Today's data selection: The temperature difference between the coldest and hottest places in the country is 78°C; U.S. commercial real estate prices plummet

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 21:33 PM

keep warm! The temperature difference between the two coldest and hottest places in the country is 78℃

The lowest temperature from 15:00 on February 17 to 14:00 on February 18 was -43.3℃ in Qinghe, Xinjiang. The highest temperature recorded from 3:00 on the 18th to 2:00 on the 19th was 34.7°C in Ceheng, Guizhou. Starting from February 20, rain and snow will enter its peak period. From the 21st to the 24th, the snow line will continue to advance southward.

After two consecutive days of slight fluctuations, Bitcoin once again reached $52,000 per coin on February 18, with an intraday increase of nearly 2%. On February 19, the price of Bitcoin continued to run above $52,000 per coin. As of press time, Bitcoin was trading at $52,323 per coin.

In fact, since January 24, the price of Bitcoin has been soaring. According to data from the global currency price website CoinGecko, on January 24, the price of Bitcoin was still below US$40,000 per coin, and then rose rapidly in several trading days. On February 15, it rose to US$52,660 per coin, the highest level since December 2021. new highs. Compared with the stage low of US$26,750 per coin in mid-October 2023, the increase is close to 100%.

In addition to spot Bitcoin, the newly issued Bitcoin ETF in 2024 also continues to be popular, with a strong momentum of "attracting gold". Industry insiders said that the Bitcoin market is recovering strongly due to factors such as the issuance of the first batch of spot ETFs and rising expectations for an interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. However, the future performance is still difficult to predict. The Bitcoin market is highly volatile, and different countries and regions have very different regulatory policies for digital assets, so you should not blindly enter the market.

The international gold price fluctuates, but the domestic gold finished product consumer market continues to be hot. The person in charge of a gold jewelry store in Shanghai said that wearing a horse-faced skirt and a piece of traditional Chinese gold jewelry has become a new fashionable combination this year. In addition, taking gold bars and old gold jewelry directly to a goldsmith's shop and immersing yourself in the entire process of making gold jewelry has become a new fashion in gold consumption. “Making gold” has become a hot word on social platforms recently.

39% of Japanese plan to work until they are 70 years old

A latest survey by Nihon Keizai Shimbun shows that 39% of Japanese plan to work until they are over 70 years old, the highest level since the survey began in 2018. Among them, 21% answered "70 to 74 years old" and "75 years old" The proportion of "above" is 18%.

The survey also asked about the issue they are most worried about in the future, and 70% of them answered "economic aspects such as living expenses", replacing "health" as the issue that Japanese people are most worried about in the future.

As the aging of the population intensifies, the Japanese government encourages companies to employ the elderly, and will implement the revised "Employment Stability Law for the Elderly" in 2021, which stipulates that companies have the obligation to continue to provide employment for seniors under the age of 70.

Japanese companies are also promoting the abolition of the retirement age and raising the retirement age of employees. Both Nojima Electric and YKK Group have canceled the upper age limit for employment in 2021; Sumitomo Chemical announced that it will raise the retirement age to 65 in stages from April this year.

Data previously released by the Japanese government show that the total number of people over 65 years old in Japan has exceeded 36 million, accounting for nearly 30% of the total population, a record high. One in two people aged 65-69 is still working, while more than 30% of people aged 70-75 are still working.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working, office space vacancies continue to rise across the United States. Coupled with the rise in loan interest rates caused by the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes, the U.S. commercial real estate market is under even more pressure.

As an important part of commercial real estate, the current situation of office buildings reflects the trend of the entire commercial real estate market. A study by U.S. real estate company Cushman & Wakefield found that as of the end of last year, about one-fifth of office buildings in the United States were vacant, and even in big cities like Los Angeles and Houston, the vacancy rate reached 25%.

The International Monetary Fund said in a blog post that U.S. commercial real estate prices are experiencing their worst plunge in half a century, falling 11% since the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in March 2022.

Amid the weak commercial real estate environment, the U.S. banking system is also facing tremendous pressure. Data show that by the end of next year, the total amount of U.S. commercial real estate loans due will exceed $1 trillion, and by 2027, this figure will reach $2.2 trillion. This means that the plight of U.S. commercial real estate may become the biggest potential crisis in the next two years.

A Bloomberg investigation found that 22 regional banks with $10 billion to $100 billion in assets hold more than three times their capital in commercial real estate loans. Bruce Richards, chairman of Marathon Asset Management, warned this week that default rates on commercial real estate loans from smaller banks appear to be heading toward 8% to 10%. Bloomberg quoted a research report as saying that if the default rate of commercial real estate loans of major U.S. banks reaches 10%, it will cause banks to suffer additional losses of approximately US$80 billion.

Today's data selection: The temperature difference between the coldest and hottest places in the country is 78°C; U.S. commercial real estate prices plummet
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Today's data selection: 3,758 funds have suffered losses in the past three years; international shipping prices have soared

A number of colleges and universities have initiated the withdrawal of on-campus institutions and transferred them to various places, vigorously canceling the recruitment of overheated majors. On January 3, 2024, Max released the "China-World Higher Education Trends Report", sorting out the changing trends of China's higher education in recent years, and Inspiring practices from global universities. The "Report" pointed out that in order to "load and simplify operations", many universities have initiated the "withdrawal", "merger" and "transfer" of on-campus institutions. According to incomplete statistics, from 2022 to 2023, "double first-class" universities such as Northwestern Polytechnical University, Nanjing University, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology, as well as local universities such as Shandong Youth University of Political Science and Guilin University of Technology, have launched internal institutional reforms and adjustments. In terms of discipline and professional construction, a number of universities have intensively promoted the reform of the academic department system and adjusted the internal discipline governance structure. In 2023, at least 14 universities will

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The minimum down payment for commercial loans for first homes in Sanya City has been reduced to 25%. The official website of the Hainan Branch of the People's Bank of China issued an announcement on the 17th. After studying the market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism of Hainan Province, it will moderately adjust Sanya City's differentiated housing credit policy: starting from October 18 For households registered in Hainan Province, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first house will be adjusted to 25%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial loans for the second house will be adjusted to 35%. The announcement clarified that in order to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Sanya City, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the Sanya Municipal Government and in conjunction with the real estate market situation in Sanya City, when households registered in Hainan Province take loans to purchase commercial housing in Sanya, the lower limit of the commercial loan interest rate policy for second homes will be adjusted to no. Lower than the market quoted interest rate for loans with corresponding term plus 30 basis points

Today's data selection: The enthusiasm for cross provincial and outbound travel during the National Day holiday is high; Scalpers claim to earn 20000 yuan or change to 10000 yuan per month after the new regulations
Today's data selection: The enthusiasm for cross provincial and outbound travel during the National Day holiday is high; Scalpers claim to earn 20000 yuan or change to 10000 yuan per month after the new regulations

New Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, and South Korea are popular countries for outbound tourism during the National Day holiday. This year's Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday are connected. What changes will the super long holiday bring to the tourism market? A travel agency official stated that domestic travel orders increased by about 20% year-on-year, with some destinations reaching 30%. In addition to domestic long-distance travel routes, the rare super long vacation has also prompted many people to plan outbound travel during the holiday. Recently, Thailand has decided to implement a 5-month visa free policy for Chinese tourists, which has further increased the popularity of the outbound tourism market. Ministry of Transport: In August, the online ride hailing supervision information exchange system received a total of 824 million orders. According to statistics from the online ride hailing supervision information exchange system, as of August 31, 2023, a total of 327 online ride hailing platform companies in China have obtained operating licenses for online ride hailing platforms, an increase of 5 compared to the previous month; Distributed online contracts in various regions

Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data
Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data

On August 18, the limited time free subway ride was launched in many places across the country. The WeChat official account "Fuzhou Metro" announced that at the end of August, Fuzhou Metro Ring Line 4 will be put into operation for passengers. The full network transfer with the existing lines will bring unprecedented convenient traffic experience. To enable the general public to experience the various conveniences of subway transportation in the era of circular line transfer, cultivate green travel habits, promote the concept of green and low-carbon development, and further stimulate urban economic vitality. According to the work deployment of the municipal government, from August 28, 2023 to December 31, 2023, Fuzhou Metro will carry out the activity of receiving electronic consumption vouchers and enjoying free subway rides at night, on weekends and holidays; Citizens can also receive electronic subway bus annual card consumption vouchers and enjoy discounts on purchasing subway bus annual cards. Previously, the whole country included Ningbo, Nantong, Nanchang

But it may not necessarily replicate the path of the "demographic dividend", as India's population surpasses China's | dividend | population
But it may not necessarily replicate the path of the "demographic dividend", as India's population surpasses China's | dividend | population

According to the United Nations forecast, the population of India has already reached or even surpassed that of China. In 2022, India's total economic output has surpassed that of the UK, becoming the world's fifth largest economy. Can India, which has become the world's most populous country, leverage its scale advantage to replicate economic miracles like China in the future? What is the "demographic dividend" window period? According to the definition of economics, "demographic dividend" refers to the economic growth effect that accompanies the increase in the proportion of labor force in the total population. The demographic dividend often occurs during a period of population transition when fertility rates are just beginning to decline. When the proportion of children, especially the elderly, decreases, and the proportion of young and middle-aged labor force is less than 50%, it means that the opportunity window period may have arrived. In recent years, the number and proportion of elderly people in India have slowly increased, with those aged 15 and above