General Secretary emphasized the need to handle these four pairs of relationships well. Regarding the "dual carbon" work, the first Carbon Expo will be held in Shanghai, and the Global | Green | Relationship

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:53 PM

The first Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo will be held from June 11th to 14th at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. This is the first domestic expo with the theme of "carbon neutrality".

The goal of peaking carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development.

I. Development and emission reduction go hand in hand

A correct understanding of the relationship between development and emission reduction is the key point to correctly promote the work of "dual carbon". With the improvement of the level of economic development in our country, the resource and environmental constraints are becoming more and more obvious. At present, the basic national conditions that our country is in and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time remain unchanged, and development is still the basis and key to solve the basic contradictions in our country. The essence of promoting green and low-carbon circular development and building ecological civilization is to promote higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development. Only high-quality development can provide the possibility of capital and technology for emission reduction, and can systematic economic and social changes be realized.

At present, coordinated development and emission reduction still face practical challenges such as high energy consumption demand, high difficulty in further adjusting heavy chemical industry, and limited natural resource endowments. Therefore, we need to fully grasp the historical initiative, coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, continue to promote the modernization construction of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and grasp new development momentum in emission reduction. The green and low-carbon industrial system represented by new energy and new energy vehicles has become a strong driving force for future economic and social development. In related fields, China is transitioning from "following" to "running parallel" and "leading". For example, the development of Ningde in Fujian has formed a lithium battery new energy industry cluster worth billions of yuan, while Qujing in Yunnan has accelerated the rise of three emerging industries worth billions of yuan, including new energy batteries, green silicon photovoltaics, and green aluminum deep processing. These cases all reflect who can grasp the development trend of green and low-carbon industries in the new era, and who can take the initiative in the increasingly fierce economic competition. Accelerating the transformation of green industries in promoting the "dual carbon" work is the only way to achieve Chinese path to modernization.

II. Overall and partial overall development

Accurately grasping the relationship between the whole and the part is the core of actively and steadily promoting carbon peak carbon neutralization. The goal of "double carbon" involves systematic economic and social changes, including regional development, the rise and fall of industries, public life and many other aspects. Therefore, to promote the "double carbon" work, we should not only enhance the awareness of the whole country to play a game of chess, strengthen the convergence and coordination of policies and measures to ensure the formation of a joint force, but also fully consider the objective reality of regional resource distribution and industrial division of labor, study and determine the direction of local industrial structure adjustment and the "double carbon" action plan, and refrain from taking a step-by-step approach and an across-the-board approach. Adhering to the concept of system is not only an important viewpoint of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also an important starting point for correctly understanding the relationship between the whole and the part and promoting the work of "double carbon".

From the perspective of the domestic economic and social development pattern, promoting the "dual carbon" work must first adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, do a good job in top-level design and goal guidance, leverage institutional advantages, and do a good job in policy coordination. Realizing the "dual carbon" goal does not mean simply decomposing and allocating tasks in various fields, regions, industries, and enterprises, nor should there be phenomena such as "carbon charging", "one size fits all", and "sports style" carbon reduction ". It is even more important to avoid serious problems that affect national economy and people's livelihood, such as" coal control "and" power restrictions ". To promote the "dual carbon" work, it is also necessary to pay attention to coordinating the unity of national goals and regional particularities, fully considering the differences in economic development level, natural resource endowment, industrial structure, technological level, and other aspects among different regions, and building a complete, operable, and assessable policy system to promote the "dual carbon" work according to local conditions. If the economic foundation in the western region is relatively weak, the total carbon emissions are relatively low, and the development willingness is strong, a certain amount of development space should be given, and advanced layout should be made based on the advantages of the natural environment and resources in the western region to enhance the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem and create a demonstration model for new energy development.

From the perspective of the overall human development, the "dual carbon" goal is a major strategic decision made by China based on its responsibility to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and the inherent requirements for achieving sustainable development. China's "dual carbon" work is not only committed to promoting global climate governance through practical actions, but also sets an example for addressing climate change. China should rely on the "the Belt and Road" initiative to promote green and low-carbon transformation in the world, especially in developing countries, take concrete actions to promote the international community to fully and effectively implement the Paris Agreement, and play an important, positive and constructive role in the global climate governance process. At the same time, assuming international obligations also requires seeking truth from facts, adhering to principles, and resolutely adhering to the bottom line of economic and social development security.

III. Effective connection between long-term and short-term

A dialectical understanding of the relationship between "double carbon" short-term goals and long-term goals is an important magic weapon to solve the stage contradictions between development and emission reduction, and to steadily promote carbon peak carbon neutralization. It is necessary to combine the long-term and short-term goals of historical development, and coordinate the work of "double carbon" and the task of economic and social development.

The goals of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, combined with the task of achieving basic modernization and building a socialist modernized strong country in all respects, are currently in a critical period of carrying heavy burdens forward. The realization of Chinese path to modernization and the promotion of "double carbon" work are consistent in terms of short-term and long-term goals. We can neither rush for success, step by step, nor give up eating for fear of choking or wandering. We need to incorporate the "dual carbon" work into the economic and social development plan, coordinate development and security, and promote the achievement of the "dual carbon" goals through planned and divided steps. We must take ensuring national energy and resource security and economic development as the bottom line, adhere to the principle of first establishing and then breaking through, promote the smooth transition of low-carbon energy transformation, be stable and orderly, and ensure safe carbon reduction; To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality in the future, we need to advance the layout of emerging and high-tech industries, and quickly form a green and low-carbon modern industrial system; To improve the new national system, optimize the allocation of innovative resources, proactively deploy low-carbon, zero carbon, and negative carbon new technologies such as clean and efficient utilization of fossil energy, carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage, and take multiple measures to promote China to occupy the global green and low-carbon technology high ground; We need to integrate the construction of ecosystem carbon sinks into the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, and promote high-quality ecological protection and green development.

IV. The government and the market form a joint force

In order to correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, we must emphasize the mutual promotion of government-led and market-regulated two-wheel drive. The realization of the "dual carbon" goal should give full play to the overall planning and coordination function of the government and lay a solid governance foundation for the realization of the "dual carbon" goal under the joint drive of the government and the effective market; at the same time, we should give better play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources and form an effective incentive for low-carbon development.

The proposal of the "dual carbon" goal is the result of the government's active and proactive planning, not simply a market behavior. In the process of promoting the "dual carbon" work, the government should always occupy the core leading position of leadership, organization, supervision and coordination, and do a good job in top-level design from macro policies, laws and regulations, development planning, financial and tax systems, technological innovation, etc., formulate schedules, roadmaps, and construction drawings that are in line with national and local realities, build a green financial and tax system, strengthen policy implementation and market supervision. In addition, party committees and governments at all levels should also promote and interpret knowledge related to "dual carbon", solidly carry out mass work to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and use the mass line as a winning weapon to promote the formation of a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle.

To promote comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of economic development, it is necessary to leverage the invisible hand of effective markets to achieve rational and efficient allocation of resources. To make good use of market-oriented emission reduction tools such as the carbon market, we must not only leverage the key role of carbon price signals in risk management, investment guidance, and stabilizing expectations, but also prevent systemic risks and strengthen the carbon market stability guarantee system. Strengthen the construction of carbon finance and climate investment and financing systems, encourage green investments such as carbon neutral industry funds to promote green and low-carbon transformation, and achieve optimal economic development and emission reduction efficiency under carbon constraints.

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