Carry forward the glorious tradition of serving the country through science and promote the improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the representatives of academicians and experts of "Science and China" encourages scientific and technological workers to devote themselves to the cause of science popularization with greater enthusiasm. General Secretary | Science and Technology Museum | Xi Jinping | Academicians and experts | Science popularization cause

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:01 AM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 21st. Title: Carry forward the glorious tradition of serving the country by science and promoting the improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the representatives of academicians and experts of "Science and China" encourages scientific and technological workers to devote themselves to the cause of science popularization with more enthusiasm

Xinhua News Agency reporter

"Science popularization is an important basic work to achieve innovation and development." General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to the representatives of academicians and experts of "Science and China" on July 20, putting forward ardent expectations for scientific and technological workers to support and participate in the cause of popular science. The vast number of scientific and technological workers said that they should be guided by the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply, devote more enthusiasm to the practice of strengthening the country's science and technology, and make greater contributions to strengthening the national science popularization capacity and accelerating the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

For a long time, generation after generation of scientists have been carrying a deep sense of patriotism, tirelessly exploring the forefront of science, and making important contributions to the widespread dissemination of scientific knowledge, the promotion of scientific spirit, and the promotion of scientific popularization.

"At present, the popularization of science and technological innovation are closely linked as never before. The level of science popularization development determines a country's scientific and technological level and national creativity to a certain extent." Gao Hongjun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an expert representative of the "Science and China" academician, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply is an affirmation of us, and it is an incentive and spur.

In 2002, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, jointly launched the "Science and China" academician and expert lecture tour. For over 20 years, academicians and experts have traveled all over the country and carried out more than 2000 science popularization activities, effectively promoting the development of China's science popularization cause.

This requires us to prioritize the popularization of science as equally important as technological innovation.

With the care and support of the Party Central Committee, more and more scientific and technological workers are dedicating themselves to the cause of science popularization. At present, there are over 1.8 million science popularization professionals and part-time workers in China.

Pang Xiaodong, Deputy Minister of the Science Popularization Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, said that by implementing the spirit of General Secretary's reply, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology will better leverage its organizational and talent advantages, further promote the growth of science popularization talents, stimulate the attention of all sectors of society to science popularization work, and cultivate a soil for scientific and technological innovation.

During the summer vacation, science museums and other popular science venues in various regions are bustling with activity, making them the preferred choice for many parents and children to travel and study during their holidays.

On July 21st, students from Xin'an Primary School in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province experienced an immersive science popularization experience. Through various modern technological means, children can intuitively understand earthquake related knowledge and master self rescue and mutual rescue skills when earthquakes occur.

"I have learned how to deal with earthquakes and a lot of scientific knowledge, which feels very rewarding!" Xue Cheng, a student from Class 42 of Xin'an Primary School in Huai'an City, excitedly said, "There are still many secrets inside the Earth, and my classmates and I want to explore more unknown mysteries."

"Stimulate young people's interest in advocating science and exploring the unknown with high-quality and rich content and popular forms." General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply points out the direction for doing a good job in science popularization.

The report hall on the fifth floor of the No.1 Middle School Library in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, received enthusiastic applause from time to time. At the beginning of this summer vacation, Yuan Yaxiang, an academician of the CAS Member, brought a popular science seminar for children with the theme of "mathematical ramble". Academician Yuan Yaxiang and his classmates frequently interact around solving mathematical problems, practical applications, and cultivating interests.

"The process of talent cultivation and crop cultivation is actually very similar. By sowing seeds, providing sufficient nutrients and a good environment, good seedlings will gradually emerge. Stimulating children's interest in science and exploring the unknown, giving them the opportunity to pay attention to science, love science, and explore science, can they harvest more successors in the field of science and technology." Yuan Yaxiang said.

The seeds of science take root and sprout everywhere in cities and rural areas across the country.

In the revolutionary old area of Xunwu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, a small rural high school science and technology museum enriches the after-school time of local students.

"The reply from General Secretary has increased our confidence and motivation to do science popularization at the grassroots level," said Huang Caifa, a physics teacher at Xunwu Middle School and the person in charge of the Science and Technology Museum at a rural high school. "In the vast China, science education resources are scarce for many remote areas, but the mountains cannot stop everyone's thirst for knowledge. We must put the spirit of General Secretary's reply into practice and build a bridge to science for the children in the mountains."

The improvement of national science popularization ability and the improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people are related to the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology and the construction of Chinese path to modernization.

Moving science popularization exhibitions and classrooms to schools, communities, factories, and villages in remote and underdeveloped areas... China's two mobile science popularization projects, the Science Popularization Caravan and the Mobile Science and Technology Museum, have served over 500 million people to the public, effectively promoting fairness and inclusiveness in science popularization public services.

"The General Secretary mentioned 'promoting the improvement of the scientific literacy of the whole nation', which is our unwavering cause. 12 years ago, when we were touring Sichuan Province with the first batch of mobile science and technology museum exhibits, there were only two physical science and technology museums in the province. Now, the project has served over 21 million local visitors. We believe that more and more grassroots people will benefit from science popularization services," said Xu Zheng, Deputy Director of the Exhibition and Education Center of Sichuan Science and Technology Museum.

Popularization of science not only helps to disseminate scientific knowledge, but also promotes the spirit of science.

At the Chinese space station, astronauts are preparing for the next space lecture.

"We need to implement the general secretary's request, widely disseminate scientific knowledge and promote the spirit of science. I hope the children will learn the astronauts' strong and unyielding will, the spirit of going forward and the dedication without complaint or regret in the Tiangong classroom." Space teaching science expert group member, Beijing Jiaotong University associate professor Chen Zheng said.

"The work of science popularization is not simply about PPT, but about popularizing scientific and technological knowledge, advocating scientific methods, and disseminating scientific ideas." Long Lehao, an academician of the CAE Member and an expert representative of the academicians of "Science and China" who has worked in the space system for 60 years this year, said, "The spirit of science is the soul of science and technology. We hope that through our efforts, we will encourage more young people to venture into the 'no man's land' for scientific exploration, and continue to make new contributions to accelerating the realization of self-reliance in high-level science and technology and promoting Chinese path to modernization."

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