
The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum Cultural and Artistic Evening Gala will be broadcasted tonight, showcasing the light of civilization through music, poetry, painting, and dance
The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum Cultural and Artistic Evening Gala will be broadcasted tonight, showcasing the light of civilization through music, poetry, painting, and dance

Last night at 8 o'clock, in front of the Shougang Jumping Platform, which witnessed the glory of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum Cultural and Art Gala was successfully held at the Shougang Park by the Yongding River. The evening program will be broadcasted on Beijing TV at 7:30 pm tonight. Yesterday morning, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, jointly hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Government, was grandly opened. As a part of this year's Beijing Cultural Forum, this cultural evening hosted by Beijing Radio and Television Station closely follows the permanent theme of "inheritance, innovation, and mutual learning" and focuses on the annual theme of "inheriting excellent culture and promoting exchange and cooperation", highlighting the positioning characteristics of national level, international level, and Beijing culture. The theme of the evening party, "The Light of Culture and the Appointment of Beijing," expresses that culture, like a flame, illuminates civilization, enlightens wisdom, warms the soul, and signifies

The Beijing Shanghai Chamber of Commerce provides members with a cooperation platform and resource support, with 7 new companies joining the association
The Beijing Shanghai Chamber of Commerce provides members with a cooperation platform and resource support, with 7 new companies joining the association

According to the expanded board meeting of the Beijing Shanghai Chamber of Commerce held in Beijing from the 13th to the 14th, seven new companies including Beijing Huili Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Fangyuanhua Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Jinshuai Office Furniture Co., Ltd., Beijing Horun Haoye Technology Service Co., Ltd., Ningbo Bank Co., Ltd. Beijing Fengtai Branch, Shanghai Chang'an Security Service Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Jielu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. have joined the association. As of now, there are 135 member units of the Beijing Shanghai Enterprise Chamber of Commerce. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently tens of thousands of people in Beijing, with over 3000 enterprises with Shanghai background, covering various industries and fields in Beijing, such as electronics, automobiles, aviation, construction, building materials, real estate, catering, securities, hotels, commerce, financial investment, cultural and educational undertakings. Established in 2015

To target millions of people, Huang Jianxin: Avoid self indulgence in movies
To target millions of people, Huang Jianxin: Avoid self indulgence in movies

"When the focus of a movie is on the millions of people, the picture of the times and history will become richer and more vivid." Huang Jianxin, Chairman of the Beijing Film Association and famous director, said at the Beijing Cultural Forum "Cultural People: Literary Values and Social Life" held today. He presented a set of data: from January to August 2023, the box office of Chinese films reached 42.8 billion yuan, with 9 films exceeding 1 billion yuan, of which 6 exceeded 2 billion yuan. "Chinese cinema has formed a good ecology with diverse themes and genres." Huang Jianxin proposed that portraying characters, conveying imagery, expressing emotions, and conveying spirit are the basic conditions for telling a good story. Movies should not be self indulgent. If you want the work to be down-to-earth and deeply ingrained in people's hearts, you must persist in seeking the people-oriented character in the work. Creators need to

Shan Jixiang: Our world must be colorful and colorful
Shan Jixiang: Our world must be colorful and colorful

"In 2012, I worked at the Palace Museum and had the opportunity to participate in some of its conservation actions." Shan Jixiang, former director of the Palace Museum, passionately said at the parallel forum of the Beijing Cultural Forum "Cultural Heritage: Systematic Protection and Active Inheritance" today, "Once, we shouted a slogan to fully hand over a magnificent Forbidden City to the 21st century, and we fulfilled our promise." He said, "Once, the environment of the Palace Museum was not as beautiful as it is now.". More than 400 households and more than 20 units are crowded around the 52 meter wide Tongzi River, and 465 pollutants are discharged into the river. The domestic waste generated by the units and residents on both sides has been piled up on the water surface. In order to improve the surrounding environment, the Palace Museum mobilized the entire city through measures such as sewage interception and relocation of units and residents. Finally

Multiple national treasure level cultural relics have been unveiled, and the Chinese Archaeological Museum is officially open to the public from now on
Multiple national treasure level cultural relics have been unveiled, and the Chinese Archaeological Museum is officially open to the public from now on

This morning, the Chinese Archaeological Museum located at the northern end of Beijing's central axis officially opened to the public, adding a national window to showcase Chinese civilization in Beijing. Gao Xiang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Chinese Academy of History, invited more than 10 audience representatives to step into the exhibition hall, and hundreds of experts, scholars, and visitors followed suit to visit the museum as soon as possible. Li Guoqiang, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of History, presided over the opening ceremony to the public. The Chinese Archaeological Museum is a national level professional archaeological museum under the Chinese Academy of History, and also the first museum in China named after "archaeology". The museum is located in the core area of Beijing Olympic Park. The basic display of the museum, which showcases five thousand years of civilization history, is "The Founding of Civilization by the Chinese Ding in History"——

We must be honest students of the people. Chen Weiya: To create good dance works
We must be honest students of the people. Chen Weiya: To create good dance works

"Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that 'articles are written in unison, songs and poetry are written in unison'. This indicates that literary and artistic creation should follow the movement of the times, grasp the pulse of the times, and express the emotions of the times. Chen Weiya, Chairman of the Beijing Dancers Association and famous director, said today at the sub forum of the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum on 'Cultural People: Literary and Artistic Values and Social Life'.". Dance is one of the oldest forms of human art, and compared to other art genres, dance expressions are more intuitive and direct. Chen Weiya believes that dancers should have full confidence in using dance language to interpret our history, depict our lives, express our pursuits, and make Chinese stories "dance". At the end of August, Chen Weiya went to Heilongjiang for wind harvesting. During the process of collecting wind, he realized that the earth will not age, but will not grow old

How to protect, research, and promote this Silk Road pearl?, The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang
How to protect, research, and promote this Silk Road pearl?, The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang

Zhao Shengliang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Dunhuang Research Institute, said at the parallel forum of the "Cultural Heritage: Systematic Protection and Active Inheritance" held today at the Beijing Cultural Forum, "So far, the world cultural heritage we have seen, such as the Mogao Grottoes, is so rich in content and has a long history." He said that the Dunhuang Research Institute has always adhered to the six character policy of "protection, research, and promotion". Protection is the foundation, and if cultural relics are not well protected, nothing can be discussed. Research is the core. If we don't study, how do we know the value of these cultural relics? How can we promote the excellent traditional culture behind it? Promoting is the goal, and our protection and research ultimately aim to create today's civilization and culture. "Don't worry about the sand blocking the entrance of the cave anymore" Zhao Shengliang introduced that the the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang were built in public

I will definitely have a deep understanding of current life. Mo Yan: I want to write a work from the 1930s
I will definitely have a deep understanding of current life. Mo Yan: I want to write a work from the 1930s

"Even if I write a historical work that seems completely unrelated to the present, I still need to pay close attention to reality." Famous writer Mo Yan said at today's Beijing Cultural Forum's "Cultural Man: Literary Value and Social Life" roundtable forum, that literature transcends time and space, and good writing is not limited by geography and time. He said that when we read historical works such as "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Book of Songs", we will still be moved, strongly shocked, and have a noble aesthetic enjoyment. This is a very convincing example. Mo Yan believes that a writer's creation should focus on the present, but must also be free from the constraints of the present. If you want to create a novel set in the 1930s, you first need to be fully familiar with the various aspects of society in that era, and also need to be familiar with the current situation

What is the task of a translator?, "Going Global" in Contemporary Chinese Literature
What is the task of a translator?, "Going Global" in Contemporary Chinese Literature

Currently, many excellent foreign literary works are constantly being displayed on our bookshelves, and contemporary Chinese literature has also entered foreign bookstores and libraries through the efforts of a group of overseas translators. For example, Liu Cixin's "Three Body Problem" has sparked a reading frenzy overseas. What is the task of a translator on the path of "going out and bringing in" literary works? Recently, in the October Literature Month series of activities, writer Wen Zhen brought up such a topic to everyone. Dutch translator Shi Lu said that when translating a Chinese work into Dutch, she first hopes that Dutch readers, her own relatives and friends can also understand it, which makes her feel meaningful. In specific translation practice, she believes that the most difficult to translate is the unique elements from different cultures, and for translators, it is necessary to create a new one that is convenient for translation

The symposium on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tang Xiangqian was held in Shanghai
The symposium on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tang Xiangqian was held in Shanghai

Yesterday, the symposium and academic seminar on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tang Xiangqian was held at Shanghai University. The attending guests reviewed Tang Xiangqian's life of saving the country through industry, and remembered his spirit and character of upholding integrity, innovation, pioneering, revitalizing China, and benefiting the country and the people. Chen Tong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and President of the Shanghai Overseas Friendship Association, attended and delivered a speech. Leung Chun yan, President of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and Honorary President of the Hong Kong Federation of Industries, and Tang Ying nian, Standing Committee Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Tang Chun yuan Education Foundation in Shanghai, attended. The symposium is jointly organized by the Shanghai Overseas Friendship Association, the Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the Shanghai Tang Junyuan Education Foundation, and hosted by Shanghai University.

Minnan dialect language model and AI enhanced cloud editing platform release, deeply exploring the historical and cultural commonalities between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait
Minnan dialect language model and AI enhanced cloud editing platform release, deeply exploring the historical and cultural commonalities between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait

At the time when the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued support for the construction of a demonstration zone for the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in Fujian, the "Chinese centered multimodal pre trained Minnan language model" and the "Minnan Taiwan video data AI enhancement and editing cloud platform" were recently released by the Intelligent Audiovisual Laboratory team of Xiamen Institute of Technology. These two research achievements are of great significance in promoting accurate and smooth communication among global Minnan language users, maintaining the diversity of Chinese language and culture, enhancing China's international communication capacity, and deeply exploring the historical and cultural commonalities between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is reported that the "Chinese centered multimodal pre trained Minnan dialect language model" adopts the latest deep learning technology and large-scale corpus training, which can achieve accurate understanding and generation of Minnan dialect. This model is based on the underlying Chinese technology and is based on the Minnan dialect in the Minnan region

Electric vehicles are a hot investment topic, according to a report from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: 28.5% of A-share listed companies release ESG reports
Electric vehicles are a hot investment topic, according to a report from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: 28.5% of A-share listed companies release ESG reports

The Institute of Financial Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences Academic Press jointly released the Investment Blue Book: China ESG Investment Development Report yesterday, pointing out that ESG investment is a strategic starting point for exploring the path of Chinese path to modernization and achieving high-quality economic development. At present, six industries including finance, oil and gas, energy and power, and electric vehicles are hotspots for ESG investment. Against the backdrop of the significant challenges facing climate change and China's implementation of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality strategies, the ESG investment concept is gradually accelerating its popularization in China. In the past five years, policy exploration and practical innovation related to ESG in China have been continuously advancing. As of the end of 2022, 99 asset management institutions in mainland China have joined the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment and the proportion of A-share listed companies that have released ESG related reports has increased

Adhere to national integrity and bravely defend our country! This graphic and textual exhibition introduces the real Taiwan after the cutting of Taiwan during the First Sino Japanese War
Adhere to national integrity and bravely defend our country! This graphic and textual exhibition introduces the real Taiwan after the cutting of Taiwan during the First Sino Japanese War

Recently, the "Let's Watch the Eagles and Falcons emerge from the Wind and Dust" exhibition on the history of Taiwanese compatriots fighting against Japan and saving the nation, organized by the Shanghai Taiwan Compatriots Association, opened in Shanghai. This exhibition, through a large number of precious historical images and texts, focuses on the years 1895 to 1945, after the defeat in the First Sino Japanese War and the annexation of Taiwan. Under the guidance of national spirit, many Taiwanese compatriots adhered to the unity of resistance, bravely defended their homes and country, and upheld the national integrity of Chinese culture and the fine tradition of patriotism and love for their homeland. Lu Lian, President of the Shanghai Taiwan Compatriots Association, stated that holding exhibitions and commemorating martyrs is more important in terms of standing firm in the present and envisioning the future. The fifty year history of the Taiwan compatriot family's resistance against Japan and salvation shows us that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are a community with a shared future connected by blood. China is the common home of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the blood is thicker than water. The kinship of compatriots will never be obstructed by any force.

More than 20 major events were held for the first time in Zhangjiawan Design Town, and the 2023 Beijing International Design Week will open tomorrow
More than 20 major events were held for the first time in Zhangjiawan Design Town, and the 2023 Beijing International Design Week will open tomorrow

The 2023 Beijing International Design Week will officially open tomorrow. For the first time, this design week will host the opening event and more than 20 exhibitions, forums, markets, and other activities at the permanent venue of Beijing International Design Week in Zhangjiawan Design Town, located in the sub center of the city. The event covers nearly a hundred cultural venues in the sub center of Beijing and various districts of Beijing, and strengthens cooperation with multiple cities in Tianjin and Hebei. At the press conference of the 2023 Beijing International Design Week held today, Dong Dianyi, Deputy Secretary General and Office Director of the Beijing International Design Week Organizing Committee, and Deputy Director of the Beijing State owned Cultural Assets Management Center, introduced that the theme of this design week is "open innovation", leveraging the advantages of international resources and combining with China's development needs, to make international cooperation in design innovation more practical and larger, hold a dialogue activity on design cities, and invite domestic and foreign visitors

Shanghai Shanghai Opera House will perform its specialty during the Chinese Opera Culture Week
Shanghai Shanghai Opera House will perform its specialty during the Chinese Opera Culture Week

The 7th China Opera Culture Week will hold its home event from September 28th to October 4th at the Beijing Garden Expo. Today, Ma Wen, a second level inspector of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, introduced at a press conference that the theme of this year's Chinese Opera Culture Week is "Mountain and Water Grand Theater Expo". Nearly 50 excellent theaters and art schools from 20 provinces across the country will bring more than 120 exciting performances. In the "Gathering of Great Experts, Famous Troupes, Famous Drama Masters" section, in addition to major theaters in Beijing such as the National Peking Opera Theatre, China Academy of Drama, Beijing Peking Opera Theatre, Northern Kunqu Opera Theatre, China Pingju Theatre, Beijing Hebei Bangzi Opera Troupe, and Beijing Quju Opera Troupe, there will also be leading theaters in various genres such as Shanghai Opera Theatre, Shanxi Jin Opera Theatre, Sichuan Chuan Opera Theatre, and Gansu Longju Opera Theatre, all of which will present their specialties. Dramatic charm

Chinese acrobatics "Pretty Dancer: Collective diabolo" wins the gold medal at the Russian International Circus Festival
Chinese acrobatics "Pretty Dancer: Collective diabolo" wins the gold medal at the Russian International Circus Festival

On the 18th, good news came from St. Petersburg that at the 2nd Russia "Borderless" International Circus Festival, the classic work of the Chinese acrobatic troupe under Beijing Performing Arts Group, "Pretty Flower Dancer: Collective diabolo," won the gold medal, continuing the glorious legend of the 69th gold medal of the Chinese acrobatic troupe. After the competition, the Chinese acrobatic troupe received warm invitations from acrobatic and circus art festivals around the world, received a large number of performance orders, and the overseas performance market will be fully restarted. "Qiao Hua Dan: Collective diabolo" won the "Gold Award". This year's "Borderless" International Circus Art Festival is jointly organized by the Russian Ministry of Culture and the Russian National Circus Company, and is the highest standard international circus art festival in Russia. A total of 22 excellent programs from 16 countries participated in the competition, including skilled acrobatics programs, humorous and comical programs, as well as exciting and lovely movements

It will make the two cities work harder, as seen in Tang Yingnian's dialogue on the healthy competition between Hong Kong and Shanghai
It will make the two cities work harder, as seen in Tang Yingnian's dialogue on the healthy competition between Hong Kong and Shanghai

The exclusive interview with Tang Yingnian was in the guest room on the 8th floor of the Peninsula Hotel. Looking out through the french window on both sides, he saw the brown Shanghai Building on one side, the Garden Bridge of Shanghai on the other side, and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in the distance. Tang Yingnian is very familiar with this area, from his grandfather Tang Junyuan to his father Tang Xiangqian, the Tang family has left many marks in the modern textile history of Shanghai. Tang Yingnian came to Shanghai from Hong Kong to attend the 100th anniversary of his father Tang Xiangqian's birth, and then returned to his hometown, Wuxi. You can hear Tang Yingnian's reverence for his father. In his view, whether he took over a large family business from his father, or served as the Director and Secretary of the Special Administrative Region Government, or now serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the West Kowloon Cultural District Management Bureau, his father's teachings have always been remembered, "He told me to love myself."

Discussing Food Security and Future Agriculture, the 2023 World Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Conference will be held in Beijing in November
Discussing Food Security and Future Agriculture, the 2023 World Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Conference will be held in Beijing in November

The 2023 World Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Conference will be held from November 2nd to 4th at the Jinhai Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center in Pinggu, Beijing. The theme of the conference is "Food Security and Future Agriculture", with "1+4" as the main framework. The opening ceremony and main forum will be held, as well as four special forums: the World Agricultural University President Forum, the World Agricultural Entrepreneurs Forum, the World Agricultural Science and Technology Venture Investment Forum, and the International Agricultural Exchange and Cooperation Forum. At the same time, the World Agricultural Science and Technology Expo and several sub forums and parallel forums will also be held. The reporter learned from today's relevant press conference that the 2023 World Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Conference will face the opportunities and challenges of global agricultural and food system transformation, combine with the actual needs of national agricultural science and technology innovation, rely on the advantages and resources of all parties, accelerate the gathering of innovative elements, strengthen industry university research cooperation, and promote agriculture

At present, the entire academy has compiled 38 disciplinary yearbooks, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has released 24 disciplinary yearbooks
At present, the entire academy has compiled 38 disciplinary yearbooks, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has released 24 disciplinary yearbooks

Today, the disciplinary yearbook press conference of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was held in Beijing, and 24 disciplinary yearbooks were released. In 2013, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences began implementing the "Philosophy and Social Science Yearbook Project". After ten years of development, as of August 2023, the entire institute has published and initiated the compilation of 38 discipline yearbooks, covering 12 primary disciplines and 26 secondary and tertiary disciplines. The China Social Science Yearbook Database has received over 400 yearbooks, and the vast majority of yearbooks maintain continuous publishing, paper publishing, and digital publishing in sync. Vice President and Party member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhen Zhanmin, attended the press conference and delivered a speech, pointing out that disciplinary yearbooks are an important support for disciplinary development, and academic prosperity cannot be achieved without the high-quality development of disciplinary yearbooks. The disciplinary yearbook should strengthen the systematic sorting and extraction of the forefront of academic development,

China Railway Group: 200 Nighttime High Speed Trains Opened During Mid Autumn Festival and National Day Holidays
China Railway Group: 200 Nighttime High Speed Trains Opened During Mid Autumn Festival and National Day Holidays

The reporter learned from China National Railway Group Co., Ltd. that during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, the railway department will add 200 night high-speed trains from September 27th to October 1st, and from October 4th to 7th. Tickets have been gradually released, and every effort will be made to meet the travel needs of passengers. As of now, there are sufficient tickets in all directions from October 1st to 4th, and 150 million train tickets have been sold from September 13th to 20th. According to the person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group, based on the available train tickets for October 5th, tickets from Shenyang to Beijing, Qingdao to Beijing, Chengdu to Xi'an, Qingdao to Shanghai, Nanchang to Shanghai, Nanchang to Shenzhen, Chengdu to Guangzhou, Chengdu to Beijing, Nanchang to Guangzhou, Guiyang to Guangzhou and other directions are in high demand. Tickets from Beijing to Xi'an, Chengdu to Chongqing, Beijing to Taiyuan, Shenzhen to Wuhan, and Beijing to Shenzhen are in high demand

The first batch of over 400 original products made their debut, and the Beijing Pinggu Russian Import Commodity Museum opened
The first batch of over 400 original products made their debut, and the Beijing Pinggu Russian Import Commodity Museum opened

2023 is the tenth anniversary of China's proposal to jointly build the "the Belt and Road". Pinggu District of Beijing actively integrated into this major strategy and successfully launched the China Europe freight train from Beijing to Russia in March this year, opening up a fast and efficient new international trade channel for the capital. Today, the Beijing Pinggu Russian Import Commodity Museum opened and held a brief and enthusiastic opening ceremony. The Russian Import Goods Museum is located near Jinhai Lake, the largest comprehensive water leisure and entertainment venue in Beijing, adjacent to the main venue of the World Leisure Congress. The exhibition hall has a construction area of nearly 2000 square meters and is divided into three major areas: product exhibition and sales, guest live streaming, and interactive experience. Among them, the product exhibition and sales area gathers more than 400 types of ten major categories of products from Russia, including beverages, leisure food, and daily necessities, allowing consumers to not go abroad

Why does Zhangjiawan Design Town attract designers to gather? Why can it become the permanent venue of Beijing International Design Week?
Why does Zhangjiawan Design Town attract designers to gather? Why can it become the permanent venue of Beijing International Design Week?

The 2023 Beijing International Design Week opened yesterday at the permanent venue of Zhangjiawan Design Town, located in the urban sub center of Beijing. Why can this become a new development base for the "design city" of Beijing? Why has it become the permanent venue of Beijing International Design Week? The permanent site of Beijing International Design Week, located at No. 8 Guanghua Road, Zhangjiawan Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, aims to create a new academic highland for Chinese design. It will gradually open to the public in September 2023, with a total construction scale of approximately 17700 square meters, including 11000 square meters above ground and 6700 square meters underground. It is used as the venue for Beijing International Design Week, integrating and driving well-known brands such as Beijing Fashion Week and Beijing Architecture Biennale to hold corresponding events, and promoting the normalized operation of the permanent venue for Design Week through various cooperation methods. Beijing International Design Zhou Yong

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research