Read the meaning of the plenary session of the municipal party Committee, [Shanghai week] three key words Xi Jinping | Shanghai | week

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:41 AM

What kind of mission does Shanghai undertake? What kind of Shanghai will be built? How to build Shanghai?

At the beginning of the theme education in April this year, the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee continued to deepen its understanding and understanding around studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Shanghai's important speech and a series of important instructions and requirements for Shanghai.

Three months later, the city had new and further solutions to these fundamental issues that were crucial for the future.

The Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Municipal Party Committee held on July 4 reviewed and approved the Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deepening the Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Deepening High-level Reform and Opening Up and Promoting High-quality Development, and further answered the above questions in detail.

Choosing this theme is quite meaningful. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country, and made new arrangements for deepening high-level reform and opening up. At the same time, the world's unprecedented major changes are accelerating and the development environment at home and abroad has undergone tremendous changes. Paradigm updates have emerged in fields such as technology and industry

At this time, Shanghai needs to continue to be a pioneer in reform and opening up and innovative development on the new journey, injecting new connotations and answering the questions of the times.


High level reform and opening up, as well as high-quality development, have long been a topic of integrating into the urban bloodline of Shanghai. Now, once again focused, there is a new context.

In the explanation of the document, Chen Jining, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, said at the beginning that the establishment of this theme and the special document were intended to combine the theme education, deeply understand the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Shanghai's important speech and the general secretary and the Party Central Committee's instructions and requirements for Shanghai, "and put forward a major starting point with traction and focus, In order to achieve the outline, drive the overall situation and create a new situation".

And behind it is a re sorting of the overall logic of Shanghai's development.

The Opinion passed at the plenary session focuses on the "four major functions" of Shanghai.

In Shanghai, the "Five Centers" and "Four Functions" have long been well-known, and the logical connections between them were clearly proposed at this meeting——

Only by deepening the construction of the "Five Centers" can Shanghai's development clench its fists, strengthen strategic leadership, and better play the leading role; The "four major functions" reflect the quality orientation and integration effect of deepening the construction of the "five centers". Only by continuously strengthening the "four major functions" can we find the main direction of deepening the construction of the "five centers" and drive the qualitative improvement of the "five centers". At the same time, the increasing demand for feature enhancement requires more qualitative improvement. Only by deepening high-level reform and opening up, and carrying out greater policy and institutional innovation, can the "four major functions" continuously achieve breakthroughs and leaps.

Read the meaning of the plenary session of the municipal party Committee, [Shanghai week] three key words Xi Jinping | Shanghai | week

The above three "only" are regarded as the development logic and practical logic for Shanghai to prioritize high-quality development, as well as an important way to deepen high-level reform and opening up on the new journey and implementation path.

At the same time, deepening high-level reform and opening up also has its inherent logic. At this meeting, the "key move" of reform and opening up and the "first driving force" of innovation were put on a logical chain for elaboration. "Always make activating the 'first driving force' the core direction of grasping the 'key move'."

Specifically, reform and opening up require grasping the "triple logic" - technological logic, that is, dynamically grasping the trend of science and technology and industry, accurately and timely actively laying out; Market logic, which closely combines "seeing 10 from 0" and "seeing 0 from 10" to achieve the coupling of innovation chain, industry chain, and value chain; The governance logic is to better leverage the government's role and institutional advantages based on the market determining resource allocation.

In specific practice, the key is to adhere to the organic unity of technological logic, market logic, and governance logic. To some extent, to promote the new round of reform and opening up and high-quality development, what needs to be clarified most is the "logical starting point" of these foundations.


The Opinion passed at this plenary session is closely aligned with the deployment of the "four major functions". Some attendees revealed that in the early stage, the Municipal Party Committee had held several special meetings to study and analyze the provisions of the Opinion sentence by sentence, in order to maximize the practical orientation.

Chen Jining also stated in his explanation that the drafting and formulation of the "Opinions" will focus on highlighting key points and "do not involve general or repetitive measures.".

Another major feature is the focus on problems - in response to the shortcomings, weaknesses, and shortcomings in the process of strengthening the "four major functions", the Opinion has systematically sorted out and proposed corresponding countermeasures.

During the on-site discussions at the plenary session, the awareness of issues was hotly discussed by the attendees. The prominent issues repeatedly mentioned during this period are undoubtedly the "synergy" at various levels. "Compared with the past, high-level reform and opening up emphasizes more on the completeness and maturity of the system, and emphasizes more on systematicity, wholeness, and synergy." Chen Jining said.

Some of the shortcomings in urban development, such as homogeneous competition in certain regions and fields, as well as bottlenecks and breakpoints in the work chain, often stem from insufficient overall coherence and weak collaboration.

In terms of technological innovation, the current fragmented operation of "Nine Dragons for Water Control" in innovation management and the scattered investment of innovative elements such as "individual breakthrough" are all prominent, lacking effective resource integration that can make a fist out of fingers; The pathway from basic research, applied research to industrialization is not smooth, and the hard support for the organic connection of innovation chain, industry chain, funding chain, and policy chain is insufficient.

In addition, many scientific research organizations still adopt traditional linear paradigms and PI systems, with low collaborative efficiency in cross domain, cross level, and cross disciplinary innovation. Scientific research project management is still satisfied with dividing money and goods... The lag of this innovative paradigm also exposes institutional deficiencies.

For example, in the development of regional industries, on the one hand, we should highlight our characteristics and form a clear and differentiated industrial positioning. On the other hand, we should highlight regional coordination and form an industrial ecosystem on a larger scale.

Read the meaning of the plenary session of the municipal party Committee, [Shanghai week] three key words Xi Jinping | Shanghai | week

The awareness of "playing a game of chess" has been mentioned multiple times in the plenary session. Regardless of the deployment of reform and opening up issues in the Opinion or the specific implementation after the meeting, cadres at all levels are required to firmly establish this awareness and plan and promote it systematically, holistically, and collaboratively.


Unlike similar documents in the past, this Opinion not only outlines the "construction drawings" but also provides a clear "schedule"——

Adhere to the combination of long-term focus and short-term action, with a three-year time cycle for the implementation of various measures, and strengthen the guidance of starting from the beginning and working in the present.

When deploying the implementation of the "Opinions", the plenary session emphasized that each region and department should decompose tasks item by item, compact responsibilities, actively benchmark and benchmark tables, and come up with more detailed and practical implementation plans as soon as the "construction drawings" are issued, truly deepening understanding and implementation, clarifying responsibilities and implementation, strengthening innovation and implementation, and improving mechanisms and implementation.

This also means that all regions and departments should enhance their foresight, foresight, initiative, systematicity, comprehensiveness, and synergy, and closely focus on "grasping key points, overcoming difficulties, and overcoming bottlenecks", working together in the same direction.

For cadres in Shanghai, in order to implement this document, in addition to emphasizing their mental state, special working methods are also needed.

During the group discussion, Chen Jining expressed to the attendees that many important relationships should be grasped in the subsequent implementation. The relationship between long-term and short-term - some problems require long-term effort, while others require immediate problem-solving, positive signals, and boosting market confidence; The relationship between focus and general - especially finding key breakthroughs that drive the whole body, as well as areas with driving and traction, and using breakthroughs in key tasks to drive other tasks to solve.

In addition to understanding the internal logic and finding effective incisions, matters related to reform and opening up naturally need to demonstrate a special spirit of reform and opening up. At the plenary session, it was clarified that in the current era of profound reshaping of the global economic and trade pattern and rules, the task of "opening up first and trying first" has once again historically fallen on us. Daring to take risks and try is the most important mission and responsibility for us to deepen high-level reform and opening up on the new journey.

And all of this ultimately returns to the courage, sharpness, and vitality that this city has always emphasized, continuously strengthening the execution, creativity, and penetration of leading by example.

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