It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:58 AM

During the period of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea

The people of the whole country unite against each other and unite as one city

Or actively participate in the military to support the army

Or make significant donations and donations

Work together on the front and rear lines

Gather into a powerful and invincible force

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea


He bravely killed the enemy on the front line

She enthusiastically supported in the rear

October 1953

On the front line of the North Korean battlefield filled with gunpowder

A lively wedding was held

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

A couple parted ways due to war

Once again, on a foreign battlefield, they finally became married

At that time, the Central News Documentary Film Studio

Recorded it with the camera

This precious image

The protagonist of this wedding

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

One is a battle hero who has made two achievements

Groom Dong Shigui

One is a somewhat famous model in front of the support

Bride Gao Guizhen

"Our marriage cannot be separated by anyone..."

This widely circulated singing section of Pingju at that time

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

From Xinfengxia

"The fianc é e of the Volunteer Army"

It's about Gao Guizhen

As the fianc é e of Dong Shigui, a volunteer soldier

The Story of Supporting the Korean War and Resisting US Aggression

After Dong Shigui joined the army and went to Korea

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

He bravely killed the enemy on the front line

Gao Guizhen is helping Dong Shigui's family from behind

Farming and caring for the elderly

She also uses singing, running bulletin boards, and other methods

Actively promoting anti US aid to North Korea

After hearing that an actor can donate a plane

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Gao Guizhen leads the youth to cultivate wasteland

Donate all the money sold to the country together

April 1953

Outstanding work due to ordinary circumstances

Gao Guizhen became a nationally renowned model for supporting the front line

Participated in the Second National Women's Congress

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

And received an audience with Chairman Mao

Same year

He Long led a condolence delegation to North Korea

Gao Guizhen is also among them

This time she finally met

Missing Dong Shigui day and night

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Under the witness of volunteer soldiers

Dong Shigui and Gao Guizhen held a wedding

The two exchanged medals as tokens

The act of wearing each other's clothing for each other

Moved everyone present

The people of the whole country unite as one

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Compose an invincible stream of steel

Made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Defending the country and defending the country through the Korean War

After historic decisions

Countless across the country

Farmers, citizens, siblings, couples

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Unite closely together

Personal meager strength converges

Compose an invincible stream of steel

The people are actively participating in the military and supporting the front line

More than 800000 new soldiers have been recruited into the volunteer army

The Northeast region as the main rear base of the Volunteer Army

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

740000 former migrant workers

Participate in the transport team stretcher team

As of May 31, 1952

The total amount of national donations reached

More than 5565 billion yuan

3710 fighter jets can be purchased

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Unity and high morale among the masses

Chinese children

Will eventually defeat any invading enemy

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Central Radio and Television Station Military Program Center

Utilizing 4K/8K ultra high definition color restoration technology

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

For precious historical images

Enhanced image quality and restored colors

Launch 10 themed integrated media short films

The Good Children of China

July 18th to 27th

Let's review together

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

That unforgettable and passionate era

Viewing method one:

Download the Central Video App

Follow the "CCTV Military" account

Starting from July 18th, every day at 10am

First broadcast on the entire network

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Viewing Method 2:

Lock in CCTV-7 Defense Military Channel

Starting from July 18th

Broadcast every night at 8:00 pm

Recommended Reading

Producer | Liu Yiming

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

Editor in Chief | Xu Leiying

CCTV reporter | Liu Gan, Ge Xiaojuan, Yang Gao

Editor | Li Hong

© CCTV Military

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