Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:13 AM

As of the end of May this year, the number of registered individual industrial and commercial households in China exceeded 118 million, and the number of private enterprises exceeded 50 million, accounting for over 92% of the total number of enterprises. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy.

The release of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy has provided peace of mind for the development of the private economy.

The Opinions makes an important statement on the positioning of the private economy: the private economy is a new force to promote Chinese path to modernization, an important foundation for high-quality development, and an important force to promote China's building into a socialist modernization power in an all-round way and achieve the second century goal.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Li Zhaoqian, President of the China Private Economy Research Association: This person has directly linked the private economy with the grand goal and task of Chinese path to modernization, and with the primary task of high-quality development, highlighting the important position of the private economy.

This Opinion is a comprehensive design and systematic deployment to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promote the development and growth of the private economy. The entire article comprehensively and targetedly sorts out the development and growth path of the private economy from 8 aspects and 31 items, covering five aspects: the development positioning of the private economy, overall requirements, measures to optimize the external environment, measures to strengthen internal support, and implementation.

Li Zhaoqian: This is an important document with clear goals, strong confidence, favorable environment, detailed measures, and defined responsibilities. The document focuses on the goal of promoting the healthy development of the private economy and the healthy growth of private economic personnel. It emphasizes both encouragement and support, as well as legal and normative guidance. It also advocates for a favorable external environment and a strong internal quality. The party and government departments and all sectors of society work together to release that promoting the development and growth of the private economy is not a temporary measure, but a long-term strategy. It is a strong signal that the party's major policy will not change or cannot change.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

The Opinion first puts forward overall requirements for promoting the development and growth of the private economy, clarifying three contents: the guiding ideology, main line, and goals for promoting the development and growth of the private economy.

Guiding ideology: Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's 20th National Congress, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. Promote high-quality development, adhere to the direction of socialist market economic reform, and adhere to the "two unshakable".

Main line: Accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, legal, and internationalized first-class business environment, optimize the development environment of the private economy, protect the property rights of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and comprehensively build a pro Qing government business relationship.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Objective: To enable all types of ownership economies to use production factors equally in accordance with the law, participate in market competition fairly, and receive equal legal protection, guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development through their own reform and development, compliant operation, and transformation and upgrading, and promote the growth, optimization, and strength of the private economy.

Dong Yu, Executive Vice President of the China Development Planning Research Institute at Tsinghua University: The proposal to promote the growth, optimization, and strength of the private economy was first proposed in a central document, which is of great significance. Placing growth at the forefront fully demonstrates that the central government is steadfast in supporting the development and growth of the private economy. Private entrepreneurs can put aside their burdens, expand production with confidence, and improve their operations with confidence, so that the private economy can play a more important role in the future.

On the premise of clarifying the positioning and overall requirements for the development and growth of the private economy, the Opinion adheres to a problem oriented approach and accurately responds to development demands with new measures.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Dong Yu: The opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy were reviewed and approved at the first meeting of the Central Commission for Deepening Reform, which means that this document aims to break down a series of barriers and constraints in the development of the private economy with the spirit of reform from the beginning. Some of these issues have already existed in the past, and this time it can be seen that these issues have not been avoided in the document. It is precisely the clear and targeted measures proposed, which aim to consolidate some foundations from the perspective of a long-term unified market, and solve specific contradictions and problems from specific policy points.

For a period of time, difficulties in admission, financing, and payment collection have been common issues among private entrepreneurs, with a high demand for fairness rather than preferential treatment. When it comes to these specific measures to address the concerns of entrepreneurs, the most distinctive feature is the simultaneous implementation of breakthroughs. To provide strong support for the development of the private economy through "establishment" and to remove barriers to the advancement of the private economy through "breaking". Such concerns are not only of great significance to private enterprises, but also of high value.

The Opinion also clearly reveals the work path to promote the development and growth of the private economy, which requires both internal and external efforts. On the one hand, it is necessary to provide a favorable external environment for the development of private enterprises and the entrepreneurship of private entrepreneurs. On the other hand, it is necessary to guide private enterprises to practice hard and improve their quality.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

In terms of sorting out and optimizing the external environment, on the basis of connecting with the existing policy system, a series of weighty policy measures are proposed around four aspects: continuously optimizing the development environment of the private economy, increasing policy support for the private economy, strengthening the legal guarantee for the development of the private economy, and continuously creating a social atmosphere that cares about and promotes the development of the private economy, directly responding to the concerns of entrepreneurs.

Li Zhaoqian: In terms of optimizing the market environment, the document requires continuous breaking down of market barriers, establishing a complaint and response mechanism for market access barriers, and regularly launching a negative list of market intervention behaviors. One of the major highlights of this document is the "cutting edge inward" approach, which requires the establishment of a system for recording and punishing government dishonesty, promoting the government's honest performance, and reflecting the determination to solve these problems.

In terms of strengthening policy support, the financing support policy will be given top priority, and the prevention and clearance of outstanding debts will be listed separately. At the same time, mechanisms such as "direct access and quick enjoyment" and "no application and immediate enjoyment" will be included in the documents.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

In response to the policy changes raised by some entrepreneurs, the Opinion requires continuous optimization of a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable development environment, strengthening policy communication and expected guidance, and enhancing the stability and predictability of regulatory systems and policies.

Li Zhaoqian: In my impression, it is rare for central documents to emphasize the issue of "predictability" so prominently. These targeted measures will greatly stabilize expectations, broaden the coverage of policy implementation, and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises.

In terms of the rule of law environment, the Opinion not only emphasizes the protection of property rights of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, and strengthens the protection of intellectual property rights, but also proposes to build a system and mechanism for preventing and controlling corruption at the source, improve the mechanism for recovering and disposing of property involved in cases, and increase punishment efforts in response to the frequent occurrence of internal corruption in private enterprises in recent years. At the same time, the Opinion also puts forward requirements for government departments to improve the regulatory and law enforcement system, publicly disclose regulatory standards and rules in accordance with the law, establish a sound long-term supervision mechanism for enterprise related fees, and facilitate channels for complaints and reports of enterprise related violations of fees.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Dong Yu: The core concept emphasized is to implement the principle of fair treatment in all aspects of private economic operation, and to create a truly equal and fair legal environment for private economy through the construction of laws and regulations.

In terms of continuously creating a social atmosphere that cares about and promotes the development and growth of the private economy, the Opinion requires the widespread promotion of the advanced deeds of private economy personnel and the cultivation of a public opinion environment that respects innovation and entrepreneurship in the private economy.

Bai Chongen, Dean of School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University: If the whole society can gather a more firm consensus, the development of private economy is very important for the realization of Chinese path to modernization, and the development of private economy is very important for high-quality development. Our policies and measures supporting the development of the private economy can be more effective and better implemented, which is an important source of confidence for private enterprises.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

In addition to optimizing the external environment for the development of private economy, the Opinion also proposes that private enterprises should strengthen internal support. The Opinion clearly reflects the goal orientation of promoting "two health": by focusing on promoting high-quality development of the private economy and promoting the healthy development of private economic personnel, it guides private enterprises to practice hard and improve their quality.

In terms of promoting high-quality development of the private economy, the Opinion emphasizes supporting private enterprises to enhance their technological innovation capabilities and encouraging them to carry out key core technology research and development.

The Opinions also proposed to encourage private enterprises to carry out digital generic technology research and development, and participate in the investment, construction and application innovation of new infrastructure such as data center and industrial Internet.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

To achieve high-quality development of private enterprises, the people within the enterprise are the key. The release of this "Opinions" will promote the healthy growth of private economic personnel and become an important part of it. The Opinion focuses on improving the ideological and political literacy and management level of entrepreneurs, starting from improving the mechanism for ideological and political construction of private economic personnel. It requires vigorously promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, strengthening the construction of representative personnel and improving the education and training system, comprehensively building a pro Qing political business relationship, and establishing a sound system for mentoring and mentoring the younger generation of private economic personnel.

Xu Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Policy Science Research Association: Entrepreneurs themselves need to adapt to the new market environment and face new challenges. Improving their professional and comprehensive abilities is not something that can be achieved alone. They also need to form a joint force to enable these people to develop their economy on the platform of private enterprises. At the same time, their self-development should also be promoted synchronously, with a sense of achievement and honor. This will achieve the organic unity of personal value realization, enterprise value realization, and social value realization, placing people in a prominent position. I think it is very important.

One point deployment, nine points implementation. The effectiveness of the Opinion depends on its implementation. This Opinion elaborates on the content of strengthening organizational implementation in a special chapter, which is both a responsibility letter and a construction drawing. The Opinion clearly requires the establishment and improvement of mechanisms for the development of private economy and private enterprises, the improvement of incentive and constraint mechanisms, the strengthening of policy supervision and implementation, the encouragement of local exploration and summary, and the timely establishment of summary and evaluation mechanisms.

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Dong Yu: In terms of action, it is necessary to further introduce more targeted policy measures on the basis of this document, especially to highlight the specific difficulties and problems encountered by private enterprises in investment, financing, and other aspects at present. This requires all departments and localities to take active action, especially to pay special attention to private entrepreneurs within their respective jurisdictions and actively engage in dialogue with them. Only in this way can the private economy have better development.

In the Opinion released this time, it is stated that the private economy should shoulder greater missions, shoulder heavier responsibilities, and play a greater role in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. These three "changes" are the expectations of the Party Central Committee for the private economy, and also provide a broader stage for the development of the private economy. The private economy in our country can only grow and cannot weaken. The development of China's economy can create China's miracle, and the private economy plays an indispensable role. In the new journey of promoting Chinese path to modernization, private economy will certainly ride the wind and waves to a broader stage.

Editor | Zhao Yuan

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

Camera | Zhu Banglu

Editing | Xing Yongyue and Zhao Yunlong

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