Sell your house in Shanghai and move to Pujiang Town? What did community police officer Gu Xiaofen do? Someone is charging her reputation, Gu Xiaofen | community | community

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:20 AM

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and I followed Gu Xiaofen around the Yicheng community in Pujiang. My footsteps were always disrupted: the young security guard at the entrance told her that new tenants had arrived in the community as soon as they saw her; Encountering the manager of the property management company in the underground garage, the two of them talked about the progress of the drainage system renovation; The owner of the shop on the ground floor saw her passing by and quickly approached to chat... It didn't go far, it took over half an hour.

Gu Xiaofen is a community police officer from the Pujin Road Police Station of the Minhang Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, one of the tens of thousands of community police officers in Shanghai. However, she is also a confidant of the residents in the jurisdiction who are willing to share joy and sorrow.

She has over 3000 WeChat friends and 128 WeChat work groups stored on her phone, and accepts orders online at 6am and 11pm; Regardless of whether it's windy or rainy, working days or weekends, as long as residents have something to do, she will definitely be there... Residents of the community, community officials, and management merchants all talk about Gu Xiaofen's character and what she has done for everyone. The most incredible thing is that someone, driven by her good reputation, deliberately sold the city house and moved to Pujiang Town.

This kind of community police officer makes people curious: what did she actually do?

nosy group of friends

"I am particularly meddlesome," Gu Xiaofen introduced herself.

In 2012, WeChat emerged with great success. At that time, Gu Xiaofen was still working as an internal police officer at the police station and began to "dive" in the education, food, and mom groups in her jurisdiction. She did not disclose her professional identity, and whenever she saw her group members encountering problems or difficulties, she would use private chat to answer their questions and provide assistance.

In a "mom group", she guided residents to cleverly gather evidence and successfully caught the nanny who stole money; In the "group buying group", she was the first to discover clues of illegal selling of fireworks and firecrackers; In the "Education Group", she promptly resolved a rights dispute... There are countless similar stories, and Gu Xiaofen found a way to work safely in the WeChat group, and also felt a sense of achievement in solving difficulties for residents.

After working in the office for 15 years, Gu Xiaofen decided to switch jobs. "Others think there are too many things in the community that are just family matters. Coincidentally, I like to meddle in my own affairs, and the job of a community police officer is suitable for me!"

After changing jobs, Gu Xiaofen joined more WeChat groups. A few years ago, Mr. Fang, who lived in Jingyu, Yicheng, Pujiang, discovered that his car tire had been punctured by iron nails, but the property management could not provide an explanation. Several residents who also encountered the same situation formed a WeChat group to protect their rights. After understanding the situation, she actively joined the group.

Faced with public questioning, Gu Xiaofen first guided the property management to install monitoring probes to compensate for blind spots, and then arranged for personnel to conduct regular inspections. After careful investigation, she determined that some renovation workers may have dropped debris while handling construction waste, which may be the reason for the appearance of iron nails. She suggested that for any renovation in the community, the property management must increase the frequency of ground cleaning and suggest adding iron absorbers. Similar incidents never occurred again.

This incident made Gu Xiaofen feel the power of "group". To this end, she gradually established WeChat groups covering communities, enterprises and relevant government departments.

Sell your house in Shanghai and move to Pujiang Town? What did community police officer Gu Xiaofen do? Someone is charging her reputation, Gu Xiaofen | community | community

Two years ago, the entire Jiyang Road elevated line was opened to traffic, and residents cheered and cheered. But I didn't expect that the Jianghua Road Puxing Road intersection would start to be congested every morning since then. From joy to sorrow, Gu Xiaofen quickly discovered the dissatisfaction of the masses through WeChat groups. She immediately reported to the police station and, together with the traffic police detachment, conducted a survey and analysis. It was found that there were no traffic lights set at the Pukang intersection of Jianghua Road, and north-south vehicles were rushing to turn and enter Jianghua Road, forming a blockage. At the same time as adding traffic lights at intersections, the police also dispatched extra police force to clear traffic congestion. Major group leaders reported progress in the group as soon as possible, and residents praised them one after another.

For Gu Xiaofen, each "red dot" on the WeChat group may contain hidden dangers and difficulties for the masses. Last year during a typhoon, a large area of cement on the exterior wall of a residential building fell off, almost hitting pedestrians. The residents posted the thrilling scene they captured to the homeowner group, accompanied by a comment that said "step by step, the film is deadly.".

Gu Xiaofen immediately recruited people and promised to "manage to the end". Three hours later, she coordinated with the property management to remove all the hidden cement walls, and residents gave thumbs up in the group, saying, "The stones on my head have fallen to the ground, and the stones in my heart have also fallen to the ground."

Sincerely treating residents

As a community police officer, there is nothing out of bounds. Regardless of whether it is related to her own work or not, as long as she sees information that affects the interests of residents and community safety, Gu Xiaofen will accept all orders and keep a close eye on them. "Some small things are big things for residents; some small conflicts, if not resolved at the beginning, will become big problems."

In late May this year, a takeout order from Ms. Xu, a resident, disappeared from her doorstep. To Miss Xu's surprise, she just roast in the crowd. Gu Xiaofen soon helped her find a shoplifter and urged her to compensate. She only received 22 yuan back, but Miss Xu received a full sense of security.

Cracking down on a small case related to security and solving a small difficulty related to the vital interests of residents, the common people have seen it and felt the sincerity of the community police. Over time, Gu Xiaofen's work has received increasing support from residents.

"Officer Gu, I feel much better now and I no longer want to leave." During a follow-up visit with Mr. Luo, a depressed patient, Gu Xiaofen couldn't help but wet her eyes.

Not long ago, a resident WeChat told Gu Xiaofen that his neighbor Mr. Luo has had frequent conflicts with his neighbor recently, and even threatened to have an 8-year-old child with him. Mrs. Luo, who was on a business trip, was unable to return to Shanghai immediately, so Gu Xiaofen organized a "rescue plan" in the WeChat group.

She coordinated with enthusiastic residents of the same community, Mr. Ling, to accompany them for medical treatment through the WeChat group "Dianbing Dianjiang", contacted Mr. Luo's close friend, Mr. Gu, to come and stay overnight, and asked Mr. Luo's neighbors to temporarily take care of the young children. Unexpectedly, more forces actively joined in. Residents with professional backgrounds are willing to provide psychological counseling services, and the neighborhood committee will provide volunteer service positions to help Mr. Luo find a "sense of existence". Neighbors who have learned the truth also choose to forgive Mr. Luo... "Officer Gu sincerely thinks for the residents, and we are also willing to help her," said a resident.

A group of "WeChat friends" worked together, and Mr. Luo felt everyone's concern and warmth, finally dispelling the idea of suicide.

After serving as a community police officer, Gu Xiaofen also faced a complex and exhausting situation. "Problems will always arise, so solving them one by one is our responsibility and the key to ensuring residents' peace of mind, peace of mind, and concentration."

Sell your house in Shanghai and move to Pujiang Town? What did community police officer Gu Xiaofen do? Someone is charging her reputation, Gu Xiaofen | community | community

Under intensive cultivation and meticulous work, the 110 police situation in the three residential areas of Pujiang Yicheng, Yicheng Shangyuan, and Yicheng Jingyu, under the responsibility of Gu Xiaofen, has been declining year by year, with a conflict resolution rate of 97%.

Residents' affairs should be closely monitored and not let go

Gu Xiaofen has helped many residents.

Three years ago, Gu Xiaofen, who received an anti fraud warning, came to the door to dissuade Grandma Huang. At that time, the old lady was wearing reading reading glasses to study the K-line chart on the computer and was not welcoming the arrival of the police.

Just when encountering difficulties in persuasion, Grandma Huang casually said, "You are as old as my daughter," which moved Gu Xiaofen and strengthened her determination to bring back the old lady.

Although Grandma Huang is full of business acumen, those tricks are mostly clich é s from the fraud industry. So Gu Xiaofen "counter brainwashed" the old lady who had already been "brainwashed", patiently analyzing the similarities in real cases in the jurisdiction, analyzing every step of the scam rhetoric, and vividly recounting the painful experiences of multiple elderly people being deceived. After a lot of hard work, Grandma Huang finally turned her head.

But Gu Xiaofen's work did not stop there. As communication deepened, she found that the Huang couple were not lacking in money because their daughter was not by their side and lacked companionship and care, making the elderly inevitably feel lonely. She started taking the elderly to play table tennis and dance square dances in the community, helping them integrate into the community. During holidays, she also came to visit and comfort the elderly with the neighborhood committee officials, and took the initiative to take on household chores for the elderly.

In one go and another go, Gu Xiaofen became the "off duty family" of the old couple. Grandma Huang often chats with her through WeChat, saying some intimate words about family matters. She patiently replies and never gets annoyed. Finally, don't forget to remind Grandma and Mrs. Huang to take good care of their health.

Although there are many things that Gu Xiaofen can say "not within my scope of responsibility" to avoid, she is unwilling. She said that doing things should be done with conscience and with all one's might. "My original intention as a community police officer was to keep a close eye on residents' affairs."

This move moved the residents of the jurisdiction, and the feedback from the residents also deeply moved Gu Xiaofen. On her birthday last year, two residents coincidentally sent their homemade birthday cake to the police station. Along with the cake came a bouquet of sunflowers, and the card was written in beautiful font with the words "Wishing you a heart like flowers and trees, born in the sun.".

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