Accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and adhere to the modernization of systematic concepts

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:31 AM

After 5 years, the National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection was once again held in Beijing from July 17th to 18th, 2023. This is a very important meeting held at a critical moment in accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

1. establish system view and follow dialectics

The system concept is an important category of Marxist epistemology and methodology, and is the core content of materialist dialectics. The concept of system is not only an important part of Xi Jinping's world outlook and methodology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also an important ideological method and working method to promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

On the other hand, it inherits the concepts of "harmony between heaven and man" and "Dao follows nature" from the excellent traditional culture of ancient China, deeply inspiring us to grasp the dialectical relationship of "harmony and unity between heaven, earth, and man" from a systemic perspective.System concept is a holistic concept that emphasizes overall functionality; System concept is a dialectical concept that grasps the relationships between things; System concept is a global concept that emphasizes collaboration and coordination; The system concept is a concept of order that adheres to balance and openness. Adhering to a systematic concept, all work must strengthen forward-looking thinking, global planning, and overall promotion.

The distinctive theme of this National Ecological Environment Protection Conference contains a systematic concept and dialectical wisdom to accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.These four major changes are a historical analysis and forward-looking grasp of China's comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China and the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

2. planning the overall situation and handling major relations

To use the concept of system to accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, we must insist on analyzing problems in a universal connection, grasping major relationships in a materialistic and dialectical manner, and comprehensively and systematically strengthening overall planning. The concept of system is a way of thinking that uses dialectics to grasp the relationship between things, and it is also the only way for people to continuously deepen their understanding of the laws of objective things. Everything as a system, in a variety of relationships. To adhere to the concept of system, we must grasp the overall situation and local, current and long-term, macro and micro, major contradictions and secondary contradictions, special and general relations. We should look at the system from the perspective of universal connection, comprehensive system and development and change, grasp the important relationship dialectically, strengthen the overall planning, and avoid looking at problems in isolation, static and one-sided, which will help us to deepen our understanding of the law of ecological civilization construction.

Firstly, adhering to a systematic concept is beneficial for planning the overall situation and composing a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.We must plan and promote the ecological and environmental protection work of the new journey with a higher position, broader vision, and greater efforts, and write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. The construction of ecological civilization has never been a unilateral action. The modern system engineering of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature requires multiple aspects of "coordination", "overall planning", "integration", "systematic deployment", and the formation of joint forces.

Secondly, adhering to a systematic concept is beneficial for grasping laws and correctly handling major relationships in ecological civilization construction.

Among them, correctly handling the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection, occupying a leading position, is a new form of ecological civilization in the new era and new journey of handling the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection, and is the most fundamental and pioneering relationship in building a modern harmonious coexistence between humans and nature; Correctly handling the relationship between key challenges and collaborative governance reflects the perspectives of contradiction theory, practice theory, and collaboration theory; Correctly handling the relationship between natural restoration and artificial restoration is a vivid practice of Marx and Engels on the principle of ecological organisms in the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It is a vivid manifestation of grasping historical initiative while respecting objective laws, and also an artistic work of implementing the principle of "natural restoration as the main focus" in China's ecological civilization construction; The correct handling of the relationship between external constraints and endogenous driving forces, as well as the correct handling of the relationship between 'dual carbon' commitments and autonomous actions, both contain a dynamic and unified dialectic of "internal" and "external", "stability" and "progress", "near" and "far", "knowledge" and "action".

3. promote the "defense war" and play "combined boxing"

In recent years, Xi Jinping has always proceeded from the concept of system and asked leading cadres to have two overall situations in mind. The first is the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the other is the great changes unseen in the world in a century, which is the basic starting point of our planning work. On this basis, we must grasp the two major issues of development and security. This systematic concept of keeping the overall situation in mind and doing a good job in major events is also applicable to comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China and accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Firstly, we must uphold the safety bottom line of building a beautiful China. This speech, based on the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, emphasizes the coordinated adjustment of industrial structure, pollution control, ecological protection, and response to climate change, as well as the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth. It reflects a systematic concept that pays more attention to coordinated development and security.These important deployments are both consistent and have new ideas and interpretations.

Secondly, we will deepen the defense of the blue sky, clear water, and pure land. Natural ecology is a complete system, and blue sky, clear water, and pure land are the core elements that make up the natural ecosystem. To accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature with a systematic approach, we must adhere to the concepts of respecting nature, obeying nature, and protecting nature. We must continue to deepen the battle against pollution prevention and control, adhere to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, maintain strength, extend depth, and expand breadth, deepen the defense of blue sky, clear water, and clean land, and continuously improve the quality of the ecological environment. As we accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of our development model, we must adhere to green and low-carbon development as the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems. While adhering to the safety bottom line of building a beautiful China, we must actively and effectively respond to various risks and challenges, and effectively maintain ecological security.

Thirdly, strike a combination of punches in the battle against pollution prevention and control. Adhering to the system concept reflects the historical logic of accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and creating new forms of ecological civilization. The core essence of promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is to systematically solve the fundamental problems of modernization construction in China, such as "where did it come from", "where is it now", and "where is it heading". Currently, China's ecological civilization construction still faces many contradictions and challenges. The foundation for stable and improving ecological environment is not yet stable, and the turning point from quantitative to qualitative change has not yet arrived. During the 14th Five Year Plan period, China's ecological civilization construction entered a critical period with carbon reduction as the key strategic direction, promoting coordinated efficiency in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, promoting comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and achieving a qualitative improvement in ecological environment quality. After the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council successively issued the "Opinions on Strengthening Ecological Environment Protection and Fighting the Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control" and the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control", they further made systematic deployments for the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China. This is not only a continuous upgrade of the "defense war" of the ecological environment, but also a systematic plan for the comprehensive promotion of the "combination fist" of the construction of a beautiful China.He pointed out that we should coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces from all sides, and strike a combination of the rule of law, market, technology, and policy.

In the perspective of system concept, a system refers to a whole composed of several related things or ideas that are interconnected, often composed of different systems. China is comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China, emphasizing the adherence to a systematic concept and strengthening the systematic and systematic nature of all work.

There is no historical precedent in the world for achieving modernization in a country with a population of over 1.4 billion, where people and nature coexist harmoniously. On the new journey, in response to the complex and ever-changing domestic and international environment, accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature requires us to deal with many complex relationships, coordinate various aspects of pollution reduction, carbon reduction, and green growth, coordinate development and security, focus on the current and long-term, view the system as a whole, view the system as a whole, view the system as a collaborative one, and view the system as an open one, in order to achieve structural balance, element synergy, and optimal overall benefits. Adhering to a systematic concept and accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is our mission and responsibility, as well as an urgent need to enhance our abilities and abilities.

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