Is it reliable? , no contract and no qualifications, "Stay at my house during the National Day!" The phenomenon of short-term rental of private homes during holidays frequently appears on social platforms

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:59 PM

"From September 29th to October 7th, I will rent my vacant house in Jingdezhen for short-term rent. Will anyone be willing to rent it?"

One week before National Day, netizen Xiao Ding posted such a post on the "Little Red Book" platform. It was originally just a tentative inquiry, but within a few days, nearly 60 comments appeared under the post: "Is there room available until the 4th?" "Is it the kind where you can move in with your bags?" "How much does it cost?" How much does it cost for one night? "...The demand is so strong? This is really unexpected for Xiao Ding.

It was actually too late for Xiao Ding to "enter the game". As hotel prices in various places increase during the National Day this year, the popular tag "Stay at my house during the National Day" has already spread on major social platforms: On one side, many netizens took out their own houses and posted them to "recruit tenants"; on the other side, Then there are tourists from other places who take the initiative to "ask for accommodation". Between supply and demand, a market for short-term rental of private homes during the holidays is formed.

Reservation is "casual" and the price per person is less than 100 yuan

After the post became "hot", Xiao Ding quickly added information about the house. According to her description, the two houses for rent are both old houses that her family has lived in before. After the long-term lease expired at the end of June this year, they were specially cleaned and briefly repaired. They are still vacant and are located in the city center. Surrounding life fully equipped. Xiao Ding also admitted that Jingdezhen is very popular during the holidays and it is difficult to book a hotel and the price is high. In line with the original intention of providing a place for foreign tourists, the rent she charges is divided equally between each tenant, which is less than 100 per day. Yuan.

"High cost performance" is an extremely important consideration for most tourists who choose to rent a private home. Reporters searched on various social platforms and found that most private homes for short-term rental are conveniently located. Take Shanghai as an example. Basically, there are subway stations within walking distance. In addition, the renting method of self-occupied houses is more flexible. You can rent a room alone or rent the whole house to meet the needs of renting. It is especially friendly for group travel. Therefore, its price advantage is extremely obvious compared with hotels or B&Bs of the same location and type.

△A "rental notice" from a Shanghai netizen specifically stated that the location is convenient.

Recently, the reporter also inquired about a house in Shantou City, Guangdong Province as a booker. It is located in the Vientiane City business district of Shantou City. It has 4 bedrooms and the living room can also accommodate tenants. The entire rental price during the National Day is only 450 yuan per night. In the process of communicating with the landlord, the reporter found that, unlike the steps required when booking a hotel or B&B, such as providing true identity information, paying the room fee in advance, and confirming the list of items in the room, the landlord sent the reporter photos of the interior of the house. Yu only asked for a 30 yuan deposit, and she said readily, "There is no contract, but if you fail to move in due to your reasons, the deposit will not be refunded."

Is it reliable? , no contract and no qualifications, "Stay at my house during the National Day!" The phenomenon of short-term rental of private homes during holidays frequently appears on social platforms

△The landlord said that you only need to pay a deposit of 30 yuan, and the booking process is extremely simple.

In addition to the price, such a simple and almost crude booking process makes many bookers feel relaxed. Netizen Xiao Tao has rented private houses many times while traveling. He told reporters that during the rental process, the requirements and charging standards put forward by landlords are completely "different from person to person": "Sometimes renting to a boy may be expensive, and renting to a boy may be expensive." If it’s for girls, it’s cheaper, or if the coverage period is longer, the daily unit price will be lower. When booking, some landlords charge deposits based on the number of days, and there are also situations where they need to take photos of ID cards.” However, Xiao Tao said frankly, no matter what. Whatever the situation is, under the "direct renting from landlord" model, there is always room for negotiation. "Compared with the pre-set hotel online reservation system, it is much more flexible!"

Of course, Xiaotao also understands that low prices and flexibility in booking also mean a lack of guarantees.

Every time he rents a private house, what worries him most is whether the house is "worthy of its name." “Since the houses we rent are usually not local, we can only rely entirely on the pictures sent by the landlord when choosing a house,” Xiao Tao said frankly. “As for the furnishings in the house, the location of the house, and even whether the house is real, In fact, they are all unknown. "Once, he rented a private house from a landlord in Hangzhou, and thought that everything was settled. However, after Xiaotao arrived in Hangzhou, he could not contact the landlord. Not to mention that he had lost his place to stay. The deposit paid was wasted. However, since no formal contract has been signed, such disputes cannot be resolved.

As a landlord, although he enthusiastically responded to netizens' messages, Xiao Ding was also not at ease. "In fact, I have no way to verify whether the information and intentions of the booker are true." Recently, a netizen who claimed to be an out-of-town tourist asked her about her booking status on September 30 and October 1 through the private message function. Xiaoding told the truth. After replying, the next day I saw the rental information of my house on the "tourist"'s social platform homepage, and the charge was twice what she had charged. Only then did she suddenly realize that she had encountered a "second-rate dealer." Xiao Ding told reporters that at present, she can only "artificially" set some conditions for bookers, such as giving priority to bookers who need to rent a room for more than 4 days and who need the entire rental.

"According to the definitions given by the "Shanghai Hotel Industry Management Measures" and the "Shanghai Hotel Industry Public Security Management Implementation Rules", a hotel is a business place that uses specialized accommodation facilities and provides accommodation services on a daily basis. Short-term rental of private residences It is quite similar to the hotel model. From a management perspective, it should be required to obtain corresponding business licenses, be equipped with an accommodation registration system, and complete reports on fire protection, environmental protection and other aspects," said Liu Zeruo, a lawyer at Shanghai Pushi Wanlian Law Firm. It seems that the current short-term private rental model itself lacks compliance. Once problems occur during the rental process, it is difficult to clearly define rights and responsibilities.

She analyzed that on the one hand, without strict implementation of identity registration, it is difficult for landlords to fulfill their supervisory responsibilities for tenants’ behavior. In extreme cases, if there are group renting, prostitution and other activities in the house, the landlord will face Severe penalties. On the other hand, since there is no formal delivery process and no contract signed between the two parties, it is difficult to obtain evidence in the event of a claims dispute. "As an emerging business format, the risks behind it cannot be ignored," Liu Zeruo also reminded. "Both landlords and tenants should try to maintain a prudent attitude towards this."

Is it reliable? , no contract and no qualifications, "Stay at my house during the National Day!" The phenomenon of short-term rental of private homes during holidays frequently appears on social platforms

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