Regional situation

100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration
100% signed! Behind the "acceleration" of Xuhui's old renovation project, on the first day, Longhua | Shanghai | Acceleration

Recently, heavy rainfall has repeatedly raided Shanghai, but this is the last time for residents living in Lane 334, Longhua West Road to worry about the rainstorm in flood season. On July 22nd, the signing of the contract for the renovation and expropriation of Lane 334 on Longhua West Road was officially launched. On the first day, 252 households completed 100% of the signing and housing selection. Residents who are about to move out of their old houses will no longer have to worry about whether the community will be "flooded" in rainstorm days. From initiating the consultation of residents' wishes, to forming the compensation plan for expropriation and completing the signing and resettlement, Longhua Street completed the old renovation and expropriation of Lane 334, Longhua West Road in just 9 months. Behind the acceleration of the old renovation in the central urban area is a profound investigation and perception of the housing difficulties that have plagued residents for many years. For the residents of Lane 334, Longhua West Road, it is a long-awaited task to replace the old one with theirs

The total investment is 11.5 billion yuan! 21 major industrial projects in the third quarter of Fengxian District started construction with concentrated industrial output value | Fengxian District | Projects
The total investment is 11.5 billion yuan! 21 major industrial projects in the third quarter of Fengxian District started construction with concentrated industrial output value | Fengxian District | Projects

On July 24th, 2023, major industrial projects in the third quarter of Fengxian District began construction. The total planned investment for 21 major industrial projects is 11.5 billion yuan, mainly covering leading industries such as biomedicine, integrated circuits, new energy vehicles, new materials, and new track industries. The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the Shangu Dongjiu Life Messenger Industrial Base project located in Hangzhou Bay Development Zone. The base is jointly developed and constructed by Sequoia China and Dongjiu Xinyi, with a total investment of approximately 70 million US dollars. The project relies on the endowment of the life and health industry in Fengxian District, targeting the forefront innovation fields of biomedicine such as gene drugs, small and large molecules, and cellular immunity, and constructing a biomedicine innovation base with gene drugs as the main feature. The reporter learned that the project started construction immediately upon land acquisition and signed contracts upon commencement. There were four new track students at the event site

Xuhui promotes high-quality development of the urban area through urban renewal. Xujiahui's southern expansion and northern connection, as well as the construction of new underpass tunnels in the botanical garden area, are of high quality
Xuhui promotes high-quality development of the urban area through urban renewal. Xujiahui's southern expansion and northern connection, as well as the construction of new underpass tunnels in the botanical garden area, are of high quality

On July 24th, the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences held a special session in Xuhui. The theme of this press conference is "Accelerating Urban Renewal to Promote High Quality Development". The reporter learned at the conference that Xuhui has launched the South to North Connection Plan for the Greater Xujiahui area, and is also researching and promoting the addition of underpass tunnels in the Shanghai Botanical Garden area in the south of Xuhui. This will effectively promote urban development transformation, functional expansion, people's livelihood improvement, and quality enhancement through urban renewal, and make every effort to do a good job in the high-quality development of the central urban area. Cao Liqiang, Secretary of the Xuhui District Committee, introduced that since the 14th Five Year Plan, Xuhui has implemented two rounds of urban renewal actions to comprehensively enhance the energy level of the Greater Xujiahui region. The first round of updates is concentrated in the Xuhui Binjiang area, focusing on the collection and storage of large areas of land, involving a land area of 285 hectares, and is expected to be basically completed within the year. This year, Xuhui

White collar workers carpool to dine, and the nearest community cafeteria to Huangpu River has opened! Supply three meals a day in Xuhui Binjiang | Alliance | Canteen
White collar workers carpool to dine, and the nearest community cafeteria to Huangpu River has opened! Supply three meals a day in Xuhui Binjiang | Alliance | Canteen

Recently, citizens passing by the Xuhui Binjiang Party and Mass Service Center found that the Manner Coffee, which was originally located at the entrance of the river on the first floor, had been relocated and replaced by the Xuhui Binjiang Citizen Cafeteria, which was just put into operation earlier this month. It is located in an excellent public open space on the Huangpu River, making it the closest community cafeteria in Shanghai to the Huangpu River in a straight line. The original site of the Xuhui Binjiang Party and Mass Service Center was the Xuhui Binjiang Planning Exhibition Hall. At the end of June 2021, it was renovated into a Binjiang Party and Mass Service Center with a building area of about 1700 square meters and a total of 20 services in 6 categories. Over the past 2 years of operation, it has provided services to 330000 people and carried out more than 500 activities, becoming a new highlight space along the "One River, One River" coast of Shanghai. As past citizens continue to come to the center for rest

The First Forum on the Theory and Practice of Sinicization of Taoism was held in Shanghai | Taoism | Forum
The First Forum on the Theory and Practice of Sinicization of Taoism was held in Shanghai | Taoism | Forum

On July 25th, the opening ceremony of the "Maritime Forum on Taoism and Taoism: The First Forum on the Theory and Practice of Sinicization of Taoism" was held in Shanghai. The forum was jointly organized by China Taoist Association, Shanghai Taoist Association, Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai and Mingdao Taoist Culture Research Institute of East China Normal University. Shanghai is making every effort to build a religious work brand of "Maritime Doctrine", striving to build a platform and carrier for the religious community to showcase achievements, conduct theoretical discussions, and practice exercises. This forum is an important event for "discussing Taoism on the sea" and promoting the localization of Taoism in China. The relevant department heads of the Central United Front Work Department congratulated the forum and requested that the Shanghai Taoist community further leverage its own advantages to deepen the localization of Taoism in Shanghai. At the opening ceremony, representatives from both the Taoist and academic communities delivered keynote speeches. United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, Municipal Government

Shanghai Science and Technology Film City promotes cross-border cooperation between the digital film and television industry and screenwriting, always adhering to the principle of content as the king of digital | industry | science and technology film
Shanghai Science and Technology Film City promotes cross-border cooperation between the digital film and television industry and screenwriting, always adhering to the principle of content as the king of digital | industry | science and technology film

Recently, a special seminar on the digital industry of film and television and screenwriting in Songjiang District was held in Yongfeng Street, where industry, academia, politics, and research gathered to jointly explore the cross-border cooperation between the digital industry of film and television and screenwriting, and provide suggestions for the development of Shanghai's science and technology film capital. It is understood that the digital wave has penetrated the entire film industry chain, reshaping the development trajectory of movies and bringing audiences a new audio-visual experience. At present, Shanghai Science and Technology Film City has introduced a number of highly visible film and television projects, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Film City Metaverse Creation Base has also been established in Chedun to expand the development of digital people and digital scenes, explore and practice new technologies, new formats, and new models. But content is always the golden attribute of movies. How to adhere to the principle of content as the king and create high-quality films and TV shows while actively embracing digitalization and expanding new spaces in the film industry? In recent years, Shanghai Science and Technology Corporation

After completion, it will drive the development of industries in the central part of Baoshan, lay the foundation for the first phase of the International Metaverse Creation Port, and seize the new track industry of the Metaverse | Digital | Creation Port
After completion, it will drive the development of industries in the central part of Baoshan, lay the foundation for the first phase of the International Metaverse Creation Port, and seize the new track industry of the Metaverse | Digital | Creation Port

On July 25th, the foundation was laid for the first phase of the International Yuanshu Innovation Port project located in Yangxing Town, Baoshan District. After completion, it will create a gathering place for talents in the metaverse industry. The first phase of the project launched this time extends from the planned Yi'an Road in the east, to the boundary of Yangxing Town in the west, to the planned Zhentai Road in the south, and to Youyi West Road in the north. The total investment is 3.5 billion yuan, covering an area of about 140 acres, with a total construction area of 166840 square meters. It consists of 12 digital synthesis centers, 1 research and development center, and 1 talent apartment. After completion, the expected revenue is 3 billion yuan, and the expected annual tax revenue is 308 million yuan. The entire project has created the most of the three industrial projects in the town. One is the largest land area, and it is reported that the project will be constructed in five phases, with a total scale of 500 acres. The second is the highest investment amount, totaling 15 billion yuan. Thirdly, after reaching the production capacity, it is expected that the tax contribution will be the greatest.

Huangpu District Building "Binjiang Party Building · Innovation Litan" Industrial Cluster Innovation | Talents | Party Building
Huangpu District Building "Binjiang Party Building · Innovation Litan" Industrial Cluster Innovation | Talents | Party Building

Yesterday afternoon, Gan Wenxuan, a girl born in 1995 and a researcher at the Robotics Center of China Electronics Technology Corporation's 21st Institute, took the key to the talent apartment from the leadership of Huangpu District. On that day, the "Binjiang Party Building · Innovation Litan" Industrial Cluster Party Building Alliance Innovation Talent Theme Activity was held in the Binjiang Park of Phase 5 of No.8 Bridge. The reporter learned from the event that Huangpu District is vigorously building the "Binjiang Party Building · Innovation Litan" industrial cluster, and Wuliqiao Street has launched relevant measures to promote talent aggregation and development. On March 21, 2023, under the guidance of the Organization Department of the Huangpu District Committee, led by the Party Working Committee of Wuliqiao Street and the Party Committee of Huangpu Science and Technology Innovation Group, the first batch of 13 science and technology innovation and cultural innovation enterprises in the jurisdiction of Wuliqiao Street jointly joined the establishment of the "Binjiang Party Building · Innovation Litan" Industrial Cluster Party Building Alliance. The alliance focuses on the integration of building party building and innovative elements

Why does the State Council issue a heavyweight document to support the import of such products?, Exclusive Analysis | Shanghai Single Enterprise Pilot | State Council | Pilot | Document
Why does the State Council issue a heavyweight document to support the import of such products?, Exclusive Analysis | Shanghai Single Enterprise Pilot | State Council | Pilot | Document

Recently, the State Council issued a document supporting the pilot import of remanufactured products from key industries in free trade zones and ports such as Shanghai, Guangdong, and Hainan. This means that remanufactured products that were previously prohibited or restricted from being imported by our country can now be legally imported if they meet new product standards. However, with the relaxation of relevant measures, there will inevitably be some foreign garbage, old products, and others attempting to pass the test under the guise of remanufactured products. To this end, it is necessary to steadily promote through case by case pilot methods. The reporter learned exclusively from the Lingang New Area Management Committee of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone that before the national pilot program in "conditional" areas, the new area had secured the opportunity for a leading international remanufacturing enterprise to pilot. After more than a year of single enterprise pilot, it has effectively explored the management mode of imported remanufactured products for the country and accumulated valuable regulatory experience. This pilot program also demonstrates

Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary
Shanghai Songjiang optimizes the science and technology innovation ecosystem through the construction of a new city, controlling the rental expenses of talents within 10% of the social average salary function | Songjiang | Salary

On July 25th, the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of municipal government press conferences were held in Songjiang. The reporter learned at the meeting that Songjiang aims to provide high-level technological innovation with first-class scientific and technological innovation ecological services, strengthen the policy source function, explore the "allocation investment combination" mechanism, support forward-looking, leading, and disruptive early technology projects, cultivate 1500 "specialized, refined, unique, and new" enterprises at or above the city level by 2025, focus on improving the public service level of Songjiang New City, actively explore the integration of education, technology, and talent development, and provide "hard support" for technological innovation with the "soft power" of scientific and technological innovation ecology, stimulating the surging momentum of high-quality development. Focusing on the full process innovation from 0 to 10, Cheng Xiangmin, Secretary of Songjiang District Committee, introduced that recently, the G60 Brain Intelligence Science and Technology Innovation Base has achieved leading results in the field of brain science and released the world's first set of macaques

This year, the competition activities have become more diverse, and Shanghai One Street has been holding the Shanghai Language Competition for over a decade
This year, the competition activities have become more diverse, and Shanghai One Street has been holding the Shanghai Language Competition for over a decade

On July 25th, the first "Nanfengzhishen" Shanghai Language Culture Festival was held in Nanmatou Road Street, Pudong New Area, featuring Shanghai Language Roundtable Forum, Shanghai Language Characteristic Classroom, Shanghai Language Reading Competition, and Shanghai Language Carnival Market. The event will last for two months, during which various activities, courses, and competitions will be held, including the Shanghai Language Reading Contest, Shanghai Language Culture Classroom, Shanghai Language Film Season, Small Theater Creation Camp, and Carnival Market. Shanghai dialect is a highly representative local dialect, containing rich traditional cultural elements. In order to inherit and promote the Shanghai language culture, Nanmatou Road Street has held a Shanghai language competition since 2012. It has evolved from a street level competition with only 20-30 community children to a new district level competition and city level cultural project that covers nearly a thousand people of all ages. The format of the competition has evolved from a single Shanghainese nursery rhyme storytelling to a poetic one

In Shanghai's Songjiang enterprise, domestic substitution has been achieved, with Songjiang Haisheng, a company that used to import artificial lenses for tens of thousands of yuan
In Shanghai's Songjiang enterprise, domestic substitution has been achieved, with Songjiang Haisheng, a company that used to import artificial lenses for tens of thousands of yuan

On July 25th, during the "High quality Development in Shencheng" series of centralized interview activities, the reporter visited the Haohai Biotech International Pharmaceutical Research and Industrialization Base located in Songjiang Economic Development Zone. As a representative of the Songjiang biopharmaceutical industry, Haohai Biotech has successfully broken the foreign monopoly in the artificial lens market and become the seventh largest artificial lens manufacturer in the world and the largest orthopedic joint cavity viscoelastic supplement manufacturer in China. Implementing domestically produced alternatives to cataracts is the most common ophthalmic disease in the world, and implantation of artificial lenses through cataract surgery is currently the only effective treatment method. "For a long period of time, an imported artificial lens was often sold for tens of thousands of yuan, and the high price made it difficult for patients to afford medication." Wu Jianying, the general manager of Haohai Biotech, told reporters that in response to this situation, Haohai Biotech has chosen to focus on the research and development of artificial lenses as its market strategy

A themed exhibition will be held at the rail transit station in Jiading District to commemorate the 30th anniversary of county withdrawal and district establishment
A themed exhibition will be held at the rail transit station in Jiading District to commemorate the 30th anniversary of county withdrawal and district establishment

In October 1992, the State Council approved the revocation of Jiading County and the establishment of Jiading District. In April of the following year, the People's Government of Jiading District was officially established; In 2001, the construction of Shanghai International Automobile City began in full swing; In January 2013, the city's first free new energy license plate was born in Jiading; In September 2017, the first 8-inch "Beyond Moore" R&D pilot line in China was put into operation in Jiading; In September 2022, Shanghai Intelligent Automotive Software Park opened in Jiading, which is the first software park in China to focus on the field of intelligent connected vehicles. In the same month, Shanghai Automotive Core Valley also officially opened in Jiading... On July 25th, on both sides of the Jinsha Jiangxi Road station passage on Line 13 of the rail transit, exquisite photos attracted the attention of citizens and tourists. The reporter learned that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the county withdrawal and district establishment in Jiading District

22 experts were invited to provide intellectual support, and Shanghai Jinshan established a "Transformation and Shaping" Expert Advisory Committee with high quality | Municipal Party Committee | Jinshan
22 experts were invited to provide intellectual support, and Shanghai Jinshan established a "Transformation and Shaping" Expert Advisory Committee with high quality | Municipal Party Committee | Jinshan

"At present, Jinshan's industrial transformation, spatial transformation, and governance transformation have all entered a period of policy support, comprehensive launch, and concentrated efforts. At this critical moment, there is an urgent need to rely on more wisdom and strength to seek development and promote transformation. On July 25th, after repeated deliberation and careful preparation, the Jinshan District Committee's Transformation and Shaping Expert Advisory Committee was officially established. 22 experts, including Wang Zhan, Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, Advisor to the National High end Think Tank of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and Executive Director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, were appointed as members, covering areas such as economy and finance, industrial development, technological innovation, social governance, urban planning and construction management, rural revitalization, democratic politics, and party building work. They will serve Jinshan." Transformation and shaping provide strong intellectual support. In the past, Shanghai had Baoshan Iron and Steel, Jiading Automobile

Amazing the whole venue... The Shanghai International Guitar Art Festival has come to a successful conclusion, as world guitar masters meet Chinese folk musicians crossing over | Guitar | China
Amazing the whole venue... The Shanghai International Guitar Art Festival has come to a successful conclusion, as world guitar masters meet Chinese folk musicians crossing over | Guitar | China

When the theme song "Dreams on the Sea" of the Shanghai International Guitar Art Festival rings; When fifty guitars play "Friendly Shanghai" together; On the evening of July 25th, on the stage of the Shanghai Cultural Square, a unique "string moving Shanghai" guitar concert was held, marking the successful conclusion of the 2023 Shanghai International Guitar Art Festival. It is understood that as one of the important activities of the Shanghai Citizen Culture Festival, the Shanghai International Guitar Art Festival has been held for four consecutive sessions, and its reputation and influence are constantly improving. The 5th Guitar Art Festival this year is guided by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Shanghai Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Shanghai Academy of Drama, the Minhang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Minhang District People's Government. The Shanghai Musicians Association, the Propaganda Department of the Minhang District Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Min

The "Gathering of Talents by the Sea" Roadshow Hall has been launched, and the first batch of five-star talent apartments in Putuo District have been officially awarded as the base for the roadshow | Putuo |
The "Gathering of Talents by the Sea" Roadshow Hall has been launched, and the first batch of five-star talent apartments in Putuo District have been officially awarded as the base for the roadshow | Putuo |

On the evening of July 25th, 2023, the Shanghai Putuo Investment Promotion Conference and the 4th Putuo Talent Festival were held. At the meeting, the top talent apartments of Zhichuang, Xinghui Fangyu, and Hechang Apartments were officially awarded as the first batch of five-star talent apartments in Putuo District. The star rating mechanism for talent apartments is an innovative exploration of the Putuo District's vigorous implementation of the talent housing project. The aim is to achieve the goal of raising 9800 units in advance during the 14th Five Year Plan period by 2023, promote the improvement of project quality, and provide talents with excellent facilities, rigorous management, and first-class services through the "Putuo Strict Selection". It is reported that as more and more talents flock to Putuo, the demand for talent apartments is increasing year by year. Putuo District focuses on addressing the housing needs of various talents and solving practical problems. Strengthening exploration around "open source" and fully tapping into public rental housing and market-oriented rental housing

Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village
Teenagers embark on a different summer vacation, listening to the stories of the past told by the militia grandmother... at Jinshanzui Fishing Village Grandma | Militia | Fishing Village

"Children, this black and white photo was taken 50 years ago when my grandmother worked as a militia. The location of the photo was now the national AAAA level scenic spot - Jinshanzui Fishing Village. You see, each of us female militia members held a gun in their hands because the men in the fishing village had to go out to sea to fish, and the responsibility of guarding the sea and protecting our homes fell on our shoulders as sea girls..." Recently, at the Shanyang Town Community Party and Mass Service Center in Jinshan District, 69 year old fishing village villager Wu Yinhua wore a party emblem on her chest and held a microphone. As a "militia grandmother", she told the red stories of the past to primary and secondary school students who came to report for summer vacation, taking the children to a happy life. "The same summer vacation. Similarly, 74 year old veteran Party member Wang Yongchong also carefully prepared and took two precious photos of his alma mater, Shanyang Primary School, with former Director of the National Education Commission and Party Secretary Zhu Kaixuan, to inspect

Can Huaihai Road still lead the way in "elegance and fashion" by embellishing boutique shops and cafes on Zhima Road? The main street will be occupied by the top luxury brand commercial district | Huaihai Middle Road | Road
Can Huaihai Road still lead the way in "elegance and fashion" by embellishing boutique shops and cafes on Zhima Road? The main street will be occupied by the top luxury brand commercial district | Huaihai Middle Road | Road

The reporter learned from the Huaihai Middle Road Business District Investment Promotion Conference held on the 26th that in the planning of Huangpu District, the Huaihai Middle Road Business District will focus on the positioning of "elegance and fashion", and form four main theme areas from west to east: a collection of Shanghai style styles, a quality life workshop, a revival of cultural and artistic settlements, and a full-time trendy street. Huangpu District launched the Huaihai Middle Road Business District Investment Platform on the same day. As the entity for unified operation of commercial properties along Huaihai Middle Road, the platform will concentrate advantageous resources, update business layout, promote the landing of more new brands and projects, and accelerate the construction of the four major theme areas. In recent years, the Huaihai Middle Road commercial district has undergone frequent adjustments and upgrades, with a focus on "youthfulness". Affected by the market, there has been a phenomenon of some brands entering and exiting on Huaihai Middle Road, but it has also cultivated and attracted some commercial brands and projects, and established a stable position on Huaihai Middle Road

It is expected that the annual output value after reaching the production capacity will exceed 4 billion yuan, and four major industrial projects in Minhang District will start construction in Pujiang Town
It is expected that the annual output value after reaching the production capacity will exceed 4 billion yuan, and four major industrial projects in Minhang District will start construction in Pujiang Town

On July 26th, Pujiang Town, Minhang District held a concentrated commencement ceremony for major industrial projects in 2023. Four major projects, namely Shangnan Zhixiang, Noah Testing, Baizhentang, and Liandong U-Valley, were announced to have started construction. The total investment exceeded 2.6 billion yuan, covering an area of approximately 147000 square meters. It is expected that the annual output value will exceed 4 billion yuan and the annual tax payment will be about 440 million yuan after reaching production. It is reported that Pujiang Town, as the center of Shanghai's two wings flying together, has always actively integrated and served the spatial development strategy of Minhang's "north-south linkage, dual core radiation" and the "4+4" modern industrial system. It has actively created a key depth area of the "one river, one river" strategy, an important carrier area of the southern science and technology innovation center, and a development linkage area of the Free Trade Zone Lingang New Area. With major industrial projects as the focus, it has solidified the "basic foundation" of the real economy. The main venue for today's groundbreaking ceremony

Jinshan, Putuo, Lingang, and COMAC jointly launch the "Xin Lecture Hall · Partner Plan" course | Faculty | Lecture Hall
Jinshan, Putuo, Lingang, and COMAC jointly launch the "Xin Lecture Hall · Partner Plan" course | Faculty | Lecture Hall

In May of this year, the domestically produced large passenger aircraft C919, independently developed by COMAC, completed its commercial passenger maiden flight. Now, at the East China Drone Base in Jinshan, a scaled down C919 model on display has also been highly sought after by visiting citizens. This scene is one of the practical achievements of the integration of positions in the "Xin Lecture Hall · Partner Plan" jointly launched by Jinshan District, COMAC and other units. Recently, under the guidance of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and jointly organized by the Jinshan District Committee, Putuo District Committee, Lingang New Area Party Working Committee, and COMAC Party Committee, the "Party Class Lecture - Monthly Lecture" event in Shanghai was held in Fengjing Town, Jinshan District. In this event, relevant leaders from four units jointly launched the "Xin Lecture Hall · Partner Plan", which aims to further expand and expand the circle, and bring benefits to grassroots party organizations and party members

How can Party and Mass Service Stations attract more people to come and still want to come?, 20% of respondents stated that they do not understand residential areas, service stations, and party and mass organizations
How can Party and Mass Service Stations attract more people to come and still want to come?, 20% of respondents stated that they do not understand residential areas, service stations, and party and mass organizations

"What is the Party and Mass Service Station?" "Where is it?" "What services is there?" "I have only seen signs..." This year, Minhang District included "Building 100 Home Village Party and Mass Service Stations" in the district government's practical project for the people. Currently, nearly half of the service stations have been completed and gradually put into use. However, a questionnaire survey conducted by relevant departments shows that 20% of the surveyed residents still express "not knowing" or "not knowing". How to do this practical project well and practically, so that more people can come in, sit down, and still want to come? Recently, at the Party and Mass Service Station in the residential area of Pinyayuan, Maqiao Town, Minhang District held the first demonstration version of the Beautiful Community Party and Mass Service Station promotion event. The event, through "dissecting a sparrow," promoted the community Party and Mass Service from the "Consultation and Discussion Meeting" version 1.0 to the "Sharing and Promoting the Beautiful Community."

How to generate more transformation results in the future?, Pudong formed a batch of digital transformation solutions last year. Digitalization | Transformation | A batch
How to generate more transformation results in the future?, Pudong formed a batch of digital transformation solutions last year. Digitalization | Transformation | A batch

In order to further integrate the resources of "government, industry, academia, research and application" and promote the construction of the digital transformation ecosystem in Pudong, the 2023 Pudong New Area Digital Exchange Brand Activity jointly organized by the Shanghai Pudong New Area Urban Digital Transformation Application Promotion Center and Shanghai Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd. was officially launched on July 26, aiming to promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. It is reported that the "Digital Exchange" brand activity is carried out around the "1+2+4" work system: "1" is closely focused on the main line of "digital transformation supporting the comprehensive upgrading of the 'digital economy, digital life, digital governance, and digital services'"; "2" is to build communication platforms and optimize resource allocation from the perspectives of digital technology and digital applications, in order to achieve deeper changes in production methods and higher levels of value creation;

There is a free herbal tea stall in this small town in the suburbs of Shanghai, dedicated to the Jinshan District for twelve years
There is a free herbal tea stall in this small town in the suburbs of Shanghai, dedicated to the Jinshan District for twelve years

A sunshade umbrella, a small square table, a purple clay jar... In the scorching summer, in Zhujing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, a small stall with a "free tea" flag appeared again on the street side of Luoxing Road. Amidst the scorching heat of noon, people came and went in front of the small stall. Sometimes sanitation workers came to refill cups with empty pots, and sometimes curious passersby took a cup to taste. The neighboring old neighbors told reporters, "This tea stall has been set up since the Xiao Li family moved in, for more than ten years. Every year after the Dragon Boat Festival, the stall will be set up, and the herbal tea is very delicious, and how much you drink is free... Over the years, more and more people have come to drink tea, and they haven't seen them charge any money. It's really difficult." At 4 o'clock in the morning, when the pot was started and water was added more than 20 times a day, the neighbors called the "Xiao Li family", which is the owner of a small shop behind the tea stall, Li Bin's family. At noon, I walked into the store

What about the peaches on the tree? Farmers in the suburbs of Shanghai should seize the opportunity to harvest crops, as a typhoon is approaching. | Fruits | Peaches
What about the peaches on the tree? Farmers in the suburbs of Shanghai should seize the opportunity to harvest crops, as a typhoon is approaching. | Fruits | Peaches

As Typhoon Dussuri approaches, its wind and rain impact will continue to intensify in the next two days. In order to reduce the potential adverse effects of typhoons and minimize losses for farmers, the agricultural department in the suburbs of Shanghai is actively taking action and organizing and urging farmers to seize the opportunity to harvest crops. After receiving news of the typhoon yesterday afternoon, we arranged for workers to start harvesting. On the morning of the 27th, at the Alin Organic Farm in Fengjing Town, there was light rain in the sky and not much wind. The staff were busy harvesting vegetables and fruits. In the packaging workshop of the farm, peaches, pears, and various vegetables are piled up into small mountains, and workers are busy sorting, packaging, and shipping. "At present, it is the ripening period for peaches and pears. If encountering a typhoon, large fruits and bagged fruits are prone to falling off, causing significant losses," farm manager Wang Junlin told reporters

A precious photo album witnesses the victory of the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea, and the relics of the founding general Su Yu appear at the Memorial Hall of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China
A precious photo album witnesses the victory of the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea, and the relics of the founding general Su Yu appear at the Memorial Hall of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China

73 years ago, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, composed of outstanding sons and daughters of China, shouldered the heavy trust of the people and the expectations of the nation, raised the banner of justice to defend peace and resist aggression, bravely and confidently crossed the Yalu River, and after two years and nine months of arduous and bloody battles, won the great victory of the Korean War. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War, on July 27th, the Memorial Hall of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the National Flag Education Exhibition Hall held a themed event titled "Remembering the Great Victory and Revitalizing Immortal Monument - Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Korean War". The theme exhibition of "Remembering the Great Victory and Revitalizing the Immortal Monument" commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Korean War will be exhibited in the National Flag Education Exhibition Hall from today onwards. The exhibition presents the history of that year to the audience in various forms and will adopt the form of regular replacement of exhibits

In the next two years, the village will disappear, and villagers will receive a large amount of stock in one go. Tongfu Village in Pudong will complete the work of abolishing a village group | assets | stock
In the next two years, the village will disappear, and villagers will receive a large amount of stock in one go. Tongfu Village in Pudong will complete the work of abolishing a village group | assets | stock

The current urbanization process is accelerating, and after Shanghai issued the "Guiding Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Demolition of Village Groups," various suburbs have carried out the demolition work in an orderly manner according to the new regulations. Recently, Tongfu Village, located in Beicai Town, Pudong New Area, completed the task of abolishing the 11th Village Group. At this point, the village has achieved the abolition of 10 village groups, which has lasted for more than 30 years since the first village group was abolished in the 1990s. "The remaining tenth group is also planned to be completed during the implementation period of the 'Three Year Action Plan for the Demolition of Village Groups in Pudong New Area', accelerating the acquisition of arable land and the transformation of farmers' identities," said Zhu Baojia, Secretary of the Tongfu Village Party Branch. Except for the disappearing Tongfu Village, 19 towns including Beicai Town and Caolu Town in Pudong New Area are gradually carrying out the task of deregistration. The exploration of Tongfu Village this time also lays the foundation for the next step of village restructuring and removal

What growth troubles do you encounter? Community canteens that everyone wants. Elderly people | communities | canteens
What growth troubles do you encounter? Community canteens that everyone wants. Elderly people | communities | canteens

Recently, an article titled "Young People Can't Save Community Canteens" circulated online, telling the story that affordable and high-quality community canteens are not only popular among the elderly, but many young people who are busy working hard also crave for a community canteen at their doorstep; But in some cities, some community canteens are facing bankruptcy due to unsustainable operations due to poor balance of income and expenses. Shanghai is accelerating the layout of community elderly meal assistance service places. As of the end of 2022, Shanghai has built 1608 community elderly meal assistance places, and some eligible streets and towns have also opened many community canteens in recent years, which are welcomed by residents. The community cafeteria is a popular project, and the sustainability of its business model determines whether this popular project can be successfully carried out. How is the community cafeteria currently operating in Shanghai? Affordable and high-quality community canteens can be opened more

We will continue to promote the construction of the five major party building alliances, and the Long March Branch of Putuo District Talent College will be unveiled
We will continue to promote the construction of the five major party building alliances, and the Long March Branch of Putuo District Talent College will be unveiled

On July 27th, the release of the Long March Party Building Alliance project and the unveiling ceremony of the Long March Branch of Putuo District Talent College were held at the Shanghai Xintai Center. At the event site, the Party and Mass Service Station and Building Committee of Xintai Center were officially established. In recent years, Changzheng Town has continuously improved the construction of its building governance system. By optimizing the "Building Party Committee+Building Committee" governance model, it has cultivated and strengthened the team of building governance talents, enhanced the efficiency of building autonomy and co governance, strengthened the effectiveness of building economic output, and continuously promoted the high-quality development of the building economy. In 2021, the party building alliance of Changzheng Town was officially established, and the four alliances of Internet industry, business services, professional services and cultural services continued to expand and upgrade. In order to better integrate into the scientific and technological innovation layout of "Zhonghua Wushu", Changzheng Town is accelerating the transformation and upgrading driven by technological innovation. This year, the life and health industry will also be included in party building

Qingpu Homestay launches a parent-child tour activity during the summer, inviting you to experience it. 30 homestays have been awarded comprehensive licenses for management | Program | Homestay
Qingpu Homestay launches a parent-child tour activity during the summer, inviting you to experience it. 30 homestays have been awarded comprehensive licenses for management | Program | Homestay

On July 27th, 2023, the Qingpu District Homestay High Quality Development Promotion Event was held. At the event, representatives of 30 high-quality homestay enterprises were awarded comprehensive homestay industry licenses, and the Qingpu Homestay Manager mini program was launched simultaneously, providing support for the development of the Qingpu homestay industry and reducing operating costs for homestay operators. Qingpu has abundant natural and cultural resources, and the development of homestay economy has unique advantages. Since 2018, Qingpu District has taken the lead in exploring homestay registration work in rural areas and three ancient towns of Zhujiajiao, Jinze, and Liantang. In recent years, with the increasing demand for tourism accommodation among citizens and tourists, the Qingpu homestay industry has flourished. Currently, 86 rural homestays and 19 ancient town homestays have successfully obtained comprehensive permits. Since the beginning of this year, Qingpu District has been building a "one network service" platform for homestays and reducing costs reasonably

Ignite the Dream of Poverty stricken Children in Yunnan with Heart, Founder of the "Eagle Support" Project | Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital | Eagle Support
Ignite the Dream of Poverty stricken Children in Yunnan with Heart, Founder of the "Eagle Support" Project | Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital | Eagle Support

Recently, the launch ceremony of the "Fuying" project was held. In the future, the Shanghai Charity Foundation Pudong New Area Representative Office and the Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital will work together to gather charitable forces, spanning thousands of kilometers, to support impoverished children in Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province, to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. According to Zhou Qian, Deputy Secretary of the Maternal and Child Party Committee, starting from 2022, the hospital and Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Hospital have carried out medical assistance work. Three medical teams with 18 members have successively gone to Gengma, Yunnan. During their daily diagnosis and treatment, the team members discovered some impoverished students in the local area, which inspired them to have the idea of learning assistance. The "Eagle Assistance" project emerged. It is understood that the Shanghai Charity Foundation Pudong New Area Representative Office and the Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital are located in