Will the gunpowder bucket be ignited? Israel's "largest" military operation in 20 years on the West Bank of the Jordan River Gunpowder Bucket | Palestine Israel

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:41 AM

On the early morning of July 3rd local time, the Israeli Defense Forces launched a large-scale air and ground military operation in the Jenin area in the northern West Bank of the Jordan River, resulting in at least 10 Palestinian deaths and hundreds of injuries. The Israeli side stated that this military operation will continue. The public opinion believes that this is the "largest scale" military operation launched by the Israeli military against Jenin in the past 20 years. Jenin has always been seen as the "powder keg" of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. If the Israeli military action triggers retaliation from Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the tension between Palestine and Israel may further escalate.

The "largest scale" action in the past 20 years

On the early morning of July 3rd local time, the Israeli military dispatched multiple military vehicles from different directions to enter Jenin, then surrounded the Jenin refugee camp and cut off the road leading to the outside of the city.

According to foreign media citing an Israeli military spokesperson, the Israeli military involved in the operation on that day was at the "brigade level", with 1000 to 2000 soldiers. The Israeli military also deployed bulldozers, armored vehicles, and drones. The public opinion believes that this is the "largest scale" military operation launched by the Israeli military against Jenin in the past 20 years.

After the Israeli army entered Jenin, thick smoke frequently appeared over the area, with explosions and gunshots constantly ringing, and drones buzzing in the air. Bulldozers cleared the way for the Israeli army on narrow streets, causing damage to buildings. The Israeli army also fired live ammunition and tear gas, while Palestinian armed personnel fired at the Israeli army, and civilians also threw stones.

According to Al Jazeera, Palestinian officials have reported that at least 10 Palestinians have been killed in the attack, and about 100 have been injured and hospitalized, with 20 in critical condition. Palestinian officials also stated that about 3000 people have fled Jenin since the Israeli military launched a large-scale operation.

According to a statement released by the Israeli Defense Forces on the 3rd, the Israeli military has launched airstrikes on the joint operations room of Palestinian militants in the Jenin refugee camp, as well as their weapons and ammunition storage facilities and communication centers, since the early hours of the 3rd. Hundreds of explosive devices have been found in multiple locations.

Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hegeli stated that this operation targets local armed groups in Jenin, not the Palestinian National Authority, and is not aimed at occupying the Jenin refugee camp.

On the evening of the 3rd, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that in recent months, Jenin has become a safe haven for "terrorists" and Israel is putting an end to this situation. He also stated that Israeli military operations were carried out with "minimal harm to civilians". The action will continue until the task is completed.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced later on the 3rd that the Palestinian National Authority will cease all contacts and meetings with Israel. Abbas called on Palestinian leaders of all factions to convene an emergency meeting to address the current situation and urged the international community to provide emergency protection for the Palestinian side.

Abbas's spokesperson condemned the Israeli military's actions as a "new war crime" against the unarmed Palestinian people.

The "Gunpowder Bucket" of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict

The public opinion points out that the Jenin refugee camp and its city have always been a "powder keg" of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Just two weeks ago, there was also a fierce bloody conflict here.

It is reported that Israel occupied the West Bank of the Jordan River during the Third Middle East War in 1967. According to the Oslo Agreement signed between Israel and Palestine in 1993, the West Bank region of the Jordan River is divided into three zones A, B, and C, with Zone A controlled by the Palestinian side.

Jenin is located in Zone A, and its refugee camp is densely populated with approximately 14000 people, all of whom are descendants of Palestinians who have been deprived of their land and homes. Al Jazeera reported that among the 19 refugee camps on the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Jenin refugee camp has the highest unemployment and poverty rates.

Reuters reported that multiple armed organizations, including the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Palestinian National Liberation Movement, have personnel stationed in the Jenin refugee camp.

Why has the conflict in the Jenin area escalated again recently?

In this regard, political analyst and writer Sari Abu Nasr El Din believes that Israel has repeatedly accused armed groups such as the Jenin Brigade, which belongs to the region, of carrying out attacks on Israel. The main purpose of this Israeli attack is not only to target these armed groups, but also to convey signals to those who have resettled and united with the Jenin Brigade.

Further analysis suggests that the latest incident occurred against the backdrop of escalating tensions between Palestine and Israel. Since the beginning of this year, more than 130 Palestinians have died in the conflict on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Last November, the right-wing Likud group led by Netanyahu joined forces with multiple far right political parties to form a government, earning the current Israeli government the title of "the most right-wing government in history.". Driven by extreme right-wing forces, the Israeli military intensified its actions on the West Bank of the Jordan River, leading to a gradual increase in violent incidents surrounding settlement issues. The Israeli military then intensified its attacks, resulting in a spiral escalation of the Palestinian Israeli situation.

How will it develop in the future?

The escalation of the Israeli Palestinian conflict has attracted international attention.

On the 3rd, the United Nations Middle East envoy, Thor Vinneslan, stated on social media that the escalation of the situation is "very dangerous", and said that this action once again reminds people that the situation in the West Bank of the Jordan River is "extremely unstable and unpredictable".

The League of Arab States and the Foreign Ministries of Egypt, Jordan, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Iran and other countries issued statements condemning Israel, urging Israel to immediately stop the current military operations, end the cycle of violence as soon as possible, and prevent the situation from deteriorating.

How will Israel's actions in Jenin develop in the future? Is it possible for the Israeli Palestinian conflict to escalate again?

In response, the Associated Press quoted Israeli military experts as saying that it is expected that the Israeli operation may come to an end within one to two days, as long-term violent actions and significant casualties will attract more criticism from the international community, and even involve armed groups in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon in the conflict.

The public opinion generally believes that the follow-up development of the situation in the Palestinian Israeli region requires attention to the actions of Palestinian armed organizations such as Hamas and Jahad.

On the 3rd, the head of the Hamas Politburo called on all Palestinian factions to "fight together as a whole" and called on young people in the West Bank to "use all possible means" to confront the Israeli army. The leadership of Jahad stated that they will respond to the Israeli military's massacre in Jenin.

Regarding this, journalist Tariq Ziad in Jenin believes that the next few days are crucial as the number of Palestinian deaths may determine future developments. If a large amount of bloodshed occurs, armed groups in the Gaza Strip will intervene.

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