Bring the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" to your doorstep, where renowned doctors provide consultation and health care! This People's Suggestion Site | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:25 AM

At around 9:00 am on July 21st, filled with joy and excitement, Uncle Qiao, who lives in Tianlong Community, Fenglin Street, Xuhui District, stepped into the community health service station. This was not only the first day that this new station with traditional Chinese medicine as its characteristic officially appeared for diagnosis, but also the first time that a city level renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioner was welcomed to the station for residents to see.

For Uncle Qiao, this day is even more of a "harvest day" to test the results of his suggestions.

I suggest bringing a famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to my doorstep

"I have been serving in the military for 31 years and have been working in the field of health and medical care. After changing jobs, I continued to work in the medical field until retirement." Speaking of my fate with traditional Chinese medicine, Uncle Qiao couldn't help but feel nostalgic. "In addition, my father is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. After learning some related knowledge with him, I deeply understand the important value of traditional Chinese medicine, especially for the elderly population, there is a strong demand for the use of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment." Therefore, in April 2023, at the theme collection event jointly organized by the Xuhui District Health Commission and the Xuhui District People's Suggestion Collection Office, "I contribute a plan to the construction of Xuhui's' Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristic Demonstration Community Health Service Station '." In the middle, Uncle Qiao proposed a suggestion to strengthen the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment, and to introduce famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to community health service stations for regular consultations.

Bring the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" to your doorstep, where renowned doctors provide consultation and health care! This People's Suggestion Site | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

The people call out, and I respond accordingly. Uncle Qiao's suggestion was forwarded and communicated by the staff of the district people's suggestion collection office, and received a positive response from the district health committee. In fact, the traditional Chinese medicine expert community consultation model has always existed. As early as 2014, Xuhui District and Longhua Hospital affiliated with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine established the "Xuhui Longhua Hospital Traditional Chinese Medicine Consortium", jointly establishing the Shanghai style Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Base Community Branch. Each community health service center in the district has Shanghai style Traditional Chinese Medicine expert consultations, but they usually sit at the community health service center. This is the first time that a renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at the city level has gone directly to the service station to establish a workstation. This is not only due to the construction of the demonstration community health service station for traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, which is a practical project for the people run by the Municipal Party Committee and Government, but also thanks to the support of the Municipal Health Commission's policies on promoting the sinking of high-quality traditional Chinese medicine resources into communities According to relevant staff from the district health commission, the difficulty in implementing the suggestions mainly lies in "inviting experts". "Most famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have undertaken a lot of medical and teaching work, and it is indeed difficult to schedule regular consultations at community health service stations."

With the strong support and multi-party communication and coordination of Longhua Hospital, in July of this year, with the appearance and opening of the Tianlong Community Traditional Chinese Medicine Characteristic Health Service Station, Professor Gu Yun, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at Longhua Hospital, and his team officially signed a contract with the station to establish a "Gu Yun Ming Traditional Chinese Medicine Workstation" at the Tianlong Community Health Service Station, and conduct offline consultations every two weeks.

Professor Gu Yun provided free consultations for residents at the community health service station.

"With the strong support of the District Health Commission, Fenglin Street, and Longhua Hospital, our Tianlong Service Station not only has a brand new venue and equipment, but also has the assistance of Professor Gu Yun's famous traditional Chinese medicine team, which will definitely provide higher level of traditional Chinese medicine services for community residents." The relevant person in charge of the Tianlong Community Health Service Station told reporters that the station covers a total of 5 surrounding neighborhood committees, with a permanent population of about 16000, of which more than 47% are elderly residents. Nowadays, in addition to the most basic functions of medication dispensing, services such as traditional Chinese medicine consultation, traditional Chinese medicine characteristic rehabilitation, and health care guidance are more in line with the daily health needs of elderly residents. The reporter saw that in the first free clinic event held on July 21st, residents came to see the doctor in a continuous stream, all holding up their thumbs and praising: professionalism, timeliness, time-saving, and labor-saving have become high-frequency vocabulary.

Bring the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" to your doorstep, where renowned doctors provide consultation and health care! This People's Suggestion Site | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Make the community the main battlefield for traditional Chinese medicine services

When it comes to the adoption of Mr. Qiao's suggestion, the relevant staff of the district health committee also revealed a different significance: inviting famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to sink into community health service stations is of great significance in improving grassroots traditional Chinese medicine service capabilities and cultivating community traditional Chinese medicine talents.

Professor Gu Yun candidly stated that traditional Chinese medicine has a broad mass base in China. Grassroots are the foundation for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and communities should be the main battlefield for traditional Chinese medicine services. This time, we went down to the community health service station, where we met with community residents, especially the elderly, and deeply felt their demand and love for traditional Chinese medicine health services. "Therefore, coming to the community is not only to provide disease diagnosis and treatment services, but also to strengthen traditional Chinese medicine health education, disseminate knowledge and concepts of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, and improve the health literacy and level of community residents, especially the elderly." Professor Gu Yun stated.

Professor Gu Yun and young traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the community health service station jointly discussed.

Bring the "Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" to your doorstep, where renowned doctors provide consultation and health care! This People's Suggestion Site | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

In 2023, five traditional Chinese medicine characteristic demonstration service stations in Xuhui District were approved in the construction of the community health service station for traditional Chinese medicine characteristic demonstration, which is a practical project for the people run by the Municipal Party Committee and Government. Currently, the construction of several other service stations is also being promoted. Next, Xuhui District will continue to promote the construction of community famous traditional Chinese medicine workstations, striving to build famous traditional Chinese medicine workstations in all health service stations of traditional Chinese medicine characteristic demonstration communities, bridging the "last mile" of community traditional Chinese medicine services, and providing residents with better quality and convenient traditional Chinese medicine services.

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