The Second Anniversary of the Tamsui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park: Urban Renewal and Science and Technology Innovation Momentum Flying Together

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 16:19 PM

From the air, overlooking the banks of the Tamsui River in Minhang, Shanghai, one can see about two kilometers long along Jianchuan Road, with 40 single building factories neatly arranged. Three newly decorated dark green oil tanks are hidden in rows of gray black building clusters. This is the new space for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, industry university research cooperation, and the landing of emerging industry research and development in the "Big Zero Bay" - Longhu Blue Ocean Engine Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park.

In 2016, the Minhang District Government launched the construction of the core area of the Shanghai Southern Science and Technology Innovation Center, planning to build the "Big Zero Bay" Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Source Functional Zone in the Huanger Village Industrial Park, carrying the important task of leading the sustained growth of Minhang's innovative economy. In February of this year, Shanghai announced that by 2035, "Big Zero Bay" will be fully built into a highland of technological innovation strategies with outstanding innovation capabilities and strong technological strength, and the Blue Ocean Engine Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park is one of the key projects.

Since its opening in 2021, the Tamsui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park has been carrying out industrial upgrading through spatial updates, and supporting the development of science and technology through the integration of industry and research. It has attracted many high-quality enterprises in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, biotechnology, aerospace, new materials, and new energy to settle in. In two years, the shortcomings of the former industry have become a highland, and the Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park has gathered 2 planned listed companies, 9 high-tech enterprises, and specialized and innovative enterprises, with a total of over 130 applications for intellectual property rights. In 2022, the tax contribution of the park reached 30 million yuan, more than six times that of a year ago.

On August 2nd, Minhang District officially released 20 key tasks to promote the high-quality innovative development of the "Big Zero Bay" science and technology innovation source functional zone. The efficiency of achievement transformation, the leading function of high-end industries, and the science and technology innovation ecosystem have once again become the keywords of this region.

From the chaotic traditional production workshops of the past to the thriving incubators of science and technology innovation enterprises, the urban renewal on the banks of the Tamsui River in the "Big Zero Bay" is not just about changing the old appearance, but also about the transformation and upgrading of industries and people's livelihoods.

Integration of old and new promotes agglomeration effect

The steel structure of the old factory building, relying on light and shadow, has transformed into a memory symbol of railway tracks; The industrial leftover oil tank barrels are replaced with new clothes, becoming a landmark landscape for visitors to check in... The fusion of old and new creates a unique atmosphere of the Danshui River Science and Technology Innovation Park. "We design this product with a feeling of repairing historical protected buildings, retaining the original symbols while also renovating the product, giving it new functions and quality." Pan En, the operation manager of Longhu Blue Ocean Engine Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park, summarized the park's renovation concept.

In the two years since its opening, buildings that preserve their historical style have become important physical spaces for implementing new policies, applying new technologies, incubating new products, and cultivating new business formats. Sheng Xia, Director of the Economic Development Office of Zhuanqiao Town, Minhang District, believes that the launch of a series of optimized business policies has provided a lot of assistance for the smooth investment of the Science and Technology Innovation Park.

The Second Anniversary of the Tamsui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park: Urban Renewal and Science and Technology Innovation Momentum Flying Together

As the first enterprise to settle on the banks of the Tamsui River, Jieka Robotics Co., Ltd., like many other enterprises that later gathered here, was first attracted by its series of high-quality supporting measures and policies. "There are many high-tech enterprises on Jianchuan Road, and the government's demand for high-tech enterprises is even clearer than our own understanding. We moved here for this' everything is disturbed, every request is met 'service and high-quality space." said Shao Wei, Director of Robot Research and Development at Jieka Robotics Co., Ltd.

In terms of new business formats, the park had an overall industrial plan at the beginning of its design, matching its own industrial development foundation with the advantageous disciplines of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. At present, the park has formed three basic industries: intelligent manufacturing, new materials, and aerospace, supplemented by emerging industries such as biology and new energy, and established a "3+X" industrial cluster to further amplify the industrial agglomeration effect.

Combining industry, academia, and research to promote the transformation of innovative achievements

Backed by the academic and technological resources of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, industry university research cooperation has become the preferred development model for enterprises in the park. "In the process of multiple forms of development, we have found that the model of industry university research cooperation can continuously stimulate innovation momentum, and can continuously explore advanced technologies in the industry through school enterprise cooperation." Shaowei introduced that since the beginning of this year, facing the impact of big data and big models on the robotics industry, Jieka has relied on the accumulation and research of many cooperating universities in this field to quickly combine AIGC and robotics, and quickly convert application results into customer value.

For the same reason, Fengyun Zhizao implemented a combination of "shore peak design+cloud workshop" in the park in 2020, becoming an important service enterprise for the academic achievement transformation platform in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University region. From appearance design to prototype manufacturing, Fengyun Zhizao provides one-stop integrated customization services for various equipment manufacturing industries from design to delivery, focusing on the asymmetry between basic manufacturing industry demand and delivery, and sinking design services to manufacturing.

Xie Chunlei, founder and CEO of Fengyun Zhizao Technology Co., Ltd., stated that "Anfeng Design+Cloud Workshop" defines itself as a service-oriented advanced manufacturing industry, hoping to transform products that better match customer needs through integrated delivery, starting from demand rather than drawings and processes.

Looking back at the original intention of the park renovation, Pan En stated that the design of the standalone factory building itself is more suitable for the settlement of industry university research projects. "This form ensures the integrity, independence, and safety of the enterprise as much as possible." He believes that this design is more suitable for internal construction, research and development, and production of the enterprise according to its own pace.

Urban renewal empowers new life and development

The Second Anniversary of the Tamsui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park: Urban Renewal and Science and Technology Innovation Momentum Flying Together

"We have achieved home-based elderly care for people over 80 years old, with an annual allowance of 2000 yuan per person. We have set a precedent in Zhuanqiao Town." Lu Zhiping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Huang'er Village in Zhuanqiao Town, Minhang District, lamented that the transformation of Huang'er Village not only improves the local production capacity and efficiency, but also allows the people to enjoy more benefits. In Lu Zhiping's view, the renovation of the park has a significant improvement effect on inherent safety hazards and enhancing the city's image.

At present, the Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park has formed a form of cooperation among the district, town, village committee, and Longhu, achieving a dual increase in village collective economic income and industry. "We have both the norms of state-owned enterprises and the efficiency of private enterprises, especially when the government acts as an investor, we have also obtained some public service resources." Sheng Xia commented on the transformation of Huanger Village's industry.

With the joint efforts of multiple parties, the overall tax revenue of Danshui Riverside Science and Technology Innovation Park reached 30 million yuan last year and is striving to reach 50 million yuan this year. Pan En believes that with the continuous release of policy benefits and the gradual coverage of the "Big Zero Bay" policy dividend, the concept of industrial research in the park is becoming stronger, the atmosphere is becoming stronger, and the potential and expectations are also constantly increasing.

Speaking of the future, Sheng Xia stated that Zhuanqiao Town will continue to follow the transformation model of Huanger Village, continue to promote urban renewal, carry out secondary renovation of existing factories, attract more private enterprises to participate, and jointly empower and increase efficiency for regional industrial transformation and upgrading and high-quality development.

"We are very fortunate to be able to settle here, as the venue configuration, style, and tone match our service-oriented manufacturing positioning very well." Xie Chunlei said that Fengyun Zhizao will continue to rely on the advantages of the Danshui River Science and Technology Innovation Park, continuously drive design, empower manufacturing, and plan to launch industrial design software and super sheet metal workstations for equipment sheet metal.

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