Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:02 AM

Build the entire Yangtze River Basin into a golden waterway.

In the pouring rain, he rolled up his pants and propped up his umbrella, leaving behind this earnest reminder.

The care, concern, and earnest instructions of the General Secretary are like a lighthouse illuminating the way forward. The people of Jingchu are working hard and steadfastly, integrating the important instructions of the General Secretary into their hearts and putting them into practice

Look at the Yangtze River shipping! The golden waterway is becoming a reality day by day;

Look at technological innovation! China Optics Valley stands out and shines globally;

Look at the actual situation of people's livelihood! Jointly creating the door to the happiness of the people;

Look at rural revitalization! The grain production has remained stable at over 50 billion catties for 10 consecutive years;

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Look at green development! Recycling and utilizing valuable resources to achieve greater value.


The Yangtze River Basin needs to strengthen cooperation, fully leverage the role of inland waterway transportation, develop river sea intermodal transportation, and turn the entire basin into a golden waterway.

-- On the morning of July 21, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection of the Yangluo Container Port Area of Wuhan Xingang

Yangluo Port is the first inland port inspected by General Secretary Xi Jinping after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Ten years ago, at Yangluo Port in Wuhan, container transportation required going to Shekou Railway Freight Station, which is 20 kilometers away, or Wujiashan Container Railway Center Station, which is more than 60 kilometers away.

Today, railways have been laid in the Yangluo Port area. Yangluo Port has not only become the largest water rail intermodal port in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but also the first railway loading and unloading automation terminal in China and the first smart container terminal in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Under the guidance of General Secretary's important speech, Yangluo Port has developed rapidly.

In the past decade, the container throughput of Wuhan Port has grown from 850000 TEUs in 2013 to 2.7 million TEUs in 2022. In the first half of this year, Wuhan Port has completed a cumulative port cargo throughput of 71.24 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 8.9%, setting a new historical high. Yangluo Port has become a logistics hub and an important "export port" in the central and western regions.

Looking at the current situation, Huahu Airport and Tianhe Airport have formed a "dual hub" pattern for passenger and freight transportation. International freight routes are constantly expanding, China Europe freight trains are opening up new lines, and "water expressways" are connecting the river and the sea... Hubei is accelerating the construction of a national leading area for building a new development pattern, an important node for accelerating the construction of domestic circulation and an important hub for domestic and international circulation, and building a new inland and open coastal area, accelerating from a "nine province thoroughfare" to a "five continent thoroughfare".


We are a big country and we need to have our own strengths in technological innovation.

-On July 21, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan East Lake National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to learn about the construction of the demonstration zone and the development of enterprises.

In Optics Valley, the most talked about by major country leaders is technological innovation.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

During the inspection on July 21, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Optics Valley Exhibition Center and watched in detail the display of innovative achievements such as optical fiber communications, 3D printing, and biomass energy.

Since 2013, Optics Valley has been rapidly running on the path of innovation driven development at a rate of nearly 100 billion yuan per year. In the past decade, the gross domestic product of the Optics Valley region has successively crossed the threshold of 150 billion, 200 billion, and 260 billion yuan. The number of enterprises has increased from 17000 to 127000, and the scale of the optoelectronic information industry has approached 800 billion yuan, accelerating the breakthrough to a trillion level scale. A large number of innovative achievements have emerged, including 232 layer 3D flash memory chips and nationally produced EDA software.

At present, Wuhan is building a technology innovation center with national influence. As a new highland for original innovation strategies, Optics Valley is highly expected. In the future, China Optics Valley, which is accelerating its pursuit of light, will stride towards the "World Optics Valley"!


A place that serves the people and is convenient and beneficial to the people should be done well, which makes me feel comfortable.

-On July 22, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when inspecting Wuhan Citizens' Home

His earnest hope for government service work is to provide one-stop service and facilitate the people's work.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

On the morning of July 22, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Wuhan Citizen's Home for inspection and had a cordial conversation with the window staff and the masses.

Now, there is no bustling scene of people queuing up to handle affairs in the government service hall.

Since 2020, Wuhan has launched more than 400 24-hour self-service government service terminals, which can not only copy ID cards for free, but also store gas bills and generate rental contracts... This can achieve convenient government services without closing for 24 hours. Many citizens say, "Going downstairs to do something is as convenient as picking up a package."

On the morning of the inspection at the Citizen's Home, General Secretary emphasized the need to study the relationship between rural land ownership, contracting rights, and management rights during the inspection at the Wuhan Rural Comprehensive Property Rights Exchange on the third floor.

In 2009, Wuhan pioneered the "three rights separation" model of rural land ownership, contracting rights, and management rights nationwide; In 2012, Hubei was the first in the country to propose: clarifying ownership, stabilizing contracting rights, and revitalizing management rights; When General Secretary inspected Hubei in 2013, he affirmed this exploration. In 2014, the central government issued a document elevating the practice of "separation of three land rights" in Hubei to a central policy and promoting it nationwide.

As of the end of June 2023, the Wuhan Agricultural Exchange has organized a total of 4288 rural property rights transactions, an increase of 2818 from 1470 in 2013, with a growth rate of 191.70%; The amount of property rights transactions was 22.481 billion yuan, an increase of 13.52 billion yuan or 150.88% from 8.961 billion yuan in 2013. Wuhan Agricultural Exchange has played a greater role in activating rural resources and promoting rural revitalization.


Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Transforming waste into treasure and recycling is a sunrise industry, which aims to turn waste into resources and turn decay into magic. It is both science and art, and we hope that enterprises can continue to strive.

-On July 22, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when inspecting the Wuhan Branch of Greenfield

"Resources are limited, cycles are infinite." This sentence is printed on the work badge of every Grammy employee.

"At that time, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the e-waste green treatment workshop and praised Glimmer for 'recycling garbage and turning decay into magic' and encouraged us to become bigger and stronger." Recalling the scene when General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the park 10 years ago, Xu Kaihua, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Glimmer Co., Ltd., still remembers vividly. "The general secretary's entrustment has pointed out the direction for us and strengthened Glimmer's confidence in developing a green recycling industry."

Focusing on circular economy, over the past decade, Greenland has achieved a "fission type" development. Establish a large-scale power battery recycling system covering the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Central China, and Beijing Tianjin Hebei regions, and expand into overseas markets such as South Korea, Indonesia, and Europe.

The amount of waste recycling and processing in Greenway has increased by more than 10 times from 400000 tons in 2013 to over 5 million tons today; The amount of electronic waste and power batteries recycled and disposed of exceeds 10% of the total amount of scrapped products in the country. The company's revenue has grown from about 3 billion yuan to nearly 30 billion yuan now, truly turning garbage into a resource that can be sold for money.

Nowadays, Hubei has supported an annual economic growth rate of 7.6% with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%. Comprehensively promote green and low-carbon transformation, promote the innovation mechanism of China Carbon, enrich business formats, expand functions, and build a national carbon market and carbon finance center. Support Wuhan, Yichang, and Jingmen in building key cities for the construction of a national waste material recycling system, and support Huanggang in building a new energy demonstration city.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

As of June 8, 2023, the cumulative transaction volume of carbon market quotas in Hubei Province was 378 million tons, with a transaction amount of 9.184 billion yuan, ranking first in the country.


We must strive to build beautiful countryside, where we can see mountains and water, and remember our nostalgia.

-On July 22, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when inspecting Dongshan Village, Changgang Town, Ezhou City

The scenery of Dongshan Village in July is pleasant, with three tones of green, white, and gray village buildings that blend with the surrounding mountains, waters, and countryside, creating a refreshing water town atmosphere.

This is the first village that the General Secretary personally inspected in Hubei after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Over the past decade, Dongshan Village has undergone earth shaking changes, with the per capita income of the villagers basically doubling. Multiple agricultural industry bases such as Xianglian Base, Wuchang Fish Base, and Vineyard Base have settled here.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

"I was the first to speak when General Secretary Xi Jinping talked with us. I said that the construction of beautiful villages should be made into beautiful villages that are livable, suitable for business and suitable for tourism. When talking about livability, the General Secretary said that the construction of beautiful villages suggested that we visit and study in Hangzhou and Jiashan." Talking about the valuable experience ten years ago, Chen Yousheng, director of the Rural Revitalization Office of Changgang Town, Echeng District, said.

Remembering Yin Yin's instructions, in 2014 and 2015, Chen Yousheng visited and studied multiple villages in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Ningbo, and Wuxi, Jiangsu. Apply the obtained "true scriptures" to Dongshan Village and lead the villagers to develop the rural revitalization industry through hard work and hard work.

Nowadays, Dongshan Village has a prosperous industry and beautiful people. "In the past decade, the annual grain production in Dongshan Village has remained stable at 9.5 million kilograms, achieving poverty alleviation for all 39 households and 75 people. The number of industrial projects has increased from 4 to 22, and the village's collective economic income has increased from 260000 yuan to 4.1 million yuan. The per capita annual income has increased from 22000 yuan to 35900 yuan." Speaking of the changes, Wu Dong, the Secretary of the Dongshan Village Party Branch, said a series of data.

During his inspection in Ezhou, Hubei, General Secretary also visited the rice fields in Donggang Village, Ezhou City to observe the agricultural situation and understand the cultivation and promotion of new rice varieties.

"Food security depends on ourselves. This is the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping to us." Recalling that afternoon, Zhu Renshan, a professor at the Wuhan University Academy of Sciences, will never forget, "At that time, the high temperature of 40 ℃, the general secretary did not wear a straw hat, and strode to the middle of the field to check the rice."

"Food security is the top priority of the country." As one of the 13 major grain producing areas in China, Hubei Province fulfills its political responsibility of stabilizing agriculture and promoting grain production. It has built over 40 million mu of high standard farmland and maintained a stable grain yield of over 50 billion kilograms for 10 consecutive years.

Looking back at the ten years of Jingchu, yesterday in Hubei was as bright as a star; Rooted in 61 million people of Jingchu, Hubei's tomorrow is full of hope.

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Producer: Wang Bin

Chief editor and reviewer: Liang Yankang, Yao Fang, Lin Rufeng

Author: Zou Min

Editor: Jiang Yan, Wang Sisi


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