Cadres become prisoners of war to get along with "fellow travelers". One week's anti-corruption campaign highlights: the issue of "Shuo Mou" being sentenced to 17 years in prison | Xu Baoyi | highlights

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:18 PM

In the past week, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission reported a total of 12 people being investigated and 9 people being punished. At the same time, it also reported 5 typical cases of the "Four Winds" problem, 10 corruption issues in the field of grain procurement and sales, and 5 cases of irresponsibility, inaction, and disorder as typical cases. In addition, two former central management officials were also sentenced or tried this week.

Three crimes of "giant rat" in granary and sentenced to 17 years in prison

On June 13th, Xu Baoyi, former member of the Party group and deputy general manager of China Reserve Grain Management Group Co., Ltd., was publicly sentenced in the first instance of bribery, dereliction of duty by state-owned company personnel, and insider trading. Xu Baoyi was sentenced to 17 years in prison and fined 1.301 million yuan.

According to public information, Xu Baoyi has three charges:

Firstly, there is the crime of bribery. Xu Baoyi has been accumulating wealth for 15 years. From 2006 to 2021, he utilized his position and position to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in project contracting, enterprise operation, payment of project funds, and work arrangements. He illegally received a total of 13.79489 million yuan in property from others.

Xu Baoyi's second charge is the crime of dereliction of duty by personnel of state-owned companies. From February to September 2014, Xu Baoyi, while serving as the Chairman and Legal Representative of China Supply and Marketing Petroleum Co., Ltd., was seriously irresponsible and illegally engaged in trade financing called fertilizer purchase and sale, which was actually a borrowing and lending of funds, resulting in losses of more than 101 million yuan for state-owned companies and particularly significant losses to national interests. He has also become one of the few officials in charge of dereliction of duty by state-owned company personnel in recent years.

What is the crime of dereliction of duty by personnel in state-owned companies? According to the Criminal Law, "Staff members of state-owned companies or enterprises who, due to serious irresponsibility or abuse of power, cause bankruptcy or serious losses to state-owned companies or enterprises, resulting in significant losses to national interests, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; if they cause particularly heavy losses to national interests, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years."

Xu Baoyi's third charge is the crime of insider trading. In 2015, Xu Baoyi illegally obtained insider information on securities trading. Before the information was made public, he explicitly stated that others were buying and selling the securities, with a total transaction amount of more than 46.78 million yuan. The circumstances were particularly serious.

In the typical cases investigated and dealt with since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, insider trading and other behaviors are not uncommon. The revised Party Discipline Punishment Regulations in 2018 added provisions for disciplinary violations such as using information obtained during decision-making and approval processes such as participating in enterprise restructuring and restructuring, targeted issuance, merger and investment, and land use right transfer to buy and sell stocks. If the behavior is serious and constitutes the crime of insider trading, leaking insider information, etc., relevant provisions of the Criminal Law shall be applied for handling.

In recent years, several provincial and ministerial level officials have been convicted of insider trading, such as Tong Daochi, former member of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Sanya Municipal Party Committee, Yao Gang, former vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Chen Shulong, former member of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and former deputy governor, and Wang Xiaoguang, former deputy governor of Guizhou Province.

Xu Baoyi was investigated on January 23 last year, and was one of the many granary "big rats" who were arrested after the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission launched a special campaign to crack down on corruption in the field of grain procurement and sales nationwide in 2021. He was banned in June last year, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Xu Baoyi had no ideals or beliefs, no loyalty to the organization, and his political conduct was despicable. He had long engaged in political speculation, fabricated resumes, and deliberately tried to run for positions. He also tried to test the attitude of the organization and resist organizational censorship. Expressions such as "despicable political conduct" and "extensive fabrication of resumes" have appeared for the first time in the reports of fallen officials in recent years. The severity of the wording indicates the seriousness of the violation of discipline and law.

The Intermediate People's Court of Datong City, which tried the case, believed that Xu Baoyi's bribery of 2.76 million yuan was an attempt; After arriving at the case, he/she can truthfully confess the crime and voluntarily disclose most of the bribery facts that the supervisory authority has not yet mastered; Admitting guilt and repenting, actively returning stolen goods, accepting bribes, and recovering all stolen funds and goods, with statutory or discretionary lenient punishment circumstances, can be given lenient punishment according to law.

This provincial capital city has lost two consecutive "top leaders"

After being prosecuted by the procuratorial organs for more than 10 months, Gong Jianhua, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, also appeared in court for trial in the past week.

On June 15th, the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, publicly held a first instance trial of Gong Jianhua's bribery case. Gong Jianhua pleaded guilty and repented in court, and the court announced a date for sentencing.

Gong Jianhua has been working in Jiangxi for nearly 40 years, serving in various places such as the Jiangxi Provincial Agriculture Office, Nanchang, Yichun, and Fuzhou. He has held positions such as Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of Yichun, and Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee. In 2014, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and promoted to the deputy ministerial level. The following year, he was appointed as Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee. In 2017, he was appointed as Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and he voluntarily submitted his case in 2021.

From the accusations made by the People's Procuratorate of Zhangzhou City, it can be found that Gong Jianhua's corrupt behavior runs through his entire tenure in the local area. Since serving as Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Executive Deputy Mayor, and Leader of the Municipal Planning and Land Operation Leading Group, he has been accumulating wealth in Nanchang, Yichun, Fuzhou and other places, as well as during his tenure as Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.

In the end, Gong Jianhua was accused by the procuratorial organs of using the convenience of his position, power, and status to provide assistance to individuals in matters such as land listing, coordinating land prices, promotion, and project development, directly or through his relatives and friends, illegally accepting property from the aforementioned individuals, totaling more than RMB 83.61 million.

Gong Jianhua was the fourth "tiger" investigated in Jiangxi Province after the 19th National Congress. Just six months before Gong Jianhua surrendered, Xiao Yi, former vice chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was investigated. After Gong Jianhua was transferred from the Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee to the Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee in 2014, it was Xiao Yi who succeeded him. On March 29th of this year, Yin Meigen, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, was investigated. He took over as the Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee from Gong Jianhua at the end of 2016.

Last May, Gong Jianhua was "double opened". In his briefing by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, some statements were not common. The notice pointed out that Gong Jianhua lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his duties and missions, deviated from the "two safeguards", organized "small circles" and "small groups", engaged in the "seven haves", and polluted the political ecology.

At the same time, Gong Jianhua was also accused of "inadequate implementation of the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on trade union work, private operation of the selection of model workers, and private exchange of honors from the Party and the country.". After serving as the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress in 2017, Gong Jianhua also served as the Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and it had been more than four years since he was dismissed.

State owned enterprise cadres have become "prisoners" in order to get along with "fellow travelers"

Looking back at the process of many high-ranking officials gradually falling into the abyss of corruption, it is not difficult to find that many corrupt behaviors often breed in inconspicuous details, starting from the trembling "first time" and becoming increasingly intense, ultimately sinking deeper and deeper.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection recently revealed the details of a case where a state-owned enterprise cadre was gradually imprisoned and became a "prisoner".

Gao Quanyu, former Vice Chairman and General Manager of Yuhuan Water Group Co., Ltd. in Zhejiang Province, is a cadre who has gradually grown from a grassroots technical position to the top leader of the group. From 2005 to 2022, he used his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted property from others, totaling 728200 yuan. He was ultimately sentenced to three years in prison for bribery.

At first, when faced with a dinner party invited by multiple subsidiary companies, Gao Quanyu used excuses to avoid it. Soon, the evaluation that "Mr. Gao has too much airs and is not our fellow traveler" began to spread within the group and spread to Gao Quanyu's ears. In order to get along with "fellow travelers", Gao Quanyu integrated into the circle by pushing cups and changing cups, but gradually distanced himself from the original intentions of Communist Party members in these so-called "circles".

At the end of 2005, Feng, the head of a certain aquatic company in Yuhuan, approached Gao Quanyu, who was in charge of fixed asset management at the time, to renew the lease of a factory building and dock of the Water Group, and offered 30000 yuan. "This is the first time I've seen so much cash, and I feel uneasy and want to return it, but I'm a bit unwilling," Gao Quanyu admitted. "I feel like I haven't brought any benefits to the company, so it's not a violation of discipline or law." Unable to resist the greed, he had his "first time" receiving money.

In January 2015, Gao Quanyu was promoted to the position of General Manager of Yuhuan Water Group. At the beginning of his tenure, the bosses of the Water Group and its subsidiaries who had business dealings, as well as the contractors of water projects, came to pay their respects one after another.

A certain construction company in Taizhou wants to receive the final payment of over 100000 yuan for a cross sea pipeline project in advance. Boss Zhang found Gao Quanyu and gave him 20000 yuan in cash. With the coordination of Gao Quanyu, the company quickly received the final payment for the project. In order to seek long-term care from Gao Quanyu in undertaking water engineering projects, Zhang has given Gao Quanyu over 100000 yuan in gifts such as famous wine, cigarettes, and even cash in the name of New Year's greetings six times. And Gao Quanyu also fulfilled his promise and paid the project payment in a very timely manner.

As Gao Quanyu said in his confession, he enjoys a luxurious life of "smoking good cigarettes, drinking good wine, being picked up when going out, and being received when traveling on business". He is willing to become the target of "hunting" and is enthusiastic about greeting various requests from his bosses, getting deeper and deeper. After investigation, it was found that from 2015 to 2021, Gao Quanyu took advantage of his position to provide assistance to business owners in engineering project acceptance, equipment and material procurement, engineering payment and other requests, and illegally accepted bribes of more than 300000 yuan 14 times.

Strictly rectify the problem of irresponsibility, inaction, and disorderly behavior

The construction of work style is always on the way. A good political ecology requires not only strict punishment of corruption, but also continuous rectification of formalism and bureaucracy such as inaction and disorderly behavior.

Last Friday, Liaoning Province reported 5 typical cases of irresponsibility, inaction, and disorderly behavior. Involving government procurement, financial supervision, epidemic prevention and supply vehicle supervision, bidding supervision, and allowing relocation compensation for fraud.

For example, Yang Xianwen, former director of the Service Guarantee Department of the Liaoning Provincial Office Affairs Management Bureau, was negligent and irresponsible in government procurement. According to the announcement, from 2014 to 2021, Yang Xianwen was responsible for the procurement of non-staple food and office turnover room items. During this period, he did not compare prices, inspect or supervise the purchased non-staple food, and the procurement office turnover room items were not strictly controlled, resulting in adverse effects.

Wang Jindong, former head of the Finance Department of Dalian Wafangdian Central Hospital, was reported to have failed to fulfill his duties in financial supervision. From 2020 to 2021, he was responsible for the financial work of the Central Hospital of Wafangdian. He did not implement financial management systems and did not organize or arrange for tellers and accountants to jointly carry out reconciliation work for a long time. He only arranged for cashier Zhang to independently complete the reconciliation work, which led to Zhang using his position to embezzle more than 38 million yuan from 16 grassroots hospitals. In the end, Wang Jindong was sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year probation.

Teng Yuzhi, former head of the Housing Acquisition Service Department at the Beihai Service Center in Gaizhou City, Yingkou, has been reported to have neglected the compensation for relocation and falsification. During his tenure as the Director of the Office of the Leading Group for Railway Construction from Yingkou Free Trade Zone to Bayuquan Beihai Area from 2019 to 2021, he was aware of issues such as excessive planting of saplings and newly planted trees after sealing the area during the evaluation and quantity verification of relocation in his jurisdiction. He did not take effective measures to stop and correct them, resulting in others defrauding more than 2.963 million yuan in national relocation compensation.

In recent years, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels across the country have continued to strictly rectify the problem of irresponsibility, inaction, and disorderly behavior, urging party members and cadres throughout the city to always tighten the string of work style.

On December 22, last year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission publicly notified Tan Benzhong, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Changde City, Hunan Province, and former secretary of the Shimen County Party Committee, that he had deviated from reality and disregarded financial resources, and forcibly demanded more than 60 million yuan to start the construction of the Shimen County Historical and Cultural Wall project. This is another typical problem of formalism and bureaucracy among leading cadres reported by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, following Wang Xijing, former secretary of the Licang District Committee and first level inspector of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, who carried out "image engineering" and "political achievement engineering", as well as acts of misconduct and falsehood.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Anyuan District, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, also focused on the lack of responsibility, ineffective implementation, passive work, shifting blame, laziness, and procrastination to carry out special governance. 173 cadres who did not take responsibility or act were investigated and punished, and 21 party organizations were held accountable.

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Is it useful to find a prosecutor? A prosecutor other than the prosecutor has been enforced by the court and has already paid a fine. The prosecutor | country | court

When it comes to prosecutors, most people's impression may be that they are "national prosecutors" handling criminal cases, dressed in uniforms, accusing crimes. In the recently popular TV series "Public Prosecution", Dilraba portrayed the prosecutor Anna in this image. In recent years, procuratorial organs have increasingly attached importance to the functions of civil, administrative, and public interest litigation procuratorial organs, and they have also formed the "four major procuratorial functions" in the new era together with criminal procuratorial organs. In the recent procuratorial competition organized by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation competitions were added for the first time. After fierce competition, several civil, administrative, and public interest litigation prosecutors in Shanghai have been awarded the title of business model. The story of prosecutors outside of the prosecutor is equally exciting. Through their stories, perhaps we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the profession of prosecutors and gain a deeper understanding of prosecutors

Can you fill in the penalty for breach of contract casually? Legal observation | A college student anchor in Shanghai was sued by a brokerage company for 9 million yuan on the platform | Live streaming | Student
Can you fill in the penalty for breach of contract casually? Legal observation | A college student anchor in Shanghai was sued by a brokerage company for 9 million yuan on the platform | Live streaming | Student

In recent years, short video live streaming platforms have developed rapidly. According to reports from relevant research institutions, the user base of online live streaming in China has exceeded 700 million people. Under the huge market dividend, many anchors have abundant income, which has also stimulated more young people to enter the anchor industry. Xiaoyu, who is still in college, is one of them. In August 2020, he signed an exclusive entertainment agency contract with a cultural company in Shanghai, despite his handsome appearance. However, four months later, due to frequent conflicts between the company's arranged live broadcast time and school courses, the two sides continued to experience friction. Xiaoyu had the idea of terminating the contract, and the company proposed a penalty of 9 million yuan for breach of contract. Xiaoyu's experience is not an exception. According to a review of public reports by Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News, many companies will stipulate high liquidated damages in their contracts when signing contracts with anchors.

Pay attention to safety while driving after work!, Water has accumulated in some sections of Shanghai, and rainstorm signal is encountered during the evening peak. Reporter | Road Section | Evening Peak
Pay attention to safety while driving after work!, Water has accumulated in some sections of Shanghai, and rainstorm signal is encountered during the evening peak. Reporter | Road Section | Evening Peak

At 16:12 on July 21, Shanghai center Meteorological Observatory updated rainstorm blue as rainstorm yellow warning signal. Entering the evening peak, the rain continued and urban road traffic was affected. The reporter learned from the Municipal Public Security Traffic Police Corps that some sections of the city's Pudong, Yangpu, Putuo and other areas have experienced waterlogging, and the slow traffic of vehicles on the Central Ring Road is prominent, significantly affecting road traffic. The traffic police departments in the city have increased their police force and carried out dynamic monitoring of water prone points such as underpasses. Together with the departments of obstacle clearance, maintenance, and water management, they will promptly carry out drainage and disposal. In sections with severe waterlogging, on-site traffic police will also guide people and vehicles to detour according to the plan. The traffic police department reminds the general public to slow down the speed, use lights according to regulations, drive with caution, and avoid danger when driving after work.

Deputy ministerial level trial position accused of accepting bribes of over 83.61 million yuan, "privately sharing the honor of the Party and the country" | Individual | Bribery
Deputy ministerial level trial position accused of accepting bribes of over 83.61 million yuan, "privately sharing the honor of the Party and the country" | Individual | Bribery

After more than 10 months of being prosecuted by the procuratorial organs, Gong Jianhua, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, appeared in court for trial. On June 15th, the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, publicly held a first instance trial of Gong Jianhua's bribery case. Gong Jianhua pleaded guilty and repented in court, and the court announced a date for sentencing. Gong Jianhua was born in 1962 in Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province. He has been working in Jiangxi for nearly 40 years and has served in various places such as the Jiangxi Provincial Agriculture Office, Nanchang, Yichun, and Fuzhou. He has held positions such as Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of Yichun, and Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee. In 2014, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and was promoted to the deputy ministerial level. The following year, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee. In 2017, he was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and he voluntarily submitted to the case in 2021. From the accusations made by the People's Procuratorate of Zhangzhou City, it can be found that Gong Jianhua's