Why does it generate such strong co frequency resonance?, When Marxism Encounters Chinese Civilization and Culture | China | Marxism

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:59 PM

"To open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, it is the only way to combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." At the recent symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again reiterated the important historical significance of the "two combinations.

In 1925, Guo Moruo wrote a short essay titled "Marx Enters the Confucian Temple". In Guo Moruo's writing, the bearded Marx entered the Confucian Temple in Shanghai and crossed a thousand years to meet Confucius in China. Both sides had a strong sense of regret for meeting too late.

Why did the Chinese civilization, which was nurtured in the ancient East, resonate with Marxism, which originated on the European continent, on the same frequency? Ultimately, this is all due to the high importance that philosophers attach to "people". The ancient Chinese thinkers never forgot the existence of "people", and the idea of putting people first constituted the political philosophy that countless scholars adhered to, and it was also the life goal they pursued and strived for throughout their lives. Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto that "the proletarian movement belongs to the vast majority of people and is an independent movement for the benefit of the vast majority.". For him, "human liberation" was his lifelong goal of struggle. From the early Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, to the Communist Manifesto, and then to Capital, how to achieve human liberation and enable more people to develop freely and comprehensively has always been a life proposition that Marx, a great thinker, has been pondering.

The encounter between Chinese civilization and Marxist theory resulted in the creation of a significant character in the history of human civilization. In the exhibition hall of the Communist Manifesto in Shanghai, the first Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto, translated by Mr. Chen Wangdao, has witnessed the ups and downs of Marxism and Chinese civilization over the past century. This is a historic encounter, a meeting of mutual achievements - when Marx met China, the theory of human liberation had fertile ground for realization, and this great philosopher's profound philosophical thoughts were transformed into vivid practical experiences by groups of people with lofty ideals; When China met Marx, the revolution was guided by theory, and the pioneers in confusion were illuminated by the light of truth and darkness, ultimately sweeping across the country with a blazing fire and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation after a century.

This is a path of mutual cultivation. After a century of revolutionary practice, Chinese culture and Marxism have become an integrated whole, no longer separated from each other.

Just a few days ago, a new group of Chinese astronauts entered space aboard the Shenzhou-16 spacecraft; In a few years, China's manned lunar landing plan will also become a reality. Tianwen, Zhurong, Chang'e, Yutu, Guanghan Palace, Wukong, Tiangong, Beidou... These names full of Chinese cultural colors are becoming magnificent scenery in the boundless universe and have also received praise from netizens - "The romance of Chinese people is to turn myths into reality!"

It is under the leadership of the CPC that China has undergone earth shaking changes. The great development of society and the explosion of productivity have made it possible to realize the "Chinese romance" and added a strong cultural flavor to the magnificent space industry. This is the epitome of cultural power - Chinese path to modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and Chinese civilization gives Chinese path to modernization deep foundation.

The best way to inherit history is to create new history; the greatest respect for human civilization is to create new forms of human civilization. By combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture, China is walking on a grand road. The Chinese people are using their hands to practice and create a new history that belongs to themselves and China, and also shaping the emergence of a new form of civilization. The world of humanity has also undergone changes due to China, and people cannot ignore the new opportunities that this ancient Eastern country has brought to the world.

Perhaps everything is like the brilliant quote engraved on Marx's tombstone - "Philosophers only explain the world in different ways, and the problem is to change the world."

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