"Ping "Linguo" Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" will be broadcast on many mainstream media in Hungary

Release time:May 05, 2024 20:44 PM

On the occasion of Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Hungary, the program "Talk to Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" produced by China Central Radio and Television will be launched on the Hungarian National Television on May 8, local time. broadcast. Starting from May 4, local time, the program's trailers and promotional videos have been broadcast on many mainstream media platforms in Hungary, including the Hungarian National newspaper website, Pest News Network, South Pest Online Network, Xifeng Network, and Eastern Life Network.

"Talk about People Nearby - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" focuses on themes such as common prosperity and green development, selects the original speeches and allusions of President Xi Jinping, interprets Chinese allusions and wisdom from an international perspective, and vividly demonstrates President Xi Jinping's outstanding politics Wisdom and profound historical and cultural heritage demonstrate the cultural origins and fruitful achievements of Chinese-style modernization.

On May 4, local time, the trailer and promotional video of "Ping "Language" Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" were broadcast on Hungary's Pest News Network. Hungarian Pest News Network is one of the mainstream news media websites in Budapest, with an audience of approximately 12 million, covering Hungary and Hungarian-speaking areas.

In addition, on May 4, local time, Eastern Hungary Life Network, Hungarian Pest Center Network, Hungarian Xifeng Network, South Pest Online Network, etc. conducted news about the upcoming broadcast of "Ping "Language" Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" Report. Eastern Hungary Life Network mainly introduces content from Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, and has a wide audience in Hungary. The Hungarian Pest Center Network is the most important business media website in the Budapest area.

△Eastern Hungary Life Network, Hungary Pest Center Network

According to reports, on May 8, local time, the Hungarian "National Newspaper" will publish an article on an important page to report the news of the local broadcast of "Ping "Language" Near People-Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions". The Hungarian "National" is currently one of the mainstream newspapers with the largest circulation in Hungary.

Starting from May 8, local time, "Ping "Linguo" Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" will be broadcast on Hungarian mainstream media such as Hungarian National Television, Hungarian ATV, and Hungarian Budapest Central Television. Hungarian National Television is Hungary's national public service television organization, covering nearly 10 million people in Hungary. Hungarian ATV TV station ranks first among Hungarian news and information channels in ratings. Hungary's Budapest Central Television is an important communication media organization in Hungary, with an audience covering Hungary and Hungarian-speaking areas. In addition, the outdoor large screen located in Budapest's Chinatown will play the promotional video "Ping "Language" Near People - Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions" throughout the day.

People from all walks of life in Hungary are generally looking forward to the broadcast of the program, believing that the program will open a window for the Hungarian people to understand the thoughts of Chinese leaders on state governance.

Many European mainstream media, such as Spanish newspaper "Albesa", "Pravda", "European Times" German website, Italian Google News Network, EU Correspondents Multimedia Group, Brussels-based "Francophone World Network", etc., also reported on "Ping" Reported on the upcoming broadcast of "Xi Jinping's Favorite Allusions".

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