To achieve solid results in promoting theme education, Li Jiang: Utilizing the "Four Links" working mechanism School Party Committee | Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | Li Jiang

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:58 AM

In the process of in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the party committee of colleges and universities must adhere to high-level planning, high-standard organization, and high-requirement implementation, and make full use of "joint learning", "joint research", and "joint rectification". The "joint promotion and development" mechanism strives to transform the effectiveness of thematic education into a powerful driving force for the development of the school.

1. the formation of a "joint group learning" mechanism to promote theoretical learning to go deeper and more practical.

Grasping theoretical study is the primary task of thematic education. The Party Committee of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology firmly grasps the general requirements of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the theme education of "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", and insisting on the unity of learning, thinking, using, and knowing, believing and doing, it has formed a "six-study" system of "demonstration of leading cadres, linkage of secondary units, benchmarking of grass-roots branches, follow-up of teachers and students and party members, guidance of teachers and students of horse academy, and on-site study of red venues. As a university, it attaches great importance to learning the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education. The school party committee and the party committees of brother universities such as Shanghai University of International Business and Economics have carried out joint group learning, in-depth discussion of the rich connotations of the integrated development of education, technology, and talents in the new era. The new journey of local colleges and universities in exploring the era of education, technology, and talent integration and implementation measures; the secondary party organizations rely on similar disciplines, carry out in-depth joint group learning, promote theoretical learning to deepen, guide practice, and promote work.

2. make good use of the "joint research" mechanism to promote the investigation and research to see the results.

Investigation and research is the heirloom of our party and the basic skill for doing a good job. Persist in putting practical work for teachers and students in a prominent position, pay attention to the "small incision" of research topics, and strive to achieve "great results" in serving the country and Shanghai ". Through the scientific formulation of research plans, the school leadership team and the members of the second-level party organization team mainly focus on the "five major areas" of serving the national strategy, comprehensive education reform, people's livelihood development projects, the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people, and comprehensive and strict governance of the party., Carry out in-depth joint research based on the content of the topic. The employment of graduates is a key issue of people's livelihood that the whole society is relatively focused on. The school party committee, Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, Shanghai Employment Promotion Center and other brother units have carried out joint research and in-depth analysis of the structural contradiction between supply and demand in graduate employment., Information asymmetry and other issues, teamed up with more than 100 companies to provide employment opportunities for school graduates, and effectively solve employment problems. Improving the level of running a school and promoting the application and construction of doctoral units and doctoral programs are major tasks facing the school at present. Through "group-style" research and anatomical research, members of the school's party committee team go deep into the front line and deeply analyze the problem list, responsibility list and task list of discipline construction to promote discipline development. In order to better serve teachers and students, the party committee of the agency and the second-level party organization carried out multiple joint investigations to jointly promote the digital transformation of school services.

3. the establishment of a "linkage rectification" mechanism to promote outstanding solutions to practical problems

Fully understand the significance of thematic education inspection and rectification, always put inspection and rectification throughout the whole process of thematic education, adhere to learning, comparison, inspection and rectification, promote learning, investigation and reform organically, focus on difficult and key issues, touch hard, and continuously improve the effectiveness of inspection and rectification work. Adhere to the linkage rectification on the practical measures, seek practical results, adhere to the school level up and down linkage, through the secondary party organization problem list copied to the relevant school leaders for systematic rectification. Adhere to the internal and external linkage at the departmental level, copy the list of secondary party organizations to the centralized functional departments, build a platform for "problematic" units and "methods" departments, and coordinate and coordinate rectification. Adhere to the rectification and rectification team and the research team, the comprehensive team, and the liaison team to coordinate and coordinate, strengthen communication, dig out the problems found in the research that reflect the people's urgent needs, guarantee and improve people's livelihood, and urge relevant departments to study and formulate rectification measures, and make comprehensive rectification at the same frequency resonance.

4. the implementation of the "joint development" mechanism to promote the high-quality development of the cause.

In the process of carrying out thematic education, "development" is placed in an important position. At the school level, it has jointly promoted comprehensive strategic cooperation with the local Songjiang district party committee and district government, explored the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents, launched a discussion on the construction proposal of "Science and Technology Park around Songjiang University City", and established the School of Outstanding Engineers of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology. we will promote the organic connection and integrated development of the education chain, talent chain, industrial chain and innovation chain. Take the lead in setting up the "Songjiang University Park Office for the Integration of Industry and Education and Collaborative Education", take the initiative to connect with the Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Technology Corridor integration of industry and education, focus on key industries, major tasks and the demand for talents in the region, promote the deep integration of schools and industry enterprises in the region, solve the technical problems of enterprises, and achieve win-win development through linkage. The second-level party organizations implement the development deployment of joint promotion, strengthen in-depth cooperation with various streets and towns in Songjiang District, and enterprises in various leading industries, and promote the rapid development of various undertakings of the school through multi-party joint promotion.

The Party Committee of Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology will further implement the various deployments of the central government on theme education, continue to deepen theoretical learning and ideological armament, carry out theme education with high quality and standards, and strive to achieve solid and rich results in shaping the soul with learning, increasing intelligence with learning, improving the atmosphere with learning, and promoting work with learning.

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