A new round of theoretical essay solicitation activities has begun!, Focus on the theory of "Marxism sinicization, modernization and Chinese path to modernization" | Times | China

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:40 PM

2023 is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and an important year for starting the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.Come and take a look at the requirements of the essay solicitation activity.

I. guiding ideology

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, carry forward the great party-building spirit, and deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment". Strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", achieve the "two maintenance", and closely connect with the mission and task of Communist Party of China in the new era and new journey. In-depth study and interpretation of the Party's innovation theory in the new era, in-depth study and interpretation of the theory and practice of Chinese-style modernization, and in-depth study and interpretation of various strategic arrangements made by the 20th CPC National Congress, in-depth study and interpretation of the major issue that Shanghai will continue to be the vanguard of reform and opening up and the forerunner of innovation and development in the new era, so as to provide theoretical and intellectual support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

Second, reference topic selection

1. On the scientific system, core essentials and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; this important thought has opened up a new realm of the Sinicization of Marxism; this important thought deepens the understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party, the law of socialist construction and the law of the development of human society from a new perspective. The main contents of this important thought are summarized on "Ten clearness", "fourteen persistence" and "achievements in thirteen aspects", which is a brilliant example of "two combinations". The world outlook, methodology and standpoint methods running through this important thought; the "six must adhere to" is an organic whole connected with each other and internally unified. About unremittingly using this important thought to cast the soul.

2. The historical background and significant significance of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; The rich connotations and profound implications of the theme of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; The five years since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have been extremely unusual and extraordinary; The historic achievements and changes made by the Party and the state in the past 10 years in the new era;The milestone significance of the great changes in the history of the Party, New China, reform and opening up, socialist development, and the development of the Chinese nation in the past 10 years of the new era; The decisive significance of the "Two Foundations" for the development of the Party and the state in the new era, and for promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Regarding the transformation of the understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment" into practical results in achieving "two maintenance".

3. About the historical process of the CPC leading the people to explore Chinese path to modernization independently; On the relationship between the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and Chinese path to modernization; The Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles that must be firmly grasped about Chinese path to modernization; Chinese path to modernization is a major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization; The theory of Chinese path to modernization is the latest major achievement of scientific socialism; Chinese path to modernization is the only correct way to build a strong country and revive the nation; On the unique world view, values, historical view, civilization view, democratic view, ecological view, etc. contained in Chinese path to modernization and its great practice; To promote Chinese path to modernization, we need to correctly handle the dialectical relations between top-level design and practical exploration, strategy and strategy, integrity and innovation, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, self-reliance and self-improvement and opening up.

4. Strategic arrangements for comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country; Clarify the overall development goals of China by 2035 and the middle of this century; The next five years will be a crucial period for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country to begin; A series of strategic deployments and innovative measures regarding economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction; Regarding major issues such as focusing on promoting high-quality development, strengthening the basic strategic support for educational and technological talents, developing people's democracy throughout the entire process, adhering to the comprehensive rule of law, forging new brilliance in socialist culture, enhancing people's well-being, and promoting green development.

5. Regarding promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities; The strategic requirement for comprehensively building a socialist modernized country is to achieve the centenary goal of building the People's Army on schedule and accelerate the construction of the People's Army into a world-class military; Regarding adhering to "one country, two systems" and promoting national reunification;Regarding promoting world peace and development, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind; The connotation, achievements, and experience of China's diplomacy as a major country with Chinese characteristics; Regarding firmly upholding multilateralism and the principles of consultation, co construction, and sharing; On promoting high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road"; Regarding the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative.

Regarding the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the key lies in the Party; Regarding the unwavering and comprehensive strict governance of the Party, and deepening the new great project of Party building in the new era; We must always maintain a clear and resolute attitude towards solving the unique problems of the major party; The comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the road, and the Party's self revolution is always on the road; On the rate of relying on the Party's self revolution to break out of historical cycles; The general requirements for the construction of the Party in the new era; Regarding the leadership of the Party's political construction in all aspects of Party building work; Regarding the improvement of the leadership system of the Party and the normative system of the Party's self revolution system; On carrying forward the spiritual pedigree of the CPC with the great spirit of party building as the source.

7. The rich connotations and contemporary significance of the "three musts"; A systematic understanding of the "five necessary paths"; The rich connotations and contemporary significance of "the great nation"; The historical experience of the unity and struggle between the Party and the people; Understanding the scientific connotation and regularity of unity and struggle; The era and practical requirements for relying on the people to create great historical achievements; Regarding adhering to independence, self-reliance, and self-improvement, we must place the development of the country and the nation on the basis of our own strength, and firmly grasp the fate of China's development and progress in our own hands.

The significance of deeply grasping the development of thematic education; The overall requirements, objectives, tasks, methods and measures for accurately grasping theme education; Regarding the use of learning to shape the soul, enhance intelligence, improve the atmosphere, and promote practical results in promoting theme education; Regarding the comprehensive strengthening of the Party's innovative theoretical armament and the improvement of the institutional mechanism for learning and implementing the Party's innovative theory; A long-term mechanism for consolidating and deepening the achievements of thematic education; Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success; Innovative practices and effective experiences in carrying out centralized learning and education within the Party in the new era.

Regarding using the "Four Places" as the starting point for thinking and planning all work in Shanghai; Exploring the path and laws of socialist modernization in advance; The theory and practice of people's urban construction; Regarding the deepening of the construction of the "Five Centers"; Regarding the implementation of national strategic tasks, making good use of strategic platforms, and improving the level of an open economy; Experience and achievements in the construction of China's pilot free trade zones; Regarding accelerating the construction of a technology innovation center with global influence; Regarding promoting higher quality integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta; On building the best practice site for people's democracy throughout the entire process; Regarding accelerating the construction of a high-level talent highland; Regarding building a leading area for socialist modernization construction in Pudong New Area.

The above is the reference scope for the topic, and the author can customize specific questions based on the reference scope.

III. Requirements for soliciting essays

1. Adhere to the correct political direction, take Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guide, and encourage the cadres, masses and theorists of the whole city to strive for a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service. Viewpoints and conclusions related to relevant historical events should strictly abide by the spirit of the relevant decisions and documents of the CPC Central Committee.

2. Adhere to the integration of theory with practice, closely focus on the overall work of the Party and the state, combine with Shanghai's practice, have a clear theme, correct viewpoints, and innovative ideas, adhere to the unity of ideological and scientific aspects, and have high theoretical and practical value.

3. Rigorous logic, accurate expression, simple writing style, fluent language, strong infectivity and persuasiveness.

4. The word count of the paper should not exceed 8000 words, and a summary of approximately 200 words should be attached. Citations and historical materials should indicate their source.

5. The application paper must be an unpublished achievement and comply with academic standards.

6. Please fill in the registration form of "Marxism in China, Modernization and Chinese path to modernization" in Shanghai. Please go to the data download section of www.sh-popss.gov.cn to download the form.

IV. Methods of organization and solicitation

1. Essay organization. The mobilization and organizational work is divided as follows: the municipal party committee for education and health work is in charge of the colleges and universities of the system; the propaganda departments of the district party committees are in charge of the region; the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences is responsible for the research institutes of the academy; the party school of the municipal party committee, the party history research office of the municipal party committee, and the other party committees of the municipal party committee are in charge of the system; the municipal social union is in charge of the societies; and the Shanghai Xi Jinping New era Socialism thought Research Center is in charge of the research bases.

2. Essay submission. Submit the application paper to the author's organization before September 15, 2023; All units shall summarize and submit to their respective systems, and each system shall summarize and submit to the Office of Essay Collection before September 20, 2023. The office for essay solicitation activities is located in the Theoretical Department of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department. Four copies of the paper version shall be submitted by each system, and the electronic version shall be sent to: xcbllc@shanghai.gov.cn And marked "the theoretical solicitation of the sinicization and modernization of Marxism and Chinese path to modernization".

3. Essay review. The organizer organizes experts to review the applied papers, select the top ten and excellent papers, award award certificates and bonuses, and compile a collection of award-winning papers. At the same time, based on the quantity and quality of organizational papers, excellent organizational units will be selected and rewarded.

Contact person: Liu Xiangyu, Theoretical Department of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee

Contact number: 021-24022431

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