Climate change entering "unknown waters"?, The record for "the hottest day in the world" has been broken consecutively by El Ni ñ o | the hottest | the highest temperature

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:35 AM

Within three days, the average temperature on the Earth's surface has hit new highs, which has made some scientists feel uneasy. According to data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, July 3rd was the "hottest day in the world" on record. But just one day later, this high temperature record was broken and remained unchanged on July 5th. Scientists have warned that climate change has entered "unknown waters", and the record for "the hottest day in the world" may soon be set again due to the combined effects of El Ni ñ o and global warming.

The hottest week in 100000 years

Recently, the news of "the hottest day in the world" has been flashing on the screen.

According to data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, the average temperature on the Earth's surface exceeded 17 degrees Celsius for the first time on July 3rd, reaching 17.01 degrees Celsius. This means that since relevant statistics began in 1979, the global average temperature has reached a new high, breaking the record of 16.92 degrees Celsius set on August 14, 2016 and July 24, 2022.

However, just one day later, this record was broken again. According to data from the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, the average surface temperature of the Earth reached a new high on the 4th, reaching 17.18 degrees Celsius. The global average temperature on the 5th remained unchanged from the 4th and continued to remain at a high point.

In addition to the National Center for Environmental Forecasting in the United States, the European Union's climate monitoring agency, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, also announced on the 5th that the global average temperature on the 3rd and 4th hit the highest since records began in 1940.

Some scientists have pointed out that although data related to the United States and Europe only began to be recorded around the mid-20th century, considering the thousands of years of climate data that scientists have learned from ice cores and coral reefs, the recent global average temperature should reach the highest record on Earth in thousands to tens of thousands of years.

Jennifer Francis, a senior researcher at the Woodville Climate Research Center in the United States, told CNN that this week's global average temperature is likely to be the highest in at least 100000 years, which is of great significance.

Experts also warn that the global heat record may soon be broken again.

Robert Rhode, a scientist at the independent temperature monitoring organization Berkeley Earth in the United States, said that the record for the "hottest day in the world" may be set multiple times in the next six weeks.

El Ni ñ o "Add another fire"

Researchers believe that the world may have entered a prolonged period of extreme high temperatures for many years, which is mainly driven by two factors: firstly, the continuous emission of greenhouse gases by humans causing global warming; The second is the recurrence of El Ni ñ o phenomenon.

Scientists believe that fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are the main causes of global climate change so far. The greenhouse gases produced by their combustion envelop the Earth, capturing the heat of the sun and causing global warming. Since the 19th century, the Earth's temperature has risen by about 1.1 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the recent formation of El Ni ñ o conditions in the tropical Pacific has added another spark to extreme high temperatures.

The World Meteorological Organization announced on July 4th that for the first time in seven years, the tropical Pacific has formed an El Ni ñ o condition, which could lead to global temperature spikes, destructive weather, and climate patterns.

The El Ni ñ o phenomenon is a naturally occurring climate pattern associated with warming ocean surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific. It occurs on average every 2 to 7 years and typically lasts for 9 to 12 months. The World Meteorological Organization predicts that the likelihood of an El Ni ñ o event continuing in the second half of 2023 is 90%.

The Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization, Petri Taras, said that the occurrence of El Ni ñ o will greatly increase the likelihood of breaking temperature records, "triggering more extreme heat in multiple regions and oceans around the world.".

Multiple meteorological organizations around the world predict that due to the early occurrence and large development space of the El Ni ñ o phenomenon this year, its intensity will be at least moderate. If it develops into a strong El Ni ñ o, it may bring a new peak in global temperature.

Some meteorological experts said that since the La Nina phenomenon has lasted for three years, extreme weather events such as rainstorm are likely to occur during the transition from La Nina to El Nino.

Experts also point out that the impact of El Ni ñ o on global temperatures is usually most pronounced in the year following its onset, which means that not only will global temperatures continue to soar in the following months, but next year may also be hotter than this year.

Extreme weather will become more frequent

Public opinion is concerned that global warming has brought climate change on Earth into a worrying "unknown water body".

As global heat records continue to be broken, all parts of the world are experiencing extreme high temperatures.

In the United States, a spreading heatwave is scorching most of the southern United States. On June 28th, the US government's comprehensive high-temperature health information system showed that over 120 million people are in various high-temperature warning zones.

In Mexico, extreme high temperatures since March have caused at least 112 deaths, of which 104 have died from heatstroke. In the northern states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and the eastern state of Veracruz, the highest temperature has exceeded 45 degrees Celsius.

In places such as China, India, and Peru, high temperature records have also been frequently broken. Canada and other previously relatively cool regions have also become tropical countries. Even Antarctica, which is currently in winter, is experiencing abnormally high temperatures. A scientific research station located in the Argentine Islands of Antarctica recently recorded a local temperature of 8.7 degrees Celsius, breaking the record for the highest temperature in July.

Extreme high temperatures have caused widespread public distress, but scientists believe that high temperatures are only one of the consequences of global warming.

According to experts cited by the Associated Press, coral reefs on the brink of death, higher intensity El Ni ñ o phenomena, shrinking Antarctic sea ice, and the wildfires and smoke that have enveloped most of North America this year are warning signals, highlighting the severity of the climate crisis.

Scientists believe that extreme weather events such as record breaking high temperatures will become more frequent and severe, and action must be taken as soon as possible.

Frederick Otto, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment in the UK, said that the record breaking of global average temperatures has once again sounded an alarm for humanity. "This means we must stop burning fossil fuels, not within a decade, but now." He believes that although the record breaking is only a number, it means a loss of life and livelihoods for humans and ecosystems.

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