extremely heavy rainstorm during the torrential rain disaster. At the press conference on Beijing flood control and disaster relief work held today, Yu Huafeng, secretary of Beijing Mentougou District Committee of the CPC, said that the "Mentougou District Announcement on the Rescue and Claims of Water related Vehicles" has been released through the "Beijing Mentougou" official account, and the contact information of the insurance claims work team, the insurance associations and various insurance companies has been published. A consultation window on the claims of damaged vehicles has been set up in the district government affairs service center to promote the entry of relevant insurance companies and automobile service companies. Staff have been arranged on the site to answer the masses' inquiries, answer the claims questions concerned by the masses on the spot, answer the insurance claims, vehicle maintenance, old vehicle acquisition, update indicators, vehicle scrapping and other processes, and actively respond to the concerns of damaged owners problems. Currently, as we enter the mountains

The 2023 Winter Expo will be held in autumn: eight exhibition areas, 20000 square meters, and more than 500 domestic and foreign exhibitors participating in the Winter Olympics | International | Winter Expo
The 2023 Winter Expo will be held in autumn: eight exhibition areas, 20000 square meters, and more than 500 domestic and foreign exhibitors participating in the Winter Olympics | International | Winter Expo

The reporter learned from the press conference of the 2023 International Winter Sports Expo today that this year's Winter Expo will be held in Shougang Park, Shijingshan District, Beijing in the autumn, with the theme of "Joining Hands for the Winter Olympics, Joining Hands for a New Future", aiming to drive the development of China and even the global ice and snow industry. The Winter Expo is a solemn commitment made by Beijing to the international community when bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics. After 7 years of development, it has become the world's first exhibition in the ice and snow industry and has been highly recognized by the domestic and foreign ice and snow industries. With the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics, winter sports have shifted from niche to mainstream, and the ice and snow economy is becoming one of the main engines for the value-added of the sports industry. Innovation and Upgrading Exhibition 1: In 2023, the popularization of winter sports continues to stimulate the potential for ice and snow consumption in China. China's ice and snow industry has entered a critical period of leapfrog development, as a global ice and snow industry

6 have been commercialized, and 9 special exhibitions will continue to be held. The Trade in Services Expo will open in Beijing on September 2, 2023. Trade | Services | will open in Beijing
6 have been commercialized, and 9 special exhibitions will continue to be held. The Trade in Services Expo will open in Beijing on September 2, 2023. Trade | Services | will open in Beijing

According to the press conference of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services held on the 13th, it will be held from September 2nd to 6th at the National Convention Center and Shougang Park. The annual theme is "Openness leads development, cooperation leads to a win-win future". The exhibition exhibition covers an area of 155000 square meters. According to the introduction, the exhibition exhibition scale of the China Service Trade Fair in 2023 is about 155000 square meters, and will continue to include nine special topics: telecommunications, computer and information services, financial services, cultural and tourism services, education services, sports services, supply chain and business services, engineering consulting and construction services, health and health services, and environmental services. At the same time, six major categories of activities will be held, including the Global Service Trade Summit, exhibitions and exhibitions, forums and conferences, promotion and negotiation, achievement release, and supporting activities. The UK is in 2023

The "Fuyan" family is flying! More than 60 derivative products of the mascot of the Service Trade Fair have been launched on the market. Mascot | derivatives
The "Fuyan" family is flying! More than 60 derivative products of the mascot of the Service Trade Fair have been launched on the market. Mascot | derivatives

After the official announcement of the mascot "Fuyan" of the Fair for Trade in Services last year, its cultural and creative derivatives will be launched for the first time this year. The main image of the mascot is inspired by the Beijing Swift. The Beijing Swift departs from Beijing around August every year and flies back to Beijing in March of the following year. Passing through 37 countries, with a round-trip distance of nearly 30000 kilometers, it symbolizes the characteristics of the Fair for Trade in Services in promoting international communication and never ending. It is named "Fuyan", which sounds like "attending a banquet" or "dressed in a banquet", symbolizing inviting domestic and foreign merchants to attend a service trade feast together. Wang Fan, Director of the Marketing Department of Capital Exhibition Group, introduced that during the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services, the first golden badge designed based on the prototype of "Fuyan" was highly sought after by audiences as soon as it was launched. In order to further enhance the brand influence of the Service Trade Fair and actively promote the image of the Fair, Capital Exhibition Group has solicited another round of solicitation this year

Short video of Hong Kong compatriots telling stories about Shanghai launched, showcasing the image of Shanghai. Hong Kong | Compatriots | Shanghai
Short video of Hong Kong compatriots telling stories about Shanghai launched, showcasing the image of Shanghai. Hong Kong | Compatriots | Shanghai

In order to showcase the image of Shanghai in the new era to Hong Kong compatriots, the day before yesterday, the "Shanghai V Impression" Hong Kong compatriots started a prize collection and selection activity for short videos telling stories about Shanghai. Zhou Yajun, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, stated at the launch ceremony that since the establishment of the Shanghai Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference mechanism in 2003, the two regions have been committed to promoting practical cooperation in all aspects and promoting economic and social development between the two regions. Looking ahead to the future, we will take the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Hong Kong Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference mechanism as a new starting point, showcasing our respective strengths and drawing cooperation blueprints. "Those who have gained the small will also gain the big, and ordinary people's stories are often the most touching. We look forward to seeing a more three-dimensional, warm, and exciting Shanghai in the eyes of Hong Kong compatriots." Wang Qinzhi, Executive Vice Chairman of the Youth Development Exchange Center at Shanghai Dream Gas Station, expressed the hope of soliciting Hong Kong compatriots for their lives, studies, and work in Shanghai

The Beijing Fitness Map Platform will be launched during the Service Trade Fair, with one click to find venues for sports and fitness. | Platform | Fitness
The Beijing Fitness Map Platform will be launched during the Service Trade Fair, with one click to find venues for sports and fitness. | Platform | Fitness

Can participating in sports and fitness be as convenient as buying movie tickets? On the 14th of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, a collective interview on sports services was organized. The reporter learned that the "Beijing Fitness Map Platform" jointly developed and constructed by Beijing Sports Bureau, Beijing Dynamic Network, China Unicom Beijing Branch, and will be launched and put into operation during the Fair. The platform realizes "one image query, one click reservation" and provides consumers with convenient sports booking services. Mei Zijia, Chairman of Beijing Dongwang Tianxia Technology Co., Ltd., said that many movie theater users do not engage in planned behavior in advance, but occasionally and impulsively choose to buy tickets directly from nearby cinemas. Sports venues, on the other hand, are different. More than 70% of users come from clubs or member customers, and there are few individual customers who are interested and casually enter a sports venue to exercise. However, compared to in the

17 cities have set up "advertising tree houses" to advertise under ancient trees, and from now on to Qixi Festival, friendship | ancient trees | tree houses
17 cities have set up "advertising tree houses" to advertise under ancient trees, and from now on to Qixi Festival, friendship | ancient trees | tree houses

The ancients often used plants and trees to express their emotions. The ancient trees that have withstood the erosion of history and the changes in the historical environment have gradually become symbols of spiritual sustenance, carrying people's prayers for a better life. Today is the first ecological day in China, which coincides with the coming of the traditional Qixi Festival. The Cultural Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station and the Office of the National Greening Committee jointly launched the media integration activity of "advertising under ancient trees". This activity combines the traditional Qixi folk activities with the emotional needs of modern festivals. From 15th to 22nd, "advertising tree houses" were set up under characteristic ancient trees in 17 cities across the country, inviting people to clock in and pray for love. The activity revolves around keywords such as "inheritance", "protection", "prayer", and "blessings", and selects 17 offline check-in "confession trees" nationwide

China's first carbon star "Jumang" will appear in the environment of the China International Fair for Trade in Services | Special Topic | China
China's first carbon star "Jumang" will appear in the environment of the China International Fair for Trade in Services | Special Topic | China

The reporter learned from the media briefing on environmental services held today at the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services that China's first terrestrial ecosystem carbon monitoring satellite, "Jumang," will make its debut in the environmental services theme of the fair. The Jumang spacecraft was developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation and is mainly used for monitoring terrestrial ecosystem carbon, investigating and monitoring terrestrial ecology and resources, monitoring and evaluating national major ecological engineering, and providing business support and research services for environmental protection, surveying and mapping, meteorology, agriculture, disaster reduction and other fields. Satellites have carbon storage statistics, quantitatively monitor the carbon absorption capacity of ecosystems, calculate the global carbon sink status, and provide effective data support for the central deployment of "promoting energy consumption dual control to gradually shift towards carbon emission dual control". At 11:08 am on August 4, 2022, China successfully launched a satellite launch at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center

ICT exhibition at the China International Fair for Trade in Services: showcasing content closely following universal models, digital humans, and virtual reality forums | Technology | Models
ICT exhibition at the China International Fair for Trade in Services: showcasing content closely following universal models, digital humans, and virtual reality forums | Technology | Models

As an important technology sector of the China International Fair for Trade in Services, special exhibitions on telecommunications, computer and information services have always received attention from all sectors. On the afternoon of the 15th, the media briefing for the ICT exhibition of the 2023 Service Trade Fair was held. The reporter learned that the ICT exhibition of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services will be themed "Empowering the Future with Digital Technology", with two main theme pavilions: communication and digital technology, and metaverse applications. Four special areas will be set up, including telecommunications services, digital technology, smart life, and characteristic exhibition areas. The contents of the exhibition closely follow the hot spots of the next generation Internet and consumer electronics industry represented by the general model, digital human and virtual reality. Five core telecommunications companies have gathered for the first time. According to reports, China Radio and Television Group has confirmed its participation in this year's exhibition. In this way, for the first time, the ICT exhibition of the 2023 Service Trade Fair will gather China Telecom, China Mobile, and China

The National Grand Theatre has built the world's largest theater complex, and the three major buildings of the Beijing Urban Sub center have been fully completed. The museum | Beijing | Conclusion
The National Grand Theatre has built the world's largest theater complex, and the three major buildings of the Beijing Urban Sub center have been fully completed. The museum | Beijing | Conclusion

25 kilometers east of Beijing, the water of the Grand Canal flows leisurely. On both sides of the canal, large-scale greening is quietly spreading, and the three major buildings of Beijing's urban sub center are rising from the ground. On the 15th, the reporter visited the three major buildings that were about to be completed. The Beijing Art Center, which looks like a big curtain, shimmers with silver under the sunlight. The Grand Canal Museum seems to be covered with five sails scattered all over the roof, and the Beijing City Library, supported by 144 "ginkgo tree trunks," looks like a sea of forests. At the end of September, the "Three Major Buildings" met the conditions for completion and acceptance. Sha Gang, Deputy General Manager of the Three Major Construction Project Department of Beitou Group's Urban Sub center, introduced that as of now, the main structure and exterior facade decoration works of the three major construction projects have been fully completed. 95% of indoor electromechanical engineering has been completed, 90% of indoor decoration engineering has been completed, and 80% of outdoor municipal and landscape engineering has been completed

The latest technological achievements in health and health services will be showcased at the China International Fair for Trade in Services, with 36% of the world's top 500 companies and industry leaders. International | Service | Industry Leaders
The latest technological achievements in health and health services will be showcased at the China International Fair for Trade in Services, with 36% of the world's top 500 companies and industry leaders. International | Service | Industry Leaders

As an important platform for showcasing new technologies and achievements in the field of health and health services, the Health and Health Services Special Topic of the China International Fair for Trade in Services has always been of great concern. According to the media briefing held on the 16th of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services Health and Health Services, the theme of the event is "Technology Empowers Health Innovation to Lead the Future", located at venue 3 of Shougang Park, with an exhibition area of 7700 square meters. The first "innovative medical device" in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, the world's first non-invasive diagnostic method for Parkinson's disease, and the world's first optical electronic analyzer for glioblastoma will be unveiled at the Service Trade Fair. 108 companies and institutions participated in offline exhibitions. According to reports, the health and health service theme set up three major exhibition areas: core public welfare exhibition area, high-tech enterprise exhibition area, and traditional Chinese medicine exhibition area. 108 offline exhibitors and institutions, including Fortune Global 500 companies and organizations

Triggering New Challenges in AI Governance, Media Blue Book: AIGC Constructing a New Landscape of Digital Media AIGC | Technology | Media
Triggering New Challenges in AI Governance, Media Blue Book: AIGC Constructing a New Landscape of Digital Media AIGC | Technology | Media

Is AIGC a commercial hype under the logic of capital, or a comprehensive rise of intelligent communication beyond mobile internet? The "Media Blue Book: Report on the Development of China's Media Industry" released in Beijing on the 16th stated that the current evaluation of AIGC technology should not fall into a "binary situation" of praise and criticism. Exploring how to achieve a dynamic balance between technological development, technological application, and technological governance should be a common issue faced by media professionals. The Blue Book believes that generative artificial intelligence, represented by ChatGPT, will become the hottest topic in the media technology field in 2023 and will bring two new trends to the media industry represented by mainstream media. Firstly, AIGC possesses information processing capabilities such as collection and integration, as well as strong content production capabilities, making it an auxiliary news production tool for the media industry

The aging population is intensifying, and the average number of children per household has dropped to 0.9! Hong Kong's birth rate is continuously declining, talent | government | population
The aging population is intensifying, and the average number of children per household has dropped to 0.9! Hong Kong's birth rate is continuously declining, talent | government | population

According to Hong Kong media reports, the population in Hong Kong is aging and the birth rate is continuously decreasing. A recent survey by the Hong Kong Family Planning Association found that the average number of children of Hong Kong couples fell to 0.9 from 1.3 five years ago, a record low; The proportion of having one or two children is 27.4% and 25.2% respectively, a decrease of 10 percentage points compared to 5 years ago. The Hong Kong Family Planning Association suggests that the SAR government strengthen its support for childbirth policies. According to statistics from the Statistics Department of the Special Administrative Region Government, the population of Hong Kong is expected to continue to age, and the number of elderly people aged 65 and above is expected to nearly double in the next 25 years. Excluding foreign domestic helpers, the number of elderly people has increased from 1.45 million in 2021 to 2.74 million in 2046, accounting for 36.0% of the total population, or every three Hong Kong residents

Actually, only one-third of it has been developed... it's hard to imagine! Beijing Shougang Park Enterprise, renowned globally for the Winter Olympics | Shougang | Global
Actually, only one-third of it has been developed... it's hard to imagine! Beijing Shougang Park Enterprise, renowned globally for the Winter Olympics | Shougang | Global

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the agile postures of athletes from various countries complemented the huge cooling tower of Shougang Park. Images and shots captured the attention of the world. It's hard to imagine that the Shougang Park, which successfully hosted the Beijing Winter Olympics and held major exhibitions such as the China International Fair for Trade in Services and the China Science Fiction Conference, has actually only developed one-third. On the 17th, the reporter visited Shougang Park. Looking up from the 40m observation deck of the third blast furnace, the "Crystal Shoes" large jump platform cast a graceful reflection on the surface of Qunming Lake; The well-organized exhibition halls of the Service Trade Fair shine brightly in the sunlight; The newly renovated "Liugonghui" district is waiting for tourists. Between these developed neighborhoods, there are still scattered undeveloped buildings such as mottled silos, abandoned chimneys, and some low rise brick buildings. Beijing Shougang Construction Investment

The Financial Services Special Exhibition of the Service Trade Fair showcases the latest products and technologies, with well-known domestic and foreign institutions exhibiting and an internationalization rate of 47%. Digital | Finance | Special Topic
The Financial Services Special Exhibition of the Service Trade Fair showcases the latest products and technologies, with well-known domestic and foreign institutions exhibiting and an internationalization rate of 47%. Digital | Finance | Special Topic

The reporter learned from the 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair Financial Services Special Media Briefing held on the 17th that a total of 219 domestic and foreign financial institutions and enterprises have participated in the exhibition, including 68 Fortune Global 500 and industry leading enterprises. Among them, there are 99 offline exhibitors, including 52 domestic and 47 foreign institutions, with an internationalization rate of 47%. Li Wenhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said that the financial services theme is one of the nine major themes of this year's Fair for Trade in Services, with the theme of "serving entities to uphold their original intentions, innovate and transform towards the future", and the location is located in Beijing Shougang Park. The exhibition covers an area of over 14000 square meters and includes eight exhibition areas: Big Country Finance, Capital Finance, Open Finance, Green Finance, Digital Finance, Inclusive Finance, Regional Finance, and Wealth Management. Ginseng

What did you say?, Several former foreign dignitaries made speeches at the conference, and the series of books on the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" was released by the Foreign Language Press | Cooperation | Series
What did you say?, Several former foreign dignitaries made speeches at the conference, and the series of books on the 10th anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" was released by the Foreign Language Press | Cooperation | Series

The third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum is about to be held. The series of "Ten Year Answers to the" the Belt and Road "jointly edited by the Chongyang Institute of Financial Research of Renmin University of China and the Foreign Language Press was released in Beijing yesterday. This series of books is edited by Zhang Donggang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Renmin University of China, and published by Foreign Language Publishing House. It is a series of works by the think tank of the Chongyang Institute of Finance at Renmin University of China. The series consists of eight volumes, translated into nine languages, and distributed globally. The series will also publish a co edited version of The Great Way: Ten Year Answers to the the Belt and Road Initiative. Following the publication of the "the Belt and Road Story" series in 2017 and the "the Belt and Road Story" series in 2019 as the display books of the previous two "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forums

Smart City Applications Appear in Engineering Consulting and Building Services Special Topic, Experience "Intelligent Construction" Buildings | Achievements | Projects at the Service Trade Fair
Smart City Applications Appear in Engineering Consulting and Building Services Special Topic, Experience "Intelligent Construction" Buildings | Achievements | Projects at the Service Trade Fair

As an important section of the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the topic of engineering consulting and construction services has been presented for three consecutive years since 2020. Today, the special media briefing was held in Beijing. The reporter learned that the special topic of engineering consulting and construction services will be held from September 2nd to 6th at Hall 12 of Shougang Park, with the theme of "intelligent construction and green development", focusing on showcasing the new concepts, new technologies, new products, and innovative engineering examples of China's construction industry with "industrialization, greening, and intelligence" as the core under the background of "dual carbon". According to Ding Sheng, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development, 122 companies registered offline for the Engineering Consulting and Construction Services Special Exhibition at the China International Fair for Trade in Services, with a completion rate of 100%; Online exhibition

Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), came to Shanghai to participate in important event competitions | Youth | Activities
Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), came to Shanghai to participate in important event competitions | Youth | Activities

Yesterday afternoon, the 8th Cross Strait Youth Maker Competition came to an end at Tongji University. The competition, with the theme of "Challenging New Technology and Joining Hands for the Future," attracted 558 young athletes to participate, with a record high scale, including 223 from Taiwan. The competition showcases the scientific and outstanding spirit of young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait through workshops, on-site production and construction, and achievement display, promoting mutual understanding and friendship among young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait through cooperation. The competition is guided by the Cross Strait Relations Association, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and the Taiwan Hong Kong Macao Affairs Office of the Fujian Provincial People's Government. It is co hosted by Tongji University, Fengjia University in Taiwan, and Fuzhou University. Zhang Zhijun, President of the Association for the Betterment and Progress of the Communist Party of China (ARATS), Chen Tong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and Fang Shou'en, Director of the School Affairs Committee of Tongji University, attended.