Meizhou Branch Road Inspection Road Safety: Fully consider the extreme situations that may result from soil soaking for a long time

Release time:May 06, 2024 08:17 AM

After a landslide occurred on the Chayang section of the Meizhou-Dalian Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province on May 1, a number of Meizhou city leaders supervised and inspected road traffic safety work in separate sections for several days.

According to the Meizhou Daily report on May 6, in the past few days, Meizhou city leaders Lan Weidong, Wu Feng, Huang Liqiang, Zhang Dahong, Liu Ruiqing, Chen Liang, Zeng Xianghai, Ma Zhiyuan, Chen Yuanxing, Zhu Guocheng, Cai Xuechang, and Zeng Biyu have led teams to various places. On-site supervision and inspection of road traffic safety work at county road landslide sites, road traffic safety hazard sections, geological disaster monitoring points and other places.

Among them, Lan Weidong, Wu Feng, Huang Liqiang, Zhang Dahong, and Liu Ruiqing serve as deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, Chen Liang serves as the deputy mayor of Meizhou City, and Zeng Xianghai, Ma Zhiyuan, Chen Yuanxing, Zhu Guocheng, Cai Xuechang, and Zeng Biyu serve as vice chairmen of the Meizhou Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference.

According to the above report, leaders of Meizhou City stressed that with the coming of a new round of heavy rainfall, relevant departments at all levels must put people first and life first, learn lessons deeply, draw inferences from one example to do a good job in road traffic safety, and implement various protective measures in detail. Put it in place to ensure the safety of vehicles and personnel. It is necessary to adhere to the combination of civil defense, physical defense and technical defense, improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism, fully consider the extreme situations that may result from long-term soil soaking, promptly inspect and repair existing monitoring and early warning equipment and systems, use scientific and technological means to improve monitoring measures, and encrypt high-risk Frequency of spot inspections, timely measures to eliminate dangers and reinforcements, set up safety reminders and hazard avoidance signs to ensure early detection, reporting and early handling of dangers; precise road traffic diversion work must be carried out to ensure smooth and orderly traffic; it is necessary to establish Improve the emergency plan system, pay close attention to emergency preparedness, further refine and improve early warning issuance, emergency rescue, traffic control, emergency shutdown, personnel transfer and other response plans, strengthen emergency drills, and enhance scientific, efficient and rapid collaborative response capabilities; we must strictly Implement the on-duty duty system and strengthen emergency linkage to ensure that once danger occurs, we can respond to it as soon as possible; we must strengthen the publicity and education of emergency avoidance and other knowledge to continuously improve the people's self-prevention and self-rescue capabilities.

In addition, the "Meizhou Daily" published on May 6 also mentioned that on the morning of May 5, Yang Zhaohui, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of the Meizhou CPPCC, went to Meixi Town, Meixian District, where he was contacted, to investigate and supervise work safety. He successively went to the hollowed-out section of the provincial highway 239 at the junction of Baimian Village and Luodun Village, the construction site of Toyota Village of the Western Express Line, the geological disaster monitoring point in Chonghua Village and other places for on-the-spot investigation. He carefully inspected the specific conditions on site and listened in detail to the provincial highway hollowed-out section. Report on the construction of the empty road section, the Messi section of the Western Express Line, and the prevention of heavy rainfall and geological disasters in Messi Town, and provide on-site opinions and suggestions on the problems discovered.

The Meizhou Meteorological Department earlier judged that there will be two main precipitation processes in the next week, which will occur from the night of May 4th to the 5th and from the 7th to the 8th. Thunderstorms will be locally accompanied by short-term strong winds of around level 8. Convective weather. Frequent rainfall has led to an increase in soil moisture content, and the risk of geological disasters is higher in some areas.

According to the relevant provisions of the "Meizhou City Flood Control, Drought, Wind, and Freeze Emergency Plan", the Meizhou City Three Prevention Headquarters launched a flood control level IV emergency response at 23:00 on May 3.

According to previous local reports in Meizhou, as of 14:00 on May 2, the landslide disaster in the Chayang section of the Meizhou-Dalian Expressway has killed 48 people, and another 3 people need further DNA comparison for confirmation; 30 people were injured, and none of them are currently life-threatening.

Official data shows that since April, Meizhou has experienced multiple rounds of heavy rainfall. The city's average cumulative rainfall is 621.7 millimeters, 2.49 times more than the same period in normal years, and has surpassed the highest rainfall in April since meteorological records began. Especially from April 1 to April 30, Dabu County received 628.2 millimeters of rainfall, 2.75 times more than the annual average of 228.4 millimeters. It was the highest rainfall in April since meteorological records began.

Meizhou Branch Road Inspection Road Safety: Fully consider the extreme situations that may result from soil soaking for a long time
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