How to implement the "two combinations" in ideological and political education teaching?

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:47 PM

Among them, "combination" has opened up innovative space, allowing us to grasp the initiative of thinking and culture, and effectively apply it to the path, theory, and system. More importantly, the "second combination" is another ideological liberation, allowing us to fully utilize the precious resources of excellent traditional Chinese culture in a broader cultural space, and explore future oriented theoretical and institutional innovations.

In the teaching of Marxist sinicization and modernization theory, the course of ideological and political theory should establish the purpose of traditional cultural education, develop the resource elements of traditional cultural education, and activate Chinese civilization with the power of Marxist truth.

First, Xi Jinping's use of allusions contains the standard of "excellence" of Chinese traditional culture, which provides a shortcut for teaching to screen excellent traditional culture.

Objectively speaking, there are both essence and dross in Chinese traditional culture. After being tested, screened, processed and innovated by the standpoint and method of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, Xi Jinping's allusions are endowed with new ideas and applied, and really dig out the connotation of "excellence" in Chinese traditional culture, so as to avoid great differences, disputes and even misunderstandings that may occur in teaching.

The "standard" contained in Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is fundamentally the world outlook and methodology towards traditional culture, at least in the following aspects:

One requirement is to strive for the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture. For the outdated or dross parts of traditional culture, when learning, researching, and applying them, it is necessary to combine practice and the requirements of the times to make correct choices. It is not advisable to simply copy and apply them. We should adhere to the principle of using the past for the present and learning from the past. At the same time, we should not be biased towards the past and neglect the present. Inheriting through identification and abandonment, achieving creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture, integrating it with real culture, and achieving the goal of being a cultural person.

The second requirement is to combine the promotion of excellent traditional culture with the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint, and method.If it weren't for Chinese characteristics, how could we have such a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics today? We should pay special attention to excavating the essence of China's 5000 year civilization, carrying forward the excellent traditional culture, combining the essence with the Marxist position, view and method, and unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The third requirement is to make excellent traditional Chinese culture an important source of cultural innovation and establish cultural confidence. China has firm confidence in its path, theory, and system, which is essentially a cultural confidence built on the foundation of over 5000 years of civilization inheritance. To handle the relationship between inheritance and innovation well, it is necessary to learn from the past without sticking to it, break the law without violating it, neither be complacent and outdated, nor cut off one's bloodline and create things out of thin air. The ideological concepts, humanistic spirit, and moral standards in excellent traditional Chinese culture are important treasures of cultural innovation. To activate the vitality of Chinese culture, it is necessary to integrate the values of Chinese culture and artistic creativity, and combine contemporary aesthetic pursuits with the spirit of Chinese aesthetics.

Second, Xi Jinping's use of the Code is the product of the Sinicization of Marxism and an organic part of the theoretical innovation of Marxism in the new era.

The teaching of Xi Jinping's use of Classics is the direct embodiment of the theory of Sinicization of Marxism in China, and the process of using Chinese traditional culture to "note" contemporary Chinese Marxism. It is also a process of using contemporary Chinese Marxism to "note" Chinese traditional culture. The two processes are closely related and organically unified. Therefore, the course teaching itself not only undertakes the responsibility of carrying forward and inheriting the excellent Chinese traditional culture, but also effectively performs the important mission of arming students' minds with contemporary Chinese Marxism.

In articles such as "Getting rid of Poverty: Miscellaneous Discussions on Political Affairs", the importance of "strategic determination" in governing the country is emphasized by citing the principle of "not being chaotic in the face of major issues, and not losing composure in the face of interests"; In articles such as "Leaders and Cadres Should Study Seriously, Be Honest, Be Honest, and Do Clean Work", it is quoted that "misfortune is not greater than dissatisfaction, and blame is not greater than desire", reminding party members and cadres to guard against the harm of "greed"; In articles such as "Speech at the First Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress", it is quoted that "meritorious service leads to ambition, and broad career leads to diligence", indicating that ambition and practical work complement each other; In articles such as "Speech at the Symposium on Philosophy and Social Science Work", the importance of applying what is learned is emphasized by citing the phrase "those who are knowledgeable are valuable, and those who are useful are also valuable."; In articles such as "Accepting Written Interviews", it is quoted that "those who gain the bigger can also have the smaller", emphasizing that when viewing Sino US relations, attention should be paid to the overall situation. These are all excavations of the contemporary value of excellent traditional Chinese culture, which are worth studying and comprehending seriously.

Third, "Xi Jinping's use of the Code" shows the Chinese style and Chinese style of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Marxism in the 21st century.

The full integration of traditional cultural allusions into Xi Jinping's ideological teaching of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is bound to make the ideological and political education curriculum of the original style take on a new look, full of traditional cultural charm, and stimulate students' learning enthusiasm and internal motivation. Through the integration of literature, history, philosophy, ethics, culture, politics and other multi-disciplinary educational elements, it embodies the profound cultural connotation and rich theoretical connotation of the Sinicization theory of Marxism in the 21st century, and effectively enhance the inherent charm and attraction of the curriculum.

From the perspective of the era span of using allusions, it has traversed thousands of years of history from ancient times to the Republican era, connecting ancient and modern times; From the form of the cited original scriptures, it includes the collection of classics and histories, and even includes ancient couplets, sayings, letters, philosophical works, etc; From the sources of literature on allusions, the most cited ones are from the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, especially from Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism; From the perspective of the depth and perspective of using allusions, many obscure classics that contain philosophical wisdom but are not well understood by the public have been cited. With a broad perspective and profound connotations, a large number of "relics of the sea" hidden in the ocean of traditional culture have been salvaged, which is refreshing and truly achieves the revitalization of "the characters written in ancient books", activating the vitality of traditional culture.

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