This new book allows the younger generation to understand the great cause of the founding of the party, and uses credible and readable party history stories to show the image of a respectable and affable party.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:48 PM

On September 23, the book launch conference of "Breaking the Cocoon: From Shikumen to Tiananmen" and the seminar "Shanghai Shikumen and the Great Party Founding Spirit" were held at the Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. "Breaking Out of the Cocoon: From Shikumen to Tiananmen" is written by Xu Guangshou, a party history scholar, vice president of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, and professor at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. It is a documentary documentary about the founding of the Communist Party of China. .

Gao Yunfei, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, unveiled the new book. Ding Ding, editor-in-chief of the People's Daily Publishing House, Xin Ping, vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Works and president of the Shanghai CCP History Society, Xie Chao, secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, Xinjiang Production Wang Lei, deputy director of the Shanghai Office of the Construction Corps, Zhang Yun, honorary president of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, Zhou Zheng, member of the party committee and deputy director of the Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China, and others attended the meeting. Gao Fujin, vice president and secretary-general of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, presided over the press conference.

According to reports, "Broken Cocoon" targets the majority of party members and young people, especially college, middle and primary school students. It takes the party-building activities of the pioneers of the Communist Party of China as its main content, and uses 40 wonderful historical stories to review the turbulent times of more than a hundred years ago. The process of party building helps the younger generation deeply understand the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists, and better inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building.

"At the beginning, the People's Daily Publishing House and the Red Cultural and Creative Professional Committee of the Shanghai Creative Industries Association asked me to write this book about the historical story of the founding of the Communist Party of China. I felt both a glorious mission and a heavy responsibility." In Xu Guangshou's view, This party history work must not only be both party spirit and scientific, but also strive to be credible and readable, story and academic, history and literature, and use credible and readable party history stories to show an image of respectability and affinity for the party. . In the process of creation, he followed the "big party history view" and incorporated the founding of the party into a certain historical process and spatial scope to present: the book starts from the Beida Red Building and tells the story from June 1920 to July 1922. During the month, within the circle with the New and Old Yuyang Lane in Shanghai as the center and the "Red Kilometer" as the radius, the "two years and three meetings" of the Shanghai Initiative of the Communist Party of China, the First Congress of the Party and the Second Congress of the Party were held successively. The red story comprehensively demonstrates the great achievements of the Communist Party of China in building a party from a group to a political party, from embryonic form to perfection, and from a local to a national level.

"Create a 'new' context, build a 'red' bridge, maintain the height of 'greatness', and create a 'cool' form. From topic planning to integrated media creation, this book strives to promote the true entry of red culture The younger generation." Cao Tianfeng, the theme planner of "Broken Cocoon", director of the Shanghai Chinese Communist Party History Society, and director of the Red Cultural and Creative Professional Committee of the Shanghai Creative Industry Association, believes that bringing red culture to the younger generation is definitely not a simple slogan. , and more concrete actions are needed.

To this end, the editorial board has organized a number of creative symposiums to carefully listen to the voices and suggestions of the Young Pioneers and Youth League members. Based on suggestions from young people, the editorial board repeatedly polished the subtitles of each chapter in an effort to make the table of contents outline of the work more vivid and eye-catching. At the same time, the film and television drama adaptation and interactive performing arts program of "Broken Cocoon" are also being brewed. The red story in the book will be used as the main line, and the appeal of the work will be enhanced through film and television art, immersive theater and other forms that are popular among teenagers. Tell the youth group the story of the founding of the Communist Party of China from Shikumen in Shanghai, and let the young people of the new era "experience first-hand" the struggling life and world of belief of the new youth a hundred years ago.

In addition, "Broken Cocoon" also attempts to empower innovative reading forms through digital technology. Authorized by the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, readers only need to scan the "AR" identification code in the book to watch the 4-episode short video "The Source of Spiritual Power" produced by the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on the mobile phone. The foundation of the Party--Decoding the great spirit of party founding". With the support of People's Daily Publishing House, the red story of Shanghai Shikumen in the book will be "moved" into an online virtual metaverse digital exhibition hall.

A book donation ceremony was held at the event, and guests attending the event conducted discussions and exchanges around the theme of "Shanghai Shikumen and the Great Spirit of Party Founding". This conference is co-sponsored by the People's Daily Publishing House and the Shanghai Society for the History of the Communist Party of China, supported by the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Party History Research Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and hosted by the Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Red Cultural and Creative Professional Committee of the Shanghai Creative Industries Association.

This new book allows the younger generation to understand the great cause of the founding of the party, and uses credible and readable party history stories to show the image of a respectable and affable party.
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