These two aspects need to be improved to promote the integration of registered residence | medical care | quality in the Yangtze River Delta

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:54 PM

This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Yangtze River Delta integration development becoming a national strategy. From June 5th to 6th, the 2023 Yangtze River Delta Major Leaders Symposium was held in Hefei, Anhui Province. The meeting pointed out the need to further break down administrative barriers, improve policy coordination, and promote the landing and effectiveness of more major platforms and projects; We will steadfastly promote people's well-being and work together to improve the level of public service security.

Compared to these requirements, the current development of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta needs further improvement in two aspects.

Firstly, the equalization of basic public services across regions and the level of key institutional coordination still need to be improved.

On the one hand, the current cross regional sharing of basic public service resources such as education and medical care in the Yangtze River Delta, as well as cross regional mutual recognition of benefits such as employment and old-age care, are not enough, non registered residence population and registered residence population cannot enjoy the same treatment, and many public service policies are controlled by provincial administrative departments, and adjacent district and county levels lack corresponding authority; On the other hand, the coordination of key systems such as registered residence, taxation and land in the Yangtze River Delta region needs to be further broken through, and the formulation of related and interrelated policies in the livelihood fields such as agriculture, medical care and employment has not yet achieved full and effective docking.

Secondly, the free flow of production factors across regions needs to be further strengthened.

The free flow of production factors across regions is a weak link in the current process of promoting the landing of more major platforms and projects in the Yangtze River Delta. Therefore, it is urgent to promote the free flow of production factors across regions in all fields such as talent, technology, information, data, capital, and credit. Especially, strengthening cross regional sharing and mutual recognition of key elements such as talent and credit. The Memorandum of Cooperation on Promoting Cadre Exchange in the Yangtze River Delta Integration, implemented in 2021, actively explores cadre exchange mechanisms that are suitable for integrated development, but lacks relevant systems for sharing and mutual recognition of professional and technical talents, enterprise management talents, and other types of talents. At the same time, the current sharing and mutual recognition of credit in the Yangtze River Delta region mainly involves sharing law enforcement information and coordinating work in areas such as food safety supervision and environmental protection. The sharing and mutual recognition of "blacklist" data in other application areas is still insufficient, especially at the provincial and municipal levels, where there is a lack of comprehensive credit system sharing and mutual recognition.

Given the two major bottlenecks mentioned above, the first step is to strengthen policy coordination and improve the level of public service guarantee.

On the one hand, efforts should be made to promote cross regional sharing of basic public service resources such as education and health care, and cross regional mutual recognition of benefits such as employment and old-age care. Efforts should be made to solve public service sharing problems such as non registered residence population and registered residence population enjoying the same basic public service benefits, remote certification, remote social security and old-age care, and accelerate the integration of cross regional public service systems. On the other hand, gradually promote the consultation and dialogue mechanism in the whole process of policy formulation in the Yangtze River Delta, such as grass-roots assessment, registered residence, taxation, land, etc., strengthen the docking of related and interrelated policy formulation in the livelihood fields such as agriculture, medical care, employment, etc., unify the implementation time and standards of livelihood policies, and enhance the compatibility and consistency of cross regional livelihood policies. In addition, research and develop a list of interrelated policies, determine the normative standards for regional policy systems and their policy integration, gradually promote and implement them in stages, and gradually solve the problems and inconveniences caused by inconsistent regional systems, regulations, and policies.

Secondly, it is necessary to gradually promote the free flow of production factors across regions and fields in stages and fields.

Firstly, focusing on production factors such as technology, information, and data, we will formulate and implement measures to promote the free flow of scientific and technological innovation factors across regions. Secondly, relying on the construction of big data in the Yangtze River Delta, further establish a cross regional credit system sharing and mutual recognition mechanism at the overall level of three provinces and one city, expand the sharing and application areas of the "blacklist", promote the establishment of a unified public credit management system in the Yangtze River Delta, and build a cross regional, cross industry, and cross domain public credit system. Thirdly, the Measures for Mutual Recognition of Professional and Technical Personnel Qualifications and Continuing Education Hours in the Yangtze River Delta Region and the Measures for Mutual Recognition of Talents Sharing in the Yangtze River Delta Region were formulated step by step to accelerate the pace of cross regional sharing and mutual recognition of professional and technical personnel and other types of talents, break through the institutional and institutional barriers of provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Delta in terms of talent assessment and evaluation standards, job qualification conditions, recognition standards, etc. due to administrative divisions and registered residence affiliation, and promote the cross regional sharing and mutual recognition of professional and technical talents, party and government cadres, enterprise management talents, high skilled talents, rural practical talents, social work talents and other types of talents in the Yangtze River Delta region in stages and categories.

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