He wants to make a breakthrough again, Academician Chen Guoqiang went to Hainan for the "second entrepreneurship": resonance spanning 926 years

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:45 PM

Now, the WeChat avatar of Chen Guoqiang, an academician of the CAS Member, is a picture of his speech at the opening ceremony of Hainan Medical College. In this golden September, Hainan Medical College welcomed its first academician dean, which is a significant new beginning for Chen Guoqiang, who has just turned 60, and Hainan Medical College, who is 76 years old.

Who is Chen Guoqiang? Turning to his heavy resume, he has had an extraordinary influence in the fields of medicine and education in the years related to Shanghai: academician of the CAS Member, professor and doctor of medicine of the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and director of the State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes. He is dedicated to fundamental research in the pathophysiology and chemobiology of leukemia and tumors, and has made a series of discoveries in the mechanisms of tumor cell fate determination and microenvironment regulation. He has served as the Vice President and Graduate School Dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dean of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

From June 2006 to March 2021, he served as the Vice Dean and Dean of the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, focusing on building a collaborative and inclusive development system for medicine, education, research, and management, and achieving high-quality and rapid development of Jiao Tong University. He is more affectionately referred to as "Uncle Qiang" by students, and his speeches at the opening and graduation ceremonies have been deeply resonated and recognized by students, widely spread on social media.

On March 16, 2021, Chen Guoqiang officially stepped down as the dean. He said, "After risking his life for ten years, he welcomed his graduation moment," and two years later, when he stepped into the auditorium of Hainan Medical College, he embarked on a new journey. "I never expected that, as someone whose passion had not yet cooled, I would come from Shanghai to Hainan and start a new life. In the next ten years, I will pour my passion into the ends of the earth..."

Why choose Hainan? In fact, during his time working in Jiaoyi, Chen Guoqiang has always supported the development of medical care and medical education in Hainan. In just two years, he has visited Haiyi multiple times and was invited to serve as the Chairman and Honorary Dean of the Haiyi Development Strategy Advisory Committee on December 9, 2021. Chen Guoqiang said in an interview with the Shangguan News reporter of Liberation Daily that he hopes to embark on a "second entrepreneurship" during the precious decade between the ages of 60 and 70. In the previous decade, he helped three disciplines, including basic medicine, dentistry, and clinical medicine, enter the A+category in the fifth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education; In the new decade, he strives to carry out new practices and explorations based on the actual situation in Hainan, striving to integrate his medical education philosophy and scientific life, and fully realize the dialectical development process of "practice understanding re practice".

Chen Guoqiang revealed that in the next six months, he will focus on building three nests for Hainan Medical Science Research Institute - first, to solidify the Hainan Medical Science Research Institute, decorate the 15000 square meter workspace, install equipment in place, and lay the foundation for next year's "Phoenix Attraction"; Secondly, we will make every effort to apply for doctoral programs starting in October, with the hope of making breakthroughs in the fields of basic medicine, preventive medicine, and medicine this year; The third is to promote the upgrading of Hainan Medical College to become Hainan Medical University.

He wants to make a breakthrough again, Academician Chen Guoqiang went to Hainan for the "second entrepreneurship": resonance spanning 926 years

Undoubtedly, Chen Guoqiang did not venture alone. He embarked on this trip with the support of numerous forces such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Gu Feng, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiaotong University, said after witnessing the signing ceremony of the introduction of Academician Chen Guoqiang from Hainan Province, that this is a specific measure to implement the strategic cooperation agreement between the People's Government of Hainan Province and Shanghai Jiao Tong University and jointly build Hainan Medical College. "Jiaotong University will fully support Academician Chen Guoqiang in fulfilling his duties and responsibilities in Hainan, support the construction and development of Hainan Medical College, and strive to repay Hainan's trust in Jiaotong University with outstanding achievements. Hainan has become a hot land for work and entrepreneurship, and Jiaotong University will also fully utilize the important opportunities of Hainan's development, deepen the promotion of the provincial school strategic cooperation framework agreement, actively expand education cooperation, scientific research cooperation, and academic radiation."

"The reason why I am tempted by Haiyi is because I always think of someone. When he went to Hainan to do education, he was 62 years old, two years older than me. He may have been in summer, while I landed on Hainan Island in autumn. The two seasons are 926 years apart. His name is Su Dongpo." Bamboo cane shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid? A raincoat of mist and rain can last a lifetime. Chen Guoqiang, who struggled to cool down and was passionate, shared his favorite poems with the students, and the resonance that spanned nearly a thousand years echoed across the vast expanse of Hainan.

The following is a transcript of Chen Guoqiang's speech at the 2023 opening ceremony of Hainan Medical College, as well as the first lesson "Only through change can we" make a breakthrough ":

Dear new classmates and children

Just now, both the speeches of the representatives of freshmen, teachers, and alumni, as well as your oaths, have deeply moved me. Today is the first time we have officially met, and my mood is the same as the weather in Hainan, with bright sunshine and scorching heat. Looking at your youthful faces and imagining you wearing white clothes and saving lives and injuries in a few years, as your principal, I deeply feel the heavy burden on your shoulders and the glory of your mission. I also think of me when I was 18 years old, and there are many similarities in the starting point of our lives.

In 1979, I failed the college entrance examination; After repeating for a year, I only got admitted to the then unknown Hunan Hengyang Medical College. In 1981, when I was 18 years old and in my sophomore year, I was still addicted to Sherlock Holmes novels. At this time, a great expert came from Shanghai and gave 9 academic lectures in Hengyang for 7 days. Although I didn't understand him very well, I was deeply impressed by the powerful logic of medical theory and his personal charm that he talked about. I suddenly realized that medicine is a dream worth striving for throughout my life. This expert later became my mentor, my master's and doctoral supervisors, and the recipient of the highest national science and technology award - Academician Wang Zhenyi.

He wants to make a breakthrough again, Academician Chen Guoqiang went to Hainan for the "second entrepreneurship": resonance spanning 926 years

There is a song about a teacher who sings well: "When I grow up, I will become you/only then did I know that blackboard/wrote down truth/wiped away utility..." I also hope that when I grow up, you will become me and surpass me even more.

Three days ago, I came here from Shanghai and learned that you came to Haiyi on August 26th and participated in two weeks of military training. When I visited you the day before yesterday, I was fortunate enough to see the results of your military training and feel that you are full of energy and spirit, as well as strong willpower, discipline, and team spirit. I hope you will continue to work hard, strengthen your physical fitness, and hone your strong willpower. This is an indispensable part of breaking the sky and the world in your life.

"To make a breakthrough for the sea doctor again" is a heartfelt statement I said when I took office as the head of the sea hospital on the 15th. I guess you and your parents, when they happily received the admission notice and stepped into the entrance of the Haiyi School, did not expect to encounter an elderly dean in their sixties, who may also accompany you through five or even ten years of youth at the Haiyi School. At that time, I also said that when I, who had grown from a "strong brother" to a "strong uncle", graduated from the position of dean of the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I never expected that, with my blood still burning, I would come from Huangpu River to Qiongzhou and start a new life, dedicating all my energy to the ends of the world. Becoming your "strong uncle" is not only our mutual fate, but also a common "sentiment". I look forward to you and me working together, starting from scratch, achieving mutual success, and even achieving the future of marine medicine.

On this occasion, please allow me, in my personal name and on behalf of all the teachers, students, and medical staff of Hainan Medical College, to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt congratulations to you. I also take this opportunity to propose that everyone, with the warmest applause and devout hearts, sincerely thank the parents, relatives, and teachers who have put in countless efforts for your growth. I say to them: Thank you so much! And tell them on WeChat: Don't worry, I will live up to my youth and youth, strive to change myself, and become the best version of myself!

That day, I candidly said that from Shanghai to Hainan, I came across the "sea", not only to enhance the new pattern of maritime medicine, explore new situations, and achieve new development, but also to support the soft environment construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, cultivate a group of higher quality medical talents, and strive to fully realize the dialectical development process of "practice understanding re practice" of my medical education philosophy here. I, like you, am also a newcomer to marine medicine; We are also very fortunate to be participating in the development and construction of Hainan Free Trade Port together. On this beautiful island, the country is implementing a more proactive opening-up strategy, focusing on promoting a higher level of opening-up to the outside world. At Haiyi, we also need to make good use of the key move of reform and opening up, dare to break into deep water areas, dare to gnaw on hard bones, dare to venture into dangerous beaches, and dare to face new contradictions and challenges - the school is like this, each and every one of us must demand ourselves, dare to change, and actively seek change. Because only by seeking change can we achieve unprecedented success, and only by making change can we grow ourselves, achieve the future, achieve maritime medicine, achieve our country, and even change the world.

Classmates, I am a sincere and passionate person who is willing to take on responsibilities. I always maintain the educational and teaching philosophy of "seeking truth from thousands of teachers, learning from thousands of students, and being a real person". To be frank, among medical schools in China, Haiyi is not yet among the top three ranks of top scorers, top scorers, and top explorers. Even generations of alumni have long cherished the hope of renaming medical schools as "medical universities", which is still on the way. Correspondingly, although most of you have reached or even exceeded the "first tier" level through the college entrance examination, they certainly do not belong to the super "academic achievers". No matter what the reason is, the light boat has crossed countless mountains, and all the difficulties are the prelude! In fact, "academic achievers" may only be "exam achievers", and "exam achievers" may not necessarily become true talents. Classmates, "Don't listen to the sound of rustling leaves through the forest, why not chant and walk slowly.". As I mentioned earlier, I, who was born and raised in the countryside and came from a humble background, have never been a "top student". However, as long as we persistently adhere to the belief that "dreams give birth to passion, passion leads to the future", step by step, and work hard for a long time, the impossible will become possible, and dreams will become reality. My unknown undergraduate alma mater has also produced many well-known classmates. Half of them have become hospital deans or discipline leaders at all levels, and many have become recipients of the "National Medical University", the National Outstanding Youth Fund, or Changjiang Scholars of the Ministry of Education. They have even become university presidents, academicians, and main leaders of national and local health committees.

He wants to make a breakthrough again, Academician Chen Guoqiang went to Hainan for the "second entrepreneurship": resonance spanning 926 years

Why can't today's marine medicine be the same as the Hengyi medicine in the past? In my 60s, I came to Haiyi with the hope of shaking another tree with one tree, driving another cloud with another, awakening another soul, reshaping the environment for talent growth, and cultivating more "big selves" with great ideals, sound independent personality, full of passion and emotion, good at independent and scientific thinking, daring to challenge and face life, willing to love and practice for the future development of medicine, contributing to the construction of a healthy Hainan and a healthy China, and contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Classmates, the development of marine medicine is just the right time! Let's embrace our dreams together and turn them into beliefs and missions, striving to nourish our souls. Please remember that without spirit, a person will not stand, without spirit, a school will not be strong. A body without a soul, even when young, is always initiating the process of apoptosis or necrosis.

Classmates, taking action and changing the current situation is the true exploration of the ideal realm. Not a good minister, but a good doctor. Haiyi people should have the appearance of Haiyi people: unwilling to fall behind, brave to move forward, like the sea, they should have the courage to withstand the surging waves, as well as the broad mindedness to accept the challenges of the sea. They should have the attitude of "standing firm for heaven and earth, standing firm for the people, inheriting unique knowledge from the past, and opening up peace for the world".

Attitude determines mentality, and mentality determines ecology. Classmates, whether it's a country, a nation, a university, or a group, only those who look up at the sky have hope; If a person only has "self" and only cares about the utility under their feet, they are destined to have no future. A friend once said that a university should become a "platform to awaken miracles, a territory to unleash ideals, and a holy land to transcend utilitarianism." The greatness of a university lies not in whether its name is a college or a university, but in having great ideas, great achievements, and a large pattern, as well as a group of "classics," "human teachers," "masters," and "great masters.". In my heart, the master is not only academically excellent, morally noble, pragmatic in attitude, and rigorous in style, but also willing to reward and inspire future students, making people feel like they are basking in spring breeze. I look forward to and believe that in the future, there will be a group of such "great gentlemen" joining us in the field of marine medicine, helping you grow and become successful. Students should constantly make changes, call for masters with practical actions, welcome "masters", and strive to become future masters.

To this end, we must strive to overcome the "three mountains" of utilitarianism, pragmatism, and formalism, and transform the past "rote memorization", "repeated practice", "teacher and parent accompaniment", and "utilitarian education" learning that was aimed at imparting knowledge and getting into key high schools and universities, and exam oriented "rote memorization", "repeated practice", "teacher and parent accompaniment", and "utilitarian education" learning into an open and proactive learning that is aimed at cultivating core social values and medical professional qualities, with "learning and practice, independent thinking, improving personality, and achieving wisdom" as the core. We should not only read textbooks carefully, but also read extensively, study seriously in the classroom, participate in social practice, medical practice, and scientific research, and become an open and proactive learning model. People with active learning ability; Creatively transitioning from studying for professional diplomas and successful employment to striving to enhance the core thinking and practical abilities of acquiring and creating knowledge, applying and managing knowledge, and integrating information for decision-making; Uncritical and seeking the so-called standard answer style "feeding" learning, transforming it into a "transformative learning" that draws on advanced experiences both on and off campus, as well as at home and abroad, and is committed to innovation for future medical needs. The future reform of teaching and education in marine medicine will also be guided by helping you achieve these goals, steadily promoting the development of education and teaching, technological innovation, clinical practice, and talent cultivation in one!

Classmates, medicine is human studies, with the mission of welcoming, nurturing, caring, saving, respecting, and respecting life. She is both a science and an art, a unique and rigorous unity that includes many disciplines such as natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. A doctor is not a benevolent person who cannot be trusted, not a wise and rational person who cannot be trusted, not a clean and honest person who cannot be trusted. We must not only become intellectuals with independent opinions, historical perspectives and global perspectives, professional ethics and talents, and constantly explore and innovate, but also have the ideals and beliefs of self-improvement and sincerity in serving the country. We must learn interpersonal communication and teamwork, and be a person who advocates morality, rules, and the rule of law, has a profound humanistic background and a sound personality, respects others, and has a spirit of teamwork.

He wants to make a breakthrough again, Academician Chen Guoqiang went to Hainan for the "second entrepreneurship": resonance spanning 926 years

Classmates, without love, there is no education. As a full-time principal, I will strive to put you at the center, everything for your growth and success, everything for your growth and success, dedicating all the love, wisdom, and talents of a father, growing together with you, and striving to create your greatness. This is my eternal promise to you. Therefore, I am willing to announce here that in the near future, I will allocate a portion of my salary, establish a reward fund, and do my best to support outstanding "humble" students and proactive young people who strive to achieve my expectations.

Classmates, please listen to your inner call, ride the wind and waves, and ask no questions. Hai Yi will surely conquer Yu Ru and wait for the flowers to bloom!

Nine medical experts from Shanghai who helped the residents of Karamay in Xinjiang free clinic, spanning more than 4000 kilometers Father | Expert | Shanghai
Nine medical experts from Shanghai who helped the residents of Karamay in Xinjiang free clinic, spanning more than 4000 kilometers Father | Expert | Shanghai

At the arrival of the sixth "Chinese Doctor's Day", nine medical experts from Shanghai, including Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji University, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Dermatology Hospital, and China Welfare Society International Peace Maternal and Child Health Care Center, including neurology, urology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, thyroid surgery, breast surgery, hematology, geriatrics, and dermatology, went to Karamay Central Hospital and Karamay Third People's Hospital to carry out free clinic activities. Among them, 6 experts are doctors dispatched by Tongji Hospital to aid Xinjiang, and 3 experts have traveled over 4000 kilometers to Ke to help local patients clarify their doubts. Urumqi residents drove over 400 kilometers with their father to a free clinic, where Patiguli underwent a small physical examination

Experts remind us to pay attention to these details. Nail beautification is too frequent and toenails are cut too much. Ten nail clinics open full moon surgery | nail bed | clinic
Experts remind us to pay attention to these details. Nail beautification is too frequent and toenails are cut too much. Ten nail clinics open full moon surgery | nail bed | clinic

"Thank you Director Liu for helping me solve a big problem! I've been struggling with paronychia for two years. I had to pull out my toenails twice before, but they didn't grow well. I kept getting inflamed and my mentality was about to collapse. This time, the problem has finally been completely solved." In the outpatient consultation room of the Tenth People's Hospital of Shanghai, Miss Zhang expressed her sincere gratitude to Liu Guangpeng, the director of plastic surgery. At the beginning of 2021, Xiaozhang accidentally cut his toenails too deep, injuring the nail bed. Although he disinfected it with iodine at the first time, he didn't expect to become inflamed a few days later. His entire first toe was red, swollen, and painful, and he even limped while walking. External use of iodine is ineffective, oral antibiotics are ineffective, and the only option is to choose toenail removal that sounds very painful. I originally thought that pulling out my toenails would remove the old and replace the new, but I never expected that the newly grown toenails would always "burrow into the flesh", causing inflammation to recur,

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Some family doctors have also opened a special clinic for diabetes... 60% of residents in this district of Shanghai are diagnosed and treated in Fengxian | residents | community

Fengxian is located in the remote suburbs, with limited medical resources. Community diagnosis and treatment have become the top priority for residents' health. How to build a good network base to serve the people? The reporter recently learned from the district health commission that based on the actual situation of the region, taking into account the size of the service population and the trend of population introduction, the district health commission is promoting the horizontal integration of community health resources. Residents are willing to "vote with their feet" to choose the community, and the solid foundation and warm service of community family doctors are indispensable. Data shows that there are currently 549 general practitioners in Fengxian District. Last year, the proportion of community diagnosis and treatment accounted for 49% of the total diagnosis and treatment in the district. In the first half of this year, the proportion of community diagnosis and treatment has increased to 60%. Wang Tao is a family doctor at the Xidu Community Health Service Center in Fengxian District who has been committed to the community for ten years and has signed contracts with more than 1900 community residents

In this regional medical center, patients make sachet masks to feel the warmth of home. The Dragon Boat Festival medical center | patients | sachets
In this regional medical center, patients make sachet masks to feel the warmth of home. The Dragon Boat Festival medical center | patients | sachets

Today is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. As a regional medical center, Shibei Hospital of Jing'an District organized a special "love on the left and accompany on the right" activity to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival. The patients and their families wrapped Zongzi together to make sachets and feel the warmth of home. It is reported that the Elderly Rehabilitation Department of Shibei Hospital is a key discipline in Jing'an District, with 80% of hospitalized patients being over 70 years old, including those aged 90 or 100. During the meticulous treatment of the elderly, the Rehabilitation Department integrates family oriented services throughout, creating a humane "warm service" and building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. Shu Jin, director of the Elderly Rehabilitation Department, said that with the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, medical staff have found that a small number of patients lack family companionship and their psychological and emotional needs cannot be met. The hospital's social work department and department medical staff work together to build a "heart to heart bridge" for doctor-patient interaction and two-way communication,

The annual throat preservation rate is nearly 80%, and Shanghai research was included in the International Annual Conference: Immunotherapy for locally advanced head and neck tumors | Patients | Local
The annual throat preservation rate is nearly 80%, and Shanghai research was included in the International Annual Conference: Immunotherapy for locally advanced head and neck tumors | Patients | Local

At the recent 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, research from Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital was quite impressive: in the field of head and neck tumors, "induction chemotherapy combined with treprizumab can be used for laryngeal preservation treatment in patients with locally advanced laryngeal/hypopharyngeal cancer. The results of the Phase II clinical trial showed a one-year laryngeal preservation rate of 79.4%." The first author of this study, abbreviated as INSIGHT, is Professor Xiaomin Qu from Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, and the corresponding authors are Professor Yu Wang and Professor Xiayun He. It is reported that laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer are one of the most common head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in China, with the incidence rate accounting for about 20% of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Due to the insidious symptoms of the disease, the patient was diagnosed later and had a poor prognosis. Previously, surgical resection was used to prolong survival. With the development of multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment, diagnosis and treatment

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