I have read each volume 5 times, David Ferguson: "Xi Jinping Talks about Governing the Country" Volume 1 to Volume 4 China | Shanghai | Xi Jinping Talks about Governing the Country

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:36 AM

A few days ago, the International Image Communication Innovation Forum of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai. David Ferguson, honorary editor-in-chief of Foreign languages Publishing House and expert in English revision of volumes 1 to 4 of Xi Jinping on governing the country, was invited to give a keynote speech.

"The real China is making progress every day," David Ferguson advised that Western society should put aside prejudice, enter China's cities and rural areas, and understand the thinking and mindedness of Chinese leaders. It is also necessary for China to innovate international communication channels and ways, and tell the stories of the CPC and Chinese path to modernization in a language that Westerners can understand and understand.

Chinese people are friendly and willing to interact and exchange ideas with foreigners

David Ferguson is a person who enjoys traveling around the world. After reaching adulthood, he basically worked and lived outside his hometown of Scotland, from Germany to the United States, and from Indonesia to Singapore.

In 2005, David Ferguson first came to China. He first lived in a city in the northeast, by the beautiful Songhua River. In just two years, this city underwent multiple rounds of expansion along the river, with the construction of office buildings and new apartments. The area of the riverside park also grew larger. "At first, you could run 5 kilometers by the river, but later you could run 15 kilometers along the way.".

In 2008, David Ferguson went to Beijing to work. At that time, Beijing had only a few subway lines, but now it has one of the largest and most developed subway systems in the world. Moreover, Beijing's subway system is cleaner and more convenient than many European and American cities.

Looking at the news: After working in Beijing for many years, do you have any special feelings about the development and changes of this city?

David Ferguson: I remember when I first arrived in Beijing, the air quality was not very good. In spring, when there is a strong wind, there are often sandstorms. I have written a book about the efforts made by the central government and the Beijing municipal government to improve the ecological environment. For example, by implementing stricter standards to control exhaust gas pollution, from burning raw coal to burning natural gas and gasification coal, the pollution caused by power plants can be controlled. Nowadays, most of the time, the air in Beijing is relatively clean.

I like riding a bicycle, not driving. One summer, I returned to Scotland, and in autumn, I returned to Beijing. Shared bicycles were everywhere, orange and blue, making me feel like I had seen old friends. Chinese people are very good at using technological innovation to improve people's lives, which is a valuable quality.

Shangkan News: Have you come to Shanghai many times? What is your impression of this city?

David Ferguson: I haven't been to Shanghai many times, and I haven't stayed long either. If you want to have a clear understanding of a city, you should stay here for a period of time.

A few years ago, Shanghai hosted a large-scale international event. In order to save time, I got on a shared bike and set off on the road. Suddenly, a police officer stopped me. He asked me: Why ride a bike here? I explain that I come from Beijing and don't quite understand the rules of Shanghai. "Police officer, where should I ride my bike?" He pointed to the specially opened non motorized lane next to him and issued me a ticket. This incident has left a deep impression on me of Shanghai's awareness of the rule of law and rules.

Before accepting your interview, I just went to the downtown area of Shanghai to meet my friends. I really like that place, and there is a row of restaurants and bars on the street. I feel that Shanghai now is very suitable for young people to socialize and business people to talk about work.

Looking at the news: China's second and third tier cities are not as famous as Beijing and Shanghai, but you have visited many Chinese cities and written multiple works. What other attractions besides Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou attract you?

David Ferguson: I really like Suzhou. The old city area is well protected, and after walking for half an hour, you will feel like it's back to one or two hundred years ago. It is another modern city, and the new urban area is very modern.

I also like coastal cities in northern Shandong, such as Weihai and Yantai. I like to stay by the sea because my hometown is also by the sea, but the climate here is better.

Looking at the news: What about the western part of China?

David Ferguson: I have been to Gansu before. In 2019, I was invited to participate in the poverty alleviation forum held there and saw the poverty alleviation and prosperity of rural areas in western China.

The most impressive person is a woman whose life has completely changed in the past decade. Nowadays, she is the head of the local women's federation, an outgoing and confident person with many ideas on how to promote work. For example, through embroidery, more women can have their own careers and achieve economic independence.

Looking at the news: Having traveled to various cities, what is your overall impression of Chinese people?

David Ferguson: I have been in China for almost 20 years. The Chinese people I meet are basically friendly, interested in foreigners, and willing to interact and exchange ideas with them. I can also feel the growing confidence of Chinese people in Chinese culture, understanding and believing in their own systems.

In China, many people can look back on their parents' lives and say, "My current life is much better than my parents' back then," and they can all hope that "my children will live better than me.". This is a very remarkable thing.

The CPC is rational and sticks to it step by step

In April 2008, David Ferguson officially worked for China International Communication Group. Shortly after joining, an earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan, and he immediately followed his team to the earthquake stricken area to carry out reporting work.

The interview in Dujiangyan Irrigation Project made David Ferguson feel a "shock from China".

At that time, six large-scale disaster relief communities were being built in the suburbs of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project. These disaster relief communities are not using simple emergency tents, but makeshift houses. Before arriving at the construction site, he thought the scene would be relatively chaotic.

But the actual situation is that the construction site is well-organized, materials are effectively supplied, and disaster victims follow orders in an orderly manner. "It is not an exaggeration to say that while the workers capped the prefabricated houses, the volunteers were already organizing the disaster victims to move in in an orderly manner."

At that moment, he felt China's resilience and strength.

Shangkan News: Why did you choose to work as a journalist in China?

David Ferguson: This is an interesting question. After coming to China, I tried some different jobs. I am still a football agent for FIFA and have tried to find excellent Chinese players to bring to Europe to play football.

In 2008, I saw a false report stating that 1.5 million Beijing residents were forced to leave their homes to make way for the Olympics. This may be the biggest lie I've ever seen. At that time, I decided that if this was the way Western media treated China, then I would become a truthful journalist, reporting more honestly and accurately on what was happening in China.

This experience holds great significance for me. China often encounters false reports from Western media. Chinese culture does not like conflict and confrontation, and I am relatively good at debating. People like me can help China clarify and explain, utilize my understanding of culture, systems, and systems to communicate and exchange ideas with Western society.

Looking at the news: Some Western media often deliberately add a "gray and black filter" when targeting China, what is the problem behind it?

David Ferguson: In recent years, Western media's coverage of China has become increasingly unbalanced and objective. This was deliberately created. Western media has spent a long time trying to convince people that their system is the best and only effective. The development of China has challenged the moral and institutional superiority of the West, and the smear attacks against China are an inappropriate emotional response.

As China develops better and the people of China and the United States benefit more and more, some American politicians see the loss of hegemony, which is a so-called "threat". This demonstrates a fundamental difference between China and the United States in their approach to competition and cooperation - China believes that if I help you win, I am helping myself win; Some politicians in the United States view other countries in a completely different way: if you win, I lose, so I must make you lose.

Watch the news: How to counter the smear attacks from Western media?

I have read each volume 5 times, David Ferguson: "Xi Jinping Talks about Governing the Country" Volume 1 to Volume 4 China | Shanghai | Xi Jinping Talks about Governing the Country

David Ferguson: China should establish a broader international discourse team. At present, China's international discourse is still like a roof built on a pillar. A roof built on a single pillar is a very small roof, and it is necessary to build a wider roof with more pillars to bring more people together.

One of the most important pillars is soft power. As far as storytelling is concerned, Chinese people have made a lot of efforts. Next, what needs to be considered is how to tell stories to American audiences, such as making a good movie that can attract American audiences.

In addition, the resources that China has not fully utilized are the power of the international business community. Foreign businessmen doing business in China understand the real China and the real Chinese people. They know that the image of China presented by their country's media is inaccurate. They have an interest and a responsibility to tell real Chinese stories and build a positive image of China. China should regard international business people as a resource and provide more support to give them confidence to speak the truth overseas.

Shangguan News: The theme of the CPC International Image Communication Innovation Forum held in Shanghai is "tell a good story about Chinese path to modernization". How do you understand "Chinese path to modernization"?

David Ferguson: In international communication, I often mention the "3 Cs". The modernization of the West is essentially centered around competition, confrontation, and conflict; Chinese path to modernization is based on the other "three Cs", namely cooperation, consultation and continuity. In China, people hope to reach consensus, determine short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals, and implement them accordingly.

Westerners exaggerate the superiority of their system because of voting and elections. But voting and elections are just processes, not outcomes. What people in developing countries need is food and clothing, children can go to school, and streets can be safe. This is a result, not a show off process. Obviously, we cannot achieve development and prosperity solely by checking and crossing.

In addition, the Chinese government has been taking measures to prevent falling into the middle-income trap, emphasizing the importance of high-quality development and industrial upgrading. This is very wise.

Shangguan News: To understand China and China, you must understand the CPC and the people of the CPC. What is your comment on the CPC?

David Ferguson: I once participated in editing a book about the deeds of outstanding party member and cadre Gu Wenchang. From 1950 to 1964, he led the people of Dongshan County, Fujian Province to work hard and build a 194 kilometer long Green Great Wall, with the belief that "if you don't conquer the sandstorms, let them bury me". This changed the world for the island.

This is a great Communist Party member. A person who loves the people will inevitably receive their love. The CPC takes the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in mind, and will naturally win the support of the people. As a westerner, I also support the CPC.

The original mission of the CPC is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. In contrast, Western political parties have little interest in "good governance", their only concern is how to win the next election, and the important thing is to win media headlines.

Shangguan News: Facing the future, how can the CPC do better?

David Ferguson: The Chinese are rational, and the CPC is also a rational party. You don't allow yourself to be provoked, still taking one step at a time. As long as we persist in this way, China will continue to succeed.

Excellent translation is not only about text conversion, but also about understanding the culture behind the language

There is an exhibition board in the History Museum of the China Foreign Languages Bureau, which features outstanding translators working in China. Epstein and Shackleberry were the first to appear, with David Ferguson finishing the game. "I feel honored to be able to connect with two translation masters in the history of the Foreign Languages Bureau and even modern Chinese history."

At the Foreign Language Publishing House under the China Foreign Language Bureau, David Ferguson is mainly responsible for proofreading and revising a large number of English publications, including millions of words of government documents, bulletins, and white papers.

This is not only a job, but also a heavy mission. David Ferguson is willing to invest more energy and gain more life value from it. In 2021, he was awarded the Chinese Government Friendship Award for his outstanding contributions in promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

What gave you the idea of writing letters?

David Ferguson: 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Foreign Language Publishing House.

We will continue to work hard, tell the story of China well, and spread the voice of China well.

What we are most proud of is to be able to participate in the translation and publication of the multilingual edition of volumes 1 to 4 of Xi Jinping on governing the country, so as to help readers all over the world understand President Xi's grand ideas and their personalized expressions, so that more people are familiar with the expressions full of Chinese wisdom, such as "Jiangshan is the people, the people are Jiangshan" and "green water and green mountains are Jinshan and Yinshan.

I have always hoped and called on those who see themselves as friends of China to use their language abilities to help China better showcase itself to the world and make the world better understand China.

Looking at the news: in order to make the English version of "Xi Jinping on governing the country" a model of "faith, elegance", what preparations have you and the translation team made?

David Ferguson: This is a big project. As one of the few English editors, this means I must read the entire book. Actually, I have read each volume 5 times. The expectations of Chinese people for political discourse are extremely different from those of foreigners for political discourse. I strive to make them suitable for Western readers. This is not an easy task, as it requires a high degree of fidelity to the original meaning of the text.

This can be seen more clearly from "Zhijiang Xinyu". This book compiles some articles he wrote when he served as the Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, which were written for local party newspapers.

Looking at the news: what difficulties have been overcome in the process of translation and revision of the English version of "Xi Jinping on governing the country?

David Ferguson: I always believe that if you talk to a Westerner, you should focus your main energy on conveying information. Some translations overly emphasize the closeness of the text, but instead deviate from the main meaning they want to express. So, we should not ask "which word I want to find in English that is completely consistent with Chinese", but focus on "how to better express the meaning of this word in English after I understand it in Chinese". Excellent translation is not only about text conversion, but also requires a deep understanding of the culture behind the language.

For example, it is difficult to understand what "party building" means in an English speaking environment. There are many reasons for this: firstly, there is a conceptual reason that the West does not have the concept of party building; Secondly, in English, building emphasizes building something from scratch. When you say "Party building" to an English speaking person, they may not even realize it is related to "party building", but only feel like taking their child to celebrate their birthday. So, I suggest translating "Party building" as "strengthening the Party" to reflect the meaning of "strengthening Party building", so that the translation can more accurately convey the original meaning.

For example, the term "head goose effect" is very vivid - geese fly in a V-shape, with the head goose setting direction, controlling speed, and generating turbulence, making it easier for the following geese to fly. The direction is the most difficult, which is a good metaphor for describing the role played by outstanding Communist Party members. But in English, the only metaphorical use of "goose" is to describe those who have done absurd and ridiculous things. Obviously, we need to find a more appropriate translation.

Looking at the news: starting from word by word, do you have a deeper understanding of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era?

Every concept is a part of this complete ideological system. They are combined to cover all aspects of governing China.

For example, the book discusses the two centenary goals. In order to achieve the goal of striving, which goals were set in the initial stage, and then extended one by one, each stage has its own tasks, which are clear at a glance.

For example, the "the Belt and Road" initiative and targeted poverty alleviation have achieved positive results.

Honorary English editor-in-chief of David Ferguson Foreign Language Publishing House, winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, expert in the revision of the English version of Volume 1 to Volume 4 of "Xi Jinping on State Administration", published "Ecological Beijing: Green Rhyme New City" and "Nantong Story" "Discover Suzhou" and many other works.

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