"Spread your legs" to keep up | Popular science time, scientific fat loss

Release time:May 06, 2024 06:38 AM

"Shut up and open your legs", fat loss relies on "70% diet, 30% exercise".

Some time ago, the article "Scientific Weight Loss, Start by "Keeping Your Mouth" | Popular Science Time" gave you a detailed introduction to "how weight losers should eat reasonably." Below, we will introduce to you “How to exercise scientifically for those who lose fat”.

It is recommended that overweight or obese people develop a reasonable exercise plan under the guidance of a doctor and continue to exercise.

Overweight or obese people should choose appropriate exercise methods, reasonably reduce body fat content within the range that the body can bear, and avoid sports injuries. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, etc. are all good choices. When you first start exercising, you should focus on moderate intensity and ensure gradual progress to avoid increasing the risk of sports injuries.

Usually when starting exercise, exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time. Thereafter, according to personal exercise ability and other conditions, gradually increase the number of exercises per week to 5 times, 30 to 60 minutes each time, which will reach or exceed the 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week recommended by the World Health Organization.

In addition, resistance training is also essential, such as dumbbell, barbell and other equipment training, which can enhance muscle strength and improve metabolism. It is recommended to perform resistance training 2 to 3 times a week, with 2 to 4 sets of exercises per exercise, and the number of repetitions in each set can be maintained at 8 to 15 times according to personal exercise ability.

For people of different ages, the choice of fat-reducing exercise methods should also consider personal factors to avoid sports injuries.

Fat-reducing exercise methods should focus on games and fun sports. The goal is to increase the amount of physical activity and ensure that children have fun during exercise. Sports games, dance, etc. are good choices. Parents can accompany their children to participate in more outdoor activities.

You can choose from a variety of ball games, which are both competitive and social. At the same time, supplemented by aerobic exercises that enhance cardiorespiratory endurance such as running and swimming, as well as freehand strength training, children can gain a higher cardiorespiratory endurance level and stronger muscle status during their adolescent development period.

Considering that daily exercise time is limited, you can choose short interval training with shorter exercise duration and higher intensity in order to gain greater health benefits in a shorter period of time. Of course, yoga, Baduanjin, etc. can also relieve fatigue of the autonomic nervous system and improve low back pain caused by sitting for a long time.

Exercise should not only be for fat loss, but also include maintaining muscle strength, body flexibility and balance to prevent falls. Therefore, you can choose exercises with lower intensity and lighter exercise load, such as walking, Tai Chi, etc.

Scientific fat reduction must not only achieve the goal of weight loss, but also obtain the benefits of strengthening physical fitness, promoting health, and preventing and controlling chronic diseases through exercise.

I hope that all readers can achieve fat loss through scientific exercise and gain a vibrant future!

Author: Sun Yang, Zhang Shurong, Ge Yunshen, Department of Sports Medicine, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Review: Experts from the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database,

Zhang Yimin, director of the Key Laboratory of Sports and Physical Health of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Sport University

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