She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:17 PM

I came with the expectations of the Honduran people, recognizing the One China principle, establishing diplomatic relations with China, and cooperating with China, which will bring development opportunities to my country. From June 9th to 14th, Honduras President Iris Hiomara Castro Samento made a state visit to China, making her first stop in Shanghai. In the past two days, the reporter has been following the President's itinerary in Shanghai throughout the journey, personally experiencing China's enthusiasm for new friends in Latin America and Hong Kong's expectations for bilateral cooperation.

Make the President feel at home

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

At around 9 o'clock on June 9th, Castro and his delegation arrived in Shanghai and immediately went to stay at the Peace Hotel. At the main entrance of the hotel, the national flags of China and Hong Kong are flying. When Castro entered the lobby, the senior jazz band of the Peace Hotel played the music "Honduran Songs and Life" - which was the background music for Casey's inauguration speech. Castro stood in front of the band, smiling and listening, and applauded after the end of the song.

Senior jazz band captain Xiao Xueqiang told reporters that he felt very honored to perform for the president. "Everyone was very excited and rehearsed many times overnight," he said.

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

"We hope to make the President feel at home," said Huang Dingyi, the general manager of the Peace Hotel. Upon learning that the President likes pink flowers, the hotel specially placed bouquets of peonies, hydrangeas, and carnations in the President's room, and thoughtfully prepared her favorite banana cake and Shanghai style hado. "The President was both surprised and happy when he saw them.".

On the afternoon of June 9th, 22 members of the Shanghai martial arts team performed programs such as long fist, swordsmanship, double whip, and Tai Chi for Hong Fang's guests, clasping their fists tightly against their waist and roaring their feet to the ground, attracting bursts of applause from the audience. "We only watched Chinese Kungfu on TV in the past, and this is the first time we have watched it live. It was extremely exciting." Honduras TV reporter Douglas Ronaldo recorded a performance video with his camera, hoping to broadcast it on their country's media.

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

"Although Shanghai is the first stop of our trip to China, we feel the warm hospitality of the Chinese people here. We hope that the two countries can expand cultural exchanges, and martial arts is the Chinese culture loved by the Honduran people." At the scene, a high-ranking official accompanying Honduras invited the Shanghai martial arts team, "Welcome to our country to perform martial arts, and feel the warmth and simplicity of the people."

Fully experience the charm of Shanghai city

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

"All journalists are coming to China for the first time." During the two days in Shanghai, Honduras TP TV reporter Oswal often ran with a selfie stick. "This is a very important historical visit, and we journalists from TV stations, newspapers, and new media all need to record everything." Even though our English is not very good, Honduras journalists still try to communicate with Shanghai citizens, receptionists, and Chinese journalists through gestures and translation software, hoping to interview more information.

Oswal told reporters that he had visited the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and learned about the whole process of the CPC from small to large, from weak to strong. "Along the way, we saw towering skyscrapers in Shanghai, very clean and modern." However, he had some regrets that his stay in Shanghai was too short this time, and he hoped to experience the city in detail in the future.

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

"I believe there will definitely be such an opportunity," said Lou Xiangfei, associate researcher at the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, who has been following Castro's visit to China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong, the relationship between the two sides has rapidly heated up, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields have been comprehensively promoted, creating a good situation for further deepening the development of bilateral relations.

"How much does it cost to buy a Huawei phone in China?" asked Carl Martinez, a Honduran LTV television reporter, coldly during an interview. He said that he and many friends use Huawei phones, and many even buy Huawei computers and watches. Therefore, he is looking forward to visiting Huawei's Shanghai Research Institute with the President on June 10th. "I really want to know how Chinese mobile phones are produced and what new technologies there are in the future," he said

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

The people of Honduras are not unfamiliar with Huawei. Since its operation in the local area in 2008, the company has participated in multiple digital connection construction projects. At the exhibition hall on the first floor of Huawei Shanghai Research Institute, Huawei Chairman Liang Hua told Castro that the company will adhere to the concept of "in Honduras, for Honduras", and help more Hondurans conveniently use the internet by making good use of its technological advantages and business experience.

Shanghai is not only a clean and green city, but also a technological 'treasure trove'. After finishing his Huawei trip, Carl Martinez told reporters that the Honduran media's understanding of Shanghai has become more comprehensive.

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

Looking forward to deep cooperation with Shanghai

Before embarking on his trip to China, Castro stated on social media that he was visiting China with a "special mission" and that "the reconstruction work in Honduras requires opening up new perspectives in many fields such as politics, science, technology, business, and culture.".

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

On the morning of June 10th, the President went to the New Development Bank in Pudong to meet with the President and former Brazilian President Rousseff. Rousseff told her old friends who have come from afar that the New Development Bank will better play a platform role and further promote cooperation among developing countries. Castro said he hopes to find more development opportunities and partners for Honduras, help the people get out of poverty, and live a different life than they do now.

Natalie, a journalist from Aztec Television in Honduras, was very touched. Her country has abundant resources, producing coffee and cigars, but urgently needs an export market. Therefore, many Honduran journalists have formed groups to visit Hongqiao International Coffee Port. "Coffee is an important export commodity for our country, and farmers are eager to connect with the Chinese platform." She said she wants to inform her compatriots about the situation in Shanghai as soon as possible. "Before the establishment of diplomatic relations, China was already Honduras' third largest trading partner, and we hope to find more channels for Honduras' goods to enter China in the future."

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

Looking ahead to the future, Lou Xiangfei stated that there is great potential for cooperation between Shanghai and Honduras in areas such as economy and trade, infrastructure construction, and tourism. Honduran enterprises can leverage the CIIE platform to quickly enter Shanghai and the entire Chinese market with more high-quality agricultural and aquatic products, and both sides can further tap into the potential for cooperation in the field of infrastructure.

"There is a saying in our country that language is like a branch and leaves, and behavior is like a fruit." Honduran Foreign Minister Reina told reporters that the Honduran people are eagerly looking forward to President Castro's historic meeting with Chinese leaders in Beijing. "We believe that the two countries will sign a series of agreements to jointly plan for future development and better benefit the people of both countries.".

She felt the enthusiasm of Shanghai, and "I came with the expectations of the Honduran people" President | China | Shanghai

Photo photographer: Zhang Chi, some pictures

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