Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:16 AM

[Editor's note] "Chinese excellent traditional culture is the crystallization and essence of the wisdom of Chinese civilization, and the root and soul of the Chinese nation." Keeping the cultural roots and keeping the soul of the nation has always been the thinking and doing of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The "Learning Every Day" column of CCTV specially planned a series of manuscripts entitled "the Heart of a Childlike son guarding the Cultural Roots" to feel with you the heart of the General Secretary in inheriting Chinese civilization and guarding the cultural roots.

Every day during the summer learning season, walking into the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, the millennium old magnificent scenery reappears before us - the magnificent Mojiaoshan Palace District welcomes visitors from all directions, and in the beautiful scenery, the ancient city and rivers quietly tell the touching story of Liangzhu.

Liangzhu means "a beautiful island in the water". However, more than twenty years ago, the mountains and rocks were exposed here, and dust was everywhere. The sound of quarrying explosions in the mines kept coming and going. Long term mountain blasting has seriously damaged the ecological environment of the Liangzhu site group and also seriously affected the development and protection of the Liangzhu site.

The turning point occurred in 2003.

On July 16 of this year, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, went to Liangzhu for research. In a small conference room of the Liangzhu Culture Museum, Xi Jinping watched a documentary on the protection of Liangzhu Culture and listened to a report on the situation.

"The Liangzhu site is a sacred place to demonstrate the 5000-year history of Chinese civilization. It is a rare and precious asset. We must protect it!" Xi Jinping's words hammered the hearts of every participant.

"The closure of six stone mines in Deqing County, Huzhou, which affect the safety of the site, is difficult." A participant truthfully reported.

"Tomorrow, I will go to Huzhou." Xi Jinping made a decisive decision.

Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

"Comrade Xi Jinping is very resolute." Shi Shiying, a posterity of Shi Xin, the discoverer of the Liangzhu site and archaeologist, still remembers the scene at that time.

Soon, these few quarries were completely shut down. This beautiful water island has finally returned to tranquility. The green mountains are still green, and the ruins are reborn.

"Since then, we have further increased our efforts to protect the Liangzhu Site," said He Guanxin, then Secretary of the Yuhang District Committee of Hangzhou. The protection of the Liangzhu Site has formed a comprehensive work pattern of legislation, planning, construction, and environmental remediation.

Protecting the Liangzhu Cultural Site is of great significance for inheriting and promoting cultural traditions, and building a cultural province in Zhejiang.

On May 11, 2005, Xi Jinping gave instructions to the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department and the main responsible comrades of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government: "Our province is still blank in the world heritage declaration. There are many conditions for 'application for heritage', and we must make up our minds and spend a price. I wonder if we have made all kinds of preparations."

According to this instruction, the Department of Culture and the Cultural Relics Bureau of Zhejiang Province have specially submitted a report on the protection and application of the Liangzhu Site, reporting on the current status and work done in the protection and application of the site. Simultaneously propose suggestions and ideas for the next steps of work.

With the care and support of Xi Jinping, the archaeological and construction work of the Liangzhu site has continuously achieved new results.

The palace area of Liangzhu National Archaeological Site Park was captured by drones on June 23, 2019.

Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

In 2007, the complete and grand Liangzhu Ancient City reappeared in the human world.

On September 29, 2008, the Liangzhu Museum was opened to the public.At the Liangzhu Museum, he instructed the then president Jiang Weidong to "build the museum into a center for showcasing and popularizing Liangzhu culture, an academic research center, and a patriotic education center", and to "bring the cultural relics collected in the museum to life".

In the following years, large-scale dam sites were unearthed on the outskirts of Liangzhu Ancient City, revealing the true appearance of the water conservancy system on the outskirts of Liangzhu Ancient City, consisting of 11 dams with a control area of 100 square kilometers; Archaeologists have also discovered that the ancestors of Liangzhu began using writing more than 5000 years ago, and these descriptive symbols have pushed the history of Chinese writing forward by more than 1000 years.

The General Secretary made important instructions on this: "The application for world cultural heritage should be coordinated and arranged, and the application projects should be conducive to highlighting the historical and cultural values of Chinese civilization, reflecting the spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, and showcasing the comprehensive and authentic ancient and modern China to the world."

Three years later, at the 43rd World Heritage Conference, "Liangzhu Ancient City Site" was officially included in the The World Heritage List. This marks the widespread recognition of the empirical evidence of the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization by UNESCO and the international mainstream academic community.

"After the continuous efforts of several generations of scholars, the research results of major projects such as the Chinese Civilization Exploration Project have demonstrated my country's million-year human history, 10,000-year cultural history, and more than 5,000-year civilization history." General Secretary Xi Jinping summed up the great significance of the project of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization when he presided over the 39th collective study of the political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee.

The picture shows the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park captured in July 2021.

The Liangzhu Ancient City Site is one of the four major urban sites that the Chinese civilization exploration project focuses on.

Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

The Liangzhu culture reflects both ancient and modern times. Nowadays, the Liangzhu Ancient City Site is presenting itself in a completely new form to the world.

At the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, 3D printing technology can accurately restore the "giant wooden structure of the palace" in a 1:1 ratio. In the 5G Digital Intelligence Experience Hall, visitors can wear VR glasses and experience the fishing and hunting lifestyle of the ancestors of Liangzhu. In the visitor center, visitors can wear clothing and jade ornaments through the "5G+AR Magic Mirror" device, and come into contact with three-dimensional precious cultural relics through the "5G+MR" device

On one end, it is connected to the ancient civilization of over 5000 years in China, and on the other end, it is connected to modern digital culture. The Liangzhu Ancient City Site has undergone thousands of years of vicissitudes and is rejuvenated in the new era. People here look back at history, touch historical scenes, and appreciate the hard work, wisdom, and civilization of the ancestors of the Chinese nation.

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Planning Li Shanshan

Editor Li Xuan

Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

Visual | Hao Fenglin

Proofreading, Liu Zhen, Sun Jie, Li Yingzhuo, Yan Tiantian

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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