Is artificial intelligence starting to backfire?, Even AI creators cannot keep their jobs and are unemployed | programmers | artificial intelligence

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:56 AM

With the rise of artificial intelligence, there is increasing concern about whether this technology will replace human work. At present, even the creators of artificial intelligence - tech workers - are unable to avoid the risk of unemployment.

The 10-year recruitment boom has receded

The past decade has witnessed the flourishing development of Silicon Valley technology companies. During this period, programmers and engineers were once sought after by major enterprises, and their financial prospects were promising. However, the decade long recruitment boom has shown a reversal trend, with a cold wind blowing in the sunny Silicon Valley.

Since the beginning of this year, with the rise of artificial intelligence technologies such as ChatGPT, there has been increasing concern and even concern about whether human work will be replaced. Interestingly, even the creators of artificial intelligence - tech workers - are not immune.

Challenger, Gray&Christmas, a US human resources agency, released a report last month stating that nearly 4000 US technology workers were unemployed in May due to the impact of the artificial intelligence wave.

"We do believe that artificial intelligence will lead to more unemployment, but what surprised us was how fast this trend is progressing and how fast this technology is developing," said Andy Challenger, Senior Vice President of the company, in an interview

From a corporate perspective, last month, American educational technology company Chegg disclosed in a document that the company will lay off approximately 80 employees, accounting for 4% of the total workforce. This will enable the company to better execute its artificial intelligence strategy and create long-term, sustainable value for students and investors.

It is worth mentioning that as students start using tools such as ChatGPT to complete their studies, Chegg's income is affected. To adapt to the new situation, Chegg has launched its education platform driven by generative artificial intelligence.

In May, International Business Machines CEO Arvind Krishna stated that the company expects to suspend recruitment for positions that may be replaced by artificial intelligence in the coming years, especially logistics positions. However, Krishna later explained that compared to the job opportunities taken away by artificial intelligence, this technology will create more job opportunities.

In April, Dropbox, a US cloud storage service provider, announced that the company would lay off about 500 employees, accounting for about 16% of the total workforce, also due to artificial intelligence.

At that time, Dropbox CEO Drew Houston stated that artificial intelligence was rapidly developing at a speed that exceeded expectations. Facing future business development, the company needs different skill combinations in the next stage.

In March, Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of American Meta, announced that the company would lay off an additional 10000 employees on top of 11000 in November last year. Zuckerberg also outlined his ambition to enter the field of artificial intelligence. Two months ago, Microsoft in the United States also launched a similar initiative.

Programmer's "Money Scenery" is Dim

Overall, according to data from Layoff. fyi, a website that tracks layoffs in technology companies, 824 companies worldwide have laid off over 210000 employees since the beginning of this year. In 2022, this number is 160000 people. In the medium to long term, the trend of layoffs reached its peak at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, with over 80000 people being laid off in January alone.

From the perspective of layoff targets, in addition to logistics positions, programmers who were once in high demand now seem to be facing the risk of unemployment or salary cuts, and their financial prospects have become bleak.

VOX News cited data from labor data company Revelio Labs, stating that in the first quarter of this year, nearly 20% of the 170000 layoffs in technology companies were software engineers, although they only accounted for about 14% of the total number of employees in these companies.

The company's senior economist, Rehan Ayas, said that technology companies had previously reduced positions in human resources and other departments due to considerations of slowing recruitment. "In 2023, we will see this trend shifting towards the engineering department, marking a shift in current business priorities."

Some argue that the wave of artificial intelligence is not the only reason for the layoffs in Silicon Valley.

For example, when the epidemic continued in the past three years, consumers' demand for Internet services surged, and many technology enterprises expanded their recruitment scale accordingly. But thereafter, as the epidemic subsided, consumer demand for digital services declined. At the same time, as the Federal Reserve continues to tighten monetary policy, the US economy is facing more uncertainty, and businesses are adopting contraction strategies accordingly.

The end of the world has not yet arrived

Although artificial intelligence seems to have started taking away people's jobs, the end has not yet arrived.

According to CNN, Professor Wang Dan from Columbia Business School predicts that artificial intelligence will "lead to organizational restructuring," but it will not appear in the form of machines replacing humans.

"In my opinion, artificial intelligence does not necessarily replace humans, but rather enhances their work ability," said Wang Dan. In fact, what people should pay more attention to is that those who can utilize artificial intelligence tools will gain greater professional competitive advantages.

Indeed, there are still some companies that use artificial intelligence as a tool to improve employee efficiency and abilities, rather than as a reason for layoffs. Data shows that Wall Street is embracing the wave of artificial intelligence.

According to Bloomberg, JPMorgan Chase released 3651 positions related to artificial intelligence worldwide from February to April this year. Citigroup released approximately 2100 positions related to artificial intelligence during the same period. Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas also have similar recruitment plans. It is reported that these popular positions include data engineers and quantitative analysts, as well as technical supervision positions.

Professor Alan Blackwell of Cambridge University said: "As a respected bank, do you really use the information captured by the big language model on the Internet to explain to customers?" In the application process of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, human supervision is still needed.

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