Regional situation

Shanghai Jing'an's Promotion Association in London, UK | Environment | Jing'an
Shanghai Jing'an's Promotion Association in London, UK | Environment | Jing'an

The reporter learned today that on the afternoon of June 2nd, the Jing'an District People's Government, together with the UK China Trade Association, the UK Alternative Investment Management Association, Bank of China London Branch, Guotai Junan Securities, and Hankun Law Firm, held a Jing'an District London Financial and Trade Promotion Conference with the theme of "In Jing'an, Towards the Future" in London, UK. They jointly promoted the investment service environment for Jing'an's key industries, welcomed British enterprises to settle in Jing'an, further strengthened the sister city relationship between Jing'an District and London, and promoted investment and economic exchanges in multiple fields. At the promotion meeting, Wang Hua gave a detailed introduction to Jing'an's district situation, industrial layout, business environment, and other content to British finance, business professionals, and investors. Jing'an has always been at the forefront of China's opening-up to the outside world, following the trend of financial openness, and has become a leading enterprise and headquarters enterprise in many industries entering and landing in China

Kaide Hongkou Commercial Center will move movie scenes into the mall and exclusively cooperate with international top tier movies Sony | Surrounding | Movies
Kaide Hongkou Commercial Center will move movie scenes into the mall and exclusively cooperate with international top tier movies Sony | Surrounding | Movies

Transforming imagination into reality and moving movie scenes into shopping malls. Recently, "Spider Man" elements can be seen everywhere in Kaide Hongkou Commercial Center. Not only is there an immersive movie original music surround, a huge Spider Man movie poster wall, and an immersive interactive "Spider League" check-in scene, but being on site feels like embarking on a journey of time and space traveling through the universe. The reporter learned that after the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film "Spider Man: Parallel Universe", after a 5-year hiatus, his legendary sequel "Spider Man: Crossover Universe" was scheduled to be released nationwide in North America on June 2nd. As the exclusive partner of Sony Pictures, the film producer, in the commercial real estate industry in China, Kai De's cinemas in its shopping centers will simultaneously release movies and launch a series of movie themed joint promotion activities covering both online and offline, bringing consumers a visual and auditory experience