Why must we persist in this "combination"?, Promote Chinese path to modernization Marxism | Culture | China

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:41 PM

A series of important discussions not only profoundly expounded the historical origin, development context, ideological essence and distinctive characteristics of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, further clarified the era value of the excellent traditional Chinese culture as the "foundation" and "lifeline", but also profoundly revealed the intrinsic relationship between the realization of Chinese path to modernization and the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The excellent traditional Chinese culture carries a wealth of philosophical thoughts, humanistic spirit, values, and moral norms. It is not only an important cultural gene for Chinese path to modernization, but also provides Chinese path to modernization with endogenous and realistic development forces such as values, spiritual strength, and public opinion environment.

Cultural "Roots" of Chinese path to modernization

Chinese culture has a long and profound history, and is the brilliant and brilliant wisdom of Chinese civilization. Chinese path to modernization is rooted in the fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture and follows a profound historical logic.The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the wisdom crystallization and essence of Chinese civilization, the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the cultural "root vein" of Chinese path to modernization.

Chinese path to modernization has five characteristics, each of which highlights the unique temperament and ideological connotation of Chinese culture, stirring and radiating the vitality of Chinese civilization. For example, in the practice of modernization with a huge population, the people-oriented ideology of "valuing the people over the king, and maintaining stability and peace for the country" can be continuously elevated, providing a political tradition of "the world is for the public, and the people are the foundation of the country" for achieving modernization with a huge population; In the unremitting pursuit and struggle of "common prosperity for all people", efforts can be made to strengthen the governance concept of "the country is called rich, and cares about enriching the people", and provide the spiritual pursuit of "governing with morality and renovating the old" to achieve modernization of common prosperity for all people; In the coordinated construction and promotion of "material civilization and spiritual civilization", we can continuously cultivate the character of "self-improvement and virtue carrying things", and provide moral resources for "self-cultivation and self-cultivation" to achieve modernization that coordinates material civilization and spiritual civilization; In the ecological civilization construction of "harmonious coexistence between humans and nature", one can deeply understand the development concept of "Dao follows nature, and the unity of heaven and humanity", providing a "mature and self reliant" way of survival for the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature; In the firm decision and resounding pace of "pursuing the path of peaceful development", the social ideal of "honesty, harmony, and universal harmony" can be fully demonstrated, providing a cultural guarantee of "benevolence, love, and neighborliness" for the modernization of pursuing the path of peaceful development.

The humanistic spirit contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture has gathered consensus and strength for the current socialist modernization construction in China. The ultimate goal of the new road to Chinese path to modernization is to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Cultural self-confidence provides the most basic, deepest and lasting strength for China's modernization. The positive and enterprising spirit of "self-improvement, vigorous and promising", the reform and innovation spirit of "when things are different, things are different, and things are different," the patriotism spirit of "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world", the integrity attitude of "words must be trusted, and actions must be effective", the self-discipline concept of "no rules, no success", the moral demeanor of "being poor means being alone, and helping the world", the practical spirit of "unity of knowledge and practice", and the inclusive thought of "harmony but difference", all of which provide a strong spiritual force for promoting, broadening and realizing Chinese path to modernization.

Expand and promote the powerful power of Chinese path to modernization

The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the internal gene of Chinese path to modernization, and also a powerful driving force to expand and promote Chinese path to modernization.Therefore, it is necessary to combine the new era conditions and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

One is to adhere to using Marxism to stimulate the vitality and vigor of excellent traditional Chinese culture. We must adhere to Marxism as the guide and approach the excellent traditional Chinese culture with a scientific attitude. Marxism provides scientific guidance for promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and forging new brilliance in Chinese culture. Engels once pointed out that "every country that applies Marxism must wear the clothing of its own nation." We must always adhere to the position, viewpoint, and method of Marxism, examine Chinese excellent traditional culture with a scientific attitude, better tap into the ideological essence and resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and better combine Marxism with Chinese excellent traditional culture. Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture have a high degree of inherent compatibility, both of which have a benign interactive internal logic, as well as open characteristics and ideological fusion genes.

The second is to activate the vitality of excellent traditional Chinese culture with the spirit of the times, and continuously enhance its influence and appeal. In accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the times, we must adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present and innovating, so that excellent traditional Chinese culture can serve the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and thus promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Creative transformation means transforming the connotations and forms that still have reference value according to the characteristics and requirements of the times, endowing them with new era connotations and modern expression forms, and activating their vitality. We need to examine the excellent traditional Chinese culture within the coordinates of the new era, achieve creative transformation according to the characteristics and requirements of the times, and make the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation adapt to contemporary culture and coordinate with modern society. Innovative development means exploring, supplementing, expanding, and improving the connotation of excellent traditional Chinese culture in accordance with the new progress of the times, and enhancing its influence and appeal. Adapting to the development needs of Chinese path to modernization is an important source of the strong influence and charisma of Chinese excellent traditional culture. We must base ourselves on the times, grasp the times, activate the vitality of excellent traditional Chinese culture with the spirit of the times, and better demonstrate and elevate the spirit of the times. For example, emphasizing the use of modern technological means to enrich the modern expression of China's excellent traditional culture, "bringing to life the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on vast land, and the characters written in ancient books", striving to use all the spiritual wealth created by the Chinese nation to transform people's souls and enrich the spiritual world of the people. As these "cultural relics," "heritage," and "texts" increasingly enter the hearts of the people, the prediction made by the famous British historian, Tom Inby, that "the future of humanity is in the East, and Chinese civilization will become the leader of the world" will gradually become a reality.

The third is to integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the living world of the people in combination with the new era conditions. The world of life, as a practical field for the general public, refers to the objective world in which people live and can feel, while also containing various values and meanings, which can influence the overall character of society and the spiritual world of individuals. Combining the new era conditions and integrating excellent traditional Chinese culture into the world of people's lives, it is necessary to find the connection and integration points between traditional culture and modern life, achieve organic coupling, and continuously meet the growing needs of the people for a better cultural life. In the process of creatively transforming excellent traditional Chinese culture, we should attach importance to daily traditional literary and artistic creation, create literary and artistic masterpieces, and provide mainstream literary and artistic products that are pleasing to the people and appreciated by both the refined and the popular. At the same time, by properly handling the relationship between "guarding" and "changing", we can transform the elegant literature and art that has been shelved into a popular culture with the participation of the whole people. For example, by selecting micro themes that are more closely related to the actual life of the people, using forms such as "micro technology", "micro means", "micro dissemination", "micro videos", etc., we can continuously expand the cultural propaganda and education radiation and coverage of the people. In the form of "integrating education with entertainment", we can infiltrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the real life world of the people, and achieve the effect of "cultural" in a subtle and silent way.

The fourth is to strengthen the exploration, collection, excavation, and elucidation of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.We need to delve deeper into the treasure trove of Chinese culture and devote ourselves to studying ancient Chinese historical and cultural books, such as exploring the ideological connotations and origins of classics such as "Spring and Autumn Annals," "Records of the Grand Historian," and "Analects," extracting excellent cultural genes from ancient times and spreading them widely at home and abroad. At present, "Changjin Lake", "Me and My Motherland", "Awakening Era", "Wandering Earth"... These excellent film and television works that are imbued with Chinese culture and immersed in Chinese spirit are popular both at home and abroad, fully demonstrating the distinct symbol of Chinese spirit, concentrating on the magnificent style of Chinese spirit, giving Chinese spirit a new era connotation, and allowing Chinese spirit to be elevated with the times. In the huge echoes at home and abroad, they burst out with more lasting and full spiritual strength and practical energy.

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