How does the effect appear?, News 1+1 | Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously in Electronic Products | Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | News

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:01 AM

On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly released two consumption promotion documents, "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" and "Several Measures to Promote Electronic Product Consumption", respectively proposing 10 and 12 specific measures to promote automobile and electronic product consumption. Why are these two fields targeted? Compared to before, what are the further solutions to the problem in this policy? How to ensure the effectiveness of policies? News 1+1 invites Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, to jointly pay attention to the continuous measures to promote consumption, and how will the effects be demonstrated?

How to promote consumption in the fields of automobiles and electronic products?

The first measure proposed in "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" is to optimize the purchase restriction management policy. At the same time, promoting the rational updating of vehicles, improving the infrastructure of new energy vehicles, and so on are also important contents of this measure to promote automobile consumption. In addition, in the "Several Measures to Promote the Consumption of Electronic Products", it is not only proposed to accelerate the upgrading and replacement of electronic products, open up channels for electronic product recycling, but also to optimize the consumption environment of electronic products and strongly support the promotion of electronic products to rural areas.

The consumption of automobiles and electronic products has a strong leading and driving role

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: The consumption of automobiles and electronic products accounts for a relatively high proportion of household consumption. The proportion of consumption in these two fields to the total retail sales of commodity consumption exceeds 15%, making them the largest part of household consumption. Especially in the first half of the year, the proportion of automobile consumption reached 11%. In addition, the leading and driving effects of automobile and electronic consumption are very strong. After some of our calculations, for every 10000 yuan increase in car consumption, it can generate a total output of 28600 yuan and a GDP of 8100 yuan. It refers to automobiles and electronic products, especially new energy vehicles, which play a very important role in driving and promoting national industrial upgrading and market innovation.

What are the differences in the focus of the new measures?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: Firstly, the background is different. The previous background was a contraction in demand, especially due to the significant impact of epidemic control measures. However, there have been significant adjustments in epidemic prevention and control measures, and we urgently need to stabilize and expand consumer demand. There are still many important driving points in these two policies, such as creating new scenarios for promoting consumption through electronic products, which is to adapt to the personalized, differentiated, entertaining, and experiential consumption needs of current and future residents. In addition, the policy of promoting automobile consumption has focused on a very important point, which is how to make the stock of automobile consumption play a greater role in structural adjustment.

How to understand and optimize the management policy of car purchase restrictions?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: Firstly, these restricted purchase areas are often hotspots and key market areas for automobile consumption in our country. The next major direction and goal of policy adjustment is to better encourage and expand automobile consumption on the premise of ensuring the growth of automobile ownership without causing more negative effects on cities. Because these consumption forms have already been formed, but due to policy reasons, they cannot be fully released, which is also a very important area for us to expand consumption in the next step. From the perspective of differentiation or adapting to local conditions, there are two aspects. On the one hand, how to increase more indicators in the suburbs; on the other hand, from a time dimension, can we flexibly adjust some indicators according to actual market conditions and needs within a few years while ensuring total control. For example, can some indicators from next year be moved to this year for use first? Under this premise, let's take a look at the differences or more policy flexibility in the next step.

Why does the promotion of consumption by automobiles and electronic products emphasize the rural consumer market?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: Firstly, although the proportion of rural consumption market in the overall consumption market is lower than that of urban areas, its growth rate and development stage determine that it is an important area for expanding consumption in the next step. From the perspective of automobile consumption, the current car ownership per thousand people in rural areas is probably just over 100, while in cities it has already exceeded 200. Therefore, rural areas are in a rapid growth process, and the growth rate of their car ownership is roughly three times that of cities. However, there are currently two major limiting factors in rural and lower tier markets. One is the inadequate supporting system, such as inadequate systems for charging and refueling; Another aspect is the service system, where maintenance and repair services cannot be provided. Therefore, the next step is to combine product and service delivery to rural areas.

How to better promote consumption?

In the past three years, although consumer activities have been greatly suppressed, policies to promote consumption have been continuously introduced at the national level. This year, expanding domestic demand to promote consumption has been placed in a more important position and has become an increasingly urgent problem to be solved.

Promoting consumption in the fields of automobiles, electronics, and home intelligence

How to collaborate and achieve results?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: Firstly, these three areas are all very important for upgrading the consumer structure of residents, with great development potential and space. At the same time, from the perspective of mutual integration, there are some specific policies that I believe can be synergistically promoted. For example, consumer credit, can we consider combining new energy vehicles with some green and intelligent electronic products for some products. For example, in terms of green consumption, can there be some bundled policies introduced in terms of rewards and incentives. Both of these aspects can enhance the synergistic effect of promoting consumption among the three fields.

What are the challenges and pressures faced in promoting consumption?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: Currently, insufficient domestic demand is the main contradiction between economic recovery and further growth, among which the most important is insufficient consumption by residents. On the one hand, we need to step out of consumption and promote consumption from the perspective of stable employment and income. At the same time, it is necessary to enhance the flexibility of consumption promotion policies and adapt to the overall direction of upgrading the consumption structure of residents. We should also take into account some of the current bottlenecks and shortcomings in promoting consumption, especially to enhance market expectations and boost market confidence.

How does the effect appear?, News 1+1 | Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously in Electronic Products | Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | News

Can distributing consumption vouchers still be effective?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: From the perspective of domestic and foreign policy tools, consumer vouchers have certain effects. At present, the continued expansion of consumption vouchers is mainly constrained by local finance. In the next step, if we want to continue promoting consumption through consumption vouchers, we must pay attention to adjusting the distribution objects and content of consumption vouchers, especially to enhance the role of flow diversion for service consumption and small and micro market entities. These contents need to be further enhanced.

On the basis of existing policies

How can we make efforts to promote consumption? How can it take effect?

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council: First of all, there should be more genuine policies, not just guiding policies. Secondly, the next step is to give more play to the role of finance in promoting consumption, such as in tax deductions, relief for small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in creating new consumption scenarios and combining urban renewal to create new consumption scenarios. There should be more focus and development points. To ensure the effectiveness of policies, some policies need to be further refined, combined with the good practices and enthusiasm of local governments in promoting consumption, and replicated and promoted nationwide. On the other hand, it is necessary to combine the future trend of consumption, especially in the area of service consumption, which must be an important area for promoting consumption in the next step.

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