These details cannot be ignored, as women promote insulting remarks in Shanghai subway carriages? Refusing rumors outside of police reports | Platform | Speech

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:57 AM

Recently, a video of a woman spreading insulting remarks to China inside a subway carriage in Shanghai has made it to the hot search. On the afternoon of July 8th, the Urban Rail and Public Transport Brigade of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau issued a police report through the official Weibo account "Rail Transit Zero", stating that after preliminary investigation, the woman in the video, Yin, was a mentally disabled person seeking medical treatment in Shanghai from another province or city. During the filming, the photographer Wang felt that Yin was mentally abnormal, but for the purpose of attracting fans and showing off himself, he edited the video and went online to attract attention. At present, Yin has been admitted to the Municipal Mental Health Center. Wang was administratively punished by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

At this point, the truth of the video surfaced: Wang deliberately concealed the fact that Yin was sick and misled the public with the video.

The Shanghai debunking platform has found that filming the symptoms of mental illness and concealing the facts of the illness, and then spreading videos through social media to mislead the public, is not the first time such behavior has occurred. In early June, "Rail Transit Yaoyao" reported another incident, in which the same patient fell ill on the subway, but the filmmaker cut corners and filmed videos to spread the spread. Taking into account the details of these events, the public should be wary of the tactics used by some online promoters to spread rumors and hype:

Firstly, some video filmmakers intentionally cut corners, confuse facts, and do not present the entire process of the event, only for the sake of attention and traffic.

For patients with mental illness, various sectors of society should have provided more care, help, and understanding. However, from some online videos, it can be seen that some netizens resort to any means to attract attention. But it should be noted that their behavior will not only be criticized by public opinion, but also be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law. The fact that Wang was administratively punished in accordance with the law this time is truly heartwarming. It also warns those filmmakers who want to mislead the public with mental illness: this is illegal, stop immediately!

These details cannot be ignored, as women promote insulting remarks in Shanghai subway carriages? Refusing rumors outside of police reports | Platform | Speech

Secondly, video disseminators, especially some self proclaimed "media" disseminators, do not hesitate to add tags, titles, etc. to promote the situation, treating videos with unclear details and truths as "news" for dissemination.

For example, after the video of a mentally ill patient making inappropriate comments went online, some self media and self proclaimed "media" immediately compiled new titles, watermarked them, and forwarded them for promotion. This unverified practice of snatching traffic is more harmful than individual dissemination by netizens, and should clearly be subject to supervision and criticism. At the same time, it also reminds the public to be vigilant and not to trust the information released by such self media or so-called "media".

Finally, some malicious individuals may misinterpret videos and police reports, further misleading the public.

The Shanghai debunking platform noticed that in early June, after the police reported the incident of a mentally ill patient getting sick by car and being hospitalized for treatment, a few netizens actually concealed the fact that the person involved in the report was a mentally ill patient. A new rumor has been fabricated that one cannot speak freely while taking the Shanghai subway and will be sent to the hospital for treatment, attempting to continue spreading through the community. Undoubtedly, this is a groundless act of spreading rumors, but it also indicates that there is a long way to go in refuting rumors on the internet, and there are countless malicious individuals with ulterior motives. If the public wants to improve their ability to distinguish information, they also need to read more information published by authoritative institutions to avoid bias and trust.

In the final analysis, the above details reflect that the information on the Internet is mixed, and people with ulterior motives will deliberately create rumors. So, the public must keep an eye out for various videos and photos, not trust them lightly, and not casually share and spread them.

These details cannot be ignored, as women promote insulting remarks in Shanghai subway carriages? Refusing rumors outside of police reports | Platform | Speech

Relevant platforms also need to further strengthen their responsibilities and increase their scrutiny of content and accounts. At present, multiple laws and regulations have explicitly prohibited the spread of rumors, and the latest released "Regulations on the Governance of Cyber Violence Information" once again emphasizes the responsibility of platforms. It is proposed that network information service providers should take measures such as deleting, blocking, disconnecting links, and restricting dissemination when discovering cyberbullying information such as insults, slander, and infringement of privacy. It is not difficult to see that in previous rumors and videos involving psychiatric patients, there have been practices that infringe on the privacy of the parties involved. Faced with these issues, the platform should bear the responsibility of reviewing and removing relevant content.

In fact, if the public encounters mental illness patients or other emergencies in public places, they can fully respond in more appropriate ways. The public security of this rail transit reminds that if the public encounters various emergencies in the subway area, they can report to the police or station staff as soon as possible.

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