"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:13 AM

After the announcement of the 31 regulations on private economy, it has been widely discussed in recent days. Let's take a look at a few details first——

This "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" is over 6700 words. Although listed as 31 measures, in reality, each one is mostly composed of five to six specific measures. Almost every sentence and action throughout the article highlights the abundance of valuable resources.

This heavyweight document was reviewed and approved at the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Deepening Reform on April 21 this year. A "Opinions" related to "development and growth", reviewed and approved by the Central Commission for Deepening Reform, highlights the profound connection between development and reform, and reflects the institutional construction content in policies.

The issuance of the Opinion was on July 14th, and the full text was released to the whole society on July 19th, with only a 5-day interval, highlighting the urgency of making the whole society aware as soon as possible to gather consensus and promote implementation.

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

Let's observe from three more "wants"——

Supporting the development of private economy is a consistent policy of the Party Central Committee.The views of the Party and the state on adhering to the basic economic system are clear and consistent, and have never wavered.

This is the first sentence at the beginning of the "Article 31" - "The private economy is a new force to promote Chinese path to modernization, an important foundation for high-quality development, and an important force to promote China's comprehensive building of a strong socialist modernization country and the realization of the second century goal." The development and expansion of the private economy is closely linked to the central task of "comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization" and the primary task of "high-quality development".

Important words need to be reiterated repeatedly. The mission of the times is bound to advance step by step. Know its importance and establish a clear foundation.

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

"Full supply of goods" is not only due to the wide coverage and large quantity of "31 items", but also because of their strong targeting, facing the urgent concerns and major opportunities of the private economy, as well as various difficulties, pain points, bottlenecks and worries. For example——

In response to the "difficulty of access" - some places have set unreasonable restrictions and implicit barriers on private enterprises in market access, project bidding, and other aspects. "31 Measures" have been proposed to continuously break down market access barriers, fully implement fair competition policies and systems, improve social credit incentive and constraint mechanisms, and focus on optimizing the development environment. Strengthening the fundamental position of competition policy is particularly important.

In response to difficulties in financing, payment collection, and employment, Article 31 proposes measures to improve financing support policies and systems, improve the normalization of prevention and clearance mechanisms for outstanding debts, and strengthen the protection of talent and employment needs. It emphasizes "timely response to concerns and interest demands, and effectively solve practical difficulties." In increasing policy support for the private economy, it enhances policy accuracy, stability, effectiveness, and coordination.

In response to difficulties in safeguarding rights, Article 31 proposes measures to protect the property rights of private enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, continuously improve the intellectual property protection system, improve the regulatory and law enforcement system, and establish a long-term supervision mechanism for enterprise fees, in order to improve the legal environment for equal protection of all types of ownership economies.

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

Frequently interacting and chatting with private entrepreneurs reveals that although they are located in various industries across the country, they have several common attitudes and demands - "do not take care of fairness", "do not change policies constantly", "strengthen legal protection", and so on. To address these concerns, we will take concrete measures to enhance the fairness, stability, and predictability of our systems and policies, and strive to achieve the rule of law as the best business environment.

In response to the erroneous statements and practices that have negated and weakened the private economy, the "31 articles" clearly state that "we must firmly resist and promptly refute and clarify the erroneous statements and practices that question the socialist basic economic system, negate and weaken the private economy, respond to concerns and dispel concerns in a timely manner," and then propose various measures around "continuously creating a social atmosphere that cares about and promotes the development and growth of the private economy.".

Many years ago, someone proposed the so-called "theory of the departure of private economy", stating that the private economy has completed its mission and is about to withdraw from the historical stage. This kind of statement is completely incorrect and does not conform to the Party's overall policy. Today, in the era of social media, it is particularly crucial to build a public opinion environment and social atmosphere that is pragmatic, objective and fair, encourages innovation, and tolerates failure, in order to promote the development and growth of the private economy.

In response to the desire of private economy professionals to invest in high-quality development, the "31 Measures" provide a comprehensive and multi-faceted response, focusing on promoting high-quality development of the private economy and promoting the healthy growth of private economy professionals. Measures are proposed to guide the improvement of governance structure and management system, support the enhancement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities, support participation in national major strategies, and cultivate and promote entrepreneurial spirit.

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

Strong targeting is essential for sincerity, thirst quenching, and effectiveness.

On the eve of the release of the "31 Measures for Private Economy", the National Development and Reform Commission has held three consecutive symposiums with private enterprises. The Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation have also launched discussions with enterprises, including private enterprises. This is all in accordance with the requirements of the State Council to establish and improve a regular communication and exchange mechanism between the government and various types of enterprises such as private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises.

One point deployment, nine points implementation. The last three of the 31 articles are about the requirements for organizational implementation. The "N" in the "31 Measures" and "1+N" supporting measures will be announced one after another, which is expected.

Knowing its importance and responding to its urgency ultimately boils down to implementing it as necessary. There are three key points:

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

——Promoting the development and growth of the private economy requires both immediate results and long-term efforts.

——The public and non-public sectors of the economy should complement and complement each other.

——Private entrepreneurs have never expected to "win by lying down", and a better institutional environment will only stimulate struggle and creation.

Taking advantage of the situation and seizing opportunities is an inevitable choice for the development and growth of the private economy. This trend is precisely the trend of high-quality development.

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

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