Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:52 AM

From 1921 to 1924, Yu Songhua was stationed in Berlin, where he served as a joint special correspondent for the Beijing Morning Post and the Shanghai Current Affairs News. He was one of the first foreign journalists of the Republic of China stationed in Germany

Introduction to Yu Songhua's Life: Yu Songhua was born on March 9, 1893, in Shanghai. His original name was Yu Qingyao, and his pen names were Danlu, Yao, and others. Starting from 1905, Yu Songhua, who was 12 years old, and Hu Shi, who was 14 years old, were classmates and principal Cai Yuanpei at Shanghai Chengzhong School.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In 1911, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, and 18-year-old Yu Songhua was a student of Fudan Public School. He participated in the battlefield rescue team organized by his brother Yu Fengbin and rushed to the Battle of Nanjing. He braved gunfire and rushed to the front of Zijin Mountain to rescue the wounded. On December 2nd, he captured Nanjing City and was commended by General Li of the military. He went through the baptism of the revolutionary war, and nine years later, braved the Soviet Russian Civil War, worked hard to interview and bravely advanced.

In 1914, he graduated from the Department of Political Economy at Fudan Public School and was classmates with Qian Zhixiu, Chen Yinke, and Mei Guangdi, as well as friends with alumni and senior brothers Yu Youren and Shao Lizi; Principal Yan Fu, later Ma Xiangbo.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In 1915, Yu Songhua was admitted to the Sociology program at Tokyo Law and Politics University in Japan. During his time in school, Chen Duxiu used the magazine "New Youth" as a platform to fiercely criticize traditional Confucianism during the May Fourth New Culture Movement, sparking widespread debate. 24-year-old Yu Songhua wrote a letter to 38 year old Chen Duxiu expressing opposition and believing that "Confucianism is a religion, but it can be improved but not abandoned." Chen explained the reasons why Confucianism must be abandoned. But Yu did not agree and continued to write letters arguing. On March 1st and May 1st, 1917, the New Youth published four letters of several thousand words from the two individuals.

Hu Shi's Diary: "On July 5, 1917, I returned from studying in the United States and passed through Japan. I met Yu Songhua and Guo Yushang in Tokyo and had a great time. Both of them were classmates at Chengzhong School." In 1918, Yu Songhua graduated and returned to China in Shanghai.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In April 1919, at the age of 26, Yu Songhua served as the editor in chief of the supplement "Xue Deng" in Shanghai's "Current Affairs News". The supplement "Xue Deng" began in 1918 and produced half a page per week. Yu Songhua took over and changed it to a daily magazine, with two editions. The content was adjusted to promote education, exchange culture, and provide a platform for sociologists to speak. He initiated a solicitation for research on socialist issues, which received responses from various explorers. In the face of national difficulties, where should China go and search for theories that are suitable for its national conditions. He and his 22 year old colleagues, including Zong Baihua, published articles such as Li Dazhao, Yang Changji, Zhang Wentian, and Chen Wangdao, reprinted Mao Zedong's political paper "The Great Unity of the People" published in the Xiangjiang Review. Guo Moruo's two earliest new poems, as well as the early works of May Fourth writers such as Ye Shengtao and Mao Dun, were all published here, becoming one of the four major supplements of the May Fourth period and a shining light in the Shanghai newspaper industry, inspiring young and progressive intellectuals.

In June of the same year, Chen Duxiu was arrested, and Yu Songhua wrote articles in the Current Affairs News on July 1st and 18th calling for his release. He also quoted Chen Duxiu as saying to him, "We young people aspire to go to prison when we leave the research room, and to go to the research room when we leave prison..." With everyone's efforts, Chen Duxiu was released in September and went to Shanghai the following year for development.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

Starting from 1919, Yu Songhua served as the editor in chief of the supplement "Xue Deng" in the "Current Affairs News"

On September 1st of the same year, the new society organized by Liang Qichao founded the magazine "Liberation and Transformation" in Beijing, with Zhang Dongsun and Yu Songhua serving as co editors and actively introducing Western new ideas; The second issue, published on September 15th, featured Yu Songhua's "Critique of Socialism" and "Definition of Socialism". The magazine also introduced various schools of thought such as utopia, democracy, and anarchism, maintaining a sharp and fresh perspective. As a result, it became popular for a while, with sales of 50-60000 copies per issue. The inaugural and second issues also sold 100000 copies, making it one of the earliest publications in China to introduce socialism and receiving widespread attention. In September 1920, it was renamed "Transformation" with Liang Qichao and Jiang Baili as editors in chief; Yu Songhua resigned and prepared to go to Soviet Russia. Liang Shuming once recalled: "The foolish knowledge of Mr. Song Hua began with reading his article" Liberation and Transformation ". Later, I saw more and more of Mr. Song's writings, which made me admire him more and more, without considering any aspect."

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

▲ Cover of the inaugural issue of Liberation and Reform in September 1919, renamed as the Cover of Reform in September 1920

On October 16, 1920, 27 year old journalist Yu Songhua, with the support of 34 year old Zhang Dongsun as the editor in chief of the Shanghai Current Affairs News and 47 year old Liang Qichao founded the Beijing Morning Post, went to Soviet Russia as a joint special correspondent for the two newspapers to interview. The three of them, accompanied by students from the Beijing Russian Language Training Institute, 21 year old Qu Qiubai, and Li Zhongwu, became the first group of journalists in China to go abroad.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In July 2021, CCTV Channel 1 broadcasted a screenshot of the fifth episode of the commemorative series "Years of Mountains and Rivers" commemorating the centenary of the Communist Party of China, titled "Going to the Distant". From the left, Qu Qiubai, Yu Songhua, and Li Zhongwu went to Soviet Russia for an interview in October 1920

▲ The National Memory Program of CCTV 4 broadcasted "Qu Qiubai". In November 1920, Shanghai's "Current Affairs News" and Beijing's "Morning News" successively published "Joint Notice": "On October 16th, special envoys to Russia: Qu Qiubai, Yu Danlu, and Yu Songhua"

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

On March 8-16, 1921, the 10th Congress of the Communist Party of Russia decided to implement a new economic policy, replacing the surplus grain collection system with a grain tax. Lenin delivered a report at the Congress. Yu Songhua Interview Conference. On March 31st, the Beijing Morning Post published a special telegram from Yu Songhua titled "Moscow March 19th Special Telegram" titled "Recent Major Issues of the Labor and Peasant Government: Food Issues in Cities and Rebellion in the West".

Yu Songhua conducted interviews on the political, economic, cultural, industrial, and agricultural aspects of Soviet Russia, continuously sending back 40000 words of "Reflections and Observations on Traveling to Russia" and "Notes on Journey to Russia", which were serialized in two newspapers. Especially from July 9th to September 5th, he reported 37 times in the Morning Post, receiving widespread attention.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

On May 19 of the same year, Yu Songhua completed a comprehensive interview with the Soviet Union, left Moscow, and went alone to Berlin, Germany to conduct interviews through Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. He served as a special correspondent for the two newspapers in Germany, reporting on the situation in various European countries. On August 10th, Chinese students studying abroad held a report meeting in Berlin, inviting Yu Songhua to introduce the situation in Soviet Russia.

Yu Songhua continuously sent back a large number of reports on the political, economic, and social status of Germany and Europe after World War I in Berlin, informing the Chinese people of "what happened and how Europe will develop in the future"; Traveling to France to report on the recent situation of students studying part-time in France has become a window for Chinese people to understand the world. At the same time, Yu Songhua studied abroad at the University of Berlin and listened to Einstein's lectures. He was classmates with Zhu Jiahua and Wu Jingxiong, and friends with Zhu De and Zhou Enlai.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

From 1921 to 1924, Yu Songhua was in Germany

In early 1924, Yu Songhua went to Madame Curie's laboratory in France and introduced radium radiation diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for the first time to China, which was used by his brother Yu Fengbin's clinic. He finished his four-year work as a foreign journalist and returned to China via sea route from Germany, where he translated the work of German scholar Stenberg, "Today's Explanation of Plato's Political Education Theory.". He returned to Shanghai and served as a professor and dean of academic affairs at China Public School. The principal of Chengzhong School invited Yu Songhua back to his alma mater to give a lecture on what foreign journalists had learned, which received widespread attention. Starting from 1928, Yu Songhua served as the editor of the Oriental Magazine at the Shanghai Commercial Press. Under the care of the chief editor Qian Zhixiu, he also served as a professor at Fudan University, Jinan University, the Law School of Dongwu University, the School of Business of Hujiang University, and the School of Business of Central University, teaching courses in ethics, sociology, logic, and journalism, with both publishing and teaching. Starting from 1931, he also served as the chief editor of the semi monthly magazine "New Society" of the "China Vocational Education Society".

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

At 23:30 on January 27, 1932, the Japanese army launched an attack on Zhabei in Shanghai. The 156th Brigade of the 78th Division of the 19th Route Army, led by Weng Zhaoyuan, rose up in resistance, and the January 28 Incident broke out. The Shanghai Commercial Press and its Oriental Magazine were bombed by the Japanese army, and many magazines in Shanghai were suspended. However, at this time, the morale of the people is the highest, and it is necessary to establish a large comprehensive magazine to inspire society. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of "Shenbao", the 52 year old general manager of the newspaper, Shi Liangcai, hired 39 year old Yu Songhua to establish "Shenbao Monthly" and serve as its editor in chief. The inaugural issue published in July of the same year reached 330 pages.

Despite his own home being bombed and struggling to survive, Yu Songhua actively campaigned for anti Japanese propaganda and found Brigadier Weng Zhaoyuan, who fired the first shot in the Battle of Shanghai. He asked Brigadier Weng, who was one year older but studied in Japan many years later than himself, to write "Memoirs of the Battle of Shanghai", which was published in the inaugural issue and serialized. He also compiled it into a booklet for publication, vigorously promoting and inspiring the morale of the Chinese people in the war.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

Yu Songhua and Weng Zhaoyuan, the brigade commander, wrote an article titled "Memoirs of the Battle of Songhu" which was serialized in the "Shenbao Monthly"

The brave anti Japanese soldiers of Weng Zhaoyuan's troops in the 156th Brigade of the 19th Route Army

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

The "Shenbao Monthly" has received widespread attention from all sectors of society, with a circulation of 150000 copies, becoming the first in the country and providing more space for cultural figures to speak up.

Lu Xun wrote in his diary, "On the evening of December 8, 1933, at the invitation of Yu Songhua at Xinya Restaurant, a total of nine people sat at the same table. Night breeze."

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

At that time, Lu Xun was suppressed, and Yu Songhua published 14 miscellaneous articles for him before and after. Afterwards, a banquet was held to thank Lu Xun for his submission and continue to invite submissions. Mao Dun, who was also sitting at the same table, published a novel in the inaugural issue of the Shenbao Monthly due to Yu Songhua's invitation. Its original name was "Bankruptcy", but it was renamed "Lin Family Shop" by Yu, making it more neutral and objective; Ba Jin's novel "Shading" has attracted widespread social attention and has been discussed in the magazine. Therefore, Yu Songhua also invited a banquet to express gratitude and continued to invite submissions. On October 19, 1936, Lu Xun passed away, and Yu Songhua and his wife went to bid farewell with their eldest daughter. In 1934, Shi Liangcai passed away, and his successor, Ma Yinliang, invited Yu Songhua to serve as the chief editor and editor in chief of "Shenbao".

In 1932, Yu Songhua published Mao Dun's "Lin Family Shop" and Ba Jin's "Sha Ding" in the inaugural issue of the "Shenbao Monthly", as well as articles by social elites and scholars such as Dai Wangshu, Pan Gongbi, and Yu Huancheng

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In April 1937, after the Xi'an Incident, Yu Songhua became the third journalist to go to Yan'an for interviews, following Snow and Fan Changjiang. He reunited with Mao Zedong of the same age after a long separation, had a long conversation all night, declined Mao's invitation to join the Communist Party, interviewed long-awaited Zhu De and Zhou Enlai, interviewed Zhang Wentian, Xu Teli, and others. On May 23, 1937, he published a lengthy report on the Communist Party's anti Japanese stance in "From Shanghai to Xi'an and Northern Shaanxi" in "Shenbao Weekly". He also posted photos of the Yan'an City Tower with anti Japanese slogans on the cover of the magazine, breaking the news blockade and attracting widespread attention in the Kuomintang controlled areas.

On the cover of the "Shenbao Weekly" on May 23, 1937, there was an anti Japanese slogan on the Yan'an City Tower, which had already been demolished. Yu Songhua used a Lulai dual reflex camera brought back from Germany for filming

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

▲ On the back cover of the "Declaration Weekly", journalist Yu Songhua and his assistant Sun Enlin flew from Shanghai to Xi'an, and were arranged by Ye Jianying to take a grain transport truck from the Eighth Route Army Office to Yan'an

The second picture of Yan'an City Tower. Professor Deng Shaogen from the School of Journalism at Renmin University of China saw the picture of "Yan'an City Tower" in this article. He was on a business trip in Yan'an and saw this picture at the exhibition hall. A banner reading "Welcome the Central Inspection Team Working for the Cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party" has been added above the city gate tower in this picture. According to historical records, after the Xi'an Incident, the Nationalist Party sent a central inspection team to Yan'an on May 29, 1937. There was a welcome banner on the city gate tower, and finally a precious second picture was discovered

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In 1937, the Anti Japanese War broke out on August 13, and the "Shenbao Weekly" ceased publication. The following year, Yu Songhua was appointed as the Director of the Department of Journalism at Hunan Zhijiang Central Political University; In 1940, he declined invitations from Chen Bulei and Chen Lifu, the Dean of Academic Affairs of Central Chengchi University, to join the Kuomintang. He gave up his generous treatment and resolutely left the school. He began to travel and run newspapers in various places, and went to serve as the chief editor of newspapers such as Hong Kong's Star Daily, Singapore's Star Island Daily, Guangming Daily, Guoxun Semi Monthly, Guangxi Daily, and Dagang Daily.

Since 1945, Yu Songhua has served as the director of the Department of Journalism at the National Institute of Social Education. Currently, there are 97 year old Fang Hanqi and 98 year old Zhang Yinglin among the surviving students. The school is located in the Humble Administrator's Park in Suzhou. Zhang Yinglin said: Yu Songhua had a great reputation back then, and young people from all over the country came to apply for him based on his reputation. He identified Yu's teaching and research office and dormitory next to the Shuxiang Hall in the east courtyard of the Humble Administrator's Garden.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In early 1946, the poor and sick Yu Songhua family returned to Shanghai and rented a single room on the third floor at No. 76, Lane 480, Jiangsu Road. Zhu Jiahua, Executive Committee Member of the Kuomintang Central Committee and Minister of Education, went to visit and invited him to run a newspaper in Nanjing. Xu received advanced treatment such as a foreign house and a private car, but Yu Songhua politely declined and continued to adhere to the principle of no party or faction.

In May 1947, students in large and medium-sized cities across the country held strikes and marches, and multiple students were beaten by military and police during protests against hunger, civil war, and persecution, causing the shocking "520" massacre throughout the country. Students from more than 60 cities across the country united and established the National Student Union, which united with the struggles of workers, farmers, and citizens to form the second front against the rule of the Kuomintang, becoming a wave of students to cooperate with the People's Liberation War. Many students were expelled for participating in the "520" student movement. Yu Songhua, who was seriously ill with tuberculosis at his home on Jiangsu Road in Shanghai, immediately went to Suzhou National Institute of Social Education to argue with the president and protest against the expulsion of students. He was filled with grief and anger, vomited blood on the spot, suffered from an old illness, and passed away on October 11th at the Humble Administrator's Garden at the age of 54. As a result, none of the students in the school were expelled.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

In the summer of 2021, Zhang Zhenghua, the granddaughter of Ma Yinliang, was inscribed on a stone tablet titled "Record of the Site of the National Institute of Social Education" at the Humble Administrator's Garden corridor in Suzhou. It was recorded that Yu Songhua, the head of the Journalism Department, Ma Yinliang, the deputy director, and Professor Cao Juren were teaching here

The stone tablet of the "Record of the Site of the National Institute of Social Education" in the Humble Administrator's Garden corridor records that Dean Chen Lijiang, Professors Xu Deheng, Gu Jiegang, Yu Songhua, Ma Yinliang, Cao Juren, Liu Xue'an, Lv Fengzi, and others teach here

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

Yu Songhua regards the journalism industry as his only lifelong career aspiration. He once said, "Life comes with great things," believing that one must be loyal to their work, dedicated to their work, and devote one's life energy to it. He is a patriotic journalist who pays attention to the reality of political life and the fate of the nation. The tumultuous life and the temptation of high office and wealth cannot make him give up his ambition to run a newspaper. He has been running a newspaper for 30 years, dedicating his entire life to the newspaper industry. He has been the editor in chief of various important publications, becoming a fertile ground for the development of new cultural undertakings since the May Fourth Movement. Huang Yanpei praised him as "the Shakyamuni of the news industry", due to his dedication to the news industry, "although he is poor and sick, he cannot change his aspirations.". Wang Yunsheng, the editor in chief of Ta Kung Pao, referred to him as "having virtue and words that are immortal, and ending without party or faction.". From his life experience, he adhered to his cause, unwaveringly believed in serving the country, upheld his upright character and code of conduct, had the ambition to pursue a career, and had a selfless love for the people, all of which are worthy of learning and remembering by our younger generations and today's young people. The "Historical Celebrity Wall" at 1065 Yuyuan Road, Shanghai, completed in 2010, features 40 Republican figures who have lived in this community, including Kang Youwei, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Huang Yanpei, Shen Junru, Yu Songhua, Shi Zhecun, Zhang Ailing, Yun Daiying, and Fu Lei. Yu Songhua has had exchanges and cooperation with more than ten of them. No. 76, Lane 480, Jiangsu Road has been designated by the municipal government as the former residence of Yu Songhua.

On the 130 anniversary of Yu Songhua's birth, the cartoons carefully created by "Chinese Portrait Cartoonist Online" are lifelike, activating Yu Songhua and inviting him out of the old paper pile a hundred years ago and into modern society.

Commemorating the 130th anniversary of the birth of patriotic journalist Yu Songhua: Life is a major event Cover | Shanghai | Birthday

Cartoonists Wang Yongsheng, Wang Liren, Mi Fengguang, Yu Zhijun, Pang Ping, Kunlun, Hai Yin, Hu Sanyin, Liu Jiasheng, Zhang Shujun, Daqiang, Niu Xiaohui, Xu Tiejun, Song Qinri, Zhang Mingsen, Sun Xinyi, Lin Sen, Zhang Hongyan, and Feng Huo have meticulously created works, some resembling each other in appearance and some resembling each other, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

In 1919, Yu Songhua, a 26 year old overseas returnee, served as the editor in chief of the supplement "Xuedeng" in Shanghai's "Current Affairs News", which was transformed into a garden for sociologists to speak and became one of the four major supplements during the May Fourth period. Wang Liren/Works

Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan
Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan

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Today's data selection: Jay Chou drove a tourism revenue of 2.88 billion yuan in Hohhot; India plans to ban sugar exports to India | concerts | tourism

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Today's data selection: 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province operate beyond flood control limits; Apple's market value may fall below $3 trillion in Shangzhi City | Floods | Reservoir
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Over the past few days, 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded their flood control limits. Due to continuous rainfall and the impact of upstream floods, the Shangzhi section of the Ant River in Heilongjiang Province has experienced floods beyond the guaranteed water level. Some sections of the river have also faced the risk of flooding, and many areas in Shangzhi City have experienced severe waterlogging. On that day, more than 200 officers and soldiers from the Harbin Detachment of the Armed Police Heilongjiang Corps rushed to the scene to carry out rescue operations upon receiving orders. Rescue team members boarded the assault boat and entered the flooded area. They shouted through the loudspeaker, built a rope passage, and one by one transferred the trapped villagers to the assault boat, taking them to a safe area. Data shows that as of 8:00 am on August 4th, a total of 9 hydrological stations in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded the guaranteed water level, and 40 reservoirs have exceeded the flood control limit. On the afternoon of August 4th, the Zhengzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center reported that the minimum down payment for purchasing a new house with a Zhengzhou provident fund loan is 20%

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Summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan, according to statistics, as of now, the 2023 summer box office has exceeded 9 billion yuan, and multiple high-quality film works continue to stimulate the vitality of the film market. The recently released satisfaction survey results of Chinese film audiences show that domestic films "Chang'an 30000 Li" and "Octagonal Cage" received high satisfaction ratings of 85.1 and 84.5, respectively. The summer season saw a continuous increase in popularity driven by high-quality and high satisfaction domestic films. The summer passenger flow of multi city subways has surged: Beijing and Shenzhen have risen by one million, while Guangzhou has exceeded ten million. According to interface news, in the past month, the subway passenger flow in most cities has increased, and the overall subway passenger flow in the country has also been higher than the same period last month. Based on the 30 subway cities within the statistical scope, the overall passenger flow was 8950 last Friday