The Provincial Department of Civil Affairs is dealing with a case in Hubei that is accused of compulsory promotion of cemeteries: couples may not be buried together.

Release time:May 06, 2024 06:07 AM

Recently, it was reported on the Internet that Changling Town, Guangshui, Suizhou, Hubei Province, forced residents to promote and require the purchase of cemeteries, which caused controversy and was opposed by some residents. Some residents said that after the new policy is implemented, couples may not be able to be buried together. What is the real situation? On May 5, multiple local departments responded to reporters from Dahe Daily and Yu Video’s “See” regarding this matter.

Suizhou had previously spent 270 million yuan to build a public welfare cemetery.

On May 5, a number of videos on social media about the controversy at Changling Town Cemetery attracted attention.

"See" reporters contacted many residents of Changling Town, and some residents confirmed to the reporter that this was indeed the case. He said that everyone accepts cremation, but has more objections to cemetery charges, "because there is that kind of mountain in his home."

The reporter noticed that the Suizhou Daily WeChat public account issued the "Notice of the Guangshui Municipal People's Government on the Implementation of Cremation in the Whole Area" on January 4, 2024. The "Notice" stated that starting from 0:00 on March 20, 2024, the remains of all urban and rural residents within the administrative divisions of Guangshui City will be cremated, and the ashes will be buried or stored in the cemetery. It is strictly prohibited to bury the body or ashes in a coffin.

On the 13th of the same month, the Suizhou Daily WeChat video account released a video report stating that in the past three years, counties and cities have invested a total of 270 million yuan, and all three-level public welfare cemeteries in counties, towns and villages can be put into use, and they are not contracted for private operation, fully reflecting the public welfare attribute. .

The cemetery only charges a certain cost fee, including two items, namely the cemetery construction cost fee and a one-time 20-year management and maintenance fee. Both fees need to be paid in one lump sum. Preliminary calculations show that the cost of a single cave in a village-level public welfare cemetery generally does not exceed 3,000 yuan, that in a town-level public welfare cemetery generally does not exceed 4,000 yuan, and that in a county-level public welfare cemetery generally does not exceed 10,000 yuan. After 20 years, cemetery construction costs will no longer be charged. If management and maintenance fees are required, they will be implemented in accordance with national policies and villagers' self-governance policies.

After the implementation of the new policy, couples may not be able to be buried together in a grave.

On January 15, 2024, local media published "Suizhou releases latest policy Q&A, related to this reform", which answered questions related to Suizhou City's funeral reform policy.

The Provincial Department of Civil Affairs is dealing with a case in Hubei that is accused of compulsory promotion of cemeteries: couples may not be buried together.

The "Q&A" mentioned that the city's old funeral customs have far-reaching influence. Private burials, random burials, and ashes placed in coffins and reburied are very common. Burial land is becoming scarce, the ecological environment has been damaged, and mountain fires for sacrifices have occurred from time to time. The phenomenon of pomp and extravagance in funeral activities places a huge burden on the masses.

“The city’s original cremation area has a cremation rate of only about 40%, which is far lower than the provincial average.” The goal of the whole-area cremation policy is “100% coverage of funeral facilities, 100% cremation rate, and 100% burial rate of ashes in cemeteries.” %".

The aforementioned "Announcement" and "Q&A" caused heated discussions among netizens after their release. Some supporters said: "When mourners go to the cemetery, there is less coffin and coffin carrying costs, and the overall expenses are reduced." "Traditional funerals are not good, and the general cost is 60,000 to 70,000. It is enough to pay more filial piety during life, and to be buried lightly after death."

There are also a large number of people who object to the forced entry into cemeteries. They believe that "as long as it does not occupy basic farmland, it is better to let nature take its course." In addition, they are worried that "follow-up management will continue to cost money, and what will happen when future generations no longer renew their subscriptions."

The reporter noticed that the "Q&A" also mentioned that after the implementation of the "Notice", couples cannot be buried together in special circumstances. "If one spouse dies, he has been buried, and a tomb has been reserved for the other spouse. Those who die after 0:00 on March 20, 2024 cannot be buried with the party who was previously buried. The body must be cremated and the ashes must be buried in the cemetery. Otherwise, comparisons will be caused, making it difficult to ensure fair implementation of the cremation policy across the region.”

This article also triggered a heated discussion among netizens, "You are not allowed to share the grave together in the future? Do you have to separate others for life? Special circumstances must be dealt with specially."

Hubei Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Changling Town Government and other departments

On May 5, reporters called the Changling Town Funeral and Reform Office and the Guangshui City Funeral and Reform Office, but no one answered. A staff member of the Party and Government Comprehensive Office of the Changling Town People's Government told reporters that the existing problems are currently being solved and the relevant situation will be announced in a unified manner later. "It's hard to say now."

On the afternoon of May 5, the reporter contacted the office of the Hubei Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and the other party said that the office was aware of the matter on May 1 and was handling it. The staff member said he did not know how to handle the matter specifically.

The Provincial Department of Civil Affairs is dealing with a case in Hubei that is accused of compulsory promotion of cemeteries: couples may not be buried together.

Fu Jian, director of Henan Zejin Law Firm, believes that according to Article 2 of the "Funeral Management Regulations", the guidelines for funeral management are: actively and step by step implementation of cremation, reform of burial, conservation of funeral land, elimination of bad funeral customs, and promotion of civility Be frugal in funeral arrangements. Article 4 stipulates that cremation should be implemented in areas with dense population, less cultivated land, and convenient transportation; in areas that do not have the conditions for cremation, burial is allowed. The handling of funerals should be carried out in accordance with regulations and procedures. If there is forced promotion, it will not comply with the principles of legality, reasonableness and due process of administrative law, and it will not take into account the folk customs.

There is nothing wrong with local relevant departments promoting cremation and cemeteries, but they should be handled in accordance with legal provisions and actual conditions. Various circumstances need to be considered according to local conditions. They are not allowed to make money in disguise, and are not allowed to buy or sell by force, otherwise it is illegal.

Funeral customs can highlight the meaning of the deceased's life and settle the emotional soul of the living. They are also an important part of traditional culture. The promotion of cremation and cemeteries is to adapt to the development of the times, conserve ecological resources, and develop modern civilized etiquette. However, when promoting cremation, the government should fully consider the psychology of the people and pay attention to the combination of law, reason and reason.

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