The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:08 AM

People leaders love the people, people leaders love the people.

The frontline at the grassroots level is the place he visits the most.

Every inspection, General Secretary must visit the people, approach them, show concern and concern for the cold and warm, and show sincere concern.

"I have always been concerned about the people of Wuhan." The General Secretary has deep feelings and high hopes for Wuhan, and his concern for the people is beyond words.

Grateful for always caring, the heroic people have been striving all the way.

July 22, 2013 Wuhan Citizen's Home

General Secretary wants us to make the places that serve the people better

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

Nowadays, Citizen's Home has become more convenient for handling affairs

Wuhan Citizen's Home.

On the morning of July 21, 2013, in Wuhan, Jiangcheng, it rained heavily.

Wuhan Xingang Yangluo Container Port Area welcomes a special guest.

Xinhua News Agency reporters captured this moment with their cameras. In this situation and scene, quickly brush the screen on the Internet.

"From the photo, we can see that there was mud on the general secretary's shoes and his shirt was wet by the rain. To tell the truth, many of us were moved at that time." Huang Yan, the government service management office of Wuhan municipal government service and big data administration bureau, recalled 10 years later that she was still very excited.

On the second day, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Huang Yan's workplace-Wuhan Citizen's Home.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

"In the morning of that day, General Secretary shook hands with the staff at the A01 tax registration window." Huang Yan pointed to the service window at the south entrance of the Citizen's Home, recalling the scene at that time.

Huang Yan, Government Service Management Office of Wuhan Municipal Government Service and Big Data Management Bureau.

On July 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping said at the symposium: "The places that serve the people and the places that facilitate the people and benefit the people are better, and I feel comfortable looking at them."

Over the past ten years, the general secretary's expectation for the convenience of the masses to do things and do good things has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every staff member of the citizen's home.

Nowadays, as we enter the government service hall of Wuhan Citizen Home, the original manual service window has become an online service experience area, with computers neatly arranged for convenient online operation by citizens.

"The number of windows was reduced from 318 at the beginning of the opening of Citizens Home in 2012 to 103, making it more convenient for citizens to handle affairs." Huang Yan said that hundreds of businesses can be handled in one window through the mode of centralized receipt at the front window and classified approval by the back office.

One of the reasons for the reduction in the number of offline manual windows is the shift from being able to do things online to being easy to do online. At present, 120 matters related to business, engineering construction, and people's livelihood services can be jointly handled online. Enterprises and the public can do a good job by running at most once. If they submit materials on the website and choose to mail them, they don't need to run at once.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

"Data running has replaced people running errands, making things more convenient." Huang Yan explained that through theme integration services, the average processing time for each theme has been reduced by 76.70%, the processing process has been reduced by 71.63%, and the number of runs has been reduced by 94.03%.

April 26, 2018, Qingheju Community, Wuhan City

General Secretary wishes the elderly health and longevity

Now the elderly in the community are taken care of by someone

Qinghe Judong District Party and Mass Service Station.

"Before leaving, the general secretary deliberately turned around and walked through the crowd and shook hands with me for the third time." On July 11, 85-year-old Qingshan shed changed to return residents Yu Wangxiang smiled and recalled.

On April 26, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jieqinghe Community, Workers Village, Qingshan District, Wuhan City to inspect the construction of the shed reform area and the living conditions of residents.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

General Secretary Xi Jinping shook hands with everyone. Yu Wangxiang said to the General Secretary at that time: "you have led China so well, our life is getting better and better, and I want to live another 20 years." The general secretary wished her good health and longevity: "You can, you can add another 20 years." When the General Secretary finished speaking, everyone present laughed.

"I said if I lived to be 100 years old, I would invite the General Secretary to my house as a guest! The General Secretary said 'good!' and shook hands with me again. What impressed Yu Wangxiang the most was, 'When the inspection was over and the General Secretary was about to leave, everyone went out of the hall to bid farewell. I walked slower and fell behind the crowd. At this moment, the General Secretary turned around, walked through the crowd, and shook hands with me, an elderly person, for the third time. I never expected that the General Secretary still remembered me, feeling so warm in his heart.'"

In Yu Wangxiang's home, a picture of her framed with the general secretary was hung in the most conspicuous part of the living room. Standing beside Yu Wangxiang was Gui Xiaomei, secretary of the Party Committee of Qinghe Community.

The residents who have relocated from the Qingshanshanshantytown are enjoying the fragrance of Yu Wangxiang.

Gui Xiaomei said that the general secretary urged the community to be a good caring person for the residents, so that the people here can live a happier life.

Under the leadership of Gui Xiaomei, community police officers, lawyers, and grassroots party members actively joined the "Daily Knocking Group". Some of them focus on caring for the health status of elderly people in the community, while others buy groceries and deliver medicine for disabled and disadvantaged residents.

After her husband passed away, Yu Wangxiang lived alone, and members of the "Daily Knocking on the Door Group" in the community often came to visit her, helping her with household chores and chatting with her. At lunchtime, the Happiness Cafeteria on the street delivered her meals to her doorstep.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

"We have felt the concern of General Secretary. We have fulfilled General Secretary's instructions," said Gui Xiaomei. "The elderly in Qingheju have a place to take care of themselves. We invite General Secretary to come and see us again!"

October 18, 2019 Wuhan Sports Center

General Secretary praises contributors to the Military Games

Currently, there is one volunteer in every five people in Wuhan

On October 18, 2019, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission attended the opening ceremony of the 7th World Military Games in Wuhan and announced the opening of the Games.

At 8 pm on October 18, 2019, Wuhan Sports Center, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly announced: "The 7th World Military Games opens!"

Nearly 60000 spectators and nearly 10000 athletes from over a hundred countries cheered and applauded incessantly throughout the venue.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

Across from the podium, Xiong Yihao, the volunteer leader of Hubei University of Technology, looked in the direction of General Secretary and recorded this exciting moment with his phone.

What Xiong Yihao did not expect was that after the successful holding of the Military Games, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions and praised the crowd including him: "The general public participated enthusiastically as masters and actively contributed to the success of the Military Games. Made an important contribution."

"People's leaders remember us, like us, very excited! Very proud!" After the military games, volunteers from Hubei University of Technology were awarded the collective honor of excellent volunteers at the military games, and Xiong Yihao was awarded the Outstanding Individual Volunteer Service Award by the organizing committee.

Volunteer Xiong Yihao during teaching support.

In the past two years, Xiong Yihao, as a college student volunteer, has also participated in activities such as the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Wetland Convention and the 2023 Wuhan Marathon. "Volunteer service is a process of self-improvement and a precious imprint of youth."

Wuhan is a city of volunteers. As of now, there are 2.87 million registered volunteers in the city, with an average of 1 volunteer per 5 people. Volunteers delve into the streets and alleys to become "beautiful scenery of the city.".

March 10, 2020, Donghu New City Community

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

General Secretary encourages to serve the people with heart and emotion

Now I can call out the names of over 200 residents

On March 10, 2020, Xi Jinping went to Wuhan City, Hubei Province to inspect the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. This is when Xi Jinping visited the East Lake New City community, waving and expressing condolences to the residents living in isolation at home.

"This shelf is what we were using when General Secretary came for inspection. Every time I see it, I remind myself to serve the people with care and emotion." On July 11th, at the Party and Mass Service Center of Donghu New City Community in Wuhan Donghu Scenic Area, sinking party member Ma Rong stood in front of two wooden shelves in the exhibition hall, recalling the scene of General Secretary's inspection.

March 10, 2020, the fight against the new coronary pneumonia epidemic is at a critical moment, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Wuhan East Lake New Town community, looked up, smiled and waved hello to the crowd upstairs: "You 've worked hard!"

The frozen scene of the camera spreads throughout the north and south of the Yangtze River, warming this heroic city.

When he came to the centralized distribution point of living materials, the general secretary looked carefully and asked in detail, "How many dishes are there to be delivered today? How are the dishes delivered to the residents? How much is the meat per kilo? Does everyone have it?"

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

In front of the community party and mass service center, pull a folding chair, the general secretary sat down and had a face-to-face conversation with the grass-roots workers present.

On April 8, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to all community workers in Donghu New Town Community, encouraging everyone to "serve the masses with heart and affection".

Ma Rong, Director of the Office of the East Lake Scenic Area Management Committee.

Ma Rong is the chief clerk of the Office of the East Lake Scenic Area Management Committee. Since 2020, he has been working in the community service of East Lake New City. Tao Jiudi, Secretary of the Party Committee of Donghu New City Community, said that sinking party members and volunteers have now become an important force in grassroots community governance.

Due to prolonged interactions, Ma Rong is now able to name over 200 residents in the community. Tao Jiudi said that Donghu New City Community always remembers the instructions of General Secretary, starts from the details of human relationships, and tackles the crux of problems, making community governance a "everyone's business", "everyone discusses, everyone does, everyone manages", leading residents to integrate "creating a beautiful environment and happy life together" into social governance, and integrating the concept of "serving the people with care and emotion" into all aspects of community work.

June 28, 2022 Ji Yuan Community

The general secretary informed the veterans of the preferential treatment policy

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

These discounts are now all enjoyed

On June 28, 2022, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Wuhan, Hubei Province. This is the afternoon of the 28th. Xi Jinping was at the Party and Mass Service Center of Zhiyuan Community, Zuoling Street, Donghu High-tech Zone, to learn from community workers about party building leading grassroots community governance and convenient services, and had a cordial conversation with the elderly who came to work.

At that time, retired soldier Huang Shuqi was receiving a preferential treatment certificate for retired soldiers at the civil affairs window of the Party Mass Service Center.

"When I saw General Secretary enter the hall, my mood was both excited and nervous. I never expected to meet General Secretary during the process of handling affairs." Huang Shuqi recalled, and General Secretary kindly asked, "Are you a retired veteran? Which year did you serve in the military? Where did you work after you retired?"

After hearing Huang Shuqi's answer, the general secretary picked up the veterans' preferential treatment card and looked at it carefully, asking in detail: "Do you charge for this card? What documents did you bring?" Huang Shuqi told the general secretary: "No charge, I brought the file with me." The general secretary happily even said "good".

"The General Secretary is very familiar with the preferential policies for retired soldiers." After Yang Lina, a community worker who handled the documents for Huang Shuqi on the same day, introduced the preferential policies for the retired soldier security card, the General Secretary added that there were also discounts for taking a bus and visiting the park.

Retired soldier Huang Shuqi.

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

"I didn't expect the General Secretary to be so clear about the purpose of this card!" Huang Shuqi said that after handling the card, he now has a discount for going out to take a bus and go to the park, as well as for mailing and express delivery.

"The general secretary can go to the grassroots level in this way and treat the people's affairs as a major event. Under his leadership, we must do everything well, and if we split the light, we will get a little hot." At present, Huang Shuqi continues to participate in community volunteer service activities to serve the residents.

Planning/Writing: Reporter Cai Xinxing, Liu Ke, Jiang Mengqing, Intern Feng Sitong

Image: Reporter Hu Dongdong and Yu Zhiyong, partially sourced from Xinhua News Agency

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