Please pay attention when buying tickets for 12306! Are some stations like "twins"?

Release time:May 06, 2024 06:07 AM

I am at the middle station of the Zhangjihuai High-Speed ​​Railway. I am not very young. It will only open its doors on December 16, 2021. My station building is very beautiful, with the design concept of "Lingshan, beautiful water, and phoenix dancing in western Hunan". I am only about 7 kilometers away from Fenghuang Ancient City, so taking the high-speed rail to visit the ancient city is the most convenient way of transportation.

I am located in Dandong City, Liaoning Province, China. It is a second-class station on the Shen-Dan Line. It was built in 1907 and has a history of more than 100 years. From here, it is only about 3 kilometers to the Phoenix Mountain Scenic Area.

I am a second-class station on the Hengliu Line. It is built on Yingbin Road, Quanzhou County, Guilin City, Guangxi, 4.5 kilometers away from the county center. Quanzhou is a major red tourism county. Many tourists come here by train to experience the red revolutionary cultural atmosphere.

I am a station along the Fuzhou-Xiamen High-speed Railway, located in Bantou Village, Yonghe Town, Jinjiang, Quanzhou, Fujian. I am particularly young and it has been open for less than a year. Since its opening, many young ladies have taken the high-speed train to Xunpu Village to get hairpins, which has become a scenic spot at the station.

In 2023, my country's first high-speed railway, the Fangdong Railway, which runs directly to the China-Vietnam border city, will be opened for operation, and I am one of the stations along the line. After the opening of the Fangdong Railway, the border city Dongxing City was officially connected to the national railway network.

More than 2,000 kilometers away from Dongxing City Station, I am a third-class station on the Beijing-Baotou Railway, located in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is bordered by Yinshan Mountain in the north and the Yellow River in the south. At the end of 1922, the Beijing-Suiyuan Railway was extended to Baotou, and the Dengkou Station built on the edge of the local Dongfu Village was my predecessor.

Stations that look like "twin brothers" like the one above

I am a second-class station on the Nanguang Line and one of the county-level high-speed rail stations with the largest passenger flow in Guangxi. Friends, have you ever been overwhelmed by the video of "Tiger View Room" with a tiger just across the window? That is the famous Pingnan Xiongsen Animal World.

I am a fourth-class station on the Beijing-Guangzhou line. I do not handle passenger boarding or landing, but only handle the delivery of complete truckloads of goods. Although the area is small, it has been in use for more than 100 years.

On December 24, 2021, I officially opened the site to welcome guests. The speeding EMUs gallop through the forest and across the snowfields in spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the past, you could only go to the Changbai Mountain area by green train, bus, plane or self-driving. Now, after tourists take the high-speed rail, the station is seamlessly connected to major scenic spots.

I am a fourth-class station on the Hunan-Guangxi Line, built in 1941.

We will welcome the 27th college entrance examination! "As long as you can get into a university, that's all." At the age of 56, his significance lies in the tea house and the college entrance examination
We will welcome the 27th college entrance examination! "As long as you can get into a university, that's all." At the age of 56, his significance lies in the tea house and the college entrance examination

What is the significance of the college entrance examination for life? I believe there are a thousand answers to a thousand people. Every June, along with the popularity of the college entrance examination, there is also a name called "Liang Shi" that comes into people's sight. At the age of 56, he is charging towards the college entrance examination for the 27th time this year. Netizens like to give him some nicknames, such as "Modern Version Fan Jin", "China's Number One Iron Brain Shell", and "The Cowardly Nail Household in the College Entrance Examination". Behind his ridicule, he also bears a label of success: as early as the 1990s, he earned millions annually and became one of the earliest businessmen to drive private cars. He has a dual identity, and his life script has its own dramatic attributes, which has kept him constantly being watched, questioned, and puzzled. He was puzzled by this and felt that "going to college" was his pursuit, just like someone pursuing good food and drink... "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, I laugh at others for watching."

He is the first vice mayor of a provincial-level city to be appointed as the first to fall from office this year! He is a Ph.D. born in the 1970s, Wang Qinghua | Supervisory Commission | Deputy Provincial level
He is the first vice mayor of a provincial-level city to be appointed as the first to fall from office this year! He is a Ph.D. born in the 1970s, Wang Qinghua | Supervisory Commission | Deputy Provincial level

This afternoon, according to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Wang Qinghua, the deputy mayor of Wuhan, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Public information shows that Wang Qinghua, male, Han, born in June 1972, member of the Communist Party of China, on-the-job doctoral degree, doctor of engineering. Wang Qinghua once served as deputy director and member of the Party committee of Wuhan Dongxihu District Construction Bureau, director and Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Dongxihu District Education Bureau, vice president and member of the Party committee of Wuhan Commercial Service College, deputy director of the general office of Wuhan Municipal Committee, director and Secretary of the Party group of Wuhan Price Bureau, deputy secretary and head of Jiangxia District Committee, Secretary of Jiangxia District Committee and member of the Party group of Wuhan municipal government. In January 2022, Wang Qinghua was elected vice mayor of Wuhan. January 14 The 15th People's Congress of Wuhan

"We strongly urge the United States to bid farewell to this bad habit" debt | default | United States
"We strongly urge the United States to bid farewell to this bad habit" debt | default | United States

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun published an editorial entitled "A farewell to the bad habit of taking the economy as a hostage" on June 4. The excerpt of the article is as follows: The United States, which leads the world economy, has finally avoided the first treasury bond default in history. US President Biden has reached an agreement with Republican Speaker of the House McCarthy to pass the Financial Responsibility Act, suspending the debt ceiling until January 2025. The unstable factors that shook the world economy have finally moved away. On the other hand, it is evident that fruitless political struggles have led to a decline in the credibility of the United States, which is in a position dominated by Western style democracy. The United States is not only taking its own economy, but also taking the world economy as a hostage. We strongly demand that the US government and Congress bid farewell to this bad habit. The United States has passed a bill to establish a government borrowing limit. Affected by the COVID-19, the US debt

A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet
A 6000 yuan wedding banquet may only cost 1196 yuan! After the wedding, the groom felt depressed about the dishes | hotel | wedding banquet

After a lively wedding, the groom Zheng Liang couldn't be happy at all, just because the one who came to attend the wedding wrote in a novel, "They are all pre made dishes, it's better to go back to the countryside to do it, fresh and affordable.". As a newcomer, Zheng Liang worked hard for several months to prepare, but in exchange for such an evaluation, it made him very frustrated. Each table cost nearly 6000 yuan, but unexpectedly, he still fell into the category of dishes. 70% of the 16 dishes are pre made. The reporter learned that Zheng Liang lives in Dayuan Town, Fuyang. In order to leave an unforgettable wedding banquet for his family and friends, he specially chose the banquet package of 5988 yuan from a well-known hotel in the city, which is also the most expensive one in the hotel. And since he was young, he has been engaged in the catering industry for six or seven years, and has a very thorough understanding of the ways of banquet dishes, so he said the opening sentence

Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning
Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning

The college entrance examination is a major test in the lives of many students, which is closely related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted social attention. As the 2023 college entrance examination approaches, a large number of candidates are actively adjusting their state, calmly and orderly preparing for the exam. However, some illegal elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even carry out fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments and based on some typical cases that have emerged in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in exams. 1、 Organizing Cheating in the National College Entrance Examination, Unable to Escape the Recovery of the French Open [Case] Before the 2020 National College Entrance Examination, candidate Zhu and Wen discussed organizing cheating during the exam. Zhu provided the test questions, and Wen was responsible for finding the "gunman" and jointly funded the project