The key lies in this point, the construction and organizational work of the Party must have new responsibilities and new roles as a team | organization | key

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:36 AM

The key to implementing the Party's organizational line in the new era lies in talent development, and the Party's construction and organizational work must have new responsibilities and achievements, and the key is also in talent development.

Establish a sound training system and build a loyal, clean, and responsible high-quality governance backbone team

Implementing the organizational line of the Party in the new era and building a high-quality cadre team that is loyal, clean, and responsible is the key.

To build a high-quality governance backbone team that can shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, we should comprehensively understand the requirements of "high-quality" skills and the key focus of "governance backbone team". One is to strengthen the exercise of party spirit and regard "loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility" as an important standard for good cadres in the new era. "Loyalty" means respect, and "sincerity" means sincerity. A good cadre must first have a firm belief and be pragmatic in seeking truth; "Pure" means that a good cadre must abide by the bottom line, be honest and upright; "Taking responsibility" means that a good cadre should not only have a moral cultivation of "loyalty and cleanliness", but also have a spirit of dedication to serve the people and dare to take responsibility. The second is to focus on the "high-quality" training system and improve the overall quality of the cadre work team. Efforts should be made to comprehensively cultivate political and theoretical qualities, organizational discipline qualities, ideological and style qualities, communist moral qualities, scientific and cultural qualities, professional qualities, and other aspects. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and effective mechanisms for selecting and employing personnel, training and assessment mechanisms, incentive and supervision mechanisms, and other mechanisms to ensure their effectiveness. Thirdly, we should focus on the great task of national rejuvenation and strengthen the key "governing backbone team". We must build and strengthen the leadership and cadre teams at all levels of the Party, cultivate new opportunities in the face of emergencies, and seek rejuvenation in the face of new situations.

Strengthen strategic leadership, accelerate the construction of world important talent centers and innovation highlands

The Party's construction and organizational work always attach importance to talent development.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022 will separate the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, and strengthening the support of modern construction talents. This not only puts forward higher requirements for independent talent cultivation, but also reflects the broad mindedness and global perspective of "gathering talents from all over the world and using them".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has deeply answered the major theoretical and practical questions of why and how to strengthen talent support, proposed a series of new concepts, strategies, and measures, and made sufficient top-level design and strategic planning for cultivating top-notch talents. To accelerate the construction of the world's important talent center and innovation highland, we must adhere to the Party's management of talents, face the forefront of world science and technology, the main battlefield of the economy, major national needs, and people's health, deeply implement the strategy of building a strong country with talents in the new era, comprehensively cultivate, attract, and make good use of talents, and provide talent support for modernization construction. One is to adhere to the fundamental requirement of the Party managing talents. Talents play a crucial role in strengthening the leadership of the Party. Adhering to the principle of the Party managing talents is an inevitable requirement for strengthening the Party's leadership, and it is also an important guarantee for enhancing comprehensive national strength, guiding social values, and stimulating talent vitality. Secondly, talent cultivation should focus on the "four aspects", focus on key, difficult, weak points, and highlight the innovation, effectiveness, strategy, and people-oriented nature of talent cultivation. The third is to deeply implement the strategy of building a strong country through talent, improve a comprehensive talent construction system, and build a talent team with a large scale, excellent quality, continuously optimized structure, and increasingly prominent role.

Establish a comprehensive and strict governance system for the Party, and continuously deepen the construction of exemplary departments and competent teams

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the construction of exemplary departments and excellent teams has always been an inherent requirement for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party.

We should improve the comprehensive and strict governance system of the Party, continuously deepen the construction of exemplary departments and excellent teams, and take multiple measures in implementing policies, key measures, and core work styles. Firstly, organizational work must conscientiously implement the Party's policy of governing the Party with strict discipline. History fully demonstrates that when we adhere to the correct organizational line and correctly implement the requirements of strict governance of the Party, the Party's organization will flourish and the Party's cause will proceed smoothly. Secondly, the Party must manage the Party, first of all, manage cadres well; The key to governing the party strictly is to govern officials strictly. We must implement strict management of cadres throughout the entire process of cadre team construction. Leading organs and cadres at all levels should strengthen their awareness of taking the lead, be strict with themselves, and set an example bravely. The third is to adhere to fairness and integrity. "Justice" emphasizes fairness and integrity, without bias or selfishness, without seeking benefits from power, and without using personal gain to waste public office; The emphasis of "upright" is on being respectful and serious, with a disciplined work style, and not taking crooked paths or changing one's mind. Adhere to fairness and integrity, effectively improve organizational style, strive to create exemplary departments, and build a strong team.

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