New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:40 PM

The rise of all countries and nations is guided and based on cultural innovation and civilization progress.

In the continuous history of over 5000 years, the splendid and splendid Chinese civilization has been accumulated. In the centennial struggle led by the Party, we have walked out of the path of Chinese path to modernization, created a new form of human civilization, and revealed the true meaning of history——

"Opening up and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture, is a necessary path."

Adhere to the "two combinations" and continuously open up new horizons for the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. The second combination indicates that our party's understanding of the Chinese path, theory, and system has reached a new height, indicating that our party's historical and cultural confidence has reached a new height, and that our party's consciousness in promoting cultural innovation in inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture has reached a new height.

Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era.

From the perspective of the overall strategy for the development of the cause of the party and the state, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a historical declaration of Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in the new era: "We must strengthen cultural self-confidence, shoulder our mission, and strive for something." work together to create a new culture that belongs to our time and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. "

The inevitability of the times

Yan'an, Shaanxi, Yin Ruins, Yin Xu in Anyang, Henan. In two iconic places in the history of the Chinese nation, traversing the clouds of history, the brilliance of ancient and modern times still shines on the land of China.

In late October 2022, less than a week after the closing of the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to these two places to continue our party's cultural genes and explore the code of Chinese civilization.

In Yan'an, visiting the site of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the former home of Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries of the older generation, General Secretary Xi Jinping sighed with emotion: "the former site of the Yan'an Revolution witnessed the glorious course of our party's leadership of the Chinese revolution and the exploration of the Sinicization of Marxism during the Yan'an period." it's a book that can never be finished. "

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

Tourists are visiting the Yan'an Revolution Memorial Hall. Shen Jizhong

In Anyang, inspecting the Yinxu site and observing cultural relics such as bronze, jade, and oracle bone inscriptions, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the deep meaning of this trip: "learn more about Chinese civilization and make the past serve the present, so as to provide reference for the better construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation."

For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has been following a path of civilization development that is different from other countries and ethnic groups. The vast and profound traditional Chinese culture has always nurtured the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

After experiencing the flames of revolution, the construction period, and the turbulent reform, as socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era demonstrates unprecedented vitality, more and more people are pondering and questioning:

Why can a thought from Europe take root in China, thousands of miles away, and grow the greatest civilization creation in human history from the 20th century to the 21st century?

When we embark on the new journey of the second century goal and take the unprecedented path of Chinese path to modernization, how can we sum up China's experience with Chinese principles, upgrade China's experience to Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence?

Adhere to combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture.

On July 1, 2021, on the occasion of Communist Party of China's centenary, standing on the Tiananmen Tower and at the historical intersection of the "two centenary" goals, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a firm and forceful answer.

Emerging and keeping up with the times.

The "two combinations" were successively included in the "Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Centenary Struggle" and the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

Adhering to the "second combination" and activating the long-standing Chinese civilization with the power of Marxist truth, Marxism has also gained rich nourishment from the fertile soil of excellent traditional Chinese culture, possessing distinct Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style.

This is the logical inevitability of adhering to and developing truth——

On the banks of the Xiangjiang River, Yuelu Academy has been singing string songs for thousands of years.

On September 17, 2020, when it was drizzling, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to this thousand-year-old university to inspect, looking at the hanging "seeking truth from facts" plaque, thinking for a long time, earnestly and earnestly, "We must localize the truth."

This is a photo taken on April 13, 2021 at Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhenhai

Looking back at a century, at the time of saving the nation and striving for survival, Marxism began the process of integrating with Chinese culture as soon as it arrived in China. The CPC, on the stage of history, represents not only a new political force and revolutionary direction, but also a new cultural force and direction.

In Qufu, Shandong, in front of the Wanren Palace Wall at the south gate of the Confucius Temple, tourists from all over the world come to listen to the cultural stories passed down through the ages, and feel the wisdom of ancient sages tempered by time.

This is the Wanren Palace Wall of Confucius Temple, taken on September 26, 2020 in Qufu, Shandong, the hometown of Confucius. Photo by Guo Xulei, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

"Marx Enters the Confucian Temple" - This article written by Guo Moruo in 1925, using dramatic language, allows Marx and Confucius to have a cross time and space encounter, achieving their respective ideal social goals of "horse" and "middle", which is so coincidental.

The communist society proposed by Marxism and the "Great Harmony Society" of traditional Chinese culture, the Marxist concept of practice and the concept of knowledge and action of traditional Chinese culture, the Marxist concept of mass history and the people-oriented thought of traditional Chinese culture... The internal integration and high degree of integration of the two have always been the source of thought, surging in the blood of the CPC people.

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

By continuously absorbing all the excellent cultural achievements in human history, enriching oneself, and improving oneself in responding to new issues and challenges of the times, Marxism never ends truth, but constantly opens up the path to truth.

Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents", the scientific concept of development, Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, our party adheres to the "two combinations" and constantly promotes the Sinicization of Marxism. It has not only profoundly changed China, but also greatly enriched and developed Marxism.

Pursue truth, reveal truth, and practice truth.

This is an inevitable practice of exploring the correct path of development——

Marx said that all social life is essentially practical.

In May 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the meeting to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Marx, "only by closely combining the basic principles of scientific socialism with our country's specific reality, historical and cultural traditions, and the requirements of the times, and constantly exploring and summing up in practice, can we turn the blueprint into a beautiful reality."

Turning over the surging red chapter, the excellent traditional Chinese culture has always been the source of power contained in it, running through the hundred years of practice of the CPC.

"Communist Party members attach great importance to their culture." In 1944, American journalist Foreman conducted a 5-month interview in Yan'an and the anti Japanese base areas in North China, writing this viewpoint.

In "Random Tale of Going North", Forman's records show that this may be one of the mysteries that the CPC can root itself deeply in China's most vast people.

Every step of China's development is based on practical exploration of China's national conditions and culture.

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

Today, in the process of comprehensively promoting Chinese path to modernization, Marxism and Chinese excellent traditional culture are still increasingly integrated, which is reflected in the way of governing the country in an peaceful way, in the moral concept of self-cultivation, in the way of thinking, and in the way of expression with both quality and culture

Using the wisdom of "reform and innovation" to promote reform and innovation; Applying ancient teachings such as "nurturing all things together" to the construction of ecological civilization; Promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind through concepts such as "harmony among nations"

Adhering to the fundamental guiding ideology of Marxism and seeking the source of vitality from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, the practice of Marxism in China has flourished.

This is the inevitable mission of opening up and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics——

In the report of the 20th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "upholding and developing Marxism must be combined with excellent Chinese traditional culture."

At the forum on cultural inheritance and development on 2 June, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the "second combination" is a profound summary of our party's historical experience in the Sinicization of Marxism and a profound grasp of the law of the development of Chinese civilization.

A series of major assertions marked that the CPC's understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered the cultural and civilized level more deeply.

Confirming the spiritual lifeline from a modern perspective, enhancing cultural identity, and providing more abundant spiritual power for the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, as well as necessary ideological resources for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Only by not forgetting the past can we open up the future.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "it is necessary to organically combine adherence to Marxism with the promotion of excellent Chinese traditional culture, and unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

This is not only the call of the times, but also the inevitability of the times.

A leap in thought

"If it weren't for China's 5000 year civilization, where would there be any Chinese characteristics? If it weren't for Chinese characteristics, how could there be such a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics today?"

On March 22, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was on an inspection tour in Fujian, came to Zhu Xiyuan and expounded the truth that "if we take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must promote the Sinicization of Marxism."

Tourists visit the Wuyi House of Zhuxi Garden in Mount Wuyi, Fujian. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong

At the forum on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture is "our understanding of regularity in exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest magic weapon for our success."

Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era founded by adhering to the "two combinations" is contemporary Chinese Marxism, Marxism in the 21 century, and the quintessence of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. it has realized a new leap in the Sinicization of Marxism.

This ideology demonstrates a high degree of compatibility between Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture——

On January 18, 2016, in the western suburbs of Beijing, the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China.

At the special seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee by major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally gave a lecture on "the first lesson":

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

"Common prosperity is a fundamental goal of Marxism and a fundamental ideal of the Chinese people since ancient times. Confucius said, 'Do not suffer from poverty and inequality, do not suffer from poverty and anxiety.' Mencius said, 'I am the old and the young, I am the young and the young.' The Book of Rites, Li Yun, vividly depicts the state of a 'moderately prosperous' society and a' great harmony 'society..."

A profound exposition that connects the past and the present, spanning both the East and the West, has provided a sinicized theoretical interpretation of Marx and Engels' proposals for "achieving social sharing" and "achieving free and comprehensive development for everyone", leaving endless memories for the students present.

Mutual compatibility is the key to organic integration.

Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era organically combines the belief in communism and socialism with the millennium ideal of the Chinese nation, advocating that "when Great Way is carried out, the world is shared by the people", so as to cultivate the fertile soil of Chinese culture for socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Integrating the socialist system with Chinese characteristics with the civilization of ritual and music, advocating for the "ritual order of heaven and earth, music and harmony between heaven and earth", and building a political order in which the Party Central Committee sits in the military tent, showcases the strengths of each vehicle, horse, and artillery, and has a clear overall chess situation;

Integrating the people-centered development ideology with the people-oriented ideology, advocating the principle of "putting the people first and governing with morality", so that our party always has a solid foundation and the greatest confidence in governance;

Integrating the core socialist values with the traditional values of the Chinese nation, advocating for "self-improvement and carrying virtue", and stirring up the vigorous and heroic Chinese spirit;

The organic combination of advanced socialist culture and excellent traditional Chinese culture, advocating for the use of literature to carry the Way and cultural people, has provided an inexhaustible cultural source for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;

Integrating the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind with the wisdom of harmony among nations, advocating for "honesty, harmony, and good neighborliness", leading China in the new era to join hands with the world and promote the common values of all mankind;


New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

A series of iconic and leading new ideas, viewpoints, and judgments are constantly being produced, and the tree of Marxist truth rooted in the fertile soil of China is bearing fruitful results.

This idea reveals an organic and unified new cultural life form——

Continuing the tradition of "compiling history and establishing classics, preserving history and enlightening wisdom, and cultivating people through culture" of the Chinese nation, the major cultural project "Revival Library" approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was published and distributed on the eve of the 20th National Congress.

In the preface, General Secretary Xi Jinping encourages us to "extract the essence of history and promote theoretical innovation" and "constantly promote the Sinicization of Marxism."

This is a large collection of historical documents called "The Renaissance Library". Shen Jizhong

According to the rules of ancient times, open up the face of today. The combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China and the excellent traditional culture of China has produced a "profound chemical reaction", creating an organic and unified new cultural life form:

Let Marxism become Chinese, Chinese excellent traditional culture become modern, and let the new culture formed through "combination" become the cultural form of Chinese path to modernization.

Clearly put forward the significant proposition of "the second combination". Adhere to the principle of making the past serve the present and bringing forth the new, integrate the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and integrate with the common values that the people use everyday without being aware of, constantly endow scientific theories with distinctive Chinese characteristics, and constantly consolidate the historical and mass basis for the modernization of Marxism in China, so that Marxism can be firmly rooted in China.

Emphasis is placed on promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture. In the process of realizing the Chinese Dream, the Chinese people, in accordance with the new progress of the times, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese civilization, activate its vitality, and promote the cultural spirit that transcends time and space, transcends the country, is full of eternal charm, and has contemporary value. Let the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the characters written in ancient books come to life, and the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation burst forth.

This ideology reflects the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation——

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

Meishan, Sichuan, San Su Temple. Centennial ginkgo and millennium old kudzu are full of vitality.

On June 8, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to visit the Millennium Temple and said with deep feeling: "A drop of water can see the sun, and a San Su Temple can see the breadth and depth of our Chinese culture." We say that we should strengthen cultural self-confidence. China has the 'three sous'. This is an important example. "

From cultural confidence, the General Secretary also talked about road self-confidence: "the Chinese nation has a long history of civilization of more than 5,000 years, and we are leading the people to take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

This is the San Su Temple taken on June 22, 2022 in Meishan, Sichuan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Bohan

Marxism, with its sinicization and modernization, not only retains the soul of Marxism, but also embodies Chinese characteristics, style, and grandeur, showcasing the cultural confidence, self-awareness, and autonomy of the Chinese people.

Only by transforming the strength of a nation into the prosperity of civilization, firmly following its own path, and becoming the mainstay of a new civilization, can a nation stand proudly among the nations of the world.

The light of thought illuminates the path forward.

Cultural self-awareness

The central axis of Beijing extends northward, at the foot of Yan Mountain, a group of ancient and elegant buildings are located in the mountains.

A stone sculpture stands tall in the South Square of the Wenhua Hall of the Central Headquarters of the National Version Museum of China, with the four characters "Continuation of the Cultural Context" engraved on it, declaring the responsibility and mission of this brand new cultural hall.

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

"continue to pass on the only uninterrupted civilization in the world." when General Secretary Xi Jinping came here on June 1, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that in our era, the country is prosperous and the society is safe and stable. with the will and ability to inherit the national culture, we should do this great thing well.

This is the Wenhan Hall of the Central Headquarters of the China National Version Museum, filmed in May 2023. Shen Jizhong

Only when a tree has roots can it grow; Only when water is active can it surge.

Grasp the distinct characteristics and unique positioning of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and firmly safeguard the roots and soul of the Chinese nation——

The magnificent China has a long history and a vast civilization. The excellent traditional Chinese culture created and continued by the Chinese nation over thousands of years of history is the root and soul of the Chinese nation.

Viewing China's excellent traditional culture from the perspective of the inheritance of civilization, the progress of the times, and the development of the world, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that there are many important elements in China's excellent traditional culture. work together to shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization-continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace.

Over 5000 years of civilization development, the Chinese nation has created and inherited a unique and brilliant civilization, and the excellent traditional culture of the nation has always had a subtle influence on the thinking and behavior of Chinese people.

"Chinese excellent traditional culture is our deepest cultural soft power, and it is also the fertile ground for socialism with Chinese characteristics to take root." In October 2014, when presiding over the 18th collective study of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese Dream, who achieved the "two centenary" goals and achieved the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to give full play to the great wisdom of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country today, and we also need to make full use of the great wisdom accumulated by the Chinese nation over the past 5,000 years.

From Chengde Mountain Resort in Hebei Province to Guangji Bridge in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province; From Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi to Dunhuang Research Institute in Gansu;

Along the way, his sincere feelings towards this fertile land and deep respect for the glorious history of the Chinese nation have remained consistent and never-ending.

New Cultural Mission-- striving to build the General Secretary of Chinese Modern Civilization from the Perspective of "second combination" | Culture | Chinese Nation

When he was working in Zhengding, Hebei Province more than 30 years ago, Comrade Xi Jinping confessed affectionately: "A person who loves the land of China will certainly love her every stream, every inch of land, and every page of glorious history."

In Zhengding, we organize the compilation of a popular reading material called "Zhengding Ancient and Modern" that covers various stages of history, including ancient, modern, and modern times. With this book, we can better learn from the past and inspire the present;

The South Back Street of Fuzhou Sanfang Qixiang Historical and Cultural Block is bustling with visitors. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong

In Fuzhou, efforts are being made to protect cultural relics and historic sites such as the three neighborhoods and seven alleys, emphasizing the importance of evaluating whether a system or a force is progressive or reactionary, and to assess its attitude towards history and culture;

In Zhejiang, it is pointed out that "as we step on the river from history and receive the expectations of our people, we should shoulder our mission, sincerely dedicate ourselves, and let our culture continue and our creativity thrive.";

After working at the central government, it was emphasized that leading cadres should adhere to the correct view of political achievements, respect history, culture, and ecology;


Combining the quintessence of Chinese civilization with Marxist standpoints and methods, and forging ahead in the continuation of the bloodline of national culture, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the historical self-confidence and strategic sobriety of Marxist statesmen, injects the ideological force of strengthening the foundation, cultivating the yuan, establishing the roots and casting the soul for the inheritance and development of the excellent Chinese traditional culture.

Opening up the depth of history and expanding the cultural foundation of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics——

"I believe that achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times."

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Guiding the right direction for promoting the development of the international human rights cause -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance triggered a warm response to the high-end forum on global human rights governance

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th, title: To guide the right direction for the development of international human rights -- President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the Global Human Rights Governance High-end Forum triggered a warm response Xinhua News Agency reporter "China is willing to work with the international community to implement the Vienna Declaration The spirit of the" Program of Action "promotes the development of global human rights governance in a more fair, just, reasonable and inclusive direction, and promotes the construction of a community with a shared future world." On June 14, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the high-end forum on global human rights governance, which triggered a warm response from Chinese and foreign guests. They said that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter put forward China's propositions on the development of the international human rights cause and global human rights governance, and clarified China's vivid practice of implementing the spirit of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action and respecting and protecting human rights.

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th (Xinhua) -- The overall stability of domestic prices -- Interpretation of May CPI and PPI data. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wei Yukun and Han Jianuo released data on June 9th, showing that consumer demand continued to recover in May, with the national consumer price index rising by 0.2% year-on-year, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month; Excluding food and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 0.6% year-on-year, and the overall operation of domestic prices remained stable. In China's CPI basket of goods, food accounts for a relatively high proportion. In May, food prices increased by 1% year-on-year, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased from a 4% increase last month

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points
Study every day | what's so special about this project personally approved by the General Secretary? Country | Culture | General Secretary of three points

The National Version Museum of China has undergone three years of construction and was completed on July 23, 2022