Hand in Hand, Nanjing People Look at Hefei: Two "Huijing" Days | Hefei | Huijing

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:45 PM

Recently, my friends in Nanjing and I talked about a topic: How do you see Hefei as a Nanjing resident? A friend from Nanjing replied, "What's there to talk about?"? I have only been to Hefei once and have only stayed in one block for two days without seeing anything. The most memorable experience was having two meals of stinky mandarin fish, one made by a friend's mother and the other by a restaurant. The flavors were different, but both were delicious! This is probably what most people in Nanjing see as Hefei. To sum up, although Hefei is very close to Nanjing, there are not many people from Nanjing who go there. I want to find a nearby place for the weekend, go to Chaji Ancient Village or Taiping Lake; When buying a house for elderly care, the first choice is the nearby Chuzhou, Anhui; Even skiing, taking a shower, and running directly to Ma'anshan in Anhui. But Nanjing and Hefei are often discussed together. The old urban area of Hefei is similar to Nanjing, with small shops and night markets in the alleys that remind people of Nanjing's Confucius Temple and the banks of the Qinhuai River. The familiar landscapes of roadside vendors, bustling streets, and bustling train stations are not much different between the two cities.

The flavors of Hefei and Nanjing are also very similar. Taking the common snack of duck blood vermicelli soup as an example, compared to Nanjing, the duck blood vermicelli soup in Hefei only has duck blood, without duck liver and duck intestines, and has a strong taste that cannot be separated from a spoonful of tempting spicy oil for flavor enhancement. The most common restaurants in the streets and alleys of the two cities are Anhui style restaurants.

There is also an unavoidable question: who is the "Huijing" after all? As is well known, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province, but it is jokingly known as "Huijing" in the folk. The origin of this name can be traced back to the division of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in the Qing Dynasty. In order to prevent the dominance of Jiangnan, Shunzhi divided Jiangnan Province into two and changed the Left Governor's Office of Jiangnan to Anhui Governor's Office. However, the government office remained in Jiangning Prefecture until the 25th year of the Qianlong reign when it was relocated to Anqing. From here on, Nanjing can be considered as the capital of Anhui Province for 93 years, which is more than 20 years longer than Hefei, which only became the capital of Anhui Province in 1952, serving as the "Huizhou Capital". The so-called "Jiangsu" takes the first characters of Jiangning Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture. Nanjing, as the capital of Jiangsu Province, also began here. However, from the beginning, there was a rare special situation in the country: Jiangsu has two provincial capitals, and the Jiangsu Governor's Office is stationed in Suzhou, responsible for the civil affairs and taxation of the various prefectures in Jiangnan; Nanjing mainly undertakes military and political functions, and governs the prefectures of Yangzhou, Huai'an, and Xuzhou in the north of the Yangtze River. In addition, both in terms of economic output and people's wealth level, Nanjing is far ahead of other cities in Anhui. Surrounding cities such as Wuhu, Ma'anshan, and Chuzhou have all joined the Nanjing metropolitan area in recent years. Nanjing is the preferred shopping and medical destination for citizens in Zhenyang, Huaiwu, Machu.

However, with the development of the city and the government's leading venture capital model, Hefei's comprehensive strength continues to strengthen.

In recent years, the industrial upgrading in Hefei has never stopped, from small household appliances to display panels, from semiconductors to new energy vehicles. Hefei has become one of the four truly comprehensive national science centers, known as the "Great Lakes City and Innovation Highland". This may also be the core reason why Hefei's permanent population has grown rapidly in recent years and surpassed Nanjing in one fell swoop. No wonder people say that Hefei now has both a cultural and scientific atmosphere. My friend from Hefei has been working in Nanjing for many years and is preparing to return home to work recently. For her, the most intuitive feeling is that there are more and more good job opportunities in Hefei. In addition to finding the desired job, she can also enjoy good coffee and see good exhibitions in Hefei.

Cities are not just objects treated rationally by planners, managers, and researchers, but also the specific experiences and feelings of each person, including sensibility and memory.

I often look at photos of a photographer from Hefei. He is a water electrician who, in addition to meter reading and registration, walks around the streets and alleys of Hefei. The Hefei in his camera has the most authentic urban atmosphere. Deep in the bustling streets, meat shops, vegetable shops, and fruit shops line up one after another, with various colors shining in people's eyes; Parents carrying backpacks and holding their children are chatting with them, and they don't forget to say hello to the neighbors who are walking towards them; At the intersection, the people waiting for the green light looked a bit tired, wrapping their heads in their helmets. Occasionally, a cartoon balloon floated up from the back seat, which couldn't help but make people laugh.

I often carry a camera and stroll with my friends in the old city area of Nanjing. Four or five elderly people gathered in the deep alley, sitting together, playing chess or poker. Behind them were four or five elderly people, focused on watching the battle; Under the trees, there is thick shade, and there is a long queue at the braised vegetable shop. When we go home, we cannot do without chopping a duck; The small caf é is overcrowded, and young people rest and relax here while cycling.

One is the hometown of the Three Kingdoms and the city of venture capital, and the other is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and the Two Rivers Governor's Mansion. In terms of temperament, Hefei and Nanjing always have some similarities. Now, there is another question that needs to be jointly answered by the two cities: how to collaborate and collaborate in the context of higher quality integration in the Yangtze River Delta, and sing the "Ninghe Twin Cities" song well? The strong cooperation between Hefei and Nanjing is expected to play a role in connecting the west and the east, and radiating to drive more cities in the Yangtze River Delta. The Hefei and Nanjing metropolitan areas are strengthening coordination and linkage development, and the cooperation between them is more conducive to integrating resources and connecting advantages.

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Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang

On 1.66 million square kilometers of land in Xinjiang, the rivers and lakes are beautiful, the ecology is improving, and people and nature coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, the scientific examination and utilization of water resources is historically expanding the development space of Xinjiang. Tianshan Mountain is located in the north and south, surrounded by clear water, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in urban and rural areas; Three mountains and two basins, rivers and lakes are peaceful, with green waters and lush mountains shining brightly. Xinjiang fully implements the water management policy of "prioritizing water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", promotes the transformation of water resource management from extensive mode to refined and scientific mode, supports sustainable economic and social development with sustainable utilization of water resources, and strives to achieve effective protection of water safety, efficient utilization of water resources, significant improvement of water ecology, and the gradual development of a colorful picture of harmonious human water relationship.

To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province
To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province

During the summer vacation, various theme parks, fairy tale towns, and other places are bustling with people. In contrast, Wuyi County in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, which is striving to build a "hometown of fairy tales", appears somewhat desolate. This mountainous county was famous for its hot springs in the early years, and in recent years, it has proposed the "Fairy Tale Wuyi" urban brand, planning to create a highland for Chinese fairy tale culture and creativity. To this end, Wuyi established a specialized working organization called "Fairy Tale Office" and held 8 "Fairy Tale Congresses". However, the results were somewhat less than expected. The counterattack of mountainous counties is deeply related to the concept of fairy tales and children's literature in Wuyi. "Wuyi's fairy tales, aside from their historical origins, first have soup and then concepts," Wang Xiaoling, Executive Deputy Director of Wuyi County Fairy Tale Office, explained to reporters. Tang Tang is the Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Writers Association and a well-known children's literature writer in China. Tang Tang has mentioned multiple times that since childhood, she has

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But now the word "chi" is rarely seen. Everything can be chi, from meat to vegetarian, favored by famous people. Lotus House | All Things

When it comes to bad fish, people in Jiangnan understand it, but when it comes to bad fish, many people are confused. In fact, both "zao" and "gui" refer to the method of marinating fish and vegetables with seasonings. "鲊" initially only referred to the pickling of fish, and as they were pickled, they became something that could be pickled by all things. When marinating fish, use rice and salt as seasoning. When making rice, either by pressing it with a stone or twisting it inside a cloth, it is done to remove moisture and add flavor, hence the word "rice". Wrapped in a lotus leaf, it is highly favored by famous scholars. In the summer of the third year of the Changqing reign of the Tang Dynasty, with the sound of cicadas singing in the fields of lotus leaves, Yuan Zhen went to Yuezhou and passed by Hangzhou on the way. Bai Juyi held a boat banquet on West Lake to welcome his friends and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains. The table was filled with delicious dishes, including lotus fish buns and lotus leaf wrapped buns. Lotus room fish buns are made by taking fresh lotus seeds, digging them out one by one, filling them with small fish balls, and steaming them until cooked. The freshness of the fish meat is accompanied by the freshness of the lotus seeds

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What is it?, "Panda Sheep" Melon brought from Bachu, Xinjiang to Shanghai | Bachu | Bachu, Xinjiang

Yesterday, the 6th Shanghai Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair for Corresponding Regions kicked off at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. In the exhibition area of Bachu specialty products in Xinjiang, the company leader provides detailed introductions to customers who come to purchase Bachu Liuxiang melons and other "Bachu Liuxiang" brand series products. As a transportation hub in southern Xinjiang and the eastern gateway of Kashgar region, Bachu County, with its unique climate conditions and land resources, produces a series of high-quality, green and healthy agricultural products, such as Bachu Liuxianggua, Bachu quinoa, Apocynum tea, etc. A local production in Bachu called Cookbai Hot Melon, also known as Green Skin and Green flesh Melon, has a long history of cultivation in Bachu and is a unique variety of Bachu. Its flesh is crispy, refreshing and juicy, sweet but not greasy, and it has a unique "vanilla ice cream taste". In recent years, due to its unique taste, it has been favored by Shanghai Xinjiang aid officials,

Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou
Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou

A while ago, the government research group of Hailing District, Taizhou City, published "Zibo Barbecue is So Popular, What can Taizhou do?" The key to learning from Taizhou Hailing lies in how to make the renewal and transformation of Taizhou's old city smoother: like Zibo, Hailing, which is also in the midst of transformation, is the main carrier of Taizhou's national historical and cultural city. Faced with the hardcore task of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee "focusing on implementing the renewal of the old city, carefully making the" Fengcheng River "cultural core, and building a cultural ancient city that gathers humanities, carries memories, and expresses homesickness", Taizhou should learn from Zibo... The article analyzes and summarizes in more than 5400 words. There are three noteworthy points, three thought-provoking questions, and three valuable experiences for Zibo barbecue. Hailing District is the main urban area of Taizhou, with Taizhou's total economic output ranking among the top 50 in the country, including pharmaceuticals and shipping